
'Til Death Do Us Part (Medusa x Newt)


06-25-2013, 02:14 PM

She had timed it perfectly. The woman had rose on her back legs, losing her balance, as she aimed to grab newt?s shoulders. She had pushed forward at the last possible second, positioning Medusa between her shoulder blades and her head was beneath the woman?s body. Her teeth had been open and ready to sink her fangs into the unprotected underbelly. Medusa would need her tail to be raised to hope for any sort of balance to occur and that would leave everything open. Yet, some how, the woman had attempted to back peddle. She had felt the movement and had attempted to push forward again; still unsure how her fangs could not have scored the soft underbelly she was aiming for. She wanted to maintain the closeness they were currently at and yet somehow, in mere seconds, and no time for her to react, medusa had managed to back peddle off her back. Sit on her but, and stand up to face her all in the same motion? She was utterly confused by this. She wasn?t slow by any means and the distance was simply impossible for such movements and yet she had managed to dodge a killing blow. What sorcery was aiding the woman to avoid every bite and blow?

Somehow in this confusion, while Medusa was sitting backwards, she had managed to score the shoulder in her jaws. Elongated jaws would grab and hold what ever she snatched. She would have held on as long as she could, followed the pull of medusa and continued forward on her to use her weight to her advantage. However, Medusa had found it easier for her to rip herself backwards. Newts bite, would be relentless with holding. Yes, the woman would trash herself backwards but the amount of flesh that would be torn off with that bite would have been crippling. Yet even still, medusa decided to rip away from newt, leaving a chunk of flesh in the dire wolves mouth. She wanted to savor the fist blood. The wounds she had inflicted on medusa had been minor with her slippery movements. Yet this wound would do damage far beyond the battlegrounds. As the woman back peddled again to give some distance between them, newt was unsure how she had found all this time for all these movements. Was time stopping around her? Was she blinded by her rage that she could not react in any manner? It was more than aggravating and she wanted nothing more then to put the woman on her ass and be done with this ridiculous fight.

Once more medusa had decided to stand upright and jump at newt. Was the woman mad? Hadn?t she just done that move? She was standing. Legs spread apart and holding her balance. Her tail was upright to help support that balance as she reacted. Her chin was tucked to protect her neck, the fur around her neck and shoulders was upright for added protection to her skin, her eyes were in slits to protect them and her ears were glued to her head. As medusa rose to attempt to strangle newt, newt put all her momentum in a forward assault. She allowed her body to rise as her back legs propelled her body forward. This would equal the force that medusa was using to push into her and hopefully overwhelm her with the 80 pound difference. She was aiming to grab the side of Medusas neck, rather then jugular, since the woman was smart enough to protect that vital area. She would feel medusas paws push into her chest but the added force of her own momentum would cancel that force out as it equaled it with her own greater force. Her jaws could aim to grab the neck and she would push her weight forward, to hit her paws in a mirrored motion of that of medusas, and attempt to pin the woman beneath her. The difference in strength and weight should be the advantage she needed to put the bitch in her place and stop all the excessive squirming and dodging.

Round: 3/4

Attacks: Since Medusa is yet again rising newt is also rising and lunging forwards to use her strength and weight to her advantage. She is meeting her head on and rather then going for a muzzle to muzzle attack she is aiming for the side of Medusas neck and mirroring her movements by pushing her paws out while simultaneously going for the side of her neck. Should she grab it then she would continue to push herself forward and use her weight to her advantage to pull the woman to the ground.

Damage: Nothing but minor toughs of fur missing from medusa grabbing at her shoulders from the protection of her hair, winter coat thickness and the forward assault that had countered the original attack.

Defenses: Her legs are parted for balance. Her tail is raised high to help keep her balance as she rises to meet medusa head on. Her ears are pinned for protection; Her eyes are in slits for protection, her fur is upright for added protection of her skin. Her chin is tucked slightly to protect her neck.


06-25-2013, 07:18 PM

The massive brown male had heard the summons for his Queen, of course. But it had taken him a long while to approach the Battlefield. He had weighed his choices carefully. Did he wish to approach the place where she might very well lose her throne? The pack that Newt had created was one that he had chosen to join with Morgan, the love of his life. And as cheesy as it sounded, he wanted to be sure that Amenti stayed their home. And he wasn't sure he'd be sticking around if the leadership of the pack changed. Especially if they didn't have beliefs like Newt did. If they weren't going to be putting family first, and looking after their own.

Brown ears flicking, Lovatt finally approached the battlefield. There seemed to be many wolves already there, melting from the shadows to watch the battle between Newt and the challenger. Navy eyes focused on the battle between the two figures, and Lovatt noted immediately that Newt looked to be in good shape. Well, comparatively, at least. The brown male felt relieved by that, and he padded up slowly to settle down not too far from the pups, glancing at them fondly for a moment. Perhaps some day, there would be little ones of his own sitting in a place like this, watching curiously as wolves battled. Though hopefully it wouldn't be him or Morgan fighting...

The thought made him shudder slightly, and Lovatt twitched his ears as he watched silently, not willing to speak just yet. Would the first home that he had had in years be torn away from him by this challenger? He cared little about the match between Kaios and the other stranger, in all honesty. Lovatt knew of Kaios, knew that Newt had chosen him as her fellow leader, and that was good enough for him, but he would lose far more sleep over Newt losing than Kaios. Maybe it wasn't the nicest thing he had ever thought, but Lovatt had never denied the fact that he was selfish. That the wolves he cared about came first and he would worry about the rest later.

Newt had offered him his first home in years. So she mattered to him a great deal more than many wolves, following in behind Morgan in terms of the wolves that he would give his lief to protect. He cared about his Queen. And significantly less so about her partner in leadership.

Nervousness flickered in Lovatt's thoughts as he watched the deadly dance with bated breath, fearful of the outcome of this pack challenge and digging his claws into the earth. God, he wanted to help. But Lovatt was not much of a fighter. And he didn't like fighting. Didn't like the aftermath; the wounds and the blood and the death. No, it reminded him far too much of returning home and finding a massacred pack. Was this what his Alpha had looked like while fighting for his life?


Medusa i


5 Years
06-27-2013, 03:07 PM
OOC: As the guidebook rules on fighting state ?If you do not respond to an attack made by the other character, they can assume it was landed and damage was inflicted. You must comply.? There was the slightest mention of Medusa?s attack, but Newt did not respond to them. There was nothing that said what happened to Medusa?s paw attack and jaw attack, and therefore I am allowed, according to this rule, to assume they were successful. If I was incorrect the judge will see it as such and deduct for it ^^ I didn?t go into particular detail, but I did assume that a good amount of damage was done to Newt?s mouth/throat. I also assumed there was damage done to Newt?s neck, since Medusa had gone for a grip on her jaw and if Newt was rising up this would whip her head down.

The skype convo I had with Lu about this (I am Jane and Lu is Brittany, for those who don?t know):

[6/25/2013 6:42:13 PM] Jane: is there an equivalent on ala of a valorian rule 6?
[6/25/2013 7:19:46 PM] Brittany: yeeep
[6/25/2013 7:53:05 PM] Jane: okies <333
[6/25/2013 7:54:08 PM] Jane: so like, if somebody briefly mentions your attacks?but doesn't describe their outcome/why they don't hit/where they hit, that rule applies right?
[6/25/2013 7:55:20 PM] Brittany: yes it does
[6/25/2013 7:55:27 PM] Jane: okay thank you <333

For those who don?t know, Valorian rule six is the equivalent of the rule I am applying in this post. It was just a way to phrase it considering both Lu and I are on Valoria. xD

Medusa was eight inches shorter than her opponent, and so the only way to possibly reach the vitals upon the woman?s face and throat was to stand up. It was a risky venture, but it was the best she could do in the situation. That eight inches also accounts for the failure of Newt?s attack; Medusa was far smaller than the beast, and thus if she lowered herself the same amount Newt had, Medusa would find herself lower than Newt?s breast. And if she was lower than the beast, there was no physically possible way for Newt to get beneath her and snap at her stomach. The wounds that she had received in turn had been heavy; the bite over her shoulders particularly terrible. Perhaps if the bite had been over an area that had less fur and more muscle it would have been debilitating, not as if it wasn?t already heavy enough what with the area being raw and bleeding.
Medusa had not aimed a paw to touch Newt?s chest; she had not aimed a paw for such an area. The serpent found that her attempt to shove her left paw into the woman?s mouth and throat was successful, allowing her slightly twisting limb to wreak havoc upon the fragile flesh. Her claws were not sharp as, say, a feline?s were, but they were certainly strong enough to cause harm to such delicate tissue. Newt would have a significant amount of damage to her mouth. Her jaw attack also hit, yanking Newt?s bottom jaw down and preventing the woman from clamping upon her left foot. Medusa?s weight had been lowering, giving in to gravity and likely yanking Newt?s head downwards with her weight. The forward progression of Newt, however, could potentially prove detrimental to both of them. It would firstly push Medusa?s paw deeper into the giant?s mouth, but it would also twist the limb awkwardly, providing the midnight mistress with a sprain. She retracted at the first hint of pain, but the damage was done. Her left limb would be usable still, but not in any comfortable way.
Because Medusa had already been pulling her weight down when Newt rose up, Medusa?s limbs were mostly on the ground when the woman sought to push into her. This would lift Newt far above Medusa, and far away from pushing her paws into her shoulders. They would miss the serpent, as would the giant?s jaws, which sought her neck somehow after having a mouth filled with her paw, which could not reach a target that was not on level with it. The addition of her forth, now sprained limb on its approach would only give the snake more opportunity. Her jaws had released Newt?s after craning the woman?s head at something of an awkward angle, and then Medusa would be free to move. She sought to lower her body and push herself forwards, back legs powering her movements to provide respite to her injured left limb. She wished to get beneath the woman, much in the way Newt had tried to get beneath her. Medusa was smaller by a significant amount; her chances of succeeding, at least she felt, were strong. She pushed forwards, hoping to get access to the woman?s soft underbelly, where her ribs could not protect her. Her crouched position made it entirely possible for Newt to grab her and move her, for her motions would be slow, but Medusa was still making an attempt.

She wanted her injured left limb to rise and slam the coarse bottom of her paw into the fleshy underbelly of Newt. Medusa?s head would tilt to her left, seeking to bite into the flesh as well, hoping to deliver painful and heavy wounds. She wanted her top jaws to land on the outside edge of Newt?s fragile stomach, closer to the woman?s ribs than where the serpent?s injured paw had aimed. Her bottom jaw sought to bite into the middle of her stomach, hoping to clench together with the top one and attain a painful grip. She did not want to disembowel the woman, but she wanted to bring pain, to bring heavy injuries, to make her bleed. There was still a chance for Newt to move out of the way, but this was what Medusa was attempting to do. Her three paws on the ground were spread evenly, left paw having been used for the attack since putting her front weight upon it was incredibly risky. Her weight balanced fairly amongst them, and her limbs were bent, body lowered. Eyes narrowed and ears pinned, jaws parting and face contorting into a snarl. Her tail tucked close to her body, hoping to defend her delicate stomach and underbelly. Hackles were raised, shoulders rolled, chin unable to be tucked considering the attack she was hoping to land. Nonetheless, the difference in their heights would protect it. It was difficult for a taller wolf to get to a smaller one?s throat without twisting the neck or severely lowering one?s height, a feat that would be especially difficult for Newt given the eight inches of difference between them. Her head wished to align with her spine, doing what she could to keep all her defenses in check.


ATTACKS: assuming her paw and jaw attack hit considering the rule in the guidebook, Medusa will maintain her grip and her paw?s position as Newt rises up. Considering that in her last post her weight was pulling down, she would likely be on the ground when Newt was rising up. She quickly pulled her paw back and releases Newt before crouching down and rushing forwards, hoping to be able to reach Newt?s belly and bite into it and slam a paw into it.


INJURIES: moderate bruising to chest, abrasions on hind legs from being pushed back, gaping raw bite wound on top left shoulder (round 2), sprained left leg (round 3),


06-27-2013, 05:34 PM

Ooc: to counter that statement I did in fact state where medusas paws were,
?She would feel medusas paws push into her chest but the added force of her own momentum would cancel that force out as it equaled it with her own greater force.? What I failed to mention was where the bite landed, but this wasn?t described in her next post only where her paws landed. This saying, it is all in interpreting the battle. Newt was rising at the same moment that medusa was rising. She is in fact 8 inches taller then her so the paws would not touch her jaws, they would hit her chest. With newts forward force she would counter that force of medusa. Newts head would be slightly taller then that of medusas. This is why she turned her head slightly to try and grab medusas neck. I wanted this clarified. However, the damage that she described will be discussed further in my post<.b>

Time, it was a fickle thing. In battle seconds were what mattered. Where one thought they could escape there was no actual way to escape. They needed more time. She had in fact timed everything as best as she could. She had moved at the same exact moment that medusa had moved. She had rose on her back legs to meet the woman head on. There was indeed an 8-inch height difference between the two and she was certain that should she meet her head on she would loom over the woman ever so slightly. She had ensured to lower her head to protect her neck as she had gone for the side of medusas neck. Rather then grab what she was seeking.

She managed to land her paws on medusas shoulders as the serpent shoved her paw straight at her mouth to hit the back of her throat. Her jaws had been open and her head had been bent to ensure the protection of her throat. The woman had pushed and turned her paw in her mouth, aiming to scratch the soft tissue inside. She had hit the gagging reflect with this newts mouth had begun to close automatically and her head push forward, at the same moment medusa was pushing down with her paw. This would push the woman back towards the ground to attempt to rid her of the paw that was gagging her. All the while her teeth were closing around the paw, a cough very slight opening of her jaws had allowed medusa to ripped her paw out of her mouth before further damage could be done. Blood filled her mouth as the claws caught her gums and tongue but with the automatic reaction of gagging the damage wasn?t enough to brutally harm her mouth. No, it was mere tears at her tongue and gums.

With this Medusa had fallen back. Newt was falling as well; the coke had made her buckle her back legs to allow her body to fall down towards the ground. She had hoped during the same moment that medusa had pushed her paw into her mouth to that she would attempt to garb the side of her neck. The paw had been unfortunate and thus had pushed her back towards the ground. Medusa had attempted to mimic her previous attack. As medusa lunged forward, slightly low to the ground, newt had touched the ground on her back paws, slightly in an almost sitting position but more so to ensure her legs would work like springs. She pushed her body forward, almost crouched, and allowed herself to be met almost head on but more at an angle by medusas forward assault.

She kept her tail level with her body to help keep her balance. Her ears still remained backwards to help keep them protected. Her legs were spread apart to balance her fall and at the same time maintain her balance with the forward motion of medusas attack. Though the woman was 80 pounds lighter she had still flung her full weight forward. If she hadn?t been careful that could push the behemoth off balance. Thankfully the wound in her shoulder and sprain would slow her down just enough for her to touch the ground and push down and out. Her own descend had slowed her forward momentum significantly. She would use her own weight to help keep her in place. But her forward thrust of her chest and downward motion was simultaneously done and thus not much momentum was thrown towards the serpent?s way.

She felt Fangs find the side of her chest, medusa had been aiming for her belly/ribs, and rather she had gotten the side of her chest/shoulder area. (This is assuming she is attempting to attack between newt?s legs in order to get to her belly) The fur was still thick from the on coming winter and her bulk was a form of protection though the area was not impenetrable. She felt fangs pushing into her flesh, though she was certain the amount of fur in her mouth would be discomforting and possibly gag her, and she felt the weight of medusa pushing into her. As well she felt the forward push of a paw. She pushed back against her legs to keep her balance and take the force that medusa was throwing her way. At the same time, she pulled her head towards the back of the woman?s neck. She was lower to the ground and now preoccupied with the flesh of her chest in her mouth. She was certain medusa wasn?t about to be lenient with her bite and would possibly thrash her head to pull and tug at the flesh. Or she could be mistaken and the woman would attempt to regroup release the flesh she had grabbed.

Regardless of hat reaction was to come of medusa scoring her chest she was aiming her head down and directly over the back of medusas neck/spine. She was attempting to bite down while the woman was distracted and grab a hold of the back of her neck, biting fiercely if she scored it, to either dislocate vertebrae or break her neck with the force of her bite. Being a dire wolf her jaws were slightly longer then that of her smaller cousin. If she did not break the neck she would hold onto it and shake towards the right. She would use the bulk of her weight, once the forward momentum was stopped, and pull her head and body towards the ground with medusa locked in her jaws should she score the hit.

Round: 4/4
Attacks: Once medusa has grabbed hold of Newts chest, newt is aiming to bite the back of medusa neck with as much force as her bite can muster. She is also attempting, if she is successful in grabbing that neck, then she is going to use all her strength in her neck/bite/forward motion to push medusa into the ground and hold her.

Damage: Damage to her gums and tongue from medusas claws attempting to scrape inside her mouth before her gag reflects kicked in and she began to close her mouth in reaction and cough. This caused some damage but not as significant as assumed. Once medusa lunged forward towards newts belly, she hit her chest/shoulder area. I am Unsure the depths of the damage until it is known how medusa reacts to catching this bite. Newt is pushing into it. So she is also achieving minor bruising around her chest from medusa slamming her weight into her, there is an 80 pound difference and newt is absorbing the momentum evenly in her body from her posture and bent legs.

Defenses: Her head is lowered to protect her neck. Her hair is raised for added defense. Her ears are back to protect them. Her tail is level with her body to maintain balance and her legs are buckled to also maintain balance. Her legs are evenly apart to help absorb the shock of the forward momentum of medusas attack.


06-27-2013, 07:30 PM

. . .

Legs tensed, claws dug, spine shivered, but Champion remained where she was. She couldn't interfere. It wasn't right to interfere. But all that blood... It was calling to her. All the more because among the mix was the blood of a wolf whom she had made it her business to protect. (it was an odd sort of friendship to be sure) The mammoth fae contented herself rolling her shoulders and altering her stance, head lowering to better guard the pup in her shadow, and eyes narrowing to better watch the quickly moving figures, the grey and black dancers.

A soft, muffled whine drew itself from Champion's throat. Her puppish tendencies had always been a large part of her persona, and that more or less canceled out her pacience at times like this. She had always been a bold, headstrong thing. Heck, when Newt and Champ had met the gold-backed fae had been taking on a she-elk single handedly, and receiving a dislocated shoulder, sprained ribs and broken tail for her troubles. Good times.

But, that was just it. If Champion would launch herself into such a situation without a second thought, it could be imagined just how much self control it was taking not to step in now. To hell with tradition and protocol. She wanted in on the action. Newt had best beat that black bug's butt fast or Champion was gonna do it for her.

. . .

Medusa i


5 Years
06-29-2013, 08:27 PM
OOC: thank you for the fight Dark! It was fun and I wish you the best of luck (: Also for those of you reading (the judge/Dark don?t have to read this I just wanted to explain) I wanted to explain why Medusa left her front legs so much. Observe this fight, both dogs rear up often. If you look at this fight it also appears that wolves rear up often. It?s the best way to get on top of/dominate one?s opponent. xD More evidence here. So it?s only natural for Medusa to want to rear up all the time haha xD

Medusa knew that the battle would need to end soon, and then it would be time for the serpent to make her retreat, regardless of the outcome. Her paw had not been harmed by Newt?s jaws due to Medusa?s own successful jaw attack, well, except for the sprain it had received from the awkward angling. And yet she did not linger on it, for now she was focusing on the present, the present being her current situation with Newt. Medusa had not (at least from her perspective) properly estimated gravity?s pull (understandable; for all her cunning and opportunistic nature, she was not a genius), and thus she found Newt?s chest with her mouth instead of the woman?s belly. Her sudden appearance pushed into the serpent?s jaw, causing a great deal of pain there. It was not sprained, just bruised, but it was an unpleasant injury all the same. Medusa would not hesitate or rear back; a blow landed was a blow landed, even if it hadn?t landed where anticipated. She was content to bite into the woman?s pelt, mouth full of fur but no more than Newt?s had been when the woman had bitten into the serpent?s shoulder. Her left paw also slammed into her chest, likely leaving bruises (assumed hit, same rule used in previous post). However, she did not stay long. It was time to end this battle of theirs; the serpent did not enjoy battles in particular, and thus she knew it was time.
Her three grounded legs were spread equally, weight distributed amongst most of them. She bent them for better balance, body lowered to the ground, tail unfurling upon the realization of her failure. Her hackles rose, ears flattening and eyes narrowing. Jaws parted, snarl contorting onto her face whilst her neck aligned with her spine, shoulders rolling, neck scrunching up to provide as much loose skin and fur and protection as possible to the area. These defenses had all been maintained throughout the entire fight, and did not take time to put into place. The serpent was not one to let her guard down in a situation like this; she knew all too well the intentions of her opponent. Women like this one did not bluff when they said death was the price for daring to challenge for the throne.
She rose up a moment after her jaws had hit, releasing her opponent and seeking once again to depart her front limbs from the ground. It was a common move on her part, one that left her somewhat winded from the effort, but one that was worth it. For the third time she moved her limbs, this time arching her back, limbs seeking to wrap around Newt?s lovely neck in a tight embrace, hoping to move her head to Newt?s left. Because of this, Newt?s jaws would not be directly over Medusa?s neck bone, and instead were to Medusa?s left. At the same time Newt?s jaws had been reaching for Medusa?s neck, and they found purchase not within the bone. Rather they bit into the fleshy back portion of the serpent?s left neck, tearing into the muscle. Medusa wasted no time in moving her own head, tilting it to the right and widening her jaws, hoping to bite into the Queen?s own neck. She wanted to push her own jaws full of the flesh, clamping down in the hopes that she would achieve her goal.

Her goal in this was not the jugular; if that were it she would have shaken her head. Instead she wished to apply steady pressure, hoping to suffocate the woman. Medusa, after all, did not want her dead. If she could hold on until she passed out, she would be victorious. Newt?s shaking jaws caused the serpent a great deal of neck pain, but with each shake she also shook Medusa?s head, where her jaws hopefully wrapped into the woman?s throat. From there Newt sought to pull them down, but the serpent hoped that she had a tight grasp, hoping that she would be able to pull herself as close as possible to her opponent with her legs. If I go down, lovely, you go down with me.


ATTACKS: quickly releasing her hold upon Newt?s chest, she once more leaves her front paws, seeking to wrap them around Newt?s neck in a tight hug of sorts (lol how cute ;D XDD). As she moves, her head goes to Newt?s left, moving Newt?s head to Medusa?s left, thus altering her opponent?s grip. Instead of biting over the bone where her grip might have been fatal, Newt?s jaws bite into the muscular part of the back of Medusa?s left back neck just as Medusa tilts her head to the right in an attempt to wrap her jaws around Newt?s throat in hopes of asphyxiating her. As Newt?s head shakes Medusa?s own head shakes, and as Newt tries to pull her to the ground Medusa clings to her, hoping to drag her along for the ride.


INJURIES: moderate bruising to chest, abrasions on hind legs from being pushed back, gaping raw bite wound on top left shoulder (round 2), sprained left leg (round 3), brusing/jarring of jaw, severe bite to the bottom left back part of her neck, sprained neck,

The Judge


07-01-2013, 03:17 PM


Round 1

9/ 10 for clarity- i personally think it clutters up a fight to put in a plethora of "if fighter a does this, fighter b will do that" you can't really know how your opponent will react - what if they don't do any of the above? it's better to stick with a single move and let your opponent decide the rest.

8 / 10 for powerplaying. Deciding your opponent's placement for your opponent is powerplaying, even in the first round.

10 / 10 for defenses. weight evenly distributed, legs wide for balance, claws used for traction, tail level with body for balance, ears pinned, hackles raised, head lowered

4 / 10 for attack. a single attack to Medusa's neck, shoulder or thigh depending on her reaction.

10 / 10 for injuries.No injuries first round

Round one NEWT Total: 41/50


10 / 10 for clarity- there seems to have been some confusion with this counter - but here is how I see it. this attack takes place while newt is moving forward (medusa repositioned herself and changed the angle of Newt's attack toward her, stopping before she lunged) and in reaction to her movement (whether she stops or keeps going with her lunge)

10 / 10 for powerplaying. Post contained no power playing.

10 / 10 for defenses. Muscles tensed, legs spread evenly, weight evenly distributed and on her toes, eyes narrowed, ears pinned back, jaws parted, chin tucked, shoulders rolled, head lowered, hackles raised, tail lashing for balance

5 / 10 for attack. attempting to pull Newt's head down with her paws, and bite into her neck

10 / 10 for injuries.First round

Round one NAME Total: 45/50

Round 2


8 / 10 for clarity-i'm confused as to how she would reach Medusa's stomach. she would have to get under her chest and head and teeth which were aimed for her throat.

5 / 10 for powerplaying. you can not reposition your opponent. medusa's movement was placed during newt's movement forward, the only thing that places her so closely to newt was newt's own post. you also can not say she crept closer while she wasn't looking - it's up to muse whether medusa was paying close attention. you do not state why Medusa's attack missed, she's still snapping, why were no injuries taken?

8 / 10 for defenses. legs positioned balanced(how?), tail level with body, ears pinned, head level to protect neck, hackles raised

4 / 10 for attack. one attack aimed at medusa's stomach

10 / 10 for injuries. No injuries taken.

Round two NEWT Total: 35/50


10 / 10 for clarity- a clear post.

7 / 10 for powerplaying. there is a lot of movement in this post, its unrealistic for medusa to shrink back suddenly, reposition herself for Newt's attack, jump back, and then attack again.

10 / 10 for defenses. eyes narrowed, ears pinned back, chin tucked, jaws parted, claws used for traction, weight positioned in her hind end, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, neck level with lowered body, tail tucked

7 / 10 for attack. two planned attacks, one aimed for Newt's mouth with her left paw, another with her jaws aimed for Newt's throat.

5 / 10 for injuries. bruising to chest, abrasions on hind legs, bite wound to shoulder

Round two MEDUSA Total: 39/50

Round 3

9 / 10 for clarity- which side of Medusa's neck is being aimed for?

4 / 10 for powerplaying. you did not mention Medusa's attack to Newt's throat with her jaws at all. although you mentioned her paws hitting Medusa's chest and why they did little to no damage there, there was no reason for her paw not to end up in her mouth if she was moving forward for Medusa's neck. once again no injuries were taken.

10 / 10 for defenses. legs spread for balance, chin tucked, tail upright, hackles raised, eyes narrowed, ears pinned

5 / 10 for attack. biting at the side of Medusa's neck, attemtping to pull Merusa to the ground

10 / 10 for injuries. no injuries taken.

Round three NEWT Total: 38/50


10 / 10 for clarity- a clear post.

7 / 10 for remove her paw, then her jaws, and lower herself to Newt's stomach all while Newt is lunging at her is a lot of movement.

10 / 10 for defenses. three paws on the ground for balance, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, head aligned with spine, tail tucked, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, jaws parted

5 / 10 for attack. an attack with her jaws, and an attack with her injured paw.

7 / 10 for injuries. sprained left paw.

Round three MEDUSA Total: 39/50

Round 4

9 / 10 for clarity- minor spelling and grammar errors.

10 / 10 for powerplaying. post contained no powerplaying.

8 / 10 for defenses. tail level for balance, ears pined, legs spread for balance, weight used for counterbalance (hackles were not mentioned outside of ooc)

5 / 10 for attack. one attack to Medusa's neck, attempting to push her down.

7 / 10 for injuries. damage to gums and tongue, bruising and bite to chest.

Round four NEWT Total: 39/50


10 / 10 for clarity- a clear post.

7 / 10 for powerplaying. Newt mentioned Medusa's paw in her previous post and pushed against it - considering that, and that said paw is sprained, it wouldn't do much damage and can't be assumed to have left bruises.

10 / 10 for defenses. legs spread for balance, legs bent for balance, body lowered to ground, hackles raised, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, jaws parting, neck aligned with spine, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched

5 / 10 for attack. legs wrapped around Newt's neck, bite to newt's throat

6 / 10 for injuries. a bite to the back of her neck, grip attained by Newt to the side of her neck.

Round four MEDUSA Total: 38/50


NEWT: (153)160/200 + 7 for task (avenger).

MEDUSA: 161/200

And the winner is...

MEDUSA! NEWT must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


NEWT damage to tongue and gums will be painful, and possibly alter speech. this will take one ooc week to heal.

MEDUSA- sprain to ankle, moderate injury to shoulder. this will take one ooc week to heal.

- By [Serendipity]

Medusa i


5 Years
07-01-2013, 04:17 PM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2013, 04:21 PM by Medusa i.)
OOC: ohhey xD The reason Medusa talks to Newt right after knocking her out is probs confusing, but when you asphyxiate someone like that without holding on for long, it only takes them a few seconds to come to.

Adrenaline pumped through her veins; this was it, this was the final move. Their battle would come down to this moment, and should she fail, Medusa knew not if she would lay her eyes upon her beloved again. Would she see her lovely vixen again? The thought gave her a bit of determination, and it would seem the fates had smiled upon Medusa, permitting her to land her jaws upon Newt?s throat. She clung for dear life, clenching down with enough pressure to suffocate. It took a little while, and Medusa did not dare let herself think that she had won the fight for an instant, not till the great beast had fallen to the ground. When that had happened, she clung for a few seconds later before stepping back. Victorious. Her whole fight had been based upon looking for an opportunity, and she?d finally gotten it. She?d taken it, and now she had a crown.

She had not held on long enough to bring permanent harm to Newt; only long enough to bring the woman unconscious. Had she felt like it, the woman would have been able to kill her. And yet she didn?t, turning briefly to the assembled crowd. Her eyes noted the raging battle between Jupier and Kaios, and it was now that the new ruler let herself feel. ?If you are a member of Amenti currently, you will have three days to gather you things and loved ones and leave. At the end of that time I will hold a meeting for those who wish to join under my rule, and I will talk to you. If you wish to speak to me personally, feel free to try to find me starting tomorrow,? she told the gathered crowd. She did not want to keep prisoners; they would serve her no purpose. Looking at Newt, she dipped her head in respect. ?Thanks for the fight. If you wish, we can talk later. I may be willing to give you a rather high position, if we can come to an agreement on some things,? she informed the Queen Slayer. She respected her opponent, and she could use her expertise, but she could not ally herself with Newt and give her a high position if the woman would go after Jupiter.

After speaking her part the midnight Queen turned, limping heavily as she made her exit. She would not go to watch the death match, not when her heart ached so heavily at the thought of Jupiter dying. Rather she would limp back to Ludicael, tall posture all the way. She would nestle herself in Jupiter?s den, away from her sleeping children, enjoying the woman?s scent. She would hope with all her blackened heart that Jupiter would return to her, would snuggle against her, would keep her warm was they realized just what they?d done.
-exit Medusa to Ludicael-

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
07-04-2013, 07:10 AM

The air was heavy with the stench of blood and sweat. His vision was painted red as he watched his mother and this Medusa woman duke it out. His mother would win; she had to! Eyes burned with curiosity and rage as he watched the scene, pressed protectively against Syn's side. He felt unstable as Newt began to falter, and he leaned into his sister to steady him. Snarls and barks left his throat with resolve, his growing anger and hatred unconstrained.

The final blow came quickly. He saw as his mother swayed, her body slackening dramatically. Was she dead? No -- his eyes found her chest, watching for the slowly rising chest that indicated she was still breathing. She was. Fire burned in Basilisk's purple eyes. He would avenge his mother -- how dare this bitch waltz in like she owned the place and take it away from not just Newt, but all of them? Spit fell from his jowls as he snapped and snarled, though he did not move forward, standing in place and struggling to withhold himself from pouncing on Medusa himself.

She spoke, but her words were inaudible to the boy. A brief glance was given in the direction of his father's battle. He seemed to be holding his own, but there was a decent chance he could be losing his life today. Basilisk couldn't take that. He moved from his sister's side then, turning to leave and head away from the gathering. Medusa's completed challenge fueled the boy's inevitable hatred, the darkness that had slowly begun to eat at his core, as though sparking a fire within him. Without a word he slipped away, sure his mother would be taken care of, but also aware he was unable to stay around any longer lest he try to kill Medusa himself.


07-10-2013, 07:33 PM

At the end of the fight the phantom fae watched horrified as her Queen lost. Shock and sadness laced through her prone being and for a long moment she was frozen in captive anxiety. Her Queen could not lose, not Newt, not her Newt. The larger dame was the phantoms best friend and she could not be crippled she could not be defeated. This could not come to pass! Ghost's long and limber bodice was propelling forward even before her brain gave the command. Zipping across the battlefield in a blanket of silver, she skidded to a halt mere inches from her fallen friend.

Her lips pulled up in a snarl, and her head lowered, baring her teeth at the bitch before her. The wretch who dare harm Ghosts only ally. Haunches raised, teeth barred and a steady snarl erupting from her larynx, her posture was entirely defensive, keeping Newt from this creatures line of sight. Ghost would protect her from further injury no matter what the cost and if she so much as drew a word against her, Ghost would be the first to challenge this bitch.



07-20-2013, 09:18 AM
She had gone for so many killing blows. The serpent had struggled and slithered out of reach over and over again. As she aimed to steal the neck and end this battle Medusa had moved, her fangs had scored the side of her neck and she could feel the world graying at the edges. She struggled to break free. Pulled and snapped but slowly she was sinking down into oblivion. She could hear the cries in the distance. The snaps and snarls of her mate. How could they both fail? No, he would prevail. He was the darkness and she was the shadows and they made the world what they wanted. Her violet gaze lingered over him as everything faded to nothing and she fell to the ground.

A beating. Fluttering like desperate wings. Slamming against her chest in slow motion. Nothingness comforted her. It soothed the rage that was clawing its way into her heart. She could sleep. It was fine. No one would care if she woke up. Yet she could feel the dead watching her. Their ever-judgmental eyes breaking her momentary feeling of tranquility. Those violet eyes, much like her own, watched with loathing. Why did he always do that? He always expected so much from them. From Fable. From her? She stirred for a moment. The world was still frozen. Space existed somewhere but not where she was.

Words, fire, it burned, what was wrong? Her body needed to wake up. She needed to know the truth. Know what was real and not what this fantasy was telling her. She groaned as the fluttered intensified. What did it mean? Whispers of banishment. Her ears twitched in response and her violet eyes cracked a hair open to see the world slam back into focus. Her throat was sore and her heart was frantic as if it feared if it didn?t beat she would fall. No, she could never allow herself to fall. Her eyes focused on the wolf that had stolen her crown. She had said something to her, what had it been? She had merely hear murmurs. Confusion was settling in her gaze as she shifted it towards the fight and all she could see was blood.

She attempted to pull herself upright. She needed to see what was happening. Why was there so much blood? Panic drilled itself into her heart and she attempted to get up but failed. Her heart was almost clawing its way out of her chest and she felt as if something had snapped inside her. What was wrong! She scrambled again to get balance on the ground and see what was happening. Yet when she did. Oh Cerberus help her, she fell again. Her violet eyes filled with sorrow and rage as she saw her mate fallen. They swarmed towards Jupitor and everything was there for her to see. Her death. She would kill everything that bitch knew. Everything she touched Newt would destroy. She had taken the one and only wolf she had ever truly loved away and for what reason! She couldn?t handle the rush of emotions. And something familiar prickled at the back of her mind. The puppet master had been asleep for so long she had forgotten its embrace. She welcomed it. She needed the escape or she would murder that bitch right here and now.

Soothing darkness stole her mind as the puppet master slipped into her skin. Her body stopped trembling. Everything was silent and her violet eyes dead as they looked towards Jupitor. Oh the puppet master wanted the same thing Newt did. wanted this bitch dead but it knew today was not the day. Soon enough she would fall and soon enough it would eat her heart just like it ate Sades.

-exit newt