
Step Lightly


06-19-2013, 04:53 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:31 AM by Yin.)

The water was freezing. It had to be the coldest water she had ever encountered in her life. What the hell had she been doing at the beach in the middle of the night, during winter of all seasons. Obviously, she desperately needed her brother to function because this entire mess could have been avoided if she had just gone somewhere else. But no, here she was, fighting for her life and the life of Hansel, a man she barely met, against a foe she had never encountered in her life and one she wished to never encounter again.

The water engulfed her, dragging her beneath its dark depths. It clogged her ears and her nose, drowning out every sight and sound, essentially blinding her. She didn't like this feeling. It was unnerving. Was this what it felt like to be dead? She hoped this wasn't the way she would go. What a horrible way to die; being drowned. Her body reacted instinctively, limbs pushing her away from the beast as they kicked in the water, bringing her ivory crown to break the surface of the water. Yin gasped and spluttered, water falling from her nose as she struggled to catch her breath, limbs kicking at the water to keep her above the surface. She could see the creature waiting at the shallow water for her to reappear, waiting for her so it could tear her limb from limb. But it wasn't going to get its wish today.

As she struggled in the water she saw Hansel's dark figured launch itself towards the beast, taking a similar position as the one she had held before they had all ended up in the water. She watched him maul the thing's ears and essentially blind it with its own blood. This was her chance. Taking advantage of the fact that the water had number her bleeding shoulder, Yin paddled her way back onto the shore, ivory paws hitting solid ground before launching her forward towards the beast. A snarl twisted her fa?ade as agape jaws found purchase on the thing's vulnerable throat, clamping down tightly as warm blood gushed into her mouth. Yin held on for dear life, talons sinking into its belly as she struggled to keep a good grip as she attempted to avoid more claws to her shoulders.

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06-19-2013, 08:14 PM
Blood oozed from the many gashes and tooth made craters in his skin. The male was exhausted, infuriated, hungry for revenge. This was the one who separated them, of that he was sure...he could smell a slight hint of his sister on its sand colored pelt. The smell stopped him for a moment...then he felt the animal shake and shudder beneath him as another weight pulled it down. Yin had returned to finish the job that it tried to start! He pushed down on its shoulders as it was dragged down, biting down on the back of its neck. Teeth met flesh, then muscle and blood until his tooth scraped bone. The creature beneath him buckled under the combined weight of the wolves as it neared the end of its life source. A strangled caterwaul erupted from its maw, a strange gurgling sound bubbling from its depths. Its strength ebbed away, managing only one last swipe at Yin before its body limply fell into the shallow waves. Lifeless amber ores stared into the face of the moon as its soul drowned to the depths of hell. Never again would it hunt another wolf...

Hansel removed his teeth from the back of the beast, landing heavily on the shore after he got to the edge of the water. He grunted as he let his body fall to the sand, exhausted. His body heaved with the effort of regaining his breath and the use of his mind again. Glancing towards Yin, he made the effort of showing a sheepish grin.
"Well...we win." He panted. He licked several cuts on his legs, but with the cold water, he didn't know how bad the other wounds were...only later would he find out when he regained feeling all over his body. Right now, he felt like he had fallen out of a tree or battered by mountain sheep.


06-19-2013, 11:13 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:32 AM by Yin.)

She was a naturally angry woman, but this situation only made her that much angry, infuriated really. Who the hell was this creature, thinking it could come and take her and Hansel's life like that? Bastard was going to get a taste of his own damn medicine, that was for sure. It thought it come in willy nilly and just kill them because he was much bigger and supposedly stronger? Damn fool. He had pissed off the wrong she-wolf that night.

Dagger like weapons had a choke-hold on the throat of the animal, squeezing harder and harder with each breath that the creature took, slowly strangling it, it's life force ebbing into her jaws. Hansel was still on top of the creature, jaws securely clamped over its neck, biting through muscles, weakening the animal. She could feel it begin to die within her grasp, bringing a satisfied growl from the depths of her chest. It called out again with its that call of his, swiping at the ivory she wolf, catching the same shoulder, making the gauges across her right shoulder that much deeper. A hiss of a breath whipped past her clenched teeth as the beast lost its footing, collapsing to the ground, inhaling a last shuddering breath before finally going still. It was dead. Yin snarled, daggers locking around its trachea as she ripped it out with one vicious tug, the organ coming free from the corpse, dangling from her bloody jaws, satisfaction evident in her face.

They had won. She turned around to face Hansel, tossing the useless organ into the water with a toss of her head. We did. she rumbled, a sarcastic grin twisting her features. They had taught that bastard who wasn't to be messed with.

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06-20-2013, 12:22 AM
The silvery ghost of a wolf laid back on his side. His muscles ached, and his cuts stung from the saltwater, grit, and air. He sighed, the cool night air stirring his pelt. He glanced at the ivory white figure, moon casting off of her like a spirit."What now? That thing is dead, and who knows if there are more around." He mused. Secretly, he was afraid there were more around. And the way they were now, they were sitting bait. He didn't have energy left to fight, let alone run. He just wanted to close his eyes and sleep. He pulled himself onto shaky pillars, slowly and painfully. He was beginning to feel aware of how painful some of his injuries were, the deeper ones yet to remind him. Staggering slightly, he made his way farther away from the water. He wanted to be well away from that dead demon and anything to do with it.

"That's the one that had my sister. I smelled her scent on it. I only hope she's alive... A grim expression adorned his face as he thought about her again. He did something without her. That was rare if it ever happened. But it did happen, and he felt somewhat accomplished. He waited for Yin to come over so that they could discuss what to do next. If anything, he figured they may either part ways and she'd return to her brother, or he'd tag along and perhaps find out if anyone had seen his sister.


06-20-2013, 02:22 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:35 AM by Yin.)

It was over now. The fight had felt like it had been something that had lasted for an eternity, but she was sure it had only lasted several minutes at that. She would admit that the creature was a top predator, that was hard to deny, but then so was she and so was Hansel. Two top predators against one. It was easy to see why they had come out victorious in the end. Team-work was always a good way to go. She would know from personal experience. Mismatched gems flickered over to Hansel's silver bloodied figure as he asked what they were supposed to do now. We could head back up the beach. I think there might be some freshwater ponds that we could soak our wounds in if you'd like. Or we could simply wander away from here. There has to be water close by that doesn't have salt in it.

She couldn't feel how badly she was injured in her right shoulder, except for the light throbbing, but she was sure it was bad. That thing had claws sharper than anything she had ever encountered and her thick pelt had offered little resistance against them. The ivory she-wolf padded after her companion, blood pooling from her limb to make a trail among the obsidian sand as she came up beside him, just in time to hear him mention that the creature they had killed had been the one that had separated him from his sister. I'm sure your sister is alive and looking for you just as you are looking for her. If she's related to you, then she is most definitely alive. She pressed her side against him in the familiar sibling gesture, reaching out to swipe at his closest injury, trying to comfort him. Because as much as she had enjoyed taking the life of the beast, a part of her was shaken. She could have died had Hansel not taken the risk in attacking the animal. She was alive because of him...

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06-20-2013, 03:35 PM
Hansel stopped and listened to Yin's voice. Compared to before, it had no trace of the hostility she had previously greeted him with. He shook his powerful and tired body, sending more water spraying around him along with sand that had collected on his body. Most of his fur, however, was now plastered to his body with muddy sand. Frowning, he realized he looked more like a street cur then a wolf. "Alright then, let's get out of here. Who knows if that thing has a mate. If it does, it may try to find it and then find us. Seeing as how our scent is all over the place." Hansel had just about decided to begin moving until Yin had approached and began licking him. The ivory dames cool tongue felt nice against his throbbing injuries, comforting even. This was a new approach from her as well, something that he wouldn't question now for fear of her snapping at him. And that was something he was just too exhausted to be sarcastic or hot headed with.

The ghostly man sighed softly. This was what his sister did to calm him when he was hurting, either from physical wounds or when he was rejected by a girlfriend. He returned the favor by licking Yin's shoulder wound carefully. The more debris he cleared away, the more he saw how bad it would be. Brows furrowed, he found himself becoming worried. "We should start moving, your wound doesn't look too good. And I don't know anything about herbs so...if someone dropped because of these injuries, I wouldn't know what to do. What about your brother? Where is he?" He shook his head, the wind picking up again and blowing against them. He felt like he was starting to chill, and after having gone for an unexpected swim, he was soaked to the bone...he wondered if Yin felt just as bad as he did. And if so, then he'd start a path back towards shelter to find others who could possibly help. With his lack of knowledge with herbs and other remedies, one or both of them would be bound to get sick or infection. His muzzle would had already been festering, and the entire time it stung. But he wouldn't complain, no matter how bad it got.

Hansel was only grateful that he and the woman had gotten out of that battle alive. Seldom was that the kind of battle one could get out of without being fatally injured or worse. He had never fought something like that before, yet he got out alive. They BOTH did. This would be a story to tell to his kids, if he ever had any. And to his sister and other strangers. Gretel would be proud of his accomplishment. Especially at working with another being that he hardly knew. A smile came upon his lips. A sheepish and embarrassed smile more like. The pair had conquered a battle with, what he assumed to be, one of the most dangerous creatures in the world. And lived to tell the story.


06-20-2013, 07:45 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:38 AM by Yin.)

If she really sat down and thought about it for a second, the events of the past few minutes were actually kind of funny. She'd been prepared to rip his head off from his shoulders because he was pissing her off and now she was walking alongside him of him, bloodied and bruised, but just glad to be alive. Funny how one can find an ally in the most unlikely of people and situations. The hostility from earlier was completely gone, having been sated in battle, allowing Yin to be a much more relaxed version of herself, one who could actually help Hansel out instead of trying to injure him. Had anyone seen them from afar they would've thought the pair had been to hell and back, which they pretty much had been. Good idea. Her tongue ran gently over the cuts across his shoulders and even the one over his nose, despite its rancid smell. She could always rinse her mouth out later.

Her brother probably wouldn't be very happy with how she looked right now. She probably looked like some angel from hell, ivory coat bathed in blood, tissue hanging from the gauges in her shoulder as well as the blood oozing from the wounds. As her thoughts wandered to her brother, she felt a brush against her shoulder. She winced, pulling away slightly before realizing that Hansel had been the one to touch her shoulder. He was returning her the favor by cleansing wound. Jaws clenched, daggers gnashing together as his tongue continued to swipe away at her wounds, cleansing them while exposing them to the salty air. She couldn't see how bad it was, but from the look she was seeing on his face, she assumed it was pretty bad. We should start moving, your wound doesn't look too good. And I don't know anything about herbs so...if someone dropped because of these injuries, I wouldn't know what to do. What about your brother? Where is he? The ivory she-wolf attempted a shrug but only managed to get it up halfway before she had to drop it. It hurt too much.

I left him at the battlefield. I'm not sure if he's still there or if he found someone to give him information about this place, but I'll be fine. Nothing a good night's rest and some dinner can't fix. And then the breeze was picking up, taking her wet fur and tossing it this way and that, hitting her all the way into her bones, making her shudder violently. Damn, it was freezing. She wasn't really sure in what direction they should head but she just moved towards the tree line, keeping her body pressed against Hansel's, but keeping her shoulder well away from his to keep from getting her blood all over him.

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06-23-2013, 05:40 PM
The mixed man nodded, as he walked alongside the moonlit girl. Food and rest sounded very enticing right now. He led the way, careful as to not touch her wound. It seemed to bother when he attempted to clean it. Snow and sand crunched under his paws as they walked across the multicolored sand towards the shelter of the trees. The ghostly male remained alert for any other potential signs of danger...but asides from the previous predator, he hoped there would be no exhausted as they were, they would have no choice but to run since they didn't have the energy to fight anymore. "Well, let's hurry before something else tries to finish what the last thing started. Let's find the water to rinse all this crap off." Hansel matched his pace to Yin's. Not that the assassin could walk any faster then she could anyway. For now, he'd have to depend on Yin. A new ally that he hoped wouldn't try to rip him up later. Though he was sure he'd be the one capable of balancing out her temper. Grinning slightly, he continued on through the trees.

(Sorry for the short post, I only had a few mins...)


06-26-2013, 12:56 AM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:40 AM by Yin.)

The worst was over. Now they just needed to find somewhere safe so they could wash themselves off, hopefully find some kind of sustenance and a comfortable place to sleep. Or at least somewhere where they would be able to defend themselves well enough in case the beast had some buddies or a pissed off mate that decided to come looking for revenge. She really hoped there wasn't. That first beast had been bad enough and she was already torn up pretty bad. If there happened to be another beast lurking somewhere in the dark, waiting to pounce on them, Yin wasn't sure how much longer she would be able to last. She would obviously fight, despite the gashes in her right shoulder, and she wouldn't stop until either she stopped breathing, or the beast did. But for her sake and Hansel's, she prayed that no more beasts would find them that night. Only the gods, if they existed, knew that the pair would need a miracle to survive a second attack.

The pair continued to walk on, the numbing effect of the water beginning to wear off as the blood started circulating through her system. A hiss swept past her clamped jaws as the full force of her injury slammed into her body. Damn, that shit really hurt. Much worse than she would've imagined. But at least she was alive. That was the best thing about the situation at the moment. Agreed. she murmured, picking up her pace to match Hansel's, jaws gritting together in quiet suffering as continuous pain shot up her leg with each step. She really needed to stop moving. This pain was killing her.

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06-26-2013, 04:11 AM

The great gray beast stopped. They had gone some distance into the forest, well away from the salt water and its stinging air. Away from the dead carcass of their nightmarish attacker, who became their victim. The pair had fought valiantly, but at a price. They had been walking on pained stilts for what seemed like forever. Considering that neither seemed to be able to walk any faster then they already were. In fact, he noticed that their pace had grown painfully slow. And that wasn't the only thing that was painful...his wounds began to hurt him more now that his fur was drying. The waters chilling effects began to seep away from his bones, only to be replaced by burning and painful motions. Each step he took hurt him. That monsters claws were like hooked daggers, it had torn through fur, flesh, and muscle. Nearly to his bones. His body weakened, Hansel began to feel...dizzy. He had lost a lot of blood during his previous fight with the beast, and then another had ensued not long after.

If he did not find help soon, there was a probability that his body would go into shock. He could sense the impending danger approach, it was not the first time he had been close to it. The only difference was, last time his sister was with him and she knew exactly what to do. Hansel, however, didn't. Typical of him, never paying attention to what his sister did to save his own skin. The brute glanced at Yin...he couldn't save her skin either if he passed out now. After a moment, he paused. His stance remained still, the only movements belonging to his head and ears. He detected something not far off. And even through his festering muzzle wound, he could scent it...water. Fresh water at that! Winter was drawing to a close soon, and then Spring would come. Bringing with it, lots of green, prey, and possible floods...big ones too considering how much it snowed so much this year.

He looked at Yin, a look in his eyes that bestowed encouragement to the young female. He knew she was just as tired as she, and in equal pain if not more. "You can smell that can't you? There's water nearby. Come on."He continued to walk, as painful as he was, across a clearing towards a rocky outcrop. He made sure he wasn't moving too fast for the girl, just enough to lead a little. He brushed his tail to her left leg, avoiding touch on her right side. Once he reached the rocks, it was soon apparent that water did exist here. Just at the edge was a stream with a shallow pool, at the edge of it was cool ground untouched by snow thanks to the shelter of the rocks. He slowly and carefully led the way down.

Speech, Thought, Actions, You


06-26-2013, 02:24 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:41 AM by Yin.)

They were well away from the salty water and stinging air. Her paws touched down on solid earth, a comforting feeling opposed to the pliable midnight sand that they?d fought on. Despite having managed to get into the shelter of the forest, the chilling winter breeze still trailed after them, running its freezing fingers along her spine, wrapping around her shoulders, causing her to clench her teeth in pain. She?d been in fights before. Usually she was able to come away unscathed, or at least with a few minor injuries. This by far had to be the worst fight she?d ever gotten to in her life. The beast had sliced through her thick coat, peeling back layers of muscle and tendons, nearly cutting to the bone. Each step was painful for the ivory dame, ripping through her system like white-hot lightning. But despite the pain, she continued on, muscling through it. But as they continued to walk, she began to notice how her energy was slowly depleting; her slowed pace a clear indication. Beside her she could sense Hansel slowing down as well, his wounds starting to affect him. The pair needed to find somewhere to settle down and rest before they collapsed.

She wasn?t sure how they would be able to make it through the night. Neither of them knew anything about herbs or anything to do with medicine. If Hansel got to the point where he needed some kind of herb to help him heal better, she would be completely useless. She was a warrior, not a healer or any kind of medic. She was usually the one needing the healing, not providing it. And then her companion halted, seeming to have seen or heard something, the twitching of his ears giving away as much. She stood calmly beside him, mismatched gaze on his gray figure, watching as his nose scented the fresher air. She mimicked his movements, catching the scent of something fresh. But before she could identify it, Hansel turned to her, asking if she could smell the water. Water. That was what she smelled. I do. Let?s go. Limbs stirred the bloodied dame back into motion as she trailed after her companion, heading towards a rocky outcrop. Mismatched gaze traveled over their new surroundings, a brush against her left leg drawing her attention to Hansel. Picking up her pace she moved up to his own right shoulder, allowing her frame to press against his as they began to descend towards the clear water. It was transparent, extremely clear and Yin was able to see all the way to the bottom. She could almost feel the relief rushing through her system as they approached the water?s edge.

The pair reached the water?s edge. It rippled gently, brushing against her ivory toes as she glanced towards Hansel for a moment, nudging him gently with her shoulder before stepping into the water. A gasp erupted from her blood-stained lips at the temperature of the water. It was freezing. She allowed herself a moment to relax before stepping in deeper, continuing until the water rushed over her shoulders, bringing with it sweet numbing relief. She could feel the water seeping in through her wound, washing all of the dirt out of it. The ivory dame turned back to face the shore, eyes on her companion as she waited for him to join her.

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07-02-2013, 04:49 AM
ooc// Now that its spring, do we play on that and say like the morning began to feel slightly warmer or they wake up to snow melting?

The battered grey man did not need to be asked twice. He slowly and achingly approached the water, hesitant to enter into its icy clutches. He had felt comforted the entire time he had been traveling with the ivory damsel. His sea green gaze resting on her now submerged form. Somehow, in the matter of a night, they created and forged a sort of bond that only the two of them could understand. They both only had one other person in their lives, and that was their siblings. He his sister, and she her brother. It seemed one could not be without the other, but somehow they managed without their twins. But tonight, they had managed to go from hostile enemies, to allies in combat against a fearsome animal. Shivering, he touched the waters surface with a toe. Wincing at the sudden cold of it. But, if she had done it, then surely he could too? He didn't want to seem like a sissy after all. Not after they had just fought something much fiercer the cold water! The thought, however, amused him. HA! Me!? Afraid of water after what we just went through...I'm gonna have to man up and deal with it.

Pulling from his thoughts, he took in a deep breath. His body entirely sore from the cold air seeping into his bones. It seemed that Yin looked like she was enjoying the waters cool touch on her body. So surely it wouldn't be too bad...bracing himself, he stepped into the water. Walking in a few steps till the icy chill rose to the halfway point of his legs just below his belly, he froze. The water was VERY cold! His breath came in ragged gasps, icy puffs of air emerging from his nose and mouth. Teeth began to chatter and his body began to shiver. Oh why did he have to do this!? Too bad there wasn't any other way...he didn't exactly have any other choice. That thing claws had scored hard and deep into his flesh. Gulping, he forced himself to go deeper into the shadowed pool. Stars sparkling reflections upon its surface. The only thing breaking the appearance of being in the sky, were the ripples created by the pair as well as a falling leaf here and there.

Releasing another gasp of air as the chill swept up his chest, he sidled over towards Yin. The waters chilling effects began to take their hold on his body, numbing him. He closed his eyes in relief as the water cooled his burning and throbbing wounds. He remained there for a few minutes, then carefully and slowly dipped his muzzle into the pool. The water worked its way into his dirty festering nose wound, immediately providing relief. He hoped it wasn't as bad as it smelled, but then again what did he know about this kind of stuff? He lifted his head and looked at the moonlit girl, "I'm feeling much better...we should get out and rest soon. We still have to find medical help as soon as we can. How're you feeling?"

Speech, Thought, Actions, You


07-04-2013, 01:16 AM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:42 AM by Yin.)

From nearly wanting to rip his head off to wading in a shallow pool together to numb their wounds, Yin and Hansel had come a long way in such a short amount of time. She hadn't thought that wandering away from her brother to explore than land would've been that bad. She never expected to be attacked by what she would later discover to be a mountain lion. She had somewhat expected to run into someone else, but she had never foreseen herself making a type of friendship with another, especially not with someone like Hansel. And yet here she was, sharing something of a comradeship with the gray man as the two tended to their wounds to the best of their abilities.

The icy water was a shock to her body, violent tremors rocking her body, making ripples span out from around her frame. It took several minutes for her body to adjust to the freezing water before she was able to control the tremors down to the occasionally shiver, relief spreading across her body as the water numbed her throbbing wounds. It wasn't a permanent cure, but it was better than nothing at the moment. A slightly amused smirk curled her pale lips as she watched her companion approach the water, allowing a paw to breach the surface of the liquid before he recoiled, the temperature too much for him. Quiet chuckles rumbled in her chest as she watched him make the attempt to step into the little pond, stopping about midway to his belly. She could tell he didn't like the coldness of the water, but knowing it was the only cure they had at the moment, Hansel moved himself completely into the water. Just as it had to her, the water shocked his system, causing him to shiver uncontrollably. Not knowing if it would help but not seeing any harm in it, Yin approached her companion, pressing her now numb body against his, hoping to provide at least some warmth.

Audits twitched to attention as Hansel spoke, telling her that he felt much better and that they should seek shelter soon. I'm feeling better too and shelter sounds like a good idea. Know of any places we can hole up in for the night? Mismatched gaze remained steady on her companion awaiting his direction.

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07-10-2013, 05:09 AM

The ghostly brute shuddered, his teeth clacking as the water began to freeze his bones. The pains he felt ebbed away. Filling him with pure numbness now, which he was sure that's what Yin had felt as well. Staring at his reflection, he winced a little in surprise as Yin pressed against his body. Glancing at her, he attempted a grin. was a teeth clattering failed attempt. He looked around, looking for a sign, a hint of some secret safe place that could stay for the night. He nudged Yin to follow him, as he waded to the other side of the pool. His paws swept silently up the shallow slope, to a small rock overhang. Turning towards Yin, he fixed his ocean blue gaze on her "I think I found a place to sleep, it looks like a tight fit, He glanced at the small opening, then back to Yin, "But I think we can squeeze in."

The man sighed in preparation. He'd test it out before she came up, to make sure they could fit. And if it was too small, at least she wouldn't have the misfortune of getting stuck. He walked towards it, head lowered as he pressed his nose to the ground to scent the area, ensuring it was free of any danger. So far, it seemed like the coast was clear. He pushed aside the ferns that partially covered the small entrance, and peered inside. goes nothin' He ducked his head in, crouching low to the ground. His belly pressed against the earth, his shoulders and back scraping the top as he crawled his way in. It was a tight fit, but the further he went he saw that it began to widen out.

He raised himself slowly, in case his head bonked the ceiling. He was feet inside the den now, and the more he rose the more he realized the hole was bigger then it looked. He could stand, his ears barely brushing the top of the den. Smiling as he looked around, it looked like it could fit several wolves...maybe house a small pack even. The walls were smooth on one side, at the back there was the jutting rocks of the formations that created it from the outside. Dirt and more rock on the right side of the den, and just between that and the rock formations, with closer inspection, he noticed that it led away into a tunnel. He carefully walked towards it, eyes, nose, and ears peeled for any signs of danger. As he neared, he stared down into the tunnel. Only to see nothing but darkness. Where did it lead? Curious as he was, he wasn't about to go in alone. Maybe they'd figure it out later. In any case, it would be a good escape plan if the vile beasts mate came looking for them. He turned and quickly went back out, poking his head out of the entrance he called to the ivory colored woman. "Yin! Come look! I found a place we could stay!"

Speech, Thought, Actions, You


07-10-2013, 01:20 PM

Despite the water helping the pair relieve themselves from their painful wounds, its effects were starting to backfire on them. It was sapping the heat straight from their body, Hansel's in particular as his attempt at a grin quickly dissolved into a clattering of his teeth. They need to get out of the water. And now. At her question he began looking around, his azure eyes locking in on something she hadn't yet, his gentle nudge asking her to follow him as the two moved out of the water. As Hansel moved on ahead, Yin took a moment to shake herself off, trying to rid herself of as much as she could before continuing on.

Her companion brought her to the entrance of what looked liked a den, but from what she could see, it looked far too small to be able to house two wolves of their size. Did he really think that they would be able to fit in there comfortably? It was a good while that he was in there, not much of a sound coming from the inside of the cave until Hansel came back to the entrance, giving the all clear to come in. Ivory paws carried the pale woman inside the den, crown ducking to prevent it from bumping against the mouth of den. At first she thought it was going to be super tiny but the more inside she went, the bigger it became. Well that was an interesting surprise. Guess it isn't as small as I thought. she murmured, mismatched gaze dancing across the walls of the den, taking it in.

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07-19-2013, 04:11 PM

Hansel's tail wagged as yin entered the new den he had found. He had seen her hesitate before entering, probably thinking the same thing he did before he came in. Though it seemed to him, that she was as impressed as he was. He wandered towards the back of the den, sniffing along the wall to see if anything had been here at all, but it seemed clear and free of anything dangerous. Turning to her again, he motioned for the white dame to follow. The man moved from his position, and went towards the entrance and brushed past her. "We'll bed down there, I'm gonna go get some moss or some kind of bedding material. The ground isn't as soft in here as it is outside, probably because the drafts and whatever water has been in here in the past, but it'll do for tonight. Come morning, we'll go find your brother and see if we can find help. I'll be back soon, so go ahead and rest." He urged.

As he turned to leave, he hesitated. Stopping just a little distance from her and half looking away. Ears twitched nervously, then he made a quick movement of his head and brushed his muzzle against her neck. As quickly as it happened, he rushed towards the entrance and scrambled out into the night air. He took a steadying breath, wondering if he should've done what he did. What would she think? They had only just met but...he was...feeling strangely about her. And the way he acted with her, it was like he had returned to some of his childish roots. Standing in the night air, his breath appearing in small clouds, he sneezed. Sighing, he went past the den to find some materials to use as bedding. If Yin was asleep when he got back, then he'd gently place the bedding near her and probably nudge her onto it as best as he could without waking her. He knew she was probably feeling the same way as he, the wounds were numb wouldn't be like that forever. His body shivered, the water had done its job but at the same time it had frozen them. If they didn't find a healer, then they could get some serious infection, or die of hypothermia. Shaking the thoughts from his mind, he walked on. The den never leaving his sights, however.

Speech, Thought, Actions, You


07-19-2013, 04:58 PM

She was pleasantly surprised to see that the den he?d located was actually much bigger than she?d anticipated. Looks really could be deceiving. She lingered towards the front of the den, looking uncertainly at the area around her, watching as Hansel began examining the far wall, sniffing along it, perhaps searching for any signs that it was still being inhabited. She had smelled nothing, at least nothing that would tell her that another creature, one that could possibly her harmful to the duo was living here. It seemed pretty clear and Hansel?s nod to follow him in confirmed as much. He turned and came towards her, brushing against her. Yin returned the gesture, allowing her pale fur to rub against his in return, the gesture very familiar and comforting to the woman. We'll bed down there, I'm gonna go get some moss or some kind of bedding material. The ground isn't as soft in here as it is outside, probably because the drafts and whatever water has been in here in the past, but it'll do for tonight. Come morning, we'll go find your brother and see if we can find help. I'll be back soon, so go ahead and rest. There was no need for words, at least since she couldn?t really come up with anything other than okay, so she simply nodded in acknowledgement.

He began to turn to leave, but he hesitated at the last moment, returning to brush his muzzle against her. But before she could give him any type of reaction, he was out of the den to collect the bedding. Yin stared after him, audits resting against her head, pale brows furrowed together, haunches folding beneath the ivory woman as she sat herself right at the spot where the den opened up. Why had he done that? That touch had been more than merely the comforting sibling touch that they?d exchanged. Was something?brewing for Hansel? He was a pretty good-looking man, scars and all, but she?d never been with anyone that wasn?t her brother. They had just met a scarce hour or two ago?Their couldn?t be anything more than friendship brewing there, could there?

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08-15-2013, 12:11 AM

His paws thudded across the ground, in pursuit of a small rabbit that had dashed out in front of him. He gave chase, his muscles working painfully, but he was determined to bring back food for the injured white fae. He chased it in a small field of rocks, the small creature's heart thudded in its chest faster than a locomotive. As Hansel cornered it and neared, it tried to run past him but he was too quick. He lunged as it tried to wind under his legs, snapping its back in half. He picked it up and then made the short walk back towards the den.

With a mouthful of materials, mostly heather and some moss that he had found, he made his way back to the den. The cold air began to crystallize on his pelt, making it stick out in small miniature icicles. He stopped for a moment near the water where he and Yin had tried to dull the pain of their injuries. He stared at his reflection, and wondered. He certainly didn't look like the most handsome wolf...not now anyway what with all the damage he had sustained from the creature from before. He still didn't know what to call it, he knew that his sister Gretel would know though. Then, his mind wandered to her. He wondered how she was doing and where she was, whether she was alive and trying to survive the same as he or...He shook his head, not allowing the tears that were forming to fall. He couldn't think about that, not now. She would be okay...she had to be.

He tore himself from the water and back up the slope to the den. His paws beginning to freeze again with the snow and ice. He crouched down, crawling his way into the den and past Yin. He averted his gaze from her, embarrassed of what he had done earlier as he went to the back of the den to place the bedding. He arranged it comfortably for her, and he would sleep on the harder ground. Once he had pawed and pressed everything into place, he glanced up at her and smiled meekly. "Uh...I brought bedding for you...and food." He told her as he placed the meager catch on the bedding for her. He turned and settled down a foot or two from where Yin would sleep, not sure whether she wanted him farther...he figured she didn't want him closer but...that was just him. They had a kind of closeness already he thought, at least they had similarities. They were both twins, had never been without their other sibling, yet here they were surviving kind of scared him to be without Gretel...but at the same time it awed him that he could do this with someone else...and he was glad that it was Yin who was that someone else.

Speech, Thought, Actions, You


08-15-2013, 02:35 AM

She was rather confused with the gentle nuzzle he?d given her before leaving their den, but she wasn?t about to go demanding questions to the questions that were firing through her head. Now was not the time to be thinking about such things as anything remotely close to feelings developing from her or him. They needed to rest and try to recuperate as much as they could tonight. She was still unsure what they were going to do tomorrow, but she figured it was somewhere along the lines of heading out in search of a healer that could possible patch them up better than their slowly healing bodies could. Or quite possibly they would head their separate ways, perhaps never to run into each other again. If that were to be the case, the ivory woman knew she would never forget the companion she met today. He was a brave warrior and a true man. He would forever be with her.

He didn?t take long doing whatever it was that he had gone out to do, which was apparently gathering bedding and food as he padded back into the den, avoiding eye contact with her as he began to set up the bedding, placing the food down as he moved off a bit from where her supposed bedding was supposed to be, settling down. Yin looked from her bedding, to the rabbit and back at Hansel. She wasn?t really hungry and sleeping alone wasn?t something she was accustomed to. She always slept curled up in her brother?s embrace. Who was to say she couldn?t do the same with Hansel. She rose, ignoring the rabbit he?d brought for her, preferring to save it for tomorrow, when she was really hungry, approaching her companion. With a gentle paw she prodded his limbs apart enough for there to be room for to fit, lowering her ivory frame down against his, her spine pressed against his belly as she curled into a ball, settling her skull down on her forepaws, lids slipping closed over her mismatched gems as she sighed, content for the night.

Talk like this


09-05-2013, 12:41 AM

The multi toned dull colored male had made himself a spot some distance away from his companion. He had settled himself down, lying half sprawled and half curled as his eyes began to drift closed. He had made sure that Yin had bedding and fresh food in case she were hungry, and so his body began to exhaust from the days events. As soon as his eyes would drift shut, he felt something pushing apart his limbs and then press against him. Brows furrowed in confusion, he lifted his head slightly to see what the commotion was. Eyes widened in surprise when he saw Yin curling into his own form, his foreleg draped around her lithe form as she began to drift asleep. He remained staring at her for a few moments, and slowly he would let himself relax.

Breathing in a sigh of contentment, Hansel began to tightly curl his form with Yin's. The foreleg that was over her would gently pull her closer to him, and his face would bury gently into her neck fur. Subconsciously his body would feel heated, though he didn't know why. He wondered if this was just a display of sibling like affection, seeing as how the two were both twins. But then again...he couldn't help but feel something more than just sibling similarities. He had been feeling strangely aware of different feelings that began to plague him today when he was around her, and he wondered if it had anything to do with the closeness they had shared with today's challenge.
"Good night Yin...Sweet dreams." He whispered, knowing she was most likely already asleep.

At last, his eyes would finally close and he would slip into a dream. The cool and sweet scent of Yin filling his nostrils, and seemingly filling his mind as he began to dream of things he never thought of before.
