



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
04-30-2019, 01:37 PM
Chapter Two: In Which Chaos Delivers a Melodramatic Speech

Chaos found himself surprisingly pleased by the results as Tyrannis emerged the victor on the little spat. He didn't care one way or another who was alpha of that pack, but he would have been disappointed if he had missed his chance to raid it while the little shit who had tried to threaten him was still in charge. Besides, that meant the stick-up-his-ass would-be god lost by proxy. He stood and stretched, glad that was all over and settled so he could plot.

The sound of Godboy's snooty words pricked his ears with curiosity, then flattened as his expression settled into deep annoyance. "Are you fucking kidding me?" his voice cracked out with irritation. He paced forward, not bothering to raise his hackles though his heavy head was raised and his tail lashed behind him.

"Look, buddy, as absolutely hilarious as it is to see Tyrannis over there getting the shot kicked out of him, I think you're forgetting something. You might prance around playing at being an alpha, but you dont have a pack. You're just a rogue with your little rogue friends, bopping around from land to land because when it comes down to it you cant protect a claim on territory. This whole 'if I cant have it neither can you' thing you have going is just petty fuckery. If he leaves the stupid fucking shrine and I decide to take it over instead because oh yeah, I can hold a territory and you cant, you gonna peck at me too? Or someone decides that hey, that tractor looks like a damn sexy place to sleep, I'm going to pester Chaos until he rolls over and shows his belly because Monkeyboy got away with it with Tyrannis?

You were funny the first time, but I gotta tell you, dickshit, I'm starting to see you and your little con as a threat to my pack. Go ahead, think about it. Do what you gotta do to feel good. I'll give you a freebie today. But know that I'm going to take any further hostilities real personal, and... react accordingly."
He grinned unpleasantly. "I have no problem wiping your little cult out if you're a threat to me and mine."

His fair warning delivered, the alpha reseated himself and swept out his paw in a derisive gesture inviting the Abraxas to proceed. "Have fun, Sweetheart," he simpered at Tyranis mockingly, his tone cloyingly sweet.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!
Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
04-30-2019, 01:50 PM

Shiba appeared quietly as the battle continued, her presence a comfort despite not being of the same mother. Belle enjoyed the woman’s company and was glad to see her here. Harbringr was close behind her, and his large form settled close by as well. He commented on the fight and Deathbelle nodded. A good fight, but she was growing worried as it went on.

All of a sudden her brother lost. Deathbelle felt dread to fill her heart as she stood still only a moment before rushing to his side. She still supported him fully in spite of what had happened. She felt a determination stir within her, even if today was not the day for the Klein empire to rise again. Belle was ready to work for it. To train harder, to be here to support her father’s chosen heir. He was covered in blood, more his own than the man who’d been challenged. Belle could still hardly believe that he had bested Hannibal.

She attempted to lick the wounds at his back softly, ready to offer her shoulder should he be ready to make a quick exit. She had little care for the goings on of the next fight, the woman only had eyes for Hannibal and his wounds. They needed to be cared for quickly. ”We’ll need to get you patched up, so you might live to fight tomorrow.” While she knew he wasn’t about to be put back into battle the next day he would be fixed so he might take the chance to fight and win again.

Hannibal // Deathbelle

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



4 Years
04-30-2019, 05:18 PM

With the battle won his eyes flickered over the gathered wolves, noting that a good deal of them seemed to be piebald. He knew exactly what that meant. He stood proudly, the faint lacerations on his chest displayed for all to see as Hannibal’s blood dripped from his muzzle. He opened his mouth to speak but before he could the ruddy male hissed something about the Shrine, then before he could answer his question Chaos spoke. Well, at least it was plain to others how ridiculous this man’s endeavor for the shrine had become, and he was at least happy that someone had chosen to put the large male in his place.

“I could ask you the same question band leader.” He growled lowly. “All this for a plot of land you can’t own or even stay in for a whole season?” He said the words coldly, his hackles bristling while beside him his two companions gathered. “You think a scar scares me? What happens if I scar you I wonder. Would you leave it then or just call it justification to harass me further?” He shook his head. He’d had enough of this madness already. He looked to Cloud then gestured for him to follow as he turned and left.

-{Attempt}Exit Tyranis-

Speech, Thought, You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



7 Years
04-30-2019, 05:36 PM


Nura listened intently, noting her nephew's refusal to answer her question instead drawing away from her as it became clear to her that his champion had failed. As she listened to his declaration and then an unfamiliar voice she couldn't help but bristle. Both at the unknown male's disrespect towards her family but also with the dawning realization that he was at least speaking true of her nephew, more blinded by his inane desire for a land he couldn't even hold than she was by birth.

With a supressed growl she whirled around on her toes, listening as her nephew was rebuked by even his challenger. Her mind whirling again, she would leave her nephew to his foolish endeavour, her own devices more important to her now than anything else.

-Exit Nura-

Art by ulfeid3



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
04-30-2019, 06:29 PM (This post was last modified: 04-30-2019, 06:30 PM by Archon.)
Archon hadn't heard his family members as they addressed him. He was focused, steadfast. He did hear the other alpha as he dabbled on some nonsense about claiming and packs and for the love of God all these wolves were so obsessed with their claiming that Archon did, for a moment consider making a pack just to claim it.

Honestly this lispy dude was talking so much Archon was surprised he wasn't foaming from the mouth yet. Archon made an attempt to follow whatever word-vomit he was saying. At this rate he was beginning to think that maybe all alphas were a little crazy.

"Maybe I would," Archon said. "Isn't that the threat of bands? But there's not a big difference from bands and packs, really. Maybe I would craft a pack to make my claim, or maybe I'd just defend it from claim in whatever way I could. Do you expect me to give something so precious up just because some mortal with a piss-boundary wants it?"

No, he wouldn't.

"Of course you couldn't understand- you haven't heard his divine call nor basked in his presence- which is exactly why the shrine should be free of packs."

Tyranis couldn't understand any type of devotion either- Archon knew that. His own packmates were ready to turn on him as was evident from his past challenge.

"Unlike you, I don't need to own something to feel powerful and important," Archon said. "God's divine land should belong to no band and no pack. It should be a free space for God to call his followers and those that seek him."

Tyranis tried to back his way out of the fight. Well, Archon expected that much. It was evident that this man had no issues having his lackeys fight for him until he realized that their loyalties fell elsewhere.

"If it doesn't scare you, why do you find every reason to try to escape instead of trying to handle it like a man. You retreat back to your pack unless its absolutely mandatory that you show up."

If Ty scarred Archon... what would it matter if it was a scar for God? If it was the only one or one of many he got in the name of God, then it would be an honor.

"Please, feel free to keep walking away again. You're pack has already seen that you're a coward unless cornered."

He turned to look at the toothy boy who spoke so... passionately earlier.

"And what about you?"



6 Years

Samhain 2022Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Haunted HouseValentines 2020Trick 2019
04-30-2019, 07:18 PM (This post was last modified: 04-30-2019, 07:19 PM by Harbringr.)

But the devil always won...

Deathbelle sent him a nod of agreement and he quickly fell silent, sensing the tension in her body as she watched the fight. The outcome would likely determine their futures. He watched intently as the fight waged on. When it was finally over the outcome was not the one he desired. Hannibal had lost. The strange male that Hannibal had been with seemed to decide he was going to fight, calling out another challenge to the victor. Blah, blah, something about a shrine. He couldn't care less though he wondered why his brother was working with this strange wolf and what was so special about this 'shrine'. An older man with absolutely insane teeth began to run his mouth off and Harbringr smirked a bit at the man's gusto but again he took little heed to the words. He really did arrive late and had little clue what the older man was referring to. The trio might as well have been squawking like chickens for all it meant to Hari.

Deathbelle rushed to Hannibal, Harbringr trailed behind at a more leisurely pace, trying to fix the faces he'd seen into his memory and besides it wasn't like he was much use. He knew about as much of healing as he did the mating habits of moose.  Next to nothing. Harbringr wanted to spit out a witty aside, to heckle Hannibal as a little brother was supposed to do but instead he just grinned at his brother. "Well, I'm not surprised. Starting a challenge without me here?  Clearly the universe insists that I be here to view the whole fight. You'll know better next time." He winked at Hannibal, trying to add some levity to the situation.



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
04-30-2019, 07:48 PM

speech Thought You

His attention had been pulled to the fight, watching as the fight went on. Heart pounded against his chest, the male practically sitting on the edge of his seat. His brother was fighting hard to defend his title and the pack he worked so hard to create, and in the end...he succeeded! Cloud let go of the breath he hadn't been aware he was holding until that moment when the traitor fell away and his brother won! But it appeared it wasn't quite over yet. Despite his brother's obvious victory, the lunatic god chaser appeared to want to fight Tyranis. Cloud's eyes narrowed, hackles rising as he prepared to leap at the man. His brother had won fair and square, and yet this heathen decided he wanted to fight right after his brother had just spent his energy doing just that while god fart sat back on his ass.

Cloud remained quiet for the moment because it didn't take long for Legion's alpha to speak up. Cloud agreed with him wholeheartedly, even despite their packs not being friends, but that didn't matter. The male had someone else fight for him instead to try and lay claim to a land he would never be able to claim. And yet, even with that knowledge, the band leader still dared to claim that it was a place of God and blah blah blah. Cloud found himself rolling his eyes. This guy was truly nuts! All that shit just because his imaginary friend told him to. And now it seemed he was trying to force his religious beliefs down everyone's throat and couldn't just shut the fuck up about it. If this guy thought this entire ploy to get others to believe in this 'god' would work in his favor...he was clearly mistaken.

Cloud wanted nothing to do with that shit. And had it been presented to him in the past, he might have considered it. But no way in hell would he ever think about it now. This guy was just a petty religious nut case, and nothing more. At his brother's motion, Cloud stood and nodded a farewell to his sister before moving to his brother's side. "You fought well, Ty." He brushed his shoulder against Ty's, "I think we should celebrate your victory, you've earned it." He mused, a small grin tugging at his lips. He would get Thora to help him hunt something down for a feast.

-Exit with Ty-



7 Years
05-02-2019, 11:21 AM
She was all of the
deadly seven sins
on the Devil's playground
Get up and piss excellence -- They told her at the outset it was a solo mission. Get in, achieve the goals, get out. So who was this guy? He acted like he had all the same instructions, like it was her that's the usurper. The more she mull it over the more her brain becomes a spinning top, always finding more questions than answers. What just happened? What the f u c k did just happen? Hannibal hit the ground unexpectedly and she remained still and cold like a statue. The weird part was there's a familiarity to the situation she just can't shake, not a memory per se, but echoes that call to her intuition. Their safe heaven will not happen today. They were still in danger, their spawns were still in danger. Was she starting to doubt Hannibal? No. Yes. His words and his actions are divergent, they pull in opposite directions as if Hannibal brain's narrator and navigator have entirely different ideas about the world. He talk the talk of the valiant protector, yet when push comes to shove the bronze mistress was left on her own. She had played the roles of both Father and Mother for t h e i r devil chops for such a long time only for him to lose? No. this was not the time to doubt, she will have time to question his decision later for now, he needed her and she damn well needed him.

Before she know it, another female rushed to the phantom rescue and she was taken aback by yet another Klein sister. What was it with their families and their timing, she wondered. A male brother seemed to join them and she could not afford to let them appear weak or disbanded in front of such crowd that came only to spectate the drama. There was strenght in numbers and she knew they had to present a unitified group to Tyranis so he can know on which side they lurk and who is the enemy. Confidence radiated from her every pore, shoulder blades rolled backwards in order to aline with her slender, feline-like spine; mile-long legs carried her acrros the land to Hannibal side, calculated teacups hhold her gracefully as she silvered her way towards the trio with a neutral expression holding her beautiful visage in place. The halt came abruptly as fiery jewels watched each and single one of them with a cold and indifferent expression -- she was worried but she sure as hell was not going to show it to all of them. There will be another chance, love.  suave were her words, sultry as they were released from full foreign-kissed lips.

Are you worth your weight in gold?


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



7 Years
Extra large
05-05-2019, 10:13 PM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2021, 07:10 PM by Torin.)


Torin's brows lifted as he listened to his cousin, so she'd seen fit to rework the pack... He briefly considered if he would ever decide to do that. But that thought was quickly shuffled away, even as the idea was planted.

Torin glanced at the young woman his cousin was speaking to, giving her a small smile and a dip of his head before he'd turn his attention back towards the fight. He was pleased to see that their sister pack seemed to be flourishing with the presence of the young members. Then he turned to look at Aurielle properly when she directed a question his way.

"I've met both the challengers. Tyranis, the black man: He has been an alpha twice, his current pack is Erövrare, I'm not sure what occurred to his first. He's also Derecho's brother." He muttered, leaning towards his cousin, at the mention of his companion he glanced at her, hoping that Derecho was okay with him revealing that. "The albino is Hannibal. I know less about him, last I saw him he was a high ranking member in Erövrare." He glanced at the wolves gathered on either side of the challengers. "That's all I can say."

Sometimes it wasn't easy to note who exactly was pushing the advantage but finally, when the challengers broke apart it became clear that Tyranis had emerged victorious. He glanced at Derecho, wondering what exactly her reaction would be. He shuffled, watching as another man, one he didn't recognize burst forwards to issue another challenge and Torin listened to what it was he spoke about. He kept his judgment to himself but he couldn't help feeling like the words the man spoke could refer to his own actions. A fanged stranger stood up and Torin watched him with narrowed eyes as he spoke, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. It seemed that things were winding now though, Tyranis having left already.

"You wanted to talk with your sister?" He asked, leaning towards Derecho again, nudging her playfully.

Original Coding by Shelby
Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



Advanced Intellectual (95)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

8 Years

The Ooze ParticipantUnderachieverSnake EyesBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019
05-07-2019, 04:14 PM
Caeli's attention was focused almost completely on the fight that was about to unfold. She nodded at Aurielle's introductions, to the ruler of Lirim, which was one of their allies. Torin and Derecho. She offered a forced but altogether pleasant smile to the two of them in turn, nodding briefly but turning back to the impending fight. Aurielle asked if she could tell who here was a leader. Obviously the two that leapt to action were, as one's call had been a summons to fight for claim over his pack, but were there others? Caelia squinted, gaze falling briefly on Artur - why was he here? - before resting on Torin again. He certainly had an air of importance about him, and the way his packmates drifted to sit near him while letting him maintain charge of the group was more obvious the more she studied them. Briefly her gaze found Chaos, a rather imposing looking wolf with oversized teeth, less so wondering if he was a leader of sorts and more just... studying the oddity of his appearance. Perhaps Caelia had lived a sheltered life, but she appreciated the chance to study as many strangers as possible and see how they interacted with one another.

Torin was helpful in sharing what he knew, giving names of both opponents as well as the pack that was being challenged for. She placed it all carefully in her memory, repeating the names in her head, just in case they proved useful in the future. It was hard to focus on much besides the fight as it unfolded, each contender surrounded by wolves supporting them on each side. Occasionally her gaze found Artur, almost questioningly, wishing she could run over and ask him what he was doing here. But she'd been all but told to pay attention, and so she was, watching the violence unfold with as much focus as she could muster.

The wolf that had challenged was bested by the male he'd summoned, and Caelia raised a curious brow as she watched. Was all leadership like this? Like a constant game of tug-of-war that pups would play, back and forth with no real reward? Had Aurielle ever experienced anything like this? Questions burned on her tongue, but she was silent as she watched as the drama continued.. another male speaking up to the victor, who made to leave.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-07-2019, 08:36 PM

The fight went on and Ace watched carefully. Both parties were trying their hardest to beat the other, but in the end, Tyranis had won. A strange feeling of respect washed over him. While he and his nephew had come to odds with one another and declaring each other an enemy, Ace felt that slowly melting away as he felt respect for his nephew coming to light. Tyranis had successfully defended his pack and fought a good fight. He proved himself a capable alpha despite the blunders others tried to point out, but truth be alpha was perfect. No one was perfect to begin with, and if others thought they were, they'd be lying to themselves.

Of course, the Abraxas man that had someone else fight in his stead thought he was some perfect being that, like some of his family members, felt he could hear invisible beings whispering in his ear. "What a load of bullshit." He commented, not bothering to keep his voice lowered. Others clearly saw the man as senile and incompetent, going on about a God and still bent over not getting what he wanted. Is this what it was all about? He couldn't even hold claim to the land for crying out loud! This was one such reason he didn't believe in demons anymore. Or gods for that matter. It made people crazy. Clearly.

And still, even though Tyranis had won and defended his title, the wannabe God tried to continue to fight. While he didn't doubt Tyranis could defend himself again, it would be unfair considering he might be tired and freshly wounded while the Abraxas Male sat on his ass unharmed. As he listened to Chaos speak, he had a point. This wannabe was a future threat both to current packs and his when he rose to a position of leadership. Besides, this was also the Male that had occupied Abaven...he couldn't be trusted. Hell, if he had someone in his family acting all senile like that, he might even be inclined to think them unsuitable and a disgrace. But he didn't know the Abraxas agenda besides conquest and shit. As Tyranis made to leave, Ace nodded to the younger Praetor before he too, stood and left.

