
I sip, you sip, we sip [Jup's bachelor orgy]



3 Years
09-07-2020, 03:22 PM

Fel was more than a little surprised to see that Eligos had shown up. This wasn't exactly his sort of thing, she imagined, though he might surprise her. A sly smile curled up the corners of her maw as she eyed him for a moment. Aside from coming here for a bit of fun, she was also here for information.

Wolves began coming in droves and she committed the faces to memory. A shoulder bumped into her and for a moment, red eyes went wide. As the turned her attention to the man beside her, she was a little impressed. He was quite handsome and he was very big. Fel quite liked large males. She had a bit of a weakness for them. As he took a drink of whatever was in the bottle and offered to buy her a drink, she took the bottle in one obsidian paw and raised it to her lips. The woman feigned taking a drink, letting a few droplets cling to her blackened lips before handing the bottle back. "What a gentleman," she purred in her sultry tones.

Not wanting to appear too interested, she turned her gaze back to the congregation of wolves. It looked like things were going to get spicy before the night was out. Someone had begun to build a fire, for which she was glad. A beach fire would set the mood just right. With the alcohol flowing, tongues would soon loosen. Fel smiled up at the giant beside her. "Fel, and you might be able to give me more than a drink." Oooh, the implications.

[Image: mZorPt0.png?1]
Fel can often be a very...mature character. Be aware.



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
09-07-2020, 03:39 PM
Yes, she'd prompted Tamsyn to get out and explore, but that didn't mean that she had forced the woman. It had been a suggestion. She wanted Tam to be absolutely sure that she wanted to settle down with her. With Tamsyn having been a virgin, she thought that it might be a good idea to get out and mingle a bit. So, this night, Tam was free to do as she wished with whomever she wished.

She had begun to worry though. Resin didn't want her lover to get taken advantage of, so, after Tam had left to join the party, Resin had padded along behind. Now that she had arrived, she noted the milling masses of wolves. Thankfully someone had lit a bonfire. The giantess put herself between the fire and the ocean, digging out a little divot in the sand. She could see Tam from where she lay, but she doubted that Tam could see her very well. She wanted it that way. For now, the woman was content to just keep to herself, but she wouldn't turn away conversation if it happened her way. She doubted that it would thanks to her appearance, but if it happened, it happened.
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]



5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
09-07-2020, 03:50 PM
All these wolves here were so relaxed and loose, it nothing like the formal events she'd attended and more and more she wondered what kind of party Fireside was throwing. She didn't have long to watch each stranger before her brother came up to check on her, and she glanced down at the drink in her paws as he mentioned it. "It doesn't taste very good." Aryn whispered to him, not wanting the hosts to hear her true opinion of the sour drink. A proper lady wouldn't turn down the offered refreshments however, and so she sucked it up and continued working her way through the glass. Perhaps it would be an aquired taste, and going for a second cup out of curtesy wouldn't be so bad.

Another approached, the first wolf aside from Tyrian whom she recognized. A blush instantly crashed into her cheeks - a common occurance for the newly aged woman. "I would welcome your company, in fact. I don't really know anyone else here." It was like something out of a story, a handsome near-stranger seeking her out among the dozens of beautiful wolves and choosing her to keep company with. Aryn felt incredibly special, especially knowing that she could not compare in looks to these colorful, unique individuals. "This is Eli." She waved her striped paw gracefully towards the red-eyed man. "Eli, this is my brother Lachlan." Pleasantries and introductions completed, the doe-eyed girl was eager to send her brother on his way. "You should go have fun and enjoy the party, I'm okay here." To Lachlan she gave a reassuring smile, before - very boldly - scooting to sit closer to Eli.



4 Years

Double MasterBeevent
09-07-2020, 04:06 PM

Halla continued to work on her tea, pausing now and then to lap at the mead in the bowl next to her. She had to admit she rather liked the idea of watching the going on's. There were so many wolves gathered here, all from different regions. She was curious to see what was going to happen. In the mean time she poured some water from her water skin into the bowl. Taking her paw she stirred the leaves and scooted it onto a scrap of raw hide. Dragging the hide nearer to the fire she set it there to heat up. As she did she noticed a handsome young man not to far from her. His companion was also making a little fire. Deciding to strike up a little conversation she called out to the man. "Are you preparing to make some tea as well or have you something else in mind?"



4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
09-07-2020, 06:03 PM
He didn’t expect to see Eligos, but didn’t pay him much mind as he warmed his teapot full of water. He’d make a nice savory brew to go along with the strong drink he’d claimed for himself. Iroh and Sarabi worked on their smaller fire, enough that he could warm the water within, but not enough that he’d over heat it. As he tended to fire and tea, mostly oblivious to the shenanigans going on around him, Iroh would catch the attention of a woman.

Blue and lavender eyes lifted to catch the sight of her features. She was pretty, but held the build of an impressive warrior. Iroh tried not to let his gaze linger for too long, he hadn’t drank anything quite yet. Iroh poured the hot water over the leaves as the she wolf spoke softly to him.

”Tea, but I wonder if I could add some of the brew for added fun.” He chuckled softly as the tea began to steep. ”What have you there?”
Where My Demons Hide



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
09-07-2020, 06:27 PM
Chaos had wondered if he oughtn't be worried about his brother's son. It was a lot to take lately, with Angelus' death and the sudden change in relationship status. And, well, Jupiter had always been as freedom-loving as the most footloose of the Imperialis brood, and to be told he was being chained to a one woman life? Well it couldn't have been hitting him well. But hey, it wasn't like he couldn't have a side bitch or several. Valen had been all but married to Rhythm yet here Chaos was. Jupiter would be fine.

Besides, Tyr was alpha now, and it had been his bargain to begin with, ao let him deal with Jupiter.

When Jupiter's call came, and Chaos had cautiously ventured over to see what was going on, he wondered if he maybe should revise his analysis of Jupiter's psyche. Though after a moment of thought, he decided that it wasn't all that much crazier than some of the parties he'd thrown his Crew, except for the intriguing possibility of an orgy - oh, and the whole giving away Tyrian's virginity thing. Tyrian could handle that detail himself, surely.

That decided, Chaos meandered into the group with his usual cocky air, immediately going to hit up the drink bar rather than the crowd around Jup and Tyr. He wasn't interested in his poor brother's virginity status and certainly was not looking to be in the runnings for it himself, so he would just wait until that was decided and swoop in to console the poor lonely hearts that hadn't gotten in Tyr's pants. After all, he thought as he slopped liquor into a bowl with a grin, he was getting hitched too.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!
Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write



6 Years
Extra large

Ooze ImmuneAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantFestival OrganizerDouble MasterHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
Beevent1KTreat 2019
09-07-2020, 06:53 PM
From the start Jupiter knew Tyrian was going to hate his plan, but that was the point. It was equal parts reward and punishment. And he wasn't kidding. Tyrian was getting laid if Jupiter had to proposition every man, woman and everything in between on the beach. Someone was getting under or on top of the young alpha. He reached out to grab at Tyrian again but his uncle evaded him. "Aw, come on now ya big tit. Don't be sour. Grow a pair. And use 'em." Already the beach was filling up. There were interesting people everywhere.

A dark woman with red eyes approached and, clearly having heard what he said, quipped about virgins. This time when Jupiter went to throw his arm over Tyrian's neck, the younger Imperialis wasn't fast enough to get away. Jupiter pulled him into a side hug and shook him a little. "And I did not lie. Look at his sweet little innocent face. I, for one, think that needs to change." Out of the blue Tyrian bit him causing Jupiter to yelp in surprise. "Hey now little buddy save that for whoever pops your cherry." To Fel, he said, "Never you mind the occasion it's a sad deal and I don't want to bring the mood down. Just let me forget, eh?"

Upon seeing Justice making her way over, Jupiter bumped Tyrian again. In a low voice, he said, "This one will eat ya." In a normal voice to Justice, he said, "Oh but just think of all the things you can do with 'em and they won't know any better. Tell 'em you need a good lickin' before they can get to stickin'." Why Tyrian had stuck around this long was beyond Jupiter. Oh yeah, because he had him by the neck. With his free paw Jupiter motioned at Justice. "I'll tell you what. This here is a prime hospitality service. You can't find what you're looking for I will personally see to it your needs are met. I'm talkin' bend over backwards service."

Oh-ho, Elise. The pretty lady from that one thing. God damn it he was going to be hard pressed to make the rounds here tonight before the alcohol became a problem. "See," he said to Justice while looking between her and Elise. "Elise gets it."

To Domari, he said with a wave of his paw and a wink, "This here is an open bar. Help yourself my dude, don't be shy."

Next up was a dark whirlwind of a woman. She slapped him on the shoulder and threw an arm around him, giving Tyrian a chance to wriggle away as Jupiter adjusted to remain upright. Not the slightest bit put off by her behavior but dismayed that Tyrian had broken free and was now slipping away, Jupiter hollered, "First one to jump his bones can have whatever the fuck they want from my shop!" To Coea, he said, "I am indeed." He scooted the nearest vessel over to her feet. "Tragedy of the worst sort. So tonight we party!"

Jupiter's eyes lit up as he spied Kai looking him over. It seemed the best came out when the booze was free. Like moths to flame. He needed to do this more often. The man may not have been talking to him, but Jupiter was going to talk back. He'd ride that pony all day. He quirked a brow at Kai. "Only one way to find out."

Out of the corner of his eye Jupiter spied movement under his cart. Oh yeah, he'd picked up a pretty stray. Better go drag her into the light. To those gathered around him, he said, "If you'll excuse me, I need to see a cart about a tagalong." They could make of that what they wanted. He didn't care.

He strode over to the cart and grabbed a bottle along the way. Once there he shoved the bottle under and commanded, "Drink." The woman was painfully shy and her lack of involvement was intolerable. This was a party; a day to help him forget his predicament. This was about him. Him, him, him. And he wanted everybody drunk and fucking in the sand. Give him chaos, give him gluttony. He wanted to drown in it. And he wasn't about to let some quiet, very pretty woman hide away while the rest played.

Originally he was going to take a soft approach, but in the end, like the broken pottery, he decided fuck it. So he shimmied under the cart and then under the woman before popping out from under the other side of the former while wearing the latter like a scarf across his neck and shoulders. "Into the sunlight with you, lovely. You just hop off when you see something you like." He canted his head to the side in thought, then added, "Or stick with me and I'll show you a good time."
[Image: ZQdAdlz.png]

NOTE: this character is pretty on the outside but nothing but ugliness and innuendo on the inside. It's best to consider all threads with him rated 'M' regardless of the official tags.



8 Years
Chrono I
09-07-2020, 07:21 PM

Her dimwit of a son was off on his own as he had been recently. She was getting awfully annoyed with him and his defiance but she was starting to lose grip on her control of him. She was honestly surprised it had taken this long for him to rebel and branch off from her. Perhaps she raised him better than she thought she could.

The sound of chatter and commotion happened in the distance. Her old home of Time's Cavern lead to the obsidian beach she grew to love in her younger days. And the smell...

She grew closer to the crowd, a too much to take in from every wolf but she was a bit surprised to the size range between the wolves. Now-a-days everyone seemed much taller than her. And there were many that were here in this gathering that towered her but there were also wolves at her own height and even smaller.

She wouldn't even hesitate to enter the crowd of wolves, not knowing a single one and her natural confidence walked right in between them all. She approached the jars of wine with a sniff to the rim, maybe she'd get overlooked in the friendly crowd of wolves and steal her own portion of the alcohol. Or maybe that wasn't such a good idea. Even through the abundance of shiny pelts among her, her color was a bit hard to ignore. "Booze, hm." She wasn't aware of who owned the jars and frankly didn't care, "Don't have anything to trade them for..."

Walk "Talk" Think



3 Years
Extra large

LegendaryThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2VengeanceUnderachieverScarred
Ice Bridge ExplorerWealthyHomebodyDouble MasterExplorerVolcano
1KTreat 2019
09-07-2020, 07:25 PM
Fucking Jupiter! Tyrian was getting hot now and not in a good way. Until now he'd been semi nice about trying to break free from Jupiter's grip, but the more his nephew talked the less polite Tyrian felt like being. He was taking it all in stride, but there was only so much he could take. In all honesty it didn't bother him that these strangers knew this thing about him. His father had taught a sort of free love sex ed when his litter had come of age so he had no reason to feel embarrassed even though he got the feeling that's what Jupiter wanted. No, what bothered him was the attention and how it was being thrown at him. He hadn't slept with anyone yet because it just hadn't occurred to him that he needed to. To have strangers eying him up like a piece of meat was what made him uncomfortable. What if he didn't want to have sex with anyone here?

Angry now, Tyrian bit the armpit of the arm that was thrown over his neck. "I'll pop something of yours," he snapped back in a low voice before resigning himself to Jupiter's grip once more. Did he work out this one arm or what? It was like a vice. Jesus.

When the tall admittedly beautiful woman accosted Jupiter, Tyrian saw his chance. He slipped out from under his nephew's arm and sprinted for safety. Jupiter's shout was impossible to miss, but what was a spotlighted virgin to do?
Tyrian has a saber-toothed snow leopard companion named Zahir, a black-footed gray langur named Tashi and a striped skunk companion he insists on calling Righty even though her name is Daisy. Assume all are nearby if not mentioned.



2 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
09-07-2020, 07:28 PM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2020, 07:30 PM by Abilene.)
Abby lingered on the fringes of the part, profoundly uncomfortable. This wasn't her kind of party, and unfortunately she hadn't seen the warning signs on her way to it. She wasn't exactly opposed to reckless alcoholism, but from the looks of things, these strangers were looking for more than a cheap drink. This was not the way she wanted to lose her virginity.

Still, it felt rude to arrive and leave immediately. Maybe she could make it her kind of party? She had no idea how, but she missed the idea of a good time with lots of friends. The summer sun had beat down on that day and left her dizzy already, so she wasn't thinking with the clearest of heads, even before taking a swig of the cheap but strong booze in front of her. The bitterness took her by surprise, and she gagged. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

OOC: Throwing Abby in here for fun! Feel free to ignore her
[Image: Untitled_Artwork_4.png]

Abby is completely blind as of this thread. The curse will lift on the first day of winter.
Abby has a common brush tailed possum companion named Bell. She’s Abby’s guide dog until her curse is lifted. If she’s not mentioned assume she is close by/present.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
09-07-2020, 07:35 PM
She'd caught his scent a while ago. Without blinking she'd sent Alouette back to Abaven to let Corvus and Rhyme know where she'd gone. There was no telling how long this might take, especially when it came to Noir. While she'd tried to make peace with what had transpired between her littermates, there was something about the new children in the pack that made it impossible to lay that guilt completely to rest. By the time she made it to the shores of Obsidian Beach her ribs were wet with sweat. It didn't help that the summer sun had just about baked the black-furred female alive en route. She was practically foaming. When she was a ways away from the main gathering she darted down the beach and splashed quickly into the water in order to take off the first layer of sweat and grime and disguise her scent as she approached. Best to remain cautious.

Theory wasn't sure what she wanted from him. Maybe nothing. She certainly wouldn't get what she craved within the darkest corners of her heart: an apology. No, she wouldn't be able to pry that from between his lips without trying to rip his tongue out first. Her emotions rocketed wildly between hopefulness and rage. Would just seeing him alive again be enough? It would have to be. Theo waded closer and finally padded back up on to the shore. The revelry before her was astonishing. She hadn't seen so many wolves gathered together since Valhalla's festival but this was a decidedly different kind of merry-making. Liquor, heavy and sweet, was easily scented on the air - as well as various other, uh, odors. Theory gulped. What had she gotten herself into?

There! He flitted at the corner of the crowd, trying to approach a dark female she didn't recognize who hung by Tyrian and some blue madman carting a load of goods. Theory's eyes narrowed but she kept her distance and skulked around the outskirts of the gathering. How did she even go about this? You don't fucking think, she cursed herself. Her heart had carried her paws here and now she was left without a plan. Theo assessed who she knew and who she didn't - Kai, Eligos, Tyrian... the wolves she were familiar were far outnumbered by the strangers present. Kai was standing shoulder-to-shoulder with someone she didn't recognize. She was stocky but in a pleasant way, as in, Theory could imagine herself where Kai was standing. Just letting her shoulder rest against hers. A familiar yet unnameable heat began to build in the pit of her stomach, the queer warmth that usually seemed to find its way inside her body when she was around Thalia. Gulping, she threw caution to the wind and padded up behind where Kai and Justice were gathered. "Hey, stranger," she coughed awkwardly.



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
09-07-2020, 07:39 PM
Oooooooo a party!

Rocketing around at mach oh em gee as always, Talon careened towards the promised party without, as always, paying the least bit of attention where he was going. Tongue hanging out of his mouth, gangly big pawed legs flailing, he was just innocently looking forward to hanging out with everyone when suddenly WHAM POW WHACK he slammed into Tyrian who was trying to LEAVE for some weird reason and the impact sent the slighter male tumbling backwards head over ass until he landed in a dazed tangle of his own limbs. He shook his head to clear it and beamed at his alpha-uncle. "Hey Tyrian!" he said. Loudly. "Why are you leaving? Is the party over already?" His face fell at the tragedy of it, ears drooping to the sides. "Man, I was looking forward to a party!"



5 Years

Pride - BisexualMammoth HunterPromptober 2019
09-07-2020, 08:08 PM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2020, 08:08 PM by Hela.)

Hela arrived the party with her head held high, a posture of total confidence and a smirk pasted on her lips.She walked with elegance and she was sure fun was stored for her. And surely it did as upon her entrance she could se drinks ,ohh yes when was the last time she ever drunk? She couldn't recall but well here she was now, ready to drink again.She could also see pretty boys around, and fun conversations to partake. But where to go first?

But there she found a familiar face, well not that familiar but certainly one she recognized from a past time(Theory).But seeing she was busy she decided to let the desire to speak to her pass,and instead her attention traveled to a female who seemingly was giving her first try to liquor. Smirking in amusement she approached , aiming to sit beside her and watch her. "Oh,what did you find there dear?" She asked trying to sound nice even if at the end she wasnt nice at all.

oc- Interacting with Abby



2 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
09-07-2020, 08:22 PM
The woman approached, and Abby felt the hot flush of embarrassment. And maybe alcohol. How would she impress the crowd, make friends, when she couldn't hold down a drink?

And then she had a very, very bad idea.

In response to the question, she swiftly grabbed the casket and turned it upside down into her maw, seeking to empty it as quickly as possible. It took her a good ten seconds, and when it was empty, the weight of her actions fell down upon her as she felt a nausea swell into her cheeks. Finally, she responded.

"The bottom of the casket." She said, raising a paw to her tightly sealed lips, in preparation for the worst.
[Image: Untitled_Artwork_4.png]

Abby is completely blind as of this thread. The curse will lift on the first day of winter.
Abby has a common brush tailed possum companion named Bell. She’s Abby’s guide dog until her curse is lifted. If she’s not mentioned assume she is close by/present.



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipPride - AsexualUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantVolcano
Christmas 2019
09-07-2020, 08:38 PM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2020, 08:38 PM by Thalia.)
Why Thalia kept ending up in places she didn't really want to be, surrounded by so many wolves, well... she knew exactly why. Everything she did was done to strengthen Aerie, to serve the one true God, and to deepen their influence across Boreas and Auster. To do that, she needed to meet as many wolves as she possibly could, to learn everything she could about the various packs and families that had any influence at all on her world, until she knew precisely to position herself to her advantage. The absolutely easiest way to do that was to attend various events, whether they be simple, wholesome festivals or... whatever the fuck this event was. The sound of it really didn't suit her in the slightest, and she had a feeling Eligos was thinking along similar lines as she was. Attending would likely prove productive for both of them, even without participating in any debauchery. Thalia wasn't sure what she was interested in less - the drinking, or the activities that might result from such things - but she was interested in the way mouths might loosen up under the influence of such things.

Or.. maybe they'd just be too distracted by one another to even talk to her. That was a real possibility too, and one that was already looking probable as she drew closer. Though she'd accompanied Eligos there, she was sure he had something of his own in mind, especially as she approached a young female he seemed familiar with. She knew him well enough that she would bet anything that he wouldn't willingly engage in the kind of foolishness that everyone here seemed to already be getting up to, though likewise she wouldn't cling to him like a lost puppy all night. Sighing, she veered off on her own, checking out the other wolves that had gathered. Fel was here too, though looked to be getting up to something of her own, something Thalia was not about to follow her into.

What was left, then? A whole lot of wolves - strangers, of course - getting rowdy, some notable more frisky than others. The thought made Thalia want to puke. She was overstimulated already, trying to focus on anyone in particular, and failing miserably as all of her senses went into overdrive. For now she was intent on lurking in the shadows, and simply observing things... and she was busy hunkering down behind a crowd when a familiar face caught her attention. Theory. What was she doing here? Surely she was just here for diplomacy's sake, right? That had to be it. She seemed like she was friendly with the male she was standing next to, but Thalia averted her gaze quickly. She'd admitted to Eligos she was friendly with her, but she hadn't said just how friendly... not that Theory would really show that here, in a public setting, right?

Suddenly she felt nauseous. Ignoring her, and hiding from her, seemed the best bet for the moment. Somewhat frantically, though her panic was hidden behind her carefully set facade, she searched for someone who looked like they might be open to a conversation. In her desperation she zeroed in on the nearest available wolf, an unassuming male who was... doing something with a stick. Okay then. Clearing her throat, she headed his way - all the while casting the occasional glance Theory's way, simultaneously hoping that she both did and didn't notice her here. "Oh - hello," Thalia greeted Shilah, hoping she seemed half as confident as she wanted to see. "I'm Thalia Abraxas. I happened to notice you were - uh - doing something there," she concluded lamely, honestly having no clue what he was up to, though his solitary position at the moment made her hopeful that he might be a bit more like her than the rest of these wolves likely were.



9 Years

The Ooze ParticipantDouble Master
09-07-2020, 08:57 PM

Dómari offered a nervous grin to Jupiter before examining the bottles. He selected one and poured some of the liquid into a bowl. He then lapped at it rapidly, ignoring the burn. He didn't really have a plan, he only knew that he wanted to calm his nerves as quickly as possible. Using one of his paws he tipped the bowl and gulped the rest of the burning liquid down. His stomach felt warm and he was starting to feel tingly. He glanced at the wolves around him and tried to figure out what he should be doing. Justice was talking to some of the others. He sat down next to Caelia. "Please, tell me I'm not the only one wondering what the hell I'm doing here."




5 Years
09-07-2020, 09:13 PM

Shilah hummed to himself, taking a sip of ale as he bowed back over his project. Shilah set the stick down between his paws and started chewing off the extra branches and leaves so that he would have a clean, straight stick to sharpen into a simple spear. He took another goop of ale when at that moment a lovely young woman approached him. He smiled warmly at her. "Hello Thalia, my name is Shilah. Would you like some ale? I've brought plenty with me." He scooted over to offer a place to sit.

"Oh, I can't sit still. I don't really know anyone here so I thought I'd work on a few projects, drink my fill and enjoy the lovely summer night." In addition to making a regular spear he figured he'd make one with a spearhead to. Shilah picked up another one of the branches and set it down between his paws. Leaning over he used his teeth to start stripping off the extra leaves and branches. He paused and glanced over at Thalia. "Do you know anyone here?"



4 Years

Double MasterBeevent
09-08-2020, 07:13 PM

Halla chuckled as the man stated that he might add some brew in for fun. She nodded. "I think that is a fantastic idea. I have some mead that should go well with my sage tea." She stirred it again, watching for the color to change. When it changed to where she knew it was done she pulled her tea away from the fire to cool so she could drink it. In the mean time she figured she'd just keep herself busy. She was more a voyeur anyway, intrigued by the idea of being a fly on the cave wall.

"My name is Halla by the way." He gaze lingered just a bit long on the attractive man before she pulled out a bundle of dried boneset from her pack. She took an empty bowl and started crushing 1 oz of dried herb into the bowl.



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (35)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualValentines 2020VolcanoCritical Hit!
Trick 2019
09-08-2020, 08:32 PM
Ashmedai wasn't too keen to let Sparrow follow after himself OR Jupiter these days. Ash had enough going on without worrying about getting married off like Jupiter and Chaos. With Angelus gone, Ash had dedicated himself to his former stupor. He had enough of his fill of alcohol and things that probably counted as poisons in large enough doses. When he saw Jupiter take off with his cart and with Tyr in tow, he forbid- yes forbid- Sparrow to come. Yes, she was grown, but surely Jupiter was up to no good.

And Ash wanted in.

He clamored through the beach sands towards the mass of chaos. He helped himself to a bottle of whatever-the-fuck as if his vision wasn't already causing him to sway like the ocean waves as they hit the shore. After a greedy drink, he cheered towards Jupiter, "Friends and freeloaders? What about someone who's both AND your uncle?" He had to trace the family tree in his head briefly. Yeah, he was pretty sure uncle was the right word. He took another drink, nearly tipping over in the process. Maybe he shouldn't have pregamed so hard, but he liked his head and heart to be lofty and kept afloat on the soft ripples of alcohol that now melded with his blood and hung to his breath. Besides, no one would blame him- they were at a party after all!
Ash wears a tourist shirt and a spiked leather harness from time to time. Sometimes together, sometimes not. Just so you know what you're getting yourself into.



Advanced Healer (95)

Beginner Navigator (0)

7 Years
09-09-2020, 12:08 PM
She was ignored for the most part, Rava was content with that fact, but she could tell with the questionable substances littering the sand, she wouldn’t want to stick around for too long. Her captor hadn’t forgotten about her though, and with wide frightened eyes she tried not to watch him approach. Rava didn’t know what his plans for her were… suddenly he thrust a bottle in her direction and a one worded command. She was much too meek to offer protest, and at his behest took a long swig.

Danger lurked around every corner, perhaps if she were to die soon it was best to let go while there were some friendly faces… ”Wait!” She squealed as she was suddenly rolled up onto his shoulders and promptly removed from her hide away. Somehow the cloaked woman managed to bring along the bottle he’d given to her. She could leave him at any point, the stipulation being it had to be with another wolf. Rava didn’t know what would happen, but she didn’t expect a good time. Her luck always ran out.

The tiny woman took another great gulp of her beverage and made herself comfortable. Jupiter had a way of putting her at ease, oddly enough, and she draped herself over him as the alcohol shipped her to places very much unexplored. ”Alright,” she agreed with him loosely as she started to become weightless. She joined in his care free attitude and wore a grin on her dark features as she lowered her hood and exposed herself slightly.
Yes, Im wearing my cloak. You're very special if I get naked for you.