
All Around Me



08-05-2013, 10:26 PM

Her smile warmed him to his core. Though he couldn't explain why, the brute wanted nothing more than to stay close to her for good, to never let her out of his sight. Perhaps he had underestimated her importance to him, but it didn't matter. He couldn't pursue anything more than friendship now, not when she didn't know the truth about him. It wouldn't be fair to her. He felt his feelings toward her growing, and yet he still could not be honest with her, worried that her opinion of him would sour at the news. No, now was not the time.

With a shrug of his shoulders, Killian let forth his reply. "Curiosity I guess... I think that you deserve the family you never had, and a good pack would give that to you." His words were nothing but truthful. Alessa had endured a rough life thus far, and while he thought her perfectly capable of caring for herself and being on her own forever, he knew that she deserved better. Killian had been a part of a pack, he had already had a family. He knew the immeasurable benefits pack life gave to a wolf and wanted nothing more than to share that knowledge with the girl.

thank you wolfie!


08-14-2013, 07:08 PM

She was comfortable exactly where she was, curled up beside her friend, simply talking and enjoying his presence. Albeit, she would have preferred not having an injured paw, but it was still nice to be able to spend some time with Killian. She had missed her friend, a lot more than she had been willing to admit to herself. Despite his tough boy exterior, he really was very sweet and kind, not to mention brave. He had saved her life after all. If he hadn't come and scared the little imp Caesar away, she didn't know what she would've done or what would've happened to her. Not that it mattered too much anymore. She was safe and she was with Killian. That was all that mattered.

Curiosity I guess... I think that you deserve the family you never had, and a good pack would give that to you. Her gaze dropped down to her paws at his words. He thought that she deserved a family? No one had ever told her that. Ever. Did she really? She'd gone without a family for the longest time and she had turned out alright. At least, she'd hoped she'd turned out alright. The concept of being in a pack made the young girl rather uneasy. Her trust towards others, minus Killian of course, was non-existent. She didn't really know how to be around other wolves when she spent nearly all her time with herself. But if Killian joined a pack with her, she could make the effort to try and fit it, just for him. No one's told me that before... she murmured gently, still unable to bring her mismatched gaze up.

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08-14-2013, 07:59 PM

It took a long while for her to respond. Killian could tell that she was struggling with how to respond to his statement, but he waited patiently for her. He wanted her to be comfortable with the idea, he didn't want to seem like he was pushing it on her. But no... it wasn't the idea itself that was causing her hesitation, was it? The tone of her voice was melancholy when she finally spoke and his eyes glossed with understanding.

The brute curled closer to her and rested his head gently on the spot where her neck met her back, trying his best to envelope her in a sort of hug. Alessa hadn't known many wolves, so it was no surprise that she hadn't been told anything like that before. The only surprise was that she reacted so passionately to it. He was tongue-tied, unable to speak any reply, only capable of comforting her without words. In that moment, Killian decided without any thought on it that he would go anywhere with her, and he would shower her with the compliments and happiness that she deserved - of course, if she wanted him around that much.


Finished with the task of caring for himself, Smee padded over to the pair, seating himself in front of Alessa's eyes. He had noticed his master's lack of words and chose to act in his stead. Miss Alessa, what do you think you will do?

talk, think



08-20-2013, 03:08 PM

She wasn't sure if he understood how monumental it was that he had offered to become her friend. Alessa had never had friends. Ever. She'd met wolves during her journey, but never had an actual friend. He was her first friend, possibly even the closest she would ever get to a family. The idea of joining a pack scared her. She'd been betrayed by the one wolf in her life who was supposed to be there for the rest of her life. How was she supposed to live comfortably in a pack with the lingering doubt that any one of her alleged packmates could decide to stab her in the back and abandon her like her mother? It was a troubling concept, but if Killian was willing to help her along, then she wouldn't be opposed to trying.

He curled in closer, tucking his head into the crook of her neck. Alessa sighed, leaning her cheek against his ears, comfortable in his embrace, wishing she could stay like this forever. He had no words for her and she knew they were not necessary. His simple presence and comforting embrace was enough for the young woman. It was all she needed to know that he would always be here for her. And likewise, she would always be there for him, in whatever he needed. The little companion that Killian had picked up was apparently done cleaning himself and proceeded to pad over, seating himself in front of the creamy peach she-wolf, voicing a question. Miss Alessa, what do you think you will do? A small smile curled her lips at his use of the word miss. What would she do? She wasn't really sure. I'm not to sure smee. I guess I'll just follow Killian. Join a pack if he joins a pack. She lifted her shoulders in a gentle shrug.

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08-21-2013, 04:24 PM

Smee simply smiled at Alessa before padding away again. Killian could do nothing to stop the grin that was forming on his face. She would go with him. He would never have to worry that she was okay, never have to leave her alone again. It was better than anything he could've imagined. In fact, he never imagined that he would feel this way about anyone. He didn't imagine he even possessed a heart, let alone one that was capable of such caring.

With a gentle nuzzle to her neck, he rose from lying on the ice and shook his body vigorously to loosen the limbs that had chilled and begun to feel numb. He walked around in front of her and smiled. Well then, once your paw heals up you'll have to help me scout some possibilities. Are there any packs you're already interested in?

ooc;; Sorry so short, Raii has no muses.

talk, think



08-21-2013, 07:01 PM

No sooner had the words left her lips that little Smee simply smiled at her before scampering off again. Well, that was certainly odd. He was such a cute little thing though. She could get used to having the little creature around, but even more having Killian around. She had been honest in her words when she'd answered Smee's question. She would follow Killian. Join whatever pack he wanted to join. She still wasn't too sure what it was about this boy that had her wanting to be around him so much, but she wasn't going to fight it. Besides, the feelings were reciprocated.

She could feel him gently nudge her neck before removing himself from behind her. For a moment she thought he was going to leave, her stomach dropping at the thought, but a second later he was moving in front of her, smiling as he asked her if she had any packs in mind to join. Alessa slowly pushed herself to sit, holding her hurt paw against her belly, giving it a quick lick before looking back up at Killian, smiling. I'm not really sure. I haven't visited any of the packs that reside here, nor have I heard anything. Did you have one in mind? She threw the question back at him, curious about what kind of pack he was looking to join.

Talk like this



08-23-2013, 06:29 PM

The brute sat slowly back on his haunches and studied the girl before him, as he had during their first meeting. Normally, he wouldn't get attached to a girl. He wouldn't even consider getting this close to one, opening up his heart and his feelings. But it felt like there was a magnet between them that pulled them together whether either of them wanted it.

He smiled at her response and shook his head gently. No, I don't, he replied. I have a few I'd like to look into, but I can't be sure where I fit until I see them for myself. I just want somewhere that makes me happy, and somewhere that will help me get my revenge... No, he couldn't let that desire leak out of him now. She couldn't see him for what he truly was yet, or he would lose her for sure.
