
Not What's Expected [Pack Meeting!]



7 Years
Extra large

07-27-2017, 06:58 PM
Tension hung heavy in the air, clinging to him like a vice. Until he figured out exactly what was going on, he wasn't sure he could relax. Where was his father? And the rest of his siblings? In any other scenario he would've leaned against Lillie, or turned and started a conversation with Sparrow, but this was different than most meetings. The uncomfortable pit that sat like a stone in his stomach only grew in discomfort as Vali cleared her throat and began to speak.

His father was leaving, and stepping down as alpha. Until Storm's pups were found. While he hadn't felt jealous before - or that was what he'd told himself - he suddenly felt wildly uncomfortable with the fact that Bass had chosen to follow after children that weren't even his own. Instead of to stay with Abaven, with his actual family and packmates. His lips twitched in a silent snarl, though he quickly forced the expression away. It wasn't Vali that he was mad at, not at all, but he felt his irritation well up suddenly and without warning. He felt dangerously like a body of water about to overflow, and it took most of his energy to stay silent. What the hell was his father thinking? Was Vali even qualified to be alpha? Truthfully he knew she would do a fine job, but it just didn't feel right. Nothing about this was right.

Surprisingly, even to himself, he was silent. Gritting his teeth and holding back whatever anger threatened to suddenly overflow. "You were right," he said, turning to Sparrow after a moment. She'd said she felt replaced, while he'd denied that feeling. But the truth was, they had been replaced, very clearly. And he hated it - hated it with every fiber of his being.



6 Years
07-27-2017, 07:38 PM (This post was last modified: 07-27-2017, 07:39 PM by Corentine.)

She didn't know how serious this meeting was going to be. She felt it was rather odd that Vali was holding the meeting, but the open minded girl didn't think to much about it. She had a few moments before Vali started. Looking around and seeing the faces and feeling the thick tension in the air, she began to feel uncomfortable. It made her antsy for once in her life and feel the sudden urge to just leave the meeting. She had been happy with her life and though change hadn't seemed to bother her, a big change was about to happen.

Vali began and she kept her ears pinned to the women, though her eyes wandered seeking for the form of her brother Cloud. He wasn't here and it made her feel more uncomfortable to the point of wanting to whine. She could feel her mother's emotions and noticed how she seemed to grow a little distant, turning her head to her mother she gently pressed her nose to her mother's neck in a failed attempt to cheer her up. Ears listened and her heart sank when she heard Bass was leaving.

Bass had been the only father figure that she had and had been a big part of her and her siblings lives. To hear that he wouldn't be around anymore made her heart break. Though her mind was a bit angry. 'Shouldn't you expect this by now? First your sisters now Bass and Cloud.' Her gaze dropped to the ground, ears flattening against her head. She wasn't bothered about Vali taking over, from what interactions with the older women she had, she had liked her. Though she was feeling abandoned, maybe? She couldn't quite understand her feelings right now.

Then others began to speak, first the fox who she had never personally had interactions with. He was leaving which she didn't really understand why, but couldn't argue. Then Brandr spoke, one of the wolves she considered a good friend, he was staying which perked her up a little bit glad he wouldn't leave. Then another spoke out, she was leaving too. She was just wishing that this meeting would be over.

"Talk" & 'Think"

Brandr, Lucine, & Halation is allowed in any of her threads regardless of the tag

Sparrow I


7 Years
07-27-2017, 11:16 PM
As Vali began to speak, Sparrow's heart dropped. Her minty eyes widened. Her father was leaving with Finch?

To find Storm's pups. He hadn't told anyone. Finch hadn't told anyone.

Just like their mother.

Sparrow felt numb. Her very being seemed to inch far within her body, leaving the shell sitting there. Other voices registered in her mind. Dart was leaving. The red woman was leaving. The hunter was staying. So far everyone else was staying silent.

"You were right."

Lark's voice cut through her numbness, piercing her heart. She was right. She was. They had been replaced.

Sparrow's eyes narrowed as she shot Storm a harsh look. "Blind bitch," Sparrow tossed silently towards the woman. Her sharp gaze was then transferred back to Vali. She was at a loss for words for a moment. Vali was there, looking at her like she had expected Sparrow to say something.

Sparrow's nose wrinkled, then she pinned it down. She tried to keep calm but she could feel the heat building in her face and ears. Her eyes and throat stung.

"So, let me get this straight," she began softly, her voice quivering behind her clenched jaw. "When anyone else went missing: my mother, any of my siblings, or anyone else, he just let it slide. When Finch was poisoned-" Sparrow thought of Lillianna for a moment. Did Vali even know about that? "- he did nothing to look for her assailant, but when suddenly Storm's pups go missing, he decides to look for them. Okay, that makes sense, right, but then one night he- as you said- bumped into you and decided to tell you he and Finch were leaving and that he wanted to leave the pack to you? You? He didn't tell anyone else anything. Not Dart, not his kids, apparently just you and all just because he bumped into you last night? Why didn't you stop him? Why didn't you call for the pack, or his family, or anyone?"

Sparrow's ears flattened. It didn't sound like her father at all. The same father that shunned their mother for leaving them without saying goodbye.

"Did you check his head? I know the leader of Imperium got sick with the plague-like sickness a while back and simply ran off on his pack. Did you make sure my father didn't have any of those symptoms? Did you see Finch or talk to her? Was she alright? Did they smell like anyone unfamiliar?"

Of course Vali didn't check for sickness, she wasn't a healer, was she? Oh wait, she was- at least she was SUPPOSED to be. Apparently just being handed a pack one day was totally normal to Vali. Wow, this woman sure showed the level of deep thinking an alpha needed.

Sparrow looked back to the blind woman and her pups for a moment, then Lark before looking back to Vali, "Yeah, sorry, I don't buy this story. Whether my father was lying to you or whether you're lying to the pack, I don't know, but I don't buy it."

Sparrow looked back to Lark, tears beginning to surface. "Help me," she pleaded to her brother, her eyes going to Piper with the same look. One of them had to back her up. It didn't make sense. This wasn't like their dad. This wasn't like Finch. Someone had to do something.



9 Years
Dragon Mod
07-30-2017, 11:54 PM

She listened as Vali began to speak, her ears flattening as she pressed into her uncle. What? Bass just left? And left Vali in charge? The shy girl said nothing, only listening to Dart, but what struck her the most was what Sparrow said. She didn't know anyone too well, she had lived with them all since she was born and even she knew Bass enough to know that this had to be some sort of sick joke. Or at least...she thought she knew Bass. She had known her alpha since she was born, and he had been there to take care of her when nobody else did, at least, until her Uncle came to join for her sake. She didn't know what to do or what to say...she didn't know Vali well, they hadn't trained together and this woman had bailed on her training, just like Starling had. She suppressed a whine that threatened to surface, and it was only be her uncle's warm touch did she stir from her shock. She couldn't stay Not with all the betrayal she had with her parents abandoning her, and now Bass? That hurt her alot. "I...I would like to leave Abaven. I-I'm sorry doesn't feel r-right being here anymore...Bass isn't here..." She whispered the last part. She loved Abaven. It was her birth pack, but the fact was, there were too many bad memories of abandonment here, and this pushed her even further from the pack. Glancing around, she hung her head slightly as she got up. She couldn't stay anymore, so without another word she would glance up at her uncle before turning to leave the meeting.

Abaven would no longer be her home.




If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



11 Years
Dragon Mod
07-31-2017, 12:00 AM

Well, things had taken a turn real fast. He was amused, though he had expected as much. The ever vigilant male had noticed Bass' lack of scent in the pack and figured something was afoot, though this whole disappearing act without telling anyone was certainly something he didn't wholly expect, really. The tension was thick enough to cut through with a knife as some pack mates spoke out against what Vali had said. They were in disbelief. They were angry and confused and hurt, and he understood that. When the fox boy and Bass' kids spoke out, he stared at Vali and wondered what she was thinking. Did she think this was a good idea? Did she have any clue on how to lead? Truthfully, the pack should have been handed down to the male that he knew to be Bass' eldest, but no. It was given to some woman that nobody really felt comfortable with to lead, it seemed. When Quake spoke up, he listened quietly, and part of him was proud that she had gotten the guts to speak up and do what she wished. Though part of him also felt pained, because he knew the reason why. When she got up and looked at him, he nodded. "I'll be leaving with my niece, as well." It was all he would say. He didn't have to give the woman an explanation, so he'd get up and without looking back at Vali, take his leave with Quake.





8 Years

08-05-2017, 01:16 AM
Her ears quickly flattened as wolves spoke up. One staying, one leaving. A few more staying, and then more leaving. And then - her ears flattened to her head as Sparrow spoke. Within moments, it was already clear. Sparrow was upset and unhappy, and most definitely blaming Vali for it. It was immature and childish behavior, without a doubt, but Vali... couldn't really blame the young girl. Ha, young. The girl was older than Bass had been when he had them, and yet, really, she was just like a little girl.

Why didn't she stop him? She knew he would do it anyway. Why didn't she call someone? ...She thought they already had known. She thought they'd had already been told. This was, in truth, an absolute nightmare for her. And now, Sparrow was... accusing her? She wasn't certain. Please, no, let her not be accused.

"I thought he already told someone," she said softly, though it sounded as feeble in her head as it did out loud. "As for any plague -like symptoms, or anything strange... no. He didn't. He only smelled of Finch, and he was tired. He only showed signs of typical exhaustion, after being on one's feet all day for a handful of days." Had there been anything out of place, she would have noticed. She would have. She had to have.

"I am not lying, Sparrow," she said again. "I didn't want this. I - I didn't think I was the only one he talked to. Truthfully, I thought he talked to all of you already. That all of you turned him down to be alpha. That was the only reason I could think of why he'd ask me." She paused, thinking of how to fix this. Thinking of anything. Honestly, she wasn't sure what would help. "If you want the pack, Sparrow. It's yours. If any of your siblings want it, it's theirs to hold on to until Bass comes back. But I swear to you, I do not lie." The only reason she could be lying is if Bass lied to her.

[Image: aGjjkVy.png]

Sparrow I


7 Years
08-05-2017, 09:02 PM
Two more left. The more the woman spoke, Sparrow- surprisingly- didn't think she was lying. It almost made the whole situation hurt worse. Her father had to have gone crazy like Ashmedai had said his father did. Maybe it wasn't the sickness that made Valentine crazy... Maybe it was the continued stress of long alphaships. Sparrow looked to Lark for support. What would he say? Would he say anything?

Vali said she didn't want this and that she truly didn't know she was the only one Bass told. She said she assumed Bass had talked to all of his kids. Sparrow shook her head, "He told us nothing. Neither did Finch."

Vali paused for a moment, and Sparrow did too.

"If you want the pack, Sparrow, Vali said. "It's yours. If any of your siblings want it, it's theirs to hold on to until Bass comes back."

Sparrow's eyes widened. She looked back to Lark again, then to Vali. What would Lark say?

Sparrow stepped forward, "Maybe it's not what's expected, but I accept your offer if Lark won't. I think Lark would have been Dad's first choice if he was thinking properly." Personally she didn't think Vali had any more experience leading than her or Lark.

The small woman turned to address the pack, "I was raised in this pack under my father's leadership. I have some learning to do, but if he doesn't return before next season, then I'll take Vali up on the offer. If you'll have me."

She appealed to the pack. If Vali was serious and this wasn't just a trick to manipulate them into believing her, then she'd be forced to accept. Part of that was relieving, but the possibility of what it meant made her feel sick to her stomach.



4 Years
08-08-2017, 01:15 AM

“WHAT?!” his mind roared, heartbreak crossing his expression as he looked first at Vali and then stubbornly at Sparrow. “Her?!” He thought venomously contempt dripping from every maliceful word that raced through his mind as he realized his dream was being taken from him. He sat and brushed against his mother for comfort, his eyes wide and his lip beginning to tremble. this wasn’t happening this COULDN’T be happening. He wanted Cloud, wanted someone who understood how he felt; his heartbreak and his loathing. He searched the few wolves that remained and felt his heart begin to race. Cloud had abandoned him. His heart throbbed painfully in his chest. No one cared what he wanted, not even Cloud.  

He pressed against his mother’s side, his teeth clenching firmly as he resisted the urge to sniffle, a hard glare fixed on the grass under his paws. He knew why Vali had offered the role as Primo to Sparrow, it was because he was still a pup, and no one cared if he was almost a year old. In the Summer he would show them all, he would make them all pay, he would get bigger and stronger and prove to all of them that he was a better leader than She could ever hope to be. He would be the leader of Abaven come hell or high water and no one was going to get in his way.

Speech Thought You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



7 Years
Extra large

08-08-2017, 07:28 PM
Lark was suddenly numb, oblivious to those that spoke around him. Some seemed unhappy, expression their interest in leaving Abaven. Despite his discomfort with everything, hearing that wolves wanted to leave because of it made his stomach turn. It felt strangely like betrayal, and his brows furrowed tightly as his lips turned down in an obvious frown. The only solace he found was in Sparrow's suddenly rising voice, noting how indignant she sounded as she spoke up.

Was Vali telling the truth? Though it didn't sound at all like their father, hadn't Sparrow warned him of his changing behavior? Lark could find no reason that she would make up a story. He bristled visibly at Sparrow's words, finding truth in them, though he wouldn't have spoken quite so brashly himself. Maybe she was right - what if he was sick with something? He nearly flinched when she looked to him, pleading for help.   "I..." he nearly stammered, his voice empty, a contrast to the sudden turbulence that raged inside him. He what? He had no idea what to say, or what to do.

Vali was quick to deny the allegations, even offering the pack to Sparrow if she wanted it. His head cocked to the side as he glanced back to Sparrow, gawking slightly as she offered the pack to him first. It was all he could do to to shake his head, denying the offer.   "You'd.. be better suited to lead," Lark said dumbly, though he wasn't quite sure if she was ready for the task. He supposed there was nobody better for the job, right? He shot a sharp glance to the young male who spoke out about Sparrow taking the pack, though was otherwise strangely quiet.



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
08-10-2017, 07:21 PM

Brandr felt a knot form in the pit of his stomach as the arguments continued and wolves left like rats abandoning a sinking ship. But then perhaps they'd started sinking long ago. It wasn't like this had just occurred over night the moment Bass had left. Abaven had been petering out for some time even with Bass there though no doubt his absence certainly wasn't going to help matters and it was no sure thing he'd ever come back. Brandr bit back a burst of anger at Bass. The least the man could've done was call the pack together and get this alpha business sorted out with the whole pack watching. There was no good reason that Bass had to leave that second without calling a pack meeting but what was done was done and now they were faltering. Who was going to lead? There was clearly some bad blood brewing within the pack.

Brandr caught Corentine's glance and smiled sadly. This was simply the way it was but they'd get through it. "It doesn't make a difference to me who leads Abaven. I haven't been with the pack long enough to know who is best suited. I can see though that emotions are running higher than expected so I'll withdraw my hunt suggestion. It may be best if everyone has a chance to unwind." Especially if his chosen quarry were bison. There was too much risk of injury. "Whoever takes the alphaship though I ask you let me know when you feel the pack is ready to hunt together."

"Talk" "You" Think



8 Years

08-21-2017, 10:06 AM
Very little protests were offered - what protests could? Most of the pack had left. The rest were angry, or in shock. Vali's eyes swept over the pack, over Lark's faint refusal, and then rested back on Sparrow. Was the girl ready for such a thing? Honestly, relief had settled into Vali's bones. She was afraid... that Sparrow wouldn't have believed her. It was a stark relief that she had.

She nodded slowly. "Very well then." She was surprised how stable her voice was, and paused before switching her attention to Brandr, apology in her gaze. Ah, she didn't... she hated this, this drama, this unnecessary... this unnecessary action that could ahve been solved if Bass had told someone. Why only her? Why not his children? Pain flashed in her eyes very briefly, but she shook it off. "Thank you, Brandr," she murmured. Not really a thank you for anything such as support, but more a thank you for having a level head in this time.

She turned to address the pack once more. "If there is nothing you all wish to say, then this pack meeting is concluded."

[Image: aGjjkVy.png]



6 Years
08-22-2017, 08:00 AM

She looked around again as the tension grew worse. Golden eyes zeroed in on Sparrow and the dirty look she was throwing towards her mother. Corentine didn't like the look one bit and wrinkled her nose slightly before leaning against her mother and eyeing the older female. Then the temper's started to flare in the women and Corentine watched as she pitched a fit. Though from what she understood Sparrow was a child of Bass' and Corentine could not imagine how much harder this was on Bass' kids. It was hard for her and Bass wasn't even her father. Corentine sighed and looked down at her paws, her ears listening and catching the words of others. She didn't know what to do or how to feel. All the emotion was overwhelming and she absolutely hated it. What made things worse was her brother's outburst. His tone made her ears flatten and she sank further into her mothers side. She looked up to see the heartbreak in his eyes, curious as to why that effected him so badly. She knew of his time with Bass and the training he was getting, but she hadn't known of his desire to rule Abaven.

Her and Ty weren't on best terms, something she still didn't understand because she had felt she hadn't done anything wrong. That day with the vultures seemed to have been the last straw and to this day she still remained confused as to why. Lowering her gaze again she simply waited for the pack to be dismissed and to leave.

"Talk" & 'Think"

Brandr, Lucine, & Halation is allowed in any of her threads regardless of the tag