
Empire of Angels (CHALLENGE)

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

11-19-2015, 11:15 AM
You don't know what's in your heart
Rivaxorus had been worried, extremely worried. He'd been keeping his mother away from these things just to make sure she didn't put herself into any danger. He knew how badly she wanted to go, to be there for everyone and make up for her mistakes. However - Riv had sent Holly out of the kids to go and check on things with some herbs. After letting his worry get the best of him, Rivaxorus had decided to show up on the battlefield. The large boy was growing out finely. Now almost reaching Avalon's height. However what he came across made a growl rip through his throat. He was right to send Holly since father would probably need some healing. His body turned towards his aunt.

"Can you explain to me what's going on?" he whispered gently. "I told mom to stay in the den after she kicked and screamed at me that she was going - but I made sure my other siblings made her stay... her being here wouldn't be a good idea she'd throw herself at Valentine." he could tell Avalon was nervous. While Riv had never met Valentine before he heard stories. Watching the giant combat with his father sent his nerves on a wire - was these the kinds of things he would have to do when he was king. He shook his head looking at his sister, "Thanks Holly - after the fight you can handle dad." he'd be sure that his mother wouldn't be in too good health to care for their dad while she was bubbled up on anger.


The Judge


11-22-2015, 09:31 AM
And the winner is...

Due to Cypress not posting in the alloted time the fight defaults in favor of Valentine, Cypress must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out. Avalon and her children now belong to Valentine


11-22-2015, 03:15 PM

It was like a whirlwind of attacks. Cypress would make an attempt to sidestep, to move out of the way, but it was like everything was in slow motion. The man came at him like demon out of hell. He would barely have time to open his mouth before a jutting shoulder crashed into his throat, choking him. He felt his vision edge inward, felt the pain bloom in his chest, his limb painfully stretch. Cypress didn’t even register what happened after that.

The shock from the blow to his throat had started to cause the man to lose conscious. He would stagger, more pain blooming upon his foot. He felt the sharp sting, no, excruciating pain from where his toes were dislocated, his left foreleg left completely useless. Not that it mattered at this point. His mouth slurred, trying to speak, but not being able to get the words out. He would feel his eyes started to close, and the last thing he saw, was a bright flash of red as Valentine’s jaws clamped down upon his muzzle.

There was a sickening crunch as teeth broke, the man going limp in Valentine’s jaws. Sonticus held not the strength it hoped it did. It had the will, but not the strength to back up what it desired.

Valentine had won.

--Exit Cypress via Unconsciousness.--




13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-23-2015, 07:19 PM

In a matter of heartbeats it was all over. He not only heard but felt his opponent's teeth break under the force of his bite as the blow recoiled through him. While the attack was a powerful one, it was not the most damning one he dealt. As soon as he got the grip he'd hoped for Valentine felt the sag in his opponent as Sonticus' alpha began to slip into unconsciousness. He held on for a beat longer just to be sure Cypress really was down for the count and then he released him and let the alpha complete his slump to the ground.

Having come through the spat with no injuries Valentine slowly retreated several steps to allow the Sonticus wolves enough space to tend to their fallen alpha. As he did so he casually let his gaze rove those gathered in case any were angry enough with the results to contest them.

His attention then flicked to Avalon. Surely this was proof enough that she was better off elsewhere. She needed to head back to Sonticus for her kids and while he had no qualms with her venturing into their territory to do so, he intended to go with her and take along several of his members. For once they'd wait outside the border - maybe - but they'd toe the line. While he doubted Avalon would be foolish enough to run it would be just as foolish for him to not accompany her to the territory. "Avalon," he rumbled in a low voice. "Will you need help moving your children?" It smelled like she had a few. "If necessary I'm sure I can recruit a few of my wolves to help carry."


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-23-2015, 07:59 PM
Hati had heard Valentine's challenge, and though he had hurried to join him, froth flecking the teeth of the bear's skull, eyes blazing in the shadowed caverns, he was not fast enough. It hadn't helped that he'd been sulking in the orchard, hiding from Valentine's adventuresome little rugrat daughter, and had to cross much of the pack's lands to reach the battlefield. But he had to be there for Valentine. He had to. Ve frolicked beside him, capering like the mad little demon he was, but Hati ignored his high pitched giggles and sing-song rhymes. He was the bear, and he would be there to guard Valentine's back.

But the whole of it was over in a flurry of blows as he reached them, and as he slipped up past Cascade to Valen's side in time to hear his words to the unknown female he threw a disinterested glance at the defeated male, before glancing up at the larger alpha with the same intensity of focus on him that spoke of his mental instability. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Ve making ridiculous faces at Akemi, but that was hardly unusual. His ghosts often interacted with each other. Just yesterday Baldur had dropped a disgustingly yellow snowball out of a tree on Vili's head - it was hardly uncommon. So why shouldn't Ve and Akemi both be there? He thought nothing of it other than that... though it was odd that the pink-eyed boy from Imperium seemed to be interacting with them as well.

"Valentine," he rasped, the words coming slowly. "I will assist in carrying them if you wish me to. I will not... bite them. I will... be gentle." He slid a sidelong glance at the unfamiliar female Valen had made his offer to, unaware that his grave promise might be taken as threatening to the pups in any way. After all, he was saying that he wouldn't bite, which seemed a reasonable thing if Valen didn't want him to bite... He was just trying to play nice for Valentine's sake. If that was what Valentine wanted him to do.
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


11-23-2015, 09:07 PM

In a matter of seconds it was over, and Akemi felt her stomach lurch. It was... horrific to watch. She could hear the sickening sound of Cypress' teeth breaking. Seeing him crumple... it made her think back. Think back to when Kau had maimed her. She had been so small... and this man... this man reminded her of him so. His cruel nature to those who had done nothing except exist. To try and survive. Akemi felt her heart burst with fire. She would step forth, a snarl rippling from his throat. Even Hati was ignored in that moment, her hate, her fire, blooming into a raging inferno.

"Bastard!" The attack had just been brutal. Damning. The one eyed woman bared her fangs, single eye narrowed into a slit. A snarl escaped her, hackles raised across her body. She would lower her head to align it with her skull. Legs were widened, toes were widened, claws biting into the soil. She rolled her shoulders forward, tipped her chin forward and scrunched her neck. There was no holding back, anger flashing in her eyes.

Akemi was not afraid of getting maimed. Not afraid of getting claimed. She was not afraid to die. What she was afraid to do was sit by and do nothing while this man destroyed the home she had, to destroy the life she had. Cypress had tried his hardest as an alpha and for what...? For this? It wasn't right!

With Valentine facing Avalon she was behind him by roughly eight feet. Attempting to close the distance she would charge, knowing full well he could turn the moment her voice rang into the air. She didn't care. She made a beeline for his back left leg, charging with all her strength and speed to slam directly into it. Not only did she seek to slam directly into the back left leg of her opponent, using the front of her body as a battering ram, Akemi also attempted to go for something far more precious.

Head would tilt upward and to the right, aiming  to snap down upon those jewels that most men so cherished. Top jaw would aim to land across the one closer to his left leg while bottom sough the one on the right side. This man would bleed, even if not by Cypress' fangs.


Ooc:: Confirmed with Eve that maim attempts do not need to be in a maim fight, but can be in regular fights as well.

"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'


11-23-2015, 09:08 PM

No! Einarr wanted to curse the moment his mother spoke up. He’d feel his own hackles raise, his ears pinning to his skull. Shut up. He silently pleaded in his head. Shut up! It wasn’t worth it. That silver man wasn’t worth it. “Don’t. You’ll only get your ass handed to you.” Einarr tried to warn her, gods he tried to warn her, but Akemi was a firecracker, and despite whatever might happen to her in retaliation, she sought retribution for her fallen alpha.“Mother don’t!” Einarr tried to call out again but it was too late. The fight had already begun.




13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-23-2015, 10:41 PM

Of course he turned. Who wouldn't? Again with the name calling. It was like listening to his kids bicker. He half expected someone to call him a  butthead or a poopy face. Not surprisingly the results weren't sitting well with the Sonticus wolves. He turned to face the screecher...and looked down. And down. And further down until lo and behold, there was an angry, mutilated little face glaring up at him as she charged.

His defenses fell again immediately. Hackles rose to once again stand guard, ears flattened and eyes narrowed. His lips curled in a skin scrunching sneer. Valentine slipped into a loose-jointed crouch - something that was necessary for such a teeny opponent – and widened his stance so that his paws were just over hip and shoulder width apart. His toes splayed and his nails tipped downwards to dig into the dirt. If she really wanted his balls she'd have to jump for them, so instead of tucking his tail he brought it level with his spine and held it out straight. He rolled his shoulders forward and tucked his chin to create a protective hollow around his throat.

Valentine spun in an attempt to face his opponent. He wanted to line the front of his right shoulder up with the center of the woman's throat. Instead of waiting for her to reach him, he lunged forward in the hopes of meeting her halfway. There wasn't enough space between them to build up a huge amount of momentum, but given their massive size difference Valentine didn't doubt for one second that a slam from him would floor the woman. He intended to ram the lower portion of his right shoulder into the snout of the woman. With enough force he could do serious harm to her nose, teeth and lower jaw, and possibly her neck if he managed to snap her neck backwards and bend it over her back.  It was possible that, if her mouth was open wide enough, he could slam the lower jaw open wider still and strain it beyond its usual capabilities. The King was indifferent to the damage he might incur for such an attack. [counter to bite; damage pending]

The size difference was something he fully intended to use against his opponent. Without mercy he would crush this woman. Her scars didn't look like the scars of a seasoned warrior; rather, they looked like the markings of a chronic loser. While others might have wondered if there was more to the scrappy woman than what met the eye, Valentine wasn't convinced. Hoping to fling her backwards, Valentine sought to slam the lower right portion of his chest into the center of Akemi's neck. Like he had with Cypress, the King intended to strike the woman's windpipe and crush it. Severity could range from choking and blacking out as Cypress had all the way to death. As with Cypress he wasn't too terribly picky and he had no intention of holding back. [counter to chest slam; damage pending]

After shifting his weight to his left foreleg and hind legs Valentine lifted his right foreleg. He intended to slam it down on top of the innermost toes of the woman's right forefoot in the hopes of straining the fibers that held the digits together or even dislocate them as well as pin them to the ground.

The King rotated his head to his left and then lunged his opened jaws downward. He hoped to drive his upper right canine into the woman's right eye socket with the rest of his upper teeth tearing into her right cheekbone. His lower  right canine would hopefully sink into the woman's left eye socket with the rest of his lower teeth digging into her left cheekbone. Full blinding was his goal. With her last good eye punctured and useless perhaps she's wisen up and finally quit letting others use her as a chew toy.

Round ONE of TWO


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


11-23-2015, 10:58 PM

Was the match-up bad? Oh yes. Was she likely to get creamed? Yes. But was she going to try and give this male something to remember her by? You bet your bottom fucking dollar she was! Stance remained widened, weight evenly distributed across the four limbs. Toes were splayed, claws biting into the soil as she ran. Single eye was narrowed, with her head aligned with the spine. Shoulders were rolled forward, neck was scrunched, chin tipped forward... Oh she was ready. A snarl erupted from the femme with parted lips. She would show the world that though she was small, she was more than just some chew toy.

As the man rushed towards her Akemi would put all her strength into her legs. He had hunkered down, much like she was hoping, and the little spitfire was going to use that to her attempt of an advantage. She wasn’t afraid. Her eye blazed with courage, with no fear. Come and get me. Everyone else was blocked out. Her son. Her brother. The spectators. Even Cypress.

As Akemi reached the last few feet she would lunge not forward, but upward. {Dodge / Counter?} Her body aimed to come crashing downward upon the king, her back paws clawing back towards his face, specifically her right paw over his left eye and her right paw over his back eye. Front claws would aim downward, to hook into the fur and dig into skin on either side of the man. Her right forepaw would aim a few inches behind his left shoulder and her left forepaw a few inches behind {as in towards the tail} his right shoulder. Furthermore she attempted to angle her own jaws downward and slightly to the left to snap directly around the spine. Her top jaw would seek to slide to the left side of the spine {Akemi’s left, Valen’s right}, and her lower jaw sought to land upon the right side of the spine {Akemi’s right, Valen’s left.}.


Talk, Think

Mercy I


5 Years

11-23-2015, 11:04 PM
Mercy's eyes narrowed at the quickness of the battle, of how fast it was over. Dammit, she wanted more excitement! But when her gaze fell on Einarr when he tried to stop the woman from attacking Valentine, she growled and stood, walking towards him with her hackles raised. "Let her do what she wants, you cant stop a woman who has set her mind to something." She commented, purple gaze traveling between the two of them. She did no hear his words, she had been too far away, but she could only assume that they were related somehow. She returned her gaze to the taller pack mate, making sure that he didn't get in the way of the woman's fight with Valentine. Mercy respected her for going after Valentine after he had so easily toppled their alpha. If she had to pin Einarr down to stop him he would. They had fought before, she would gladly do it again -- pack mate or not.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



9 Years
11-24-2015, 01:02 AM

 When Ravine had arrived his pack and Imperium had already joined together. His wife had already spotted their son, Einarr. At seeing them together, the man would stop close enough to hear and see what was going on but not enough to bother his wife and step son. As he sat there watching them Ravine had imagined pups that resembled he and his mate, that ran about their paws at play. His thoughts would be broken as Akemi would ask why the Imperium alpha had arrived and the way Einarr responded set the dark male's nerves on end. Anything that included someone hide in their den were it was safe could only mean that something bad was about to happen. Avalon would be the next to speak up, followed by an imperium boy and then....the alpha.

He would explain how he was here for Avalon and her children and that angered him, but not enough to force him to budge from his spot as he knew his alpha could handle the situation without his help for the time being. Another of the Imperium pups would speak and then Cypress would tell of how he would be damned if the bastard would take Avalon and her children without her say so. Avalon would get a few more words off before everything would come crashing down.

Within seconds his alpha would be unconscious on the ground and the Imperium alpha would lay claim to his pack mate, his friend, and her children. Only seconds after that his own world would come crashing down around him. He had just watched what the Imperium alpha had done to Cypress, he could only imagine the damage he could do to the only woman he had ever loved. In an instant the man would spring forward but, like their son, he was to slow to stop her. "Akemi!" her name would burst from him but it was like watching from someone else body. He wanted nothing more than to lunge forward and pull her from the fight but his body wouldn't listen. It stood frozen next to Einarr as if it wouldn't allow him to keep her from proving herself when all his mind and heart kept shouting at him on repeat was that he would attempt to rip the man's throat out himself if he took Akemi from him.




13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
11-24-2015, 02:05 AM

She seemed to hold her breath when the fight started, the woman tensing visibly when Valentine charged. She'd never seen him fight before, but she had no doubt the man was strong. Would the smaller Cypress he able to--what?! It felt like the moment she blinked, Cypress fell victim to a powerful bite, the cringing sounds of cracking teeth filling the air as the world froze. As if in slow motion, Cypress slumped to the ground, Valentine stepping back. Avalon's eyes were wide in shock, she definitely had not expected that at all. Her heart sunk as she stared at Cypress' fallen form, though there wasn't much except the broken teeth and whatever other internal injuries, it was still heart wrenching to see.

As others shifted, and valentine's voice reached her, she finally set into motion. Rushing to Cypress' side, she nosed his unconscious form, signaling to Holly to come and look him over. She was hell bent on helping Cypress back to pack lands, that was the least she could do for him. She let Valentine's words hang in the air for a moment as she stood tall again, amber gaze finding his as she listened to a...rather menacing looking tank thing with a skull on his head. Offering to help carry her children. She wasn't sure if she trusted that thing to even touch her kids...not yet at least.

Just as she was about to respond, a familiar voice broke her off, and then she would look past Valentine to see a small streak of brown racing towards him. Akemi! What the hell was she doing!? She hadn't gotten to know her, only hunted with her once and heard about her from her mate, Ravine. Her breath caught in her throat, would she have to take both of them back after this? Oh...she could only imagine how Arian would take all of this...


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



11 Years
Dragon Mod
11-24-2015, 02:13 AM

He hadn't missed the howl and what it meant. He hadn't missed much of it really. The male had silently trailed after Cypress, sticking to the shadows like a ghost in the night. He had watched quietly as everything ensued, from the words to each other to bone crunching sounds of Cypress' teeth, to the flurry of another fight between the imperium alpha and one of his packmates. Suicide. No...not suicide. Foolishness. For what reason was Akemi doing this, he wondered? He didn't know her, but he didn't need to know her to get a gist of who she was.

As if nothing ever happened, he slipped up beside Avalon as he watched the pair fight. "I'll help with them...and your kids." Them as in both Cypress and Akemi, assuming she got knocked out too. He was indifferent to this, the only one he really sort of knew was Arian, but even she was falling into disrepair. He was simply at a loss as to where to go. He couldn't do much in sonticus with the lack of interest in training, on top of the fact everyone seemed to be losing their minds. For now, he simply stood by and watched.


Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

11-24-2015, 11:19 AM (This post was last modified: 11-24-2015, 11:20 AM by Rivaxorus II.)
Conversations running through my head
Rivaxorus didn't even flinch at the fight, of course his heart tied itself up in knots over his father. Wincing to the sound of broken teeth once it was over. His paws carried him over with Avalon, soon after as Akemi had lunged at the king - at the moment he didn't understand jumping into a fight you knew you would not win. However as he looked at his mentor, he knew now. His pack was doomed and he wasn't going to have a home soon enough. The boy sighed before looking over at Akemi, then to Holly and Ravine. "Ravine.... once the fight is done, help Holly take my dad to the den with my mom and akemi. My brother should be there to help." He knew it wasn't the best time but his eyes showed a very serious tone. As he looked over at Kakashi. "Avalon.... me and Kakashi can help carry your kids." his voice showed no strain. Even if it hurt his heart to see his aunt go.

Riv's attention had turned towards the male who had offered. Then back towards Avalon, hopefully Valentine would agree. Rivaxorus didn't want any trouble and he wanted to make sure Kakashi didn't either. Yet the two of them probably knew better then anyone out of the sane ones left in this mangled pack. "Everythings going to be okay." Rivaxorus whispered, bumping Avalon in her side gently.




13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-24-2015, 08:03 PM

The moment it became clear that his opponent wasn't going to fling herself into his legs Valentine too changed tactics. He was a beat behind her in rising but once again the advantage would be his; the brute's height and weight would aid him well in stopping her attacks before they could begin. Years of experience allowed him to react instinctively and even though he was a beat behind her in rising, his quick movements were enough to all but ensure that the majority of her attacks would earn her nothing but failure since they hinged on her jumping over him. Valentine's weight shifted to his coiled hind legs as he too rose up; an action that made her kicks directed at his face and shoulders impossible. His stance remained wide; each hind foot placed slightly over hip width apart for better balance and his toes remained spread for the same reason as his nails bit into the ground. His tail rose to lay parallel to the ground to further better his balance and he tensed all over, body going rigid to enable him to stand tall without toppling. His hackles continued to span the length and the width of his back and his ears stayed pinned. Valentine's features were still twisted up into a sneer; his lips curling to bunch the skin around his narrowed eyes and along his forehead.

After rising Valentine immediately kicked off and launched himself forward in the hopes of intercepting and snatching the little bitch from the air, and throwing her to the ground in front of him. He intended for the entirety of his chest to slam into his opponent's sternum directly between her forelegs. Because the woman weighed less than a third of what Valentine weighed, Valentine's weight combined with the force behind his coiled hind legs would surely be enough to negate what little force she could muster and force her away from him. The King also hoped to knock the wind out of her.

Simultaneously he lifted his forelegs and attempted to wrap them around the woman's ribs. He sought to slide his left foreleg up her right side and directly behind her right elbow while sliding his right foreleg up her left side and directly behind her left elbow. Hopefully his forepaws would meet directly behind the tops of the woman's shoulder blades. Valentine intended to scissor his forelegs together around her ribs in the hopes of getting a solid grip. With all four of her paws off the ground and faced with a much bigger, much heavier, opponent the woman would be powerless in his grasp. This move combined with his chest slam would hopefully be enough to slam the woman onto her back on the ground in front of Valentine with enough force to leave her breathless and possibly even smack the back of her skull on the hard-packed dirt. He hoped to either knock sense into her or knock it out of her if she wasn't capable of anything else. The last thing he needed was this silly little pest snapping at his heels the whole way home.

Lastly he strove to intercept her bite. This would probably be the one and only time the woman was taller than someone; since she'd tried to launch herself over him and he'd been a split second behind in reacting, the woman's head was over Valentine's. Snaking his head upward, Valentine sought to grasp the woman's lower jaw between his teeth. The King wanted to sink his upper teeth into the middle of the right side of the woman's lower jaw while hooking his lower jaw beneath the middle of the left side of her lower jaw. Consequences be damned he intended to slam his jaws together in a strong enough grip to crush the bone between his teeth. Perhaps having to have someone chew her food for her for a few weeks would teach her a little something about respect. [counter to bite; damage pending]

Round TWO of TWO


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



7 Years
Dire wolf
12-03-2015, 08:18 PM

The fight ended with a satisfying crunch. The percussive snap first made the Ultimus cringe and then beam with smug pride. Not for one second had he doubted that the outcome would be different. His dad had talked of losing fights before, but Angelus had never seen it. As far as he was concerned it was an impossibility.

As the King stepped away from the fallen king Angelus stepped closer so he could catch what was being said. So they were going to take this woman and her kids to Imperium. He didn't know all the reasons why, but he respected his father and trusted that his judgement was sound. Whatever the reason, it was in Imperium's best interest. He'd help carry if he had to. "I can help carry them."

A shrill shriek off to the side brought Angelus' head around. It took a moment for what was happening to register, but when it did he turned around to better watch the unfolding fight. His attention would have stayed there too had not the shout of a packmate snatched it away. Angelus' gaze roved those gathered until he found the one who had shouted. He'd called that woman 'mother'. The woman who now attacked his King. Did the Rex know about the connection? If he didn't he would soon enough.

More wolves - Sonticus wolves - came up to his freshly minted packmate and offered assistance in carrying her children to Imperium. Angel couldn't speak for his dad, but he was fairly certain Valentine wouldn't want the Sonticus wolves tagging along. With that in mind, he said, "I think there's more than enough Imperium wolves here to help."

The Judge


12-21-2015, 10:44 PM (This post was last modified: 12-21-2015, 10:44 PM by The Judge.)





-2 what part of her body is she trying to slam into Valen's back leg?  Chest? front legs?
-2 where on his back leg is she trying to hit?  The whole thing?  Back of the knee? Thigh?  Dat bootay?

Total: 6


-none seen

Total: 10


+1 each seen

Total: 9


+2 body slam -1 clarity issues
+3 bite +1 maim +1 grip

Total: 6


-first round

Total: 10

Total for Round One: 41



-2 "Valentine spun in an attempt to face his opponent."  Which way?
-2  "Valentine lifted his right foreleg. He intended to slam it down on top of the innermost toes of the woman's right forefoot"  What part of the foreleg is he aiming to slam on her toes?  

Total: 6


-none seen

Total: 10


+1 each seen

Total: 10


+2 shoulder slam +1 severity
+2 chest slam +1 maim
+1 front leg slam +1 maim -1 clarity issue
+3 jaws +2 maim for each eye

Total: 10


-first round

Total: 10

Total for Round One: 46




-2  what do you mean only upward?  she'd have to leap forward to get her hind legs on his face, or is she trying to stand on his face balanced on her back paws?
-2 "over his back eye."  I have no idea what a back eye is, you've lost me.
-2 where on the spine is she aiming?  that's a long target

Total: 4


-2  "As Akemi reached the last few feet she would lunge not forward, but upward."   Watch the specific distances your opponent could change course and disrupt this positioning, you want to leave room for them to respond.  Also I'm guessing you mean last few feet before impact?
-2 its rather unrealistic that Akemi would be able to balance her front paws on Valen's shoulders and her hind paws on his face.  Something about this move just feels very off to me and heavily assumes Valen would stay still under her.
-2 you need to respond in some way to your opponents attacks!  even if it's just a mention she hoped her leap would displace the attacks you need to at least acknowledge them.

Total: 4


+1 each seen

Total: 9


+1 paw to eye +1 maim -1 clarity issues
+1 paw to eye + 1 maim -1 clarity issues
+3 bite -1 clarity issue

Total: 4


-y'all and your countering counters man

Total: 10

Total for Round Two: 31



-clear to me!

Total: 10


-none seen

Total: 10

+1 each seen

Total: 10


+2 chest slam
+1 bear hug thing
+3 bite +1 grip +1 maim

Total: 8


counters, counters and counters oh my!

Total: 10

Total for Round Two: 48




And the winner is...

Akemi must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.







Lazuli... you scare me.  A force of nature as always!  Keno you're first post wasn't bad just try to nail out some of those specifics.  While I admire your creativity on the second post be careful not to let it get you into trouble.  .... there were a lot of dam counters in this fight and once again I've stayed up late on a work night so I don't feel like mincing through 2 rounds of them to figure out damage for a dominance fight so.... yea  xD  *throws confetti*

- By [Lunarcat7]

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
12-23-2015, 11:45 PM

Both battles would end swiftly and violently with Valentine coming out the winner. As further credit he came out of both fights with barely a scratch and she hoped this served as enough warning to the crowd to be careful of who they were dealing with. "I can help with the pups as well if needed, though it seems you have plenty of volunteers." She would offer though she was fairly certain that Avalon would wish to take care of most of the moving herself and Birna supposed a den would have to be dug for them. With such as substantial population there were few empty dens in Imperium territory. The healers would most certainly not be pleased if the stranger and her whelps had to den down in their herb stores. "I can assist with moving preparations." She dipped her head to Valentine before taking her leave.



[Image: 262ny8g.png]



4 Years
12-24-2015, 09:07 PM

Evangeline plopped down next to Integra, sending a look toward the Abaven girl before asking about her herbs. Inty pawed the magenta flowers and smiled. "My old stand-by, Fireweed." It was by far her favorite herb, the color of the flowers matched her eyes and it was one of the first plants she'd ever learned about. It had many uses and tending battle wounds. However, it would seem Valentine would not need their assistance as he mowed down two opponents with nary a scratch. Dayum…. "Wow… you're dad is awesome," she whispered to her friend. Slowly the crowd would start to break up. "Well, looks like we aren't needed… I'll meet you back in Imperium!." She bent to snatch up her fireweed before trotting away from the battlefield.


[Image: yKuOSHo.png]


01-05-2016, 10:32 PM

Dammit! Akemi mentally cursed as she was intercepted again. This man was no greenhorn, and though she had sought justice for Cypress’ harsh fall it seemed that the God’s were not with her today {though had they ever been?}. She was lucky enough to see his own jaws coming, snatching her her bottom jaw away from the crushing bite. The tiny woman was snatched from the air, forced to the earth upon her back. While she had the wind knocked from her temporarily she was still conscious. Her skull had cracked the ground rather hard, sending a ringing in her ears, but she would survive.

The fire in her heart still burned brightly, but for now she knew she had to accept that this was an opponent she just couldn’t win against. Twice now, twice she’d been bested by men of this size. It wounded her pride, but Akemi would not allow this lose to get to her. She would not mope. She would seek to better herself... And one day she’d come back for a rematch. One day.... When she was a stronger woman.

Her single red orb remained narrowed as she glared up at the Imperium king. He had gained some slight respect. She hadn’t seen anyone fight as well in all her life. Not her father, not her brothers... He was something else. Akemi would scoff, though a smirk found it’s way to her lips.

“Fine, I admit defeat. For now.” She had gained her breath enough to get those words out, to give her submission to the dark coated male. She would not dare to move further... This fight was over.
