
Empire of Angels (CHALLENGE)


01-05-2016, 10:42 PM

Einarr would pin his ears flat against his skull as Mercy intercepted him. He would scoff at her words -- easy for her to say! His mother was hardly even half of their alpha’s size. She was fighting a losing battle from the start; it wasn’t brave... It was plan foolish! He would watch the fight continue on with a helpless feeling, fur on end. It seemed his mother and Valentine were countering each other at every move until at last the slate blue man held her pinned. He could contain himself no further, skirting around Mercy and approaching the alpha.

“It’s over. She’s submitted so there’s no reason to drag this out.” He could give a damn if his actions were suspicions, if anyone had seen or heard the exchanges between himself and his mother. He would attempt to meet Valentine’s gaze, silently pleading with him to let Akemi go. She might have started this fight but the last thing he wanted was to see her hurt.




9 Years
01-06-2016, 04:14 PM

 When the fight would finally end Ravine's choking fear was replaced with hatered and anger so hot he was sure he was seeing red. Einarr was right, Akemi had submitted and there was no further point in dragging any of this out. If the other male didnt take his paws off his wife soon, then the black and white hunter was sure he would get his butt handed to him to, wouldnt stop him though.

He would step forward so that he was glaring into the Imperium Alpha's face and so that he was only I ches from his wife and the man he now hated with a passion. "The first thing your going to do is get your paws off my wife." he would glance at Avalon befor looking back at Valentine angrily "You got what you came for Valentine, My step son, your pack mate is right. There is no reason to drag any of this out any longer."

The man would loose a fight with the Alpha, hell probably with anyone here. He couldnt order anyone to do anything based on he wasnt an alpha and couldnt win a fight with anything but prey. But he would be damned if he wouldnt drag his wife home if she refused to walk home on her own and he would be damned if he was going to stand there and let this other wolf hold her down either. Silently and angrily he would brace himself for what ever came next.




13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
01-06-2016, 07:10 PM (This post was last modified: 01-06-2016, 07:12 PM by Valentine.)

Valentine succeeded in snatching the little bitch from the air and pinning her to the ground thus ending the match in a submission. She conceded verbally - her promise of a rematch earning an amused snort from him - and the King was stepping away from Akemi when he was accosted by two very concerned parties. Einarr was cast a sideways glance before Valentine turned his attention fully to the Sonticus brute. He was more than a little miffed that they assumed he gave a fuck about what happened to the fae next. if they hadn't been so quick to invade his space he'd have turned back to Avalon and picked up where he'd left off in his conversation with her.

As soon as the brute got in his face Valentine went rigid. His hackles and tail rose as he adopted an authoritative stance and his ears slicked back in preparation of the coming fight. "Go fuck yourself." The King's lips curled back in a wicked sneer as he sought to step forward and shove his chest into the smaller man's chest. He wanted to bully him back several steps and give him a taste of what he'd be up against if he too didn't submit. "And get the fuck out of my face before I rearrange yours." Who did this little pretentious prick think he was? If he wasn't careful soon enough he'd look as shitty as his mate.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
01-06-2016, 07:18 PM
Valentine made short work of the Sonticus alpha, ending the fight with an enviable speed and efficiency, and that was that - the Avalon woman and her children were theirs. She wasn't sure exactly why he wanted this Avalon - ok, no, she could see a perfectly legitimate reason... the woman was pretty enough... but she was certain Valen had seen more in her than just that if he'd do like she had with Rhythm and take the risk of prying them from a pack's tender embrace - but she was more than happy to support his crusade. Though perhaps if she hadn't been paying so much attention to admiring his fighting, she might have done a better job of actually guarding his back and intercepted the earless Sonticus bitch before she could attack him.

She was on her feet in an instant, hackles raised and fury written on her features, but Valen had already tangled with the much smaller woman and just as capably as before put her on the ground. She would have preferred in the ground - she was much more pillage-and-burn-the-town-and-salt-the-fields than he was, she thought, and she was as angry at herself for failing to stop the woman as she was at the woman's attack, and that made her vindictive. The sudden inrush of judgmental whining as the woman was vanquished, including from an Imperium wolf, one who she noted shared a fairly obvious physical resemblance on top of the fact that they'd been sitting together... Well it just was the straw on the camel's ass. Or back. Or whatever body part of a camel got it pissed off.

Her expression settled into a dark, and crooked half smile, and she stalked to Valentine's side. "Shut up Einarr," she offered without even turning her head, her tone genial despite the obvious warning. Kid would be lucky not to get his own ears bit off if he was going to act like a complete jackass, so he'd do well to take her advice and keep his muzzle closed... though who ever really followed Cas' advice? The rest of the rudely judgmental comments were coming from a black male who... clearly... was pissing Valen off even further. In his face, accusing him, telling him to get his paws off his... wife. Ugh, wife. What was with this strange addiction to monogamy so many wolves had? Cascade's nose wrinkled in disgust, then cleared into a cunning expression that might have been disconcerting to any who knew her.

Valentine might have rearranged the male's face purely out of anger at his insulting assumptions - Cascade was in it purely to teach the whole lot of them a very important lesson. You do not fuck with Imperium. Ever. If you fuck with Imperium, your family was going to suffer, and they were going to suffer bad.

Valen shoved at the smaller male, and she knew that she'd have to intervene quickly to keep these Sonticus fools from thinking they could continue to wear Valentine down with fight after fight after fight - no, not this time. She would put this would-be blood feud down hard and show them that Valentine was not alone - and if Valen was offended by her interfering she would take her licks for it, because it was worth it. Imperium stood together; there would be no repeat of the Hellstrom family's many feuds here. Spreading her legs wider, she bent her joints slightly to lower her center of gravity, letting the joints go loose and easy to move, and her paws spread wide with the claws digging into the dirt. Her tail raised to level with her spine, her head dropping to make a straight line from nose to tail tip. Her eyes narrowed, ears pressing back and her hackles raising along her back and neck. She shook out her shoulders to loosen them, then rolled them forward to bunch up her scruff in protective folds. Her chin tucked down over her throat, and she was ready.

"You'll be taking your paws off my alpha now," she told him mildly, a wicked glint in her mismatched eyes, and sought to close the short distance between them in a single leap, aiming to approach him nearly perpendicular to his right side. She led with her left shoulder, aiming to slam the sharp point of the shoulder into the slightly smaller male's ribcage just behind his right shoulder. She turned her head toward her right, tilting it, and attempted to fasten her teeth into Ravine's scruff immediately behind his ears - her lower jaw seeking to slide in behind his right ear and her upper fangs behind his left, seeking a controlling grip - for now, though she intended to go on to leave a mark on his face to remind his family the price of threatening Imperium.

CASCADE vs RAVINE for MAIM (minor facial scarring)
Round 1/?
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-06-2016, 08:16 PM (This post was last modified: 01-06-2016, 08:27 PM by Tealah.)
OOC: adding a maturity warning specifically for this post for language and mentions of rape.

Hati's offer was barely spoken when a familiar voice shouted angrily, and suddenly Valen was spinning off into battle again - with the tiny form of Akemi. Clearly not another ghost, she attacked his alpha, his master, and a low sound of pain squealed deep in Hati's chest as the bear trembled in fury and fear for them both. But Valen was swift and just, putting Akemi to the ground with a minimum of fuss and seeking to turn away... but Akemi's so-called family would not let him. Hati's spikey fur ruffled further, but he was unconcerned with this man who claimed to be her mate - his concern was with his defeated sister.

He turned on her, eyes blazing and snarling beneath his mask. "WHAT THE HELL AKEMI," he roared in her face, bristling all over. "ARE YOU EVER GOING TO FUCKING LEARN? IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOUR FUCKING HEAD?" ...Said the man who clearly had something wrong with his own head. "YOU GET RAPED AND TORN TO PIECES AND YOU JUST. DON'T. LEARN." He panted wildly and clawed at the ground, swinging his bear head heavily. He'd lost everything so many times and she had been the one thing he cared about, and now she was trying to make him choose between her and his master. He loved her but he hated her for it, and it was tearing him apart. Torn between his very real need to protect the man he clung to in his insanity, and the sister who was his last remnant of another life. He made a guttural sound deep in his throat. "Stay away from Valentine, Akemi. I don't want to kill you." But heaven help him, he knew he was capable of going for her throat if it came down to it - and it terrified him.

Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


01-06-2016, 09:40 PM

Akemi had honestly wished Einarr stayed out of it. It was not his fight, his duty to come to her side merely because she lost a fight. The tiny woman would rise, getting to her paws, barely having the time to get on her feet before hell broke place in two places. It was Ravine, getting into his own trouble, that worried her most. But though he was her husband Akemi knew he would need to fight his own battle just as she had. No, her attention was turned now on Hati, her single orb glaring coldly.

She loved him... And hated him. Hated the lapdog he had become. Her thoughts were cool as she made her initial retort in her head. ‘Funny... considering I once bested you in a fight, Hati.’ Oh yes, did he even remember her entrance exam into Cataleya’s pack? Or perhaps he’d pleasantly forgotten.

“First and foremost, it is not a matter of not learning. I have learned something, whether you believe it or not. I believe that you need to stand on your own damn paws to do something, because no one will do it for you.” The words continued to come out icy cold. “Quite frankly I could give a damn about losing. I’d rather be a loser who stood for what they thought was right rather than some idiot who lets themselves get walked all over without even trying to defend themselves.”

Akemi felt sick to her stomach, the mixed feelings in her heart eating at her. She would keep her single eyed gaze on Hati, making sure her words didn’t waver. “...and secondly, don’t get yourself all in a tizzy because I mentioned wanting a rematch with your precious alpha.” Her fur remained on end a she spoke, gesturing to the slate man. “It is not a matter of petty revenge. I’ll say it now and say it clear. I. Respect. Him. I thought he was an asshole for felling Cypress in that way, but it wasn’t until I battled himself myself that I understood he was worthy of his victory.” Akemi would straighten, looking to Valentine now.

“Congratulations on your victories, Imperium Alpha... And for gaining the loyalties of my brother and son.” Akemi would hold her gaze for a moment before looking back at Hati.

“I’m not afraid to fight for what I believe anymore Hati... And if I’m going to die one of these days for it then so be it. At least I could say I’d dared to live.” With that she would make to distance herself from her brother, from her son, from everyone, to wait until Ravine’s fight was over and they could go home.

"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'



9 Years
01-07-2016, 01:30 AM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2016, 02:32 PM by Ravine.)

 The last thing Ravine had wanted to do was get into a fight. All he wanted was for Valentine to get off Akemi so they could go home. Instead he was told to go fuck himself only seconds before he had been pushed backwards a step and then told to get out of the other mans face or his would be rearranged. "Im not going to fight you, that would be pointless. I just want to take my wife and go home."

He was about to turn so that he could do just that, when a woman he didnt know would tell him to get his paws off of Valentine. He turned his head to tell her he never toutched her alpha, just in time to move to the left so that her shoulder wouldnt knock him balance when their shoulders connected. Though he would have a bruise later at least he was still on his feet.

Quickly the man would widen his stance, splay his paws on the ground and level his tail with his spine for balance. His ears would flatten to make them a tad more difficult to shread and he would scrunch up his neck just before the Imperium woman's teath would conect with his flesh. Her jaws would land just short of their mark thanks to the scrunched up fur skin and fat at the back of his neck. Rather than having a hold directly behind his ears, she would have hold of nothing but the fatty scruff of his neck.

Almost instantly, Ravine could feel the warmth of his own blood trickle down the right side of his neck from the fesh punctures given by the she-wolf. In the same instance he would turn toward her a bit more, lower and tilt his head to the side and attemt to dig his teath into her right front leg just above the elbow. He was attempting to do to her what he would do to a larger prey animal. That was to attemt to disable her front leg, to make it useless for this fight.

This woman had butted into something that he was never going to turn into a fight, and he aimed to make her pay for it.

Round:1 of 2 for Dominance

Injuries: A mild bruise to his right shoulder and 4 punctures to his neck

Defense: Widened base, splayed paws and straitened tail for balance. Flatrened ears and scrunched neck to make them harder targets

Attack: He turned just enough to be able to lower and tilt his head to the side so he could attempt to digg his teath into Cascade's front right leg just above her elbow.

OOC: Lunarcat7 gave me permission to edit what the fight was for




7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
01-09-2016, 10:04 PM
Cas struck the male behind his shoulder as she'd planned, but when her jaws struck all she didn't catch anything useful, so immediately released. He turned toward her slightly, and she fell back into a warrior's stance - her legs spread slightly wider than usual, her weight balanced lightly and evenly distributed over all four limbs. Her joints were kept loose, and bent slightly to lower her center of gravity. Paws were spread wide, toes flexing to dig into the dirt. Her tail flagged at hip level, her head dropping to come to a straight line with tail and spine, and her chin tucked to protect her throat. Hackles were raised, and eyes narrowed as much in excitement as anything else.

His teeth snapped shut in the meaty upper arm of her right foreleg on either side of her bone, moderate wounds puncturing neatly into the muscle near her elbow, and Cascade ignored the pain to take advantage of the mistake he'd made in lowering his head - she drove her own head down, jaws wide as she attempted to slice into the right side of his face, upside down as she sought to lean over him so that her upper fangs were aimed for his cheek beneath his right eye and her lower fangs at his brow over top it. She wasn't seeking to take the eye, but simply to leave a wicked scar to remind them that she could have blinded him (MAIM ATTEMPT) if that had been her intention. As she did, she shifted her weight to her hindquarters and sought to step her left forepaw over towards her right in an attempt to pin his right forepaw down, trying to keep him pinned in place.

CASCADE vs RAVINE for MAIM (facial scarring)
Round 2/2
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



9 Years
01-11-2016, 12:38 AM

 The moment his teath sank into Cascade's upper right fore leg and blood filled his mouth Ravine felt proud of himself. He had actually acoplished the first part of his task. But that feeling whent away as the woman's lower canines split the skin just above his right eye and her upper teath dugg into his cheek. Without pause Ravine would pick up his right paw and begin trying to scratch and push at Cascade's face to get her to let go. In doing so all he had gotten from her attmpt at pinning his paw to the ground were a few welts down the side of his right lower leg from her claws.

He would close his eyes to keep the blood out of them and pin his ears againced his skull again. His tail would once again be even with his spine for balance and what was left if his base would be wide and lowered at the knees with splaid paws for additional balance. He would scrunch his neck as well as he could, without letting go of Cascade's leg, to make his neck a harder target.

As soon as all of his defences were reset,  Ravine would put everything except the paw that was sratching at her face into shaking himself back and forth in an attempt to make the damage done to the womans leg worse.

Round: 2 of 2 for Dominance

Injuries: A mild bruise to his right shoulder and 4 punctures to his neck. Cuts above his eyebrow and on his cheek(not sure if minor or not because it was the maim attempt) and welts tohis front right leg where Cascade attepted to pinn his paw down.

Defense: Widened base, splayed paws and straitened tail for balance. Flatrened ears and scrunched neck to make them harder targets with closed eyes to keep from being blinded by his own blood.

Attack: He is trying to scratch at her face to get her to let go of his and then he is shaking his head back and forth to cause more damage to her upper right front leg


The Judge


02-29-2016, 07:55 PM




- 0
Total: 10

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (stance) + 1 (knee) + 1 (claws) + 1 (tail) + 1 (head) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (ears) + 1 (Hackles) + 1 (shoulders) + 1 (chin)
Total: 10

+ 2 shoulder throw
+ 3 bite to scruff
+ 1 grip
Total: 6

- Rnd 1
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 46 / 50


- 2 " just in time to move to the left so her shoulder wouldn't knock him balance"" How did you dodge this? Side stepping? What? What's the damage? "Bruise" isn't enough.
- 2 "Her jaws would land just short of the mark" How? You didn't move at all despite scrunching your neck which would probably bring it closer to her jaws. Also, your scruff IS the fatty folds you scrunched up which is exactly where she was aiming.
- 2 "blood would trickle" How much damage? Mod, mild, severe?
Total: 4

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (stance) + 1 (tail) + 1 (ears) + 1 (neck)
Total: 4

+ 3 bite attempt
Total: 3

- Rnd 1
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 31 / 50



- 0
Total: 10

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (legs) + 1 (weight) + 1 (joints) + 1 (paw) + 1 (toes) + 1 (tail) + 1 (head) + 1 (chin) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (eyes)
Total: 10

+ 3 bite to face
+ 1 grip
+ 1 maim attempt
+ 1 paw stomp/pin
Total: 6

- 2 Moderate puncture to right foreleg behind elbow
Total: 8

Total for Round Two: 44 / 50


- Damage. You need to outline your damage. Was it moderate, severe, mild? Did she break open your entire face, or just make a few punctures? What happened?
Total: 8

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (eyes) + 1 (ears) + 1 (tail) + 1 (knees) + 1 (paws) + 1 (neck)
Total: 6

+ 2 worsening leg
+ 1 paw to face
Total: 3

- 4 Severe lacerations to face, worsened by shaking of head.
- 1 Welts to foreleg
Total: 5

Total for Round Two: 32 / 50


46 + 44 = 90

31 + 32 = 63

And the winner is...

RAVINE must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out. Cascade's Maim is successful


- Moderate punctures to right foreleg behind elbow - 1 OOC week

- Maim to face, severe scarring. Requires a healer. - 3 OOC weeks
- Minor welts to leg - 2 OOC days
- Moderate Lacerations to back of neck - 1.5 OOC weeks


Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

Most of my notes are up above. Please make sure you fully outline your damage, how severe it is. You also missed a lot of points for lack of defenses! Try and get all 10. If you need help knowing what all the defenses are, please let me know. Keep trying.

Notes are above as well. Keep up the good work!

- By [Arin]