
they come at night- STRANGER DANGER!!



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Underachiever1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
WealthyVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! GlobetrotterOverachieverLegendary
Ooh La LaHomebodyCritical Block!ExplorerPride - DemisexualWinner
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerWordyDouble MasterCritical Hit!
10-30-2023, 08:57 AM (This post was last modified: 11-05-2023, 03:54 PM by Hanzō. Edited 4 times in total.)
TLDR: Man the defences! Tojo is under attack! But with a twist- they are looking for someone, a female koi wolf, and will do anything to get her in their custody. The exact number of enemies is unknown, but there's lots of them in the shadows, and they're well-trained and vicious fighters. In order to fight them off the wolves of Tojo need to work together. I will (unofficially, with Nyz's permission to use ardy bot) roll the enemies with inflated stats to reflect their numbers and skill, then roll the defenders attempts at fighting back. Our totals will be added together, meaning the more wolves who join and fight= better chances of beating the invaders. Everyone is welcome to participate whether you have the fighting skill or not, as every additional fight score will bump our total numbers. Should we fail, they will find and kidnap the koi lady in question... ?

Any questions, DM me!!

Oh! And for fun, whoever rolls the highest and lowest will get 100 gems each :D

(Edit: Assuming you make 3 posts, you CAN claim predator fight points, but not "official" rolled fight skill points)

They moved amongst the shadows, their paws barely stirring the grass as they pressed on. She had told them all they needed to know and had discarded her accordingly, she would live but they had inflicted enough damage to make her think twice about telling a soul. They were aware of the pack who dwelled within the bamboo of course, but to have their suspicions confirmed made this all the easier. No reason to strike each pack one by one till they found what they were looking for, she was here. Where else would she be? And it was time to do what they'd been paid for, the sooner they put an end to it the better.

Hattori could not sleep well that night, his shoulder ached and he couldn't help but sense rising tension in the air. It might full well be a figment of his imagination, a feeling of paranoia, but his gut had never led him astray before. All was quiet, even the air still and remarkably cool for this time of year. A cursory patrol of the edge of the bamboo revealed nothing, no scents nor prints, and thus Hattori resigned himself to yet another restless night. One amongst many. He turned and began to make his way back through the winding corridors- only to pause, to just have a second to suck in a breath before a dark weight slammed into him.

Hattori cursed, a strained hiss from his maw as he scrambled, snarling for the first time in seasons. Both in frustration and aggression, the noise deep and somewhat pained as something wet and warm rolled down his forehead. He'd been struck with some sort of blunt object, the towering bamboo walls blocked out what little light the stars and the moon provided. He couldn't even make out how many attackers there were, but he heard the thudding of paws against dried leaf litter, they were fanning out, on the move and he couldn't stop them. There were too many.

In the distance, towards the inner circles of the Maze he heard his hound start to bark in alert, sounding the alarm, making it slowly dawn on Hattori just how quick they were to press deeper, avoid dead ends.

Fuck, Hattori thought. For perhaps the first time in his life.

Enemies scoring, aka total we need to beat:

[Image: image.png?ex=655a26c7&is=6547b1c7&hm=906...f23239bc4&]

Current Tojo score

[Image: image.png?ex=655a840a&is=65480f0a&hm=8cb...da04179db&]
[Image: de83uxb-0342be6c-7454-4392-a336-72e10a43...s88RF1Wrtg]



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
10-30-2023, 09:08 AM
Tachi had been sleeping soundly in his den, minding his own business when something, or rather several someone's barged their way into his den. He snarled as someone grabbed a hold of his scruff and near YANKED him out of his den, forcing him to go on autopilot mode as he struggled, still half asleep but determined as he flailed beneath them. He lashed out with his muzzle, clamping down on some unfortunate guy's paw, hard enough to taste blood. Or maybe he'd bitten his own tongue in the process it was hard to say, he was disoriented as hell and had no idea what was going on. He kicked up a right ruckus either way, yapping and growling-if nothing else he had to let the others something was wrong. Terribly wrong.



Master Fighter (305)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
10-30-2023, 09:21 AM

The only way the young boy was able to sleep as of late was to exhaust himself. As much as it wasn't his problem, it was also his problem. The Kaicho had warned him and told him to not go nosing around until he heard something. Instead, Akito had buried himself in his training. Constant preparation with anyone he could convince to spar with him. Bruises spread along his skin, hidden beneath dark fur. Cuts from the bamboo shoots sliced the pads of his paws from practically his dodging along the outskirts where sharp, young bamboo grew. It wasn't until well into the night did Akito returned to the den where his mother and siblings slept.

Landing near the doorway where he could gaze out into the still night until his lids finally closed, Akito curled up. His breathing is shallow, his sleep restless, sore muscles twitching and low whines escaping from his lips. His Akita puppy slides in to nestle close, to help calm his state of being on edge. Slowly, he relaxes, almost into a somewhat peaceful deep sleep when the alerting call of Hattori's dog echoes.

Akito's ears perk up, his eyes shooting open, instantly awake and scrambling to his paws. Before he has a chance to make it out the door, looming shadows fill the doorway. Stumbling backward, Akito puffs up and barks at them. They advance anyway. His mother and siblings have no chance to awake before Akito is grabbed. Dragged through the dirt with his cheek smashed into the ground, they take him into the maze. He tries to let out a howl to alert the others, but they swiftly smack him with something dull and heavy. Stars light up in front of his vision as he continues to struggle.

He had to do something.


akito's companions are to be assumed nearby unless stated otherwise.




Master Intellectual (330)

Master Hunter (335)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble Master1KPride - Gay
10-31-2023, 10:36 AM

As Summer wound down to an end, Kuroo was taking advantage of the last few warm nights that he could. With Autumn just around the corner meant Winter would be right after. Once Winter arrived, the fish would sink to lower depths to keep warm which meant he wouldn't be able to fish as much. With that on his mind, he knew he needed to supply the food larder as much as possible. Dolphins and manatees were a constant nuisance and he found himself repairing his netting that night. The humid but cool ocean breeze that ruffled his coat kept him comfortable as he and Saru worked to re-tie the ripped and broken netting. They crafted in companionable silence as the stars broke out across the sky.

It wasn't until late did Kuroo began to grow sleepy. About ready to turn in for the night, a quiet rustling along the bamboo made his hair stand on end. Both ears were alert as he turned to look. At first, he saw nothing. Smelled nothing. Sensed nothing, but he heard it. The gentle shift of leaf litter was being stepped upon and moved as someone wandered along the bamboo. His brow furrows as he tries to squint for a better look, but still, he cannot see anything.

"Oi! Who goes?" Kuroo calls out loudly as he comes to stand on his rock and turns to face the wall of bamboo. The noise he had been hearing stops suddenly and all is quiet once more. His tail lifts slightly over his back as his ears come to fold down to his head. Something was definitely wrong. Stepping down off the rock, Kuroo slowly approaches the bamboo with his head lowered and lips pulled into a snarl. As he gets closer, almost to the bamboo, one of Hattori's dogs' echoing howls sets him over the edge.

"Whoever is ou-," suddenly Kuroo is cut off as a net is tossed over him. "Oi!" Kuroo shouts as the net is pulled tight and he is slung onto the ground. A yelp leaves him as he twists and turns in his own netting. "Let me go!" His sharp Nihongo is loud and as fierce as he can. Though he is laidback and fairly optimistic, he is still athletic and strong, usable and competent. Kuroo continues to fight to get out of netting. He tilts his chin upward in an attempt to howl. Only a short blast of song erupts from him before a blunt object smacks him over the head. Kuroo cringes, seeing stars swirl around him before his eyes close and they continue to drag him into the maze where the others are.

[Image: Kuroo-Fishies1.png]
kuroo's tamarin, saru, should be assumed near/on him at all times.



4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
11-03-2023, 08:37 PM

Arne had been sticking around the Swallet Ring, not quite certain he wanted to tie himself down to a pack but enjoying fishing with Kuroo when the opportunity presented. It had been a large group of stranger smelling shadows slinking towards the bamboo that had woken him up, and while his greyscale coat lent itself to sneaking in the night, it wasn't exactly something he was used to doing.

Shouting ahead was all it took for the tusked man to break his cover, barreling blindly into the fray. He could only assume the wolf in the net wasn't one that wanted to be there (it sounded distinctly like his fishing companion), and an unexpected surge of an emotion he wasn't quite familiar with (was that anger?) took hold with his warthog companion squealing angrily at his side. Teeth snapped and weight shoved at the... canine? dragging the net, Hopefully, leaving enough slack in the line for his friend to break free.  


[Image: Arne-Chibi1.png]



Master Fighter (245)

Master Healer (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years
Toy size

1KSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
11-03-2023, 08:46 PM

Fuji was sleeping in her usual spot these days, on top of her mother's hip, somewhere partially buried beneath the bodies of her younger siblings. The dramatic crash of the doors on the hut that made their den being smashed open and the barely discernible yelp of one of her larger siblings, had Fuji's bleary eyes open with a snap. A low growl rumbled from her chest and her golden cat yowled in response as the girl sprung into action going after the strange retreating shapes that had stolen her sibling.

Kenta kept pace at her side as they moved with practiced ease through the twists and turns of the maze, but the dead ends didn't seem to be holding their attackers up at all. Her teeth were gritted in frustration as finally an unfamiliar back end came into sight. Fuji angled her horned head towards a foreign thigh, hoping she had enough momentum to break bone. Her feline jumped for the strangers back and the girl swung teeth up into delicate undersides. All she could see was red, and she wanted to turn the stranger inside out for daring to come to this place.


[Image: i0F1X8z.gif]



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
OverachieverCritical Observation!Halloween 2020 - Witches HutBeevent1K
11-03-2023, 09:31 PM

Sedna usually slept quite soundly beneath a sea of bodies, but this night was different. First one, then another moved away rapidly and between the banging and the jostling, the aging mother rose to her feet, shedding the rest of her brood that remained. Tori's baying dogs only added to the panic. Fuji and her cat were out the door and a quick headcount had the mother's brows drawing down in distress. She checked the room, the hall, her healing room, and for now at least, the hut seemed free of intruders, but she wasn't about to hang around and find out.

Torn between protecting her brood (sure they were growing rapidly and had show their competence readily, but they were still just children) and joining the fight for her home, she had to come up with a compromise. "Stay close," They would be easy pickings, but it was better to be close enough to do something about it.

Moving out into the cleared area at the front of their home with the tidy little herb garden and the kiln she had built with her own paws, the mother moved cautiously. When shadows moved across the opening of the dead end where they made their home she positioned herself defensively in front of her children and moved towards the straggler group that seemed a little less confident than the ones that had burst into their home.

[Image: mangomouse.jpg]

Morganna II


Advanced Navigator (105)

Intermediate Fighter (30)

2 Years
Dire wolf
11-03-2023, 10:07 PM (This post was last modified: 11-05-2023, 12:07 AM by Morganna II. Edited 1 time in total.)

The sweaty heat of summer was no friend to the young Morganna. Try as she might, down here her mother and sister struggled to find a way to keep her mushrooms under control. They had relentlessly sprouted from all the places they would unavoidably be knocked from. Her lips, her eyelids, her ears, her legs... the ones around the folds of her neck persisted and didn't leave her with oozing wounds like the others did, but it certainly made sleeping in a hot pile of bodies intolerable and so she had snuck out earlier, traversing the bamboo paths and catching what little soothing breezes she could.

A kerfuffle close by had her little owl companion landing between her ears, tugging at her fur and encouraging her to go the other way, the sound of Tori's growl, a proper one at that, sent her down the nearest path to the leader. If nothing else, she would serve as a distraction, green ooze glowing tracks down her face, lips pulled back in a silent snarl. Even though she was only 6 months old, she had grown a lot, and still had a lot more to go. Who the fuck did they think they were just barging in like this?

In the back of her mind, she wished her brother was with her.



"Goes by Aka"


Master Intellectual (240)

Expert Fighter (165)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Samhain 2022All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Mammoth HunterIce Bridge Explorer
Pride - Pansexual1KDouble Master
11-05-2023, 09:26 AM

Áskell had completely withdrawn into himself, so deep that even Ari couldn't shake him loose. A sense of hopelessness, of nihilism had buried itself deep in his chest. He got little joy out of life anymore, instead just focusing on the usual motions. Patrol, eat, sleep, repeat. This time of year was the worst for it reminded him of the death of his father and his brother. The events would replay through his mind when he slept and creep into the edges of his thoughts when he was awake. It was the void was calling him but he didn't have the ability to answer… no, that wasn't quite true. He had the ability. He had considered just walking off into the ocean and disappearing but a sense of duty still held him in place. He was useless as a son and a brother, but he still had some merit as a fighter. A warm body to throw at enemies.

Áskell was patrolling the bay when the sound of Hattori's barking hound could be heard in the distance. His ears flicked up, that was a call of warning. An alarm! A rush of adrenaline coursed through his veins, pulling his mind from the darkness into the present as he launched himself back toward the maze. He slowed as he neared the den site, strange scents assaulting his nose. Through the bamboo he could see strange and powerful looking wolves, dragging his pack members from their dens. The scents did not match up with any of the Auster or Boreas packs he was aware of.

Making a swift calculation he spied the brute that was dragging Kuroo away. He needed other adults ready and able to fight if they were to stand a chance. Stealthily Áskell repositioned himself and then launched forward, attacking the brute from behind and aiming for the most sensitive area he could think of, the man's testicles. Fangs lanced forward, connecting with their target and eliciting a furious yowl from his opponent.

Áskell thought he'd have time to react but his opponent moved with horrifying swiftness for one so large. Before he could react the other man slammed into him, knocking him clean onto his back, teeth aiming for his throat. Ari shrieked and brought a club to the enemy's face, trying to buy his companion some time to get back on his feet.



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
11-05-2023, 03:38 PM
Through the depths of the dark maze, a series of near-silent pawsteps drummed like a rolling storm. He was not late, per say; blood welled from several teeth marks upon his shoulders, and it was clear he'd already squeezed himself out of a scuffle..or several. He was held up a ways away from the rest of the pack, launching himself with lightening-quick accuracy upon the unwelcome intruders that dared straggle around the borders with calculated, brutal swipes of his sword until they were either still upon the earth or limping away. His chartreuse eyes were cold. His expression intense.

He was seeing red. Coated in it, too.

Usagi couldn't even spare a single breath from his lips as he stealthily sprinted through the bamboo, a gut feeling that his family was in danger roiling beneath his skin. Kuroo. Find Kuroo. He couldn't even find Kunai, but he could only pray he was safe, too. Right now, the scent of blood clung to the inside of his nostrils, that flared as every muscle in his form felt alive with the electric hum of adrenaline. He wanted to kill the intruders. Feel the rivets of blood slough from his sword. They needed to die. Die. Die.

His weaving through the bamboo with instinctual agility led him to a horrifying sight; Kuroo tangled in the net laid by the intruders, and Askell and several others attempting to help before they, too, were torn into the fray. There was not a single second thought to spare as Usagi sprinted towards his brother, skillfully thrusting the blade between his brother's pelt and the net to slice the ropes open. If he was successful, the razor-sharp sword would unleash the net like a hot knife through butter, and Kuroo would be freed.

He skidded around as another of the feral intruders attempted to lunge at him and his brother, Usagi peeling his lips back into a snarl. He'd kill anybody who dared laid a paw upon his sibling, and the burning tinge of shame that he couldn't be here sooner to interrupt his brother's entanglement was but a temporary feeling as he swiftly jutted out a hind paw towards the bulky intruder's jaw, feeling the sickening crack of bone shattering and its teeth spitting out of its now blood-pooled mouth, hearing it whimper.

It still tried to swipe at him, but his attention was then focused on Askell, who had just a few moments ago successfully fought off another attacker only for it to launch the man onto his back. Usagi didn't hesitate to leap foward, aiming to use one side of his double blades to slice into the aggressor's back. Hopefully, the pain would be enough for the attacker to release its grasp on Askell so he could get to his feet.


wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—



Beginner Hunter (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
11-06-2023, 12:25 AM
Yarou, unlike many of the others, was not asleep when the commotion began. She'd been returning from a hunt, picking her way through the bamboo with the uncertain slowness of a two-day packmember. The smell of the territory was not even fully upon her; she smelled somewhat of Tojo-Kai, but did not wear it ingrained upon her pelt quite yet. The dolphin she'd snagged with her mother, hunting at sea, was limp in her jaws, at least.

She heard the commotion and began to move faster, abandoning her kill in the bamboo as she heard her mother's cry. Hakki, for her part, was snapping at the legs of a large brute who had her half-pinned and was trying to throttle the life out of her. Yarou flung herself upon the brute, digging her teeth into his shoulder, his neck, his back, with a series of rapid bites.

But that was not the goal. He screamed a curse and released Hakki, and both mother and daughter fled back towards the main camp. Hakki, a bit faster, managed to gain. Hakki joined the attack on Askell's attacker, the small akita flinging herself bodily upon the invader. Yarou carried past, colliding with a bitch who had been trying to attack Usagi from behind; the wolfdog found herself grappling with the pure-wolf, who snarled something about koi bastard and lunged for her throat, only to miss. They parted, both bleeding, now, and Yarou spat on the ground between them before they joined once more in combat, Yarou well aware of the disadvantage her size provided.




Master Intellectual (330)

Master Hunter (335)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble Master1KPride - Gay
11-08-2023, 08:04 AM

Kuroo struggled. The netting wrapped around his paws and tangled around his legs. He was thoroughly stuck and the attackers seemed to not care. As they continued to drag him with a swiftness that burned his fur, he felt the tremble of the ground beneath him. Twisting just enough to see the bulky form of Arne and his companion racing toward him, relief washed over Kuroo. Letting out a strangled cry, Kuroo fought to help unleash himself from the net.

While he struggled to be released, he felt the canine that was holding the net lurch away and suddenly release him. Blurs of greys and browns and red began to tussle with the opponent. The sound of his brother washing more relief over him as he removed himself from the netting. Before he could properly thank Arne or the others, another force was slamming into him from the side. Nearly knocking the wind out of him, Kuroo skids across the sand. Confusion glitters in his sight as he gives his head a shake.

Though Kuroo is not an easily angered wolf, he won't tolerate the abuse anymore. Lunging forward blindly in the dark of night, he goes for the nearest enemy. Jaws opening wide as he tries to latch onto anywhere. His first go is a miss and he is soon thwapped across the face with a piece of bamboo. A yelp leaves him as he reels backward toward the water. Who the fuck were these guys?

[Image: Kuroo-Fishies1.png]
kuroo's tamarin, saru, should be assumed near/on him at all times.



Master Fighter (305)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
11-08-2023, 08:23 AM

Akito would not allow himself to be bested by these mongrels. He cared not about his age or his expertise, he had trained enough to handle this situation. Growing limp in the hold of the attacker, he waits for them to lower their guard. They think he is knocked out, unable to fight back so they don't hold as tightly. Akito stills himself further, calming his heart and holding back the adrenaline for the right moment. While they continue to drag him through the bamboo, Akito has to force himself not to react to the strangled cries and howls of his pack mates.

When they round a corner, Akito strikes. His face twists and teeth clamp down on a leg. The responding yowl and release of him allow him to spring away and take off. As the Kaicho had told him, if there were multiple attackers, he must run and run he did. Taking off faster than he ever had in his life, Akito makes his way toward the scent of his sister. He can sense the fear, feel it shake the bamboo, as he navigates the corridors.

There. He sees her smaller form taking off toward the sound of Hattori. Before he can reach her, another attacker appears from between the bamboo stalks. Fury seethes from his pores as he launches himself at the canine and digs his horns into the creature's throat. Blood splashes over his head and face, coating him in the warm and sticky fluid as he pulls away and uses the falling body to propel himself closer to his sister.

"MORG!" Akito shouts as he catches up, completely breathless, but unstoppable. "We have to help," he pants heavily as he continues to follow Morg through the bamboo and toward Hattori.

akito's companions are to be assumed nearby unless stated otherwise.



Novice Navigator (20)

Advanced Hunter (110)

5 Years

Samhain 2022Pride - PansexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-08-2023, 01:09 PM

Unlike some, Nami had been sleeping soundly, no doubt dreaming of fish - not just of fishing, but of being a fish. How freely she swam through the waterways, dipping and diving through large fields of coral, gliding through the water as easily as a bird through air. In her dreams she was free, even more free than she could ever be in her day-to-day life, though her bliss was cut short by the sound of barking hounds, signaling danger. She was confused and groggy upon waking, jerking upright and listening, hoping her ears had deceived her - she realized quickly though that they hadn't, and that something was wrong.

She barely hesitated in jumping up and heading toward the bamboo maze. Though she wasn't a fighter, she was a protector, a helper to anyone who needed it - and who deserved it more than her pack? She wasn't yet familiar with most of the wolves of Tojo-Kai but Hanzo had shown her kindness, and Kuroo was someone she considered a dear friend. It wasn't even that she couldn't forgive herself if anything happened to them, she didn't even think of it like that - she just needed to help. That was all there was to it.

The sound of fighting became apparent as she approached, even obvious under the cover of night. The darkness only added to the confusion though. Who was attacking, and why? It made no sense to her. Scanning the horizon, she locked onto a few scents. Kuroo! He was here, and she'd find him no matter what it took. She swore she heard his cries, but it was not just him that seemed to be the target.

Moving forward into the maze of bamboo without thinking much about what she was doing, it became quickly apparent it wasn't just Kuroo under attack. There was a flash of fur as wolves struck wolves, some familiar and others not. It became alarmingly clear that Tojo-Kai was under attack then and Nami moved on instinct. She didn't have a fighting bone in her body but she launched her thin frame at the wolf that seemed to be going after Kuroo. Eyes narrowed and lips peeled back, though no snarl left her throat as she lunged - aiming to help debilitate the enemy. Causing harm didn't feel good to her, even if it was being done to protect someone she cared for, and she fought back surprising tears that began to burn at the corners of her eyes as she tried with all her might to latch onto the stranger and help bring them down.



Beginner Hunter (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
11-17-2023, 12:25 AM
She is nonplussed that the Tojo-Kai wolves do not assist her in her task. They know one another, and they are wolves-- both of these things tell Yarou that they pay more mind to one another than herself.

The woman in front of her spits at Yarou. "What bastard whelped you, mongrel? Putting you in the dirt will be a -" but she can say no more as Yarou lurches, sinking her teeth into the woman's throat. Size matters, true, but Yarou knows how to use her small form against others much larger, and she snarls, head yanking back, bloodied. The dog leaves the corpse, and charges another wolf, trying to close on the one Nami is grappling for. The small mutt moves surely, quickly -- she hunts the wolves like prey. This is what they are to her, after all: prey, for the slaughter.



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
11-17-2023, 05:57 AM
Through the bamboo, Tate can hear it. Something in the boy's bones said that they were coming. Something in his bones, something on the breeze. The whispers. Tate could hear them all, he could see them, he'd been able to damn near sense it. It had driven him closer to home, left him hanging around a bit more than usual. Tense. Watching. Waiting. There was something coming for them, and he would be there to make sure that his family stayed safe when it did.

And it did.

And he would

The boy sprung to action, racing to close the short distance between them and stand beside his mother. Beside his sisters. It's without second thought that he throws himself into the attackers, teeth shining brilliantly against the moonlight. Snapping and snarling-- this is near as unhinged as he was during the first raid. Still, there's something different this time. These are no mere raiders. These are something different, something worse. They'd come for blood and Tate can't understand why. Though he reeled, though he ached, though all he could smell was blood and sweat and spit, he reveled in it.

Though there was far more on the line than usual, Tate fights as he always has. Practiced, wild, and a little unhinged.

[Image: 47115661_1aV6ZXJ7TGVIqbU.gif?1648164468]


"Goes by Aka"


Master Intellectual (240)

Expert Fighter (165)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Samhain 2022All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Mammoth HunterIce Bridge Explorer
Pride - Pansexual1KDouble Master
11-19-2023, 09:32 AM

Áskell twisted sharply, scrambling to his feet. Both the attack of his companion and of Usagi was enough to draw the attacker's attention, giving him precious moments of time. The attacker was now focused on Usagi and before Áskell could assist he was slammed into once again. A massive shoulder collided with his ribcage, knocking the breath from him. A moment later fangs aimed for his face but he was agile enough to roll out of the way and get back on his feet to zero in on his opponent. The wolf was massive, dark-pelted, with deep rust colored markings on the face. She was a giant, and she loomed over him, her face baring know expression. She charged once more for him, fangs aiming for her face. He slipped to the side, her fangs cutting down into his back but failing to gain hold. Utilizing his smaller size he slipped beneath her, jaws aiming for her belly.



Novice Intellectual (20)

Advanced Fighter (115)

6 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
11-19-2023, 09:45 AM
She'd been patrolling the ancient oaks when she heard Hattori's distant call. The fur on the back of her neck stood up when she heard the urgency, something that was unusual to hear from Tojo. The pack was like a sleepy little town, only now something had come to wake them up. Quietly, she raced her way from the oaks to the bamboo maze, picking up traces of unfamiliar wolves as she moved. Brows furrowed, she doesn't recognize any of the scents that she finds...intruders? Raiders? Were they suddenly at war? As she got closer to the bamboo and it was within her sights, she spotted a couple of wolves that appeared to be standing guard at one of the entrances.

With bared fangs, her ears fold back and her hackles bristle along her back. On silent but deadly paws, Sakura makes her way to the pair and once she's upon them, she violently snarls and slashes at the one on her right with sharp tiger-like claws, sending him to the ground with a surprised cry of pain before she sets her sights on the other one. He lunged for her, but Sakura had practiced this many times over with her brothers back home. She pulls back just out of reach before slashing at him, too. The second wolf flinches, and it's just enough for Sakura. She lunged for him, jaws open, and all the other wolf sees was the glow of her tongue before her jaws shut over his muzzle. She twists her head, breaking his jaw before sending him to the ground.

The wolf cries out in pain as he scrambles to his feet, tail tucked between his legs as he seeks his getaway. Before she can give chase, the first wolf she had attacked knocks into her from behind, biting her flank which only served to enrage her. She whirled around and slapped him with claws extended once more, slashing across his face and spraying his blood all over her, the ground, the bamboo. She is bigger than him. More experienced. Sakura lunges for him with bared fangs, but the coward decides this fight isn't worth it and follows his companion back to wherever they came from.

Shaking the dust off her coat, she races into the familiar bamboo, listening and following the sounds of ongoing fights. How many had breached Tojo?

"Sakura Haruno"



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Underachiever1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
WealthyVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! GlobetrotterOverachieverLegendary
Ooh La LaHomebodyCritical Block!ExplorerPride - DemisexualWinner
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerWordyDouble MasterCritical Hit!
11-19-2023, 12:14 PM (This post was last modified: 11-20-2023, 10:06 AM by Hanzō. Edited 1 time in total.)

The night was no longer so quiet. Snarls and barks erupted all across the territory, Hattori's ears flitted back in a show of frustration in knowing that even if he could take down these attackers he could not be everywhere at once. That he was powerless to help them all. And it was impossible to even know who needed help more than another. It was all just distant sounds and scents, ones he could barely take in given the situation. He reeled around, blood trickling from his forehead as he barged forward with all his might, jaws clamping down on the nearest wolf's muzzle. Wrenching the blunt weapon from his mouth, he tore it away and raised it high, bringing it down and bludgeoning the dark wolf's cranium. One blow wasn't enough, another then another before he span around and threw it at another approaching stranger, using the moment the attacker dodged to weave in close and commence a second attack.

He was fighting dirty, but they didn't deserve any less.

Chest heaving and running off pure adrenaline, he found himself sprinting down the bamboo corridors. Two wolves were dead and the other laid dying, a gurgling wheeze came from its throat as it looked at its teammates.  One with his brain matter sputtered out across the leaf carpet and the other hunched over a sharpened bamboo shoot, trunk impaling its throat. The stalk not quite long enough to come out the other side.

"Kiriko!" Because it didn't take a genius to realise why they were here, who they were after.

[Image: de83uxb-0342be6c-7454-4392-a336-72e10a43...s88RF1Wrtg]



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
11-19-2023, 12:35 PM
[Image: d39nwqw-e041f92d-eb72-4624-9185-e53aa720...bdBUyWKRFY]

It was chaos and as cool and collected as Tachi liked to think he was, it was all so overwhelming. Knowing he couldn't let himself get pinned, he reared up jaws snapping and sabre teeth catching on someone. He tasted blood and yanked back, taking the opening to make a run for it as fast as his limbs would allow. He wasn't fleeing, this was a tactical retreat really, and if someone else needed his help he'd totally offer it. Totally. But they, whoever the fuck they were, were hot on his heels. Paws thudding against the carpet of fallen bamboo leaves, he glanced over his shoulder to see that they were catching up fast and if he didn't- he bowled into something, or rather someone and in the blind manic of the moment he didn't stop to wonder who he'd just run into.

It wasn't an enemy, but a pack mate. Sakura in fact, who already had enough on her plate as it was.

He let out a snarl, grit his teeth before aiming to make a snap at her, knowing full well he couldn't take on her (that he didn't realise was in fact a her) and the other wolves who were still on his arse.

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1. they come at night- STRANGER DANGER!! Bamboo Maze 08:57 AM, 10-30-2023 04:43 PM, 02-28-2024