
Mixing Business and Pleasure

Rûga & Keetie



5 Years
Dire wolf

09-09-2021, 09:48 PM
Keetie's reactions were a drug to Sitka, a powerful narcotic that made his body burn with a primal lust for her. He'd had a number of women in his life, had even more lust after him, but something about Keetie had him entranced, bewitched by her mannerisms and personality and existence. He was addicted to her, savoring every second they shared, enraptured in her every sound and movement of her body. She was wily and fiery and spirited and sexy; what more could a man desire in a woman? His words, intended to incite a fire within her belly again, earned him a playful grin from the galactic fae instead.

She asked in soft whispers if he wanted to hear her song, curling her lithe, slender body up like a contortionist that did wonderful things to the brute's body in turn. He watched with captivated steel-blue eyes as she leaned closer, leaning his muzzle up to meet hers—only to feel her leonine claws grasp his scruff at the last second and tugged him forward, pulling the dire brute off of his paws with a low grunt of delightful pain. His body collapsed across hers, every inch of their forms pressed together, intimate parts pinned between soft fur and drawing a gasp from the man. He felt her hips shift to push to his, and then her weight was rolling them, both wolves reversing their positions so he was now pinned beneath the voluptuous woman.

Sitka blinked and gazed up at her with a surprised grin, the look in her eyes sending burning electricity through every nerve in his body and settling between his thighs. Speaking of between his thighs, Keetie wiggled her hips against his, rolling her body in a deliciously feminine and salacious manner that rubbed everything in all the right ways. Sitka gave a breathy sigh of pleasure, large paws moving up to grip at Keetie's waist to tug her hips harder to his, rolling his hips up to meet her motions and add some more pleasant pressure between them. A lecherous fire smoldered in his cool eyes while he devoured her with his gaze. Keetie sat atop of him like she belonged there, a queen on her throne as she sat in his lap. His claws pricked over the warm skin on her waist as their bodies rolled and ground against one another's, and then her words brought his teeth out in a hungry grin.

"As you wish," he growled in response. Grabbing a hold of Keetie's hips to hold her steady, the dire wolf shifted his hips until he found his mark, then pushed himself into her as he tugged her body down to sink himself within her. Blue eyes rolled back behind fluttering eyelids as a deep sigh of euphoria came from the man, followed by grunts and growls as he worked his hips against hers. Although dominant in many regards, sex was one area where Sitka didn't mind allowing a lady to have charge of him—in fact, he was very much enjoying watching the way Lorikeet moved on top of him. At some point during their mating, Sitka reached up and wrapped a strong foreleg around his new lover's back, pulling her down to him while rolling just as she had done to put himself on top of her once more, all without missing a beat as he resumed taking her and bringing them both to wild, intense peaks of pleasure.

- fade -

"Sitka Thánatos"

Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.



6 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
09-09-2021, 10:35 PM
She flipped him easily, and enjoyed the powerful feel of the direwolf beneath her. His muscler, large body molded with hers in all the right ways. She grinned down at him, taunting him with a shinning, deeply amused gaze. He matched her spirit and lust for trouble with such ease. She just knew they would be wonderful, terrible together. Like tossing blood to the sharks. She couldn’t wait to explore every inch of the trouble they would make together.

Grinding her hips against him was more than her victim could take. He grabbed her by her hips with claws that left a breathy gasp escaping her. She dug her own claws into him. Her feline points finding purchase in his flesh as she held him to her.

He was every bit as intense and attentive and ferocious a lover as she imagined. She let her voice sing out across the emerald valley, and echo back to her. Breathless, and laughing, she dug her claws into Sitka, and pulled an inch of space between them. Utterly merciless to the fact he had not finished yet. If he fought her, she would happily wrestle him into submission. “Shhh.” she whispered, her voice filled with laughter. “Do you hear that?” that, of course, was silence. “Ruga, you sexy-ass vulcano, get your ass back out here!”
