
Dancing Across The Universe

Aresenn <3


"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
12-08-2023, 11:21 PM

The lavender young woman slowly leads Aresenn through the Armada territory as the evenings grows deeper. They slowly wind past trees, the greenery slowly dropping away, until the wide-open space of the Col yawns before them, guarded only by the open wall. Pale blue eyes suddenly flicks over to the fiery male as Andy wonders what he thinks, seeing the slowly improving area now versus when it had been flooded… and he had saved her life. The pair quietly slip past the wall that two wolves, now gone, had built and she immediately cuts to the left before they can go further in.

It is with expert knowledge that she leads him to the well-worn pathway that winds its way up the mountain side where stubborn snow clings to many of stones and the air grows colder as they climb. After several minutes, they round a bend in a trail and a large building that sits slightly off to the side, comes into view, its dark back casting them further into shadow as the pair approach it. In the inky darkness of the wall, a slightly less black patch marks where the doorway is since it is made up of two, thick, plush bear skins that separate the rest of the world from Andromeda’s.

Pausing by the doorway, she turns to looks to Aresenn, uncertainty warring with excitement across her features as she catches his amber gaze. A small smile tugs at her lips as she softly says, “Welcome to my observatory.” With that, she lifts a slender leg, easily pulling the furs aside to reveal the interior to the boy who is special to her as she quickly ushers him inside.

Three wooden chests lay to the right of the entry way, two similar in size while a third, longer one sits a short distance away with its lid pulled open to reveal the papers and books that lay inside. A huge, plush pile of furs lay a short distance in front of long chest, big enough to comfortably fit them both or two of her dire sized siblings with ease. Directly ahead of them, near the front wall is a long desk that is littered with opened book, large unrolled pieces of parchment with markings across their faces, and an inkwell with a small quill. Finally, close to that sturdy, well used desk, is a carefully cared for telescope; the strange, fat, cylindrical tube is perched atop a tripod of thinner metal legs and it is obvious that the lavender girl takes great care of it.

However, in spite of the physical trappings, the most impressive thing about the observatory, is the view. Where the back wall was made of out concrete, the other three walls are huge, single panes of glass that have been carefully constructed to hold the weight of the glass ceiling. Moonlight floods the room, casting everything in silvery, ethereal glow and the stars are so clear and bright that is seems like you could reach out and touch them. Andy slowly leads Aresenn to the pile of furs, allowing him time to look around while her breath catches in her throat as she watches him, wondering what he thinks of the building. To her, it is almost sacred ground, where much of her life has been spent stargazing and mapping the movement of the celestial bodies.

Paws touch the makeshift bed and she moves to the middle, circling around to the boy and gently pulling him in toward her for another kiss. But, before their lips can meet, she stops just short, softly whispering agin, “Stay with me Aresenn. Please… never leave me… never again.” Her breath is hot against his maw, her pale blue eyes searching his golden gaze for acknowledgement of her request while her eyes plead with him to understand. Part of her is terrified that he will simply walk away right now and take a part of her heart with him.

"Andy" & "Aresenn"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
12-13-2023, 12:09 AM

Aresenn's gaze couldn't help but be drawn to their surroundings as they passed through the heart of Armada's territory. The col had been mercilessly ravaged by the unforgiving flood waters, leaving behind a trail of destruction that was still evident. Yet amidst the remnants of chaos, there were also signs of gradual recovery, a testament to the resilience and determination of Andromeda's family and pack. The air was thick with the scent of wet earth and fresh growth, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, life perseveres. He couldn't help but return to the memories of that day- the chaos, and the moments of desperation and panic- it had been a lifeline exchanged in dire circumstances. Observing the changes, Aresenn's mind wandered briefly, tracing the steps of progress that had transformed this place. He caught the glint in Andy's pale blue eyes, a flicker of thoughts passing between them, unspoken but understood. 

As they ventured deeper, following Andromeda's assured steps, the surroundings shifted. A structure emerged into view, one that was nothing like he had ever seen. Its dark silhouette loomed over them, casting a shroud against the waning light of eventide. Aresenn felt his instincts heighten, his senses keenly aware of the subtle nuances in the atmosphere. The doorway, a mere patch in the darkness, beckoned to them, guarded by bear hides that swayed gently in the breeze. Though he could feel the hesitance charge the air, as if the mountain side around them were holding its breath. As she looked at him then, he answered her gaze with interest, returning her grin with his own half-smirk as she introduced him to her observatory, enticing him inside. 

The intricate details and furnishing of the world inside were foreign to him. But with every step, he felt like he was entering a new realm, full of mysteries waiting to be uncovered. The atmosphere was ethereal, almost otherworldly, as if the encasing glass were windows into the universe itself. The only source of light being the soft glow of moon and starlight. Despite the darkness, he could see everything so clearly. As he stood in awe and silence, taking in the breathtaking space around him, he suddenly became aware of her presence. She beckoned him further into the room, her movements graceful and alluring. She led him to a pallet of furs that lay on the ground, inviting him to share the moment with her. 

As they situate themselves atop the bed, he quickly found himself ensnared in her embrace. As she leaned in, he did the same, seeking the contact that had ended abruptly out in the forest. Though just as he could feel the heat of her breath, he was stopped with her plea. Please never leave me again. It caused his gut to twist. Though, caught up in the heat of the moment, he couldn’t stand for things to stall there. “Oh, Drama. It was a lustful sigh- one very clearly heavy with wanting. Rather than stealing the kiss she withheld, he leaned in, pressing his lips to her collar bone. He wanted to live in this moment forever. He regretted his refusal, before the words had rolled off his tongue. But he wouldn’t make a false vow to her for his own benefit. "... I can't keep that promise," he finally answered in a husky voice, while trailing his lips along the delicate curvature of the bridge between her neck and shoulder. He desperately wanted to take back his words and give into her pleading gaze, but he knew it wouldn't be right. "Stay with me now... For as long as you can... And come back as soon as you can..." He added, each word punctuated by a gentle kiss as he trailed his way up her neck. “Those are all promises I can keep.” He assured her, but with a heavy heart, no less. It was only then did he pull away, uncertain if his touch would still be welcome. Looking for her impossibly blue gaze, he sought direction. Permission to continue ... or dismissal to leave.

"Andy" & "Aresenn"

Code by Sea


"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
12-25-2023, 07:38 PM

Andy does not mean to tease the boy by withholding the kiss, her own fear of abandonment merely rears its ugly head at an extremely inopportune moment. Her name is breathed out with a lustful sigh while her eyes plead with him, begging the fire-kissed boy to understand the deep terror that comes with the thought of his absence. Aresenn leans in, dipping his head to press his lips into her collar bone and the girl’s eyelids flutter as lightning zips along her nerves. Something about him keeps pulling her in, causing her to yearn for even the simplest touch he has to offer.

Starlight bathes their bodies, illuminating the space around them as he speaks of not being able to keep that promise; his voice husky with want while grief strikes her in the heart. Andy cranes her to the side as he trails kisses along the curve, making it more pronounced for him as he goes. Eyelids flutter as her mind is forced to dance upon a razors edge. Passion demands that she give herself over to the red boy as her body yearns to know every inch of him in a more intimate sense… yet there is something she needs.

Amber eyes find her own, sorrow-filled pale blues as he speaks again, each word punctuated with a gentle kiss that has her toes curling and body spasming with desire. She ponders why his touch feels so electric yet the promise he offers are weak and her heart hurts because of it. He gazes into her eyes and the sorrow softens, the girl leaning in to captures his lips with her own, in a gentle agreement that she needs him as much as he needs her. Eyes roll back and she spies the night skies above them, silently watching and her lips suddenly break the connect so that her neck can crane back; exposing her throat to him as she quietly looks at the glittering heavens.

After several quiet moments, her soft voice breaks the silence to say, “Do you know why I brought you here Aresenn?” The heat and need between them is undeniable but there is still something missing; something that she must try to get him to understand. Without lowering her eyes, she continues, “This place is special to me. A place, I could always retreat to when I needed.” Pale blue gaze lowers to meet his lustful eyes as she softly adds, You are special to me, Aresenn.” The words are weak, the lines that she tries to connect for him, almost non-existent but it something that she had to voice before she could give herself to him fully. Which she now does without any remorse.

"Andy" & "Aresenn"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
12-25-2023, 08:22 PM

Aresenn felt a surge of desire as Andromeda's lips captured his, their connection full of passion and longing. He could taste the bittersweetness of her sorrow, but in time, he would try and overwhelm it with the heat that coursed through their bodies. In that moment, he forgot about his earlier hesitation and let himself be consumed by the intensity of their shared desire. But it was when she broke the kiss, her neck arching back to expose her throat to him, that Aresenn's breath caught in his throat. He gazed at her in awe, captivated by her openness and trust. The moonlight bathed her delicate features in a soft glow, illuminating the depth of her pale blue eyes as she spoke.

Aresenn’s heart pounded in his chest as he listened to Andromeda’s words. Her confession hung in the air, heavy and fragile all at once. She had brought him to this sacred place, this observatory, not just for physical connection, but to open herself up to him emotionally. The weight of her vulnerability tugged at his own walls, threatening to bring them crashing down. As he looked into her eyes, he saw a mixture of fear and longing. It was a fragile balance, one that required his utmost care and attention. And so, with a tenderness he hadn’t known before, Aresenn reached out and gently brushed against her cheek.

"Andromeda," he breathed out, his voice barely a whisper. "I don’t think you see how special you are to me.” His words were infused with sincerity as he traced his fingertips along the curve of her cheekbone, his touch feather-light. Aresenn felt a deep yearning within him, a desire to ease Andromeda's fears and show her just how much she meant to him. The weight of his emotions swirled beneath the surface, threatening to spill over as he spoke. "You are not just a fleeting moment in my life," he continued, his voice filled with conviction. "And when you need me, my moon and stars, I will be there for you.” Aresenn leaned closer, his lips hovering just above Andromeda's, a promise hanging in the air between them. He could feel the warmth radiating from her, the electricity that crackled whenever they touched. In that moment, he thought he could see the flicker of uncertainty in her eyes. But he was determined to ease her fears, to show her that the closeness that they felt to each other was very much real. And was very much reciprocated.

With the gentle touch he maintained at her face face, Aresenn closed the gap between them, pressing his lips against hers in a soft and lingering kiss. It was a kiss that held all the tenderness and adoration he felt for her. He hoped that she could feel it.

"Andy" & "Aresenn"

Code by Sea


"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
01-08-2024, 08:20 PM

Passion burns in the air around them, igniting her heart and setting fire to her soul. Aresenn has always held a special place in her heart and it only feels right that they are here, now, preparing to get to know each other more intimately. Yet, Andy hesitates because this is a huge step and, while she has longed for it, the fear of him abandoning her after one heated night of passion is a very real fear that she has. The kiss is electric even as she attempts to bite back the sorrow that burns in her throat and she breaks the contact to tilt her head back so she can look up at the stars.

For so long those celestial bodies had been the only ones to hear her fears and dreams but now, laying beneath with Aresenn, the girl really and truly feels vulnerable. Yet, she trusts him and not in such a simple way as exposing her throat might suggests. No, she has brought him here, to her sanctuary so that they can bond not just physically but emotionally. They are dancing on a razor edge as she shifts between desire and fear; the need to be together and the desire for him to understand further war in the open air as the moments seem to stretch on.

Then, he is reaching out, a gentle brush against her cheek that sends her heart aflutter and eyelids dancing but it is his words that steals her breath away. It is a promise, whispered in the star-light and pledged to fearful girl who is all too eager to drink it in with. Aresenn is a fire, blazing a trail through her life and Andy longs to touch it, capture it, and keep it close to her. Yet, as she gazes into his smoldering amber eyes, an understanding dawns; he is not someone who can be bottled up.

Words do not come and she simple nods, heart thundering as he leans in closer, lips hovering just above her own. Heat fills the air as his breath softly puffs out onto her nose and she searches him for directions. Everything about him is gentle and, when he closes the gap between them and presses a lingering kiss into her lips, the lavender girl melts. There is a tenderness, an adoration in it that she has always hoped for and the fact that the boy she has found herself falling for is the one to give it to her… well, she is completely his.

Andy shifts, deepening the kiss and bringing a paw up to brush against his chest, lightly ruffling the fur there in a playful, teasing caress. While this is her first time and she is clumsy at best, the passion that burns hotly in her veins tries to lead the way. Breaking the kiss, she sucks in a breath, eyes burning as she begs silently for him to lead her, to show her how to touch and take care of his needs while also having her own met. The paw lifts, tracing the line of his throat down to chest as she gives a soft sound of desire, needing him to open up to her.

Overhead, the stars watch as the pair slowly begin to explore each other’s body.

"Andy" & "Aresenn"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
01-08-2024, 09:01 PM

The atmosphere in the observatory was charged with electricity, as if every emotion in the universe was converging in this one moment. Aresenn could feel it, the swirling currents of passion and desire between them, like a delicate dance that only they knew the steps to. As Andromeda shifted against him, her lips pressed against his with a heated urgency, igniting a fire within him that matched her own. It felt like a sacred space where two souls merged, lost in each other amidst the endless expanse of twinkling lights above. Their passion and love filled every inch of the room, making it seem as if time was slowing just for them in this blissful moment.

A warm, tingling sensation spread through his chest as her playful touch danced across his skin. A low, contented growl rumbled from deep within his throat, a sign of his pleasure. He met her gaze with his own amber eyes, filled with a hunger that mirrored hers. Gently, he guided her down onto the soft furs beneath them, creating a cozy nest for their intimate encounter. The room was bathed in a celestial glow from the moon and stars outside, casting an otherworldly aura over their bodies as they intertwined in passion and desire. Each breath felt like a symphony of notes blending together in perfect harmony.

As their bodies melded together, Aresenn's touch became a tender caress, his fingers tracing the smooth edges of Andromeda's curves with a reverence that mirrored the growing bond between them. He savored the warmth that radiated from her, the scent of her a maddening concoction of her normal sweetness mixed with their lust. His lips trailed from hers to her neck, leaving a path of gentle kisses along the delicate skin. Each touch was a whispered vow, an assurance of his unwavering dedication to being by her side through it all. The air around them seemed to hum with electricity, crackling with the intensity of their connection.

As she broke the kiss, her silent plea hung in the air between them. Aresenn's eyes met hers with a look of understanding, and he took the lead. His paws moved with a tender confidence, tracing every curve and figure of her body- sliding their way down her side before working their way back up the contour of her abdomen. He paid careful attention to her responses, attuning himself to her desires as they swayed together in a dance of intimacy that transcended mere physical connection.  As their passion intensified, Aresenn could feel the rhythm of Andromeda's heartbeat matching his own. Time seemed to slow to a stop, allowing them to savor each moment together. His breaths fell in sync with hers, creating a harmonious cadence that echoed through the observatory.

He leaned in to whisper in her ear, his voice low and sensual. "I want you to know, Andromeda, that I am not just drawn to you by your beauty, your grace, or your kindness." He paused, his fingers still tracing gentle patterns on her skin. "It is more than that. I am entranced by your spirit, your soul. You have captured a piece of me that I didn't even know was missing until I met you." He breathed lowly, the tone of his voice heavy with wanting.

"Andy" & "Aresenn"

Code by Sea


"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
01-23-2024, 06:15 PM

It is undeniable, the desire and yearning that electrifies the air around the pair, causing Andromeda’s nerves to tingle with eager anticipation. The cosmos bathes their entwined bodies in an ethereal light, lifting this moment from mere pleasure into something… more. They dance heavenward as his lips press into hers with an urgency that the she seems to feel on a deeper level. In this moment is where she loses the image of herself, shedding her mere mortal skin until, all that was left, is a soul bright enough to rival the stars that shine around them.

A low, contented growl rumbles from Aresenn and Andromeda feels her heart flutter as the smile that she wears, grows. Lips part to allow a gentle, musical laugh passage and she willingly allows him to guide her down to the furs. Lightly, she caresses him, paws trailing lightly over his chest as she opens herself full to him. It is a waltz, a carefully coordinated dance that has been played out since the beginning of time and today is the first time that the pair truly get to understand each other.

They meld together, their rhythmic movements as intoxicating to her as the sweetest of honeyed wines. A new heat, deep within her belly begins to burn and the delicate kisses that are trailed down her skin elicited a soft, desire-filled moan. Muscles jump and twitch as the sensitive nerves enjoy the delicate ministrations of Aresenn and, as he works, she feels that heat slowly building in strength. Eyelids flutter as she continues to softly moan, her body slowly blooming as he works.

While Andromeda enjoys his wonderful exploration, she does not lay idle, her own inexperienced paws seeking to trace every tantalizing line of muscle; starting with his chest and slowly working her way down to his tender abdomen. She keeps herself in tune with him, listening to the way his body reacts and adjusting her movements as needed. They are no longer two separate wolves, no, in this moment they are one as their breathing and heartbeats begin to match rhythms.

Finally, she finds his slowly hardening member; her own curious paws now gently seeking to stroke and fondle him as he leans in to whisper into her ear. Aresenn’s voice is low and sensual, his words causing her to lean the side of her face against his as she softly and breathily whispers into his ear, “For that, I am forever grateful. You are a wild fire, Aresenn and I fear that, one day, you will burn me.” The words are spoken not from the Andromeda that he knows and holds onto but from her soul that is as old as the planets that they dance across.

In that moment, this old soul that has been laid bare for him sees every ill deed he has done and everything wicked he will do… and she accepts him. Arms wrap around his fiery form, accepting all future costs as she welcomes him to her, Andromeda’s body and soul completely and entire his as she writhes underneath him with passion and hunger.

"Andy" & "Aresenn"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
03-03-2024, 01:11 AM

As Aresenn felt Andromeda's body respond to his touch, he was overcome by a wave of emotion. His heart raced and his breath quickened as he leaned in closer to her, his senses heightened by the intoxicating scent of her fur and the gentle movements of her paws against his skin. He could feel the heat continuing to rise between them, a primal energy that seemed to connect them on a deeper level. In that moment, all he wanted was to lose himself in her, to become one with her in both body and soul.

As she explored his body with an innocence that was both endearing and intoxicating, Aresenn was filled with an overwhelming sense of protectiveness. He wanted to show her the depths of his love, to prove to her that he was worthy of her trust and affection. With each touch, each caress, he reveled in the sensation of her beneath his touch, the warmth of her body against his own. It was as if they were two halves of a whole. As their bodies moved together in virgin harmony, Aresenn felt that fire surge within him, growing hotter with every passing second. The passion between them burned bright, fueling their desire for each other until they were consumed by it. In this moment, there was nothing else in the world except for Andromeda and the unbreakable bond they shared. And as they lay tangled together in a state of pure bliss, Aresenn knew beyond a doubt that he would do anything for this beautiful creature before him.

As Andromeda's delicate touch grazes his stiffening masculinity, sending a surge of electricity through his entire being. Her trembling paws betray her excitement and inexperience, only adding to the intensity of the moment. In a flood of sensation, the brute can’t help but clench his eyes tightly, surrendering to the overwhelming sensation as his body responds involuntarily to her every movement. In turn, his ownpaws continued their exploration, mapping out every curve and contour of her body with a reverence that bordered on blind worship. Every sigh and whimper from Andromeda spurred him on, driving him to show her just how much she was desired and appreciated in this raw, passionate exchange. The air thickened with the scent of their bodies mingling and the sound of their heavy breathing fills the room like a sweet symphony. Time only seems to stand still as they lose themselves in each other, consumed by an unspoken longing and desire for more of this intense and intimate connection.

As her breath tickles his ear, her whispered words send a shiver down his spine. Her gratitude. Her fear. He knows the immense power he holds, the potential for destruction that lies within him. But in this moment, with Andromeda's body pressed against his, he feels nothing but a deep and profound connection to her. He leans down, his lips meeting hers in an all consuming kiss that conveys a silent promise of his own devotion to her. The heat between them is palpable as their entwined bodies meld together in perfect harmony. The yearning for her was like a physical ache, a deep throbbing in his chest that he could no longer ignore. He shifted above her, aligning his hips with hers, the heat of their bodies radiating between them. Pulling his lips away from hers for a moment, he whispered breathlessly, "If you need me to slow only need to say so." His amber gaze searching hers, filled with both desire and concern. It took every ounce of self-control to hold back, but he would do whatever she needed. Anything for her.

With a low growl, Aresenn began the slow descent forward, guiding his hips to sink into her softness. It was a surreal sensation, like melting into a dream. Her sweet musk mixed with the scent of lavender and the cool air of the observatory, creating a heady cocktail that sent shivers down his spine. He took her mouth again, kissing her passionately as he deepened their connection. As if it were even possible, the ache of longing only intensified, and it left him reeling.

Anything for her.

"Andy" & "Aresenn"

Code by Sea

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1. Dancing Across The Universe Dreamer's Col 11:21 PM, 12-08-2023 06:51 AM, 06-24-2024