
courage, courage

mature for gore | fighting large predator



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Healer (50)

3 Years

OverachieverCritical Observation!1KSnake EyesRapid Poster - Bronze
10-11-2023, 01:32 AM

This, Bylgja knew, was not how her day had been meant to go. Alas, it had gone this way. She had no idea if bears were often seen here -- but the bear which had taken a dislike to her presence certainly was present. She'd been gathering herbs when the thing noticed her. Territorial dispute, she supposed, but a territorial dispute was less dangerous when she wasn't trying to fight a bear -- and one whose eyes were wide in hunger. The bear looked to be a bit weaker than usual, but Bylgja didn't trust it, still.

She didn't want to take too many chances. The thicket had dropped out, and Bylgja had blood on her snout already from where she'd managed to get a daring bite up under one of the bear's arms and rip into its skin; the bear bled, and Bylgja licked her teeth, bristling and snarling and snapping her jaws. "Back! Get back!" She roared it, voice pitching up into a furious howl. The bear, of course, paid her little mind at all. It was hungry, and it wanted to eat, and she had wounded it.

Presumably she had wounded more than its pride. "You fucker." Bylgja snarled at it, charging forward, trying to circle around behind the bear and narrowly avoiding a swing from a heavy claw; the creature knew as well as she did that they were coming up upon the cliff's edge, where the thicket dropped and the cliff broke to nothingness, to death in the water below. "I will wear your fur as a coat! I will parade your corpse!" Her jaws snapped.




Novice Intellectual (20)

Expert Fighter (180)

3 Years
Extra large

VengeanceCritical Observation!1KLoserCritical Fail!Pride - Pansexual
10-14-2023, 08:10 PM

Flurry was further north than she usually went, she'd been considering going to give the purple girl a visit finally but she'd gotten off track, maybe even lost somewhere along the way. Not that Flurry was too worried about the whole lost thing, well maybe except for the colder weather, it wasn't like the islands weren't cold but it seemed the northern areas were much, much colder. Still no matter the name change she was still a pirate at heart, and enjoyed the opportunity for adventure. One that it seemed had been just waiting for her. A voice pitched in fury reached her and Flurry tipped her head to the side before deciding she was about to get herself involved in whatever was happening. It didn't take long to happen upon the wolf and the bear. The pair were inching closer to the edge of the cliff, under which Flurry assumed the nicest thing that could be found would be the sea.

It didn't take much conscious thought, her fangs shifting forwards, into attack position, and a snarl curling her lips. Flurry raced across the open space, head tilting down so that her horns were primed to push into the bear's flesh. "Coming through!" Flurry shouted as she barrelled down on the two predators. More to give the other woman a chance to react than the bear, though she accepted that would be a side effect. What that meant was that when Flurry's horns contacted flesh it hadn't been a nice soft spot for them to dig into but rather scraping against the elbow of the bear's foreleg as it spun to fix beady little eyes on her. Flurry knew when she was in a danger zone and did her best to skitter back from the beast, even as a thick paw smacked across her muzzle, rattling her head slightly though she still quickly got out of arm's length.

"Sorry, probably shouldn't have interrupted without permission." Flurry called out to the other woman, giving her a quick wink before turning her attention back to the bear, probably best not to take her eyes off of it too much. "I saw an attractive woman and kinda blacked out for a moment." It seemed there were very few situations where she wouldn't flirt with someone, but especially a woman who looked like she knew her way around a fight. Maybe all the losing she'd been doing was affecting her more than just bruising her ego but Flurry would have easily admitted she did love a woman who could beat her ass.


Art by Honrin
Updated 01/13/23: I am currently on indefinite scarcity, please be patient and don't remind me of missing tags right now.



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Healer (50)

3 Years

OverachieverCritical Observation!1KSnake EyesRapid Poster - Bronze
10-14-2023, 09:30 PM

The first thing she does is laugh, because she hears her company coming, and that means the bear's on borrowed time. Two wolves, especially if the other one is strong like her, will get the job done well enough -- and when the company comes in barreling with horns down to pierce flesh and gets a slap across the snout for it, Bylgja laughs again, deep and hearty, the sort of war-laugh that makes it clear she's no stranger to pain, combat, or intervention of this sort. If she had a shield, she would raise it and slam her claws against it in triumph. What a show. The viking woman shakes out her coat and snickers, because what happens next is enough to really rip a deep, throaty laugh from her. Even deeper than the one before; a vibrant, lively sort of laugh.

"I can't blame you!" Her accent is rough, hard around the edges. "Hah! I would interrupt too, if I saw woman fighting a bear!" Her jaws snap, and it's a flirtatious snap, and Bylgja moves to jostle their shoulders together in an affectionate shrug, which happens to have moved her out of the way of a swipe from the bear. Bylgja lunges forward as the swipe misses her, and she brings her jaws right up where the stranger had speared the elbow, and she digs in a little deeper, spearing the thing in the bear funnybone with a snap of her jaws and really making it mad-- luring it forward, away from the cliff's edge, so it couldn't be driven so easily forward over it. "Can't lose the prize now-" And then it charges, and Bylgja manages to get out of the way.

Her tail is wagging side to side. Fast. Eager. "Bite its tail and I'll give you a kiss!" It is mostly a joke, but also -- well. It'd be funny, and Bylgja isn't above doing things for the bit.




Novice Intellectual (20)

Expert Fighter (180)

3 Years
Extra large

VengeanceCritical Observation!1KLoserCritical Fail!Pride - Pansexual
10-24-2023, 03:55 PM

Well the unknown woman had certainly taken her primary flirtations better than the last wolf she'd tried it on. Mind she had been in the middle of raiding his pack but didn't change that she'd thought his response quite rude; you could turn her down without being an ass about it. The woman laughed and oh lordy was Flurry gay! She danced out of the way of another massive paw that sought to turn her head rattling into something more permanent. Flurry flashed the woman a toothy grin as she approached. Well a woman after her own heart then! The two split apart, Flurry skittering to her left to try and circle the bear while it was occupied. She also wasn't super keen on going over the edge of the cliff though so she kept an eye on the movements of the massive opponent.

Flurry still wasn't fully behind the bear when she heard the bet. "Sorry Mr. Bear I'm sure you're normally a nice guy but you heard the woman!" She said, probably foolishly, as she dove for the back end of the bear, teeth snapping closed around part of the tiny nub of a tail. It wasn't exactly a good grip, she'd come at it from the side. The bear bellowed and Flurry was forced to sidestep as the bear reared up and started pushing it's weight backwards. Oh fuck! Flurry tried to get out of there, letting go of her prize as she scrambled to get out of the way but she wasn't quite successful. The bear's weight slamming down on her as it quite literally sat on her.


Art by Honrin
Updated 01/13/23: I am currently on indefinite scarcity, please be patient and don't remind me of missing tags right now.

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1. courage, courage Crystallum Cliffs 01:32 AM, 10-11-2023 03:33 AM, 02-07-2024