
Girls love mysterious boys



The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
01-31-2024, 03:38 PM

A few days had passed since the funeral of her father’s friend, Adura. And although they had preformed a beautiful, heartfelt ceremony for her, there was still an aura of sadness enveloping the kingdom. It would take time for the hearts of the older pack members to heal. She did what she could to try and console the others, but it all was starting to feel… suffocating. She wanted to take a day to herself, to go out and do what she loved most- explore. And so, that morning, she’d taken a nice hot bubble bath. Combing her fur to perfection, putting on the necklace her parents gifted her, and spraying herself in the floral perfume she loved. She also grabbed a small bag full of dried-out grapes- raisins, father called them. It was a gift for a friend- one she hadn’t seen in a long time. But today, she would change that.

She was going out to explore, yes, but she already had a destination in mind. Akito’s bamboo. The death of a loved one was a stark reminder of one's mortality- and it made Clove want to pursue her passions even more, even at her young age. But she wasn’t the girl Akito had seen in the past. She was a yearling now, and had grown into the body of a teenage girl- youthful, supple, and gorgeous given her royal lineage. She cared a lot more about her appearance, and it was obvious in the way she carried herself. As she traveled south, the bag of raisins strewn across her shoulders. She wondered if Akito looked any different, given the time that had passed.

After a few hours of travel, she ran straight into a wall of towering foliage. It looked like… a maze, was the best she could describe it. The towering stalks of bamboo looked like the wood from a tree, only different. It was green, had sparse leaves, and the way it sounded knocking against itself in the wind, was calming. Lingering near the borders, trying to find a proper entrance. She waited a bit before tipping her head back and calling out for her friend, who she hoped was home today.  




Master Fighter (305)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
01-31-2024, 04:09 PM

It was a given that no one was allowed to enter the bamboo unless given permission. Even finding the entrance would be difficult to do unless one knew where it lay. The bamboo provided a sense of privacy that their Kaicho preferred. Akito didn't mind this. He used it to his advantage. Trailing the paths along the outer edges, enjoying a slightly warmer breeze after a bout of terrible rain. Listening to the tap of his paws against damp leaf litter, he allowed his gaze to search the shadows for lingering predators. A typical day for the newly deemed Hohei. A title he took more seriously now that Hattori had even requested adopting him and his other siblings. Those feelings were still a little raw within him, but he was okay shoving it down for now. He would come to terms with the whole father thing at another time.

A call that rang out for him is almost greeted with relief. Something to distract him other than the bamboo stalks that knock together. Pausing as his ears perked, he tries to figure out who it is first. Since he had never heard her howl before, it was almost unrecognizable, but the ending tone clued him in finally. Akito couldn't describe the feeling he felt in his belly after he realized who had come to see him, but he made sure the smile was wiped from his lips before he made it to where she waited for him.

Emerging from the bamboo like the shadow he was, Akito laid eyes on Clove. Just as he had, she had grown and matured. No longer was she a puppy, but a fine young lady with curves and femininity to match. And just like her, he had grown taller, but far taller than her. Practically towering, Akito approached with his eyes lingering on her. His own frame lithe, not an ounce of fat on him from months of training. Tilting his head to the side lightly, he comes to stop inches from her. "Clove," Akito starts, standing there feeling all sorts of nervousness as he takes in her peony scented perfume, "you finally made it," he adds, his lightly wagging tail giving away the emotion he attempted to hide beneath stoic facade.


akito's companions are to be assumed nearby unless stated otherwise.


The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
01-31-2024, 04:39 PM

After releasing her call, Clove fell silent and waited at the borders- continuing her inspection of the bamboo, enjoying the symphony it made as the stalks knocked into each other. Closing her eyes, she used her senses to fully experience it- noting the smells, the sounds, and the feel of the soil at her paws. She wanted to remember all of these things in detail, so she could journal it down later to help her create a map of Auster.

The crunching of paws against fallen autumn leaves made her eyes open, just in time to see Akito emerging from the bamboo forest. Only, the boy she came to know wasn’t the same as before. He was much taller now, towering over her like the bamboo itself. And his body, wow, it had become so toned and muscular. With each step he took, she could see different muscle groups shifting beneath his pelt- his newfound bulk a testament to the months of training he’d completed in her absence. Truthfully, Clove found herself starstruck. Unable to look away as he approached, butterflies swarming in her belly, which made the tip of her tail twitch back and forth. Dang, when did Akito get so… handsome!?

Stopping inches from her, enveloping her in his scent that was now swathed in teenage pheromones she hadn’t noticed before. She felt her face starting to grow warm.  “Hi Akito.” She said, bashfully, looking up at him through thick lashes. “I thought about you the other day, and our adventure in the grapevine cathedral. And I figured it was time to come see you again.” Her tail wagged lightly, and she pulled the little bag off of her shoulder and offered it to him. “I brought these for you- they are dried-up grapes, called raisins. They aren’t sour like fresh grapes. Maybe you’ll like them more.”  Hopefully, he would like the gift, even if it wasn’t much.

Waiting for his response, she looked past him and into the bamboo. Wanting him to usher her inside, so she could see the rest of his forest.  




Master Fighter (305)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
01-31-2024, 06:40 PM

When they had met before, he had not noticed her eyes, her scent, her... everything. Had she always had two different colored eyes? One the color of flickering flames and the other a jewel hidden deep in the ocean. He blinks, at a loss for words as he stares back at her. Barely registering her saying his name as his own cheeks blossom with warmth. His lips part slightly, ready to speak, but she stares up at him through those thick lashes that completely distract him. Lips parted slightly as he is taken by surprise with her next words.

She had thought about him? Something like that never crosses his mind. He is in his own little world and to him, no one would care to think of him like that. Not that he hadn't thought of her because he had, but he wouldn't ever admit that. Not to anyone. Blinking a few more times, he tries to register what exactly she's saying. He had been sought after. The idea of such a thing was still so incredulous to him. His throat felt dry, forcing himself to clear it, he felt like a deer in headlights (except he literally doesn't know what that would mean).

"I-I," he starts, but his lips close tightly. He notices the bag she's brought and offering to him. Raisins. Dried grapes. Not tart like those they had tasted in the cathedral. So she had remembered his initial reaction. Akito can't help but chuckle lightly with a small shake of his head. "You remembered," his tone is deepening with age, but there is a softness there. Taking the bag gently from her, he stows it over his own shoulder to save for later. "I am sure they will be delicious," he comments, his smile briefly showing before hiding away once more.

Noticing how she peers around him into the bamboo, Akito hesitates. Hattori very much did not enjoy outsiders going into the bamboo without his strict permission. The Kaicho had not even allowed Artorias, another alpha, into the confines of the maze. How would he feel about him letting Clove see even a piece of it? His brows knit together. Conflicted because he had told her he would show her around, but rules were rules and he was not one to break them. Finally, he lets out a sigh and glances around and behind him.

"I know I cannot show you the actual maze, but there is somewhere I can show you," the emotion in his eye is... interesting. A hint of excitement, mystery, something he can't quite place. He can't place the fire in his belly either as he takes in her scent again. Tantalizing and intoxicating. "Follow," Akito urges her, holding back from reaching out to touch her, no he can't do that. Instead, he quickly clears his throat again and moves to walk alongside the outer wall of the bamboo. Hoping she will enjoy the place he is about to show her, he tries to keep an even and steady pace so she can keep up.


akito's companions are to be assumed nearby unless stated otherwise.


The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
01-31-2024, 07:47 PM

Staring up at Akito, waiting for his response. She couldn’t help but peer deeper into those grey eyes. They reminded her of the moon- a solitary celestial pearl, suspended in a cosmic tapestry. One that was often hidden away behind a wall of clouds, emerging in the night when peering eyes were fast asleep- and yet, the moon had the power to control the tides of the ocean. Stoical and powerful. It was fitting, seeing that his face was adorned in darker hues. A celestial pattern adorning his pelt, making him look like the nighttime sky. And Clove loved the stars.

Her gift seemed to have caught him off guard- perhaps he wasn’t expecting her to show up, let alone bring him something. For a second, she feels like it might have been a silly thing to do. But then, Akito actually laughs. It's short and airy, but a show of emotion nonetheless. And that brings a smile to her face too. “Of course I remembered. It was a really fun day.” She says, motioning towards the bag again. “There are red, purple, and green ones in there. I thought you’d like a variety.” Is what she follows with, when he says I am sure they will be delicious.

Peering out at the expanse of bamboo, she’s sure he will pick up on her eagerness to explore the maze. But there is an obvious hesitation in Akito- his brow knitting together, as he sighs and glances around. Was he not allowed to have visitors? The wagging of her tail slowed to a stop, but she continued to look up at him.

Oh, so he couldn’t show her the actual maze. Admittedly, she was disappointed. And she wanted to question him on why, but didn’t want to be pushy. If there was a reason he couldn’t take her inside, it must have been an important one. Maybe he’d talk about it later. “Oh... okay. Well, maybe next time?” She said softly, voice trailing off. She was expecting him to suggest they leave the bamboo all together and hang out somewhere else. But the michevioms gleam in his eye, preluded something else. And it excited her.

So when he told her to follow, she didn’t hesitate to do so. Falling in place beside him, close enough where she could feel the warmth radiating off his pelt. She was so small compared to him, a mere shadow in his wake. And yet, she didn’t feel intimidated. It was… comforting, in an odd way. And it made the fire in her belly grow warmer. Tall boys were so cute.

Walking along the wall of the bamboo, Clove kept surveying their surroundings. Enjoying the last bit of warmth autumn provided, and the soft breeze that rattled the stalks of bamboo. Here and there she would look up at him. Surveying his face for any hints of his plan. And finally, she broke the silence. “My sister hosted a ball in the castle not long ago- we had dancing, singing, food, games… It was a really great time.” Trying to make conversation, she kept talking. “She sent invitations to yearlings from all over- did your pack get one?” Truthfully, she hadn’t seen Akito at the ball- even though he’d been there, somewhere in the crowd. It was quite surprising that she hadn’t seen him at all that night- but there had been so many wolves, it was hard to keep track of everyone.

Already her mind was filling with thoughts of what could have happened if she invited Akito directly instead of Wilder, who disappeared after dancing with her one time.




Master Fighter (305)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
01-31-2024, 09:01 PM

Of course she remembered. It was a fun day. She even brought a variety. The thoughts are tucked safely away for later. He wants to think on it some more, but knows he needs to focus on the here and now. On the fact that he is walking a girl around the exterior of the bamboo. The heat beneath his skin is nearly palpable and he wonders if she can sense it. She walks close beside him and he notices how small she is. How dainty. And even though he knows he's disappointing her with the denial of going within the bamboo, he hopes she will enjoy his compromise.

"Next time? Perhaps," he mentions, a small shrug of his shoulders to try and play it off. Almost thankful for the silence that falls over them for a few moments. Yes, maybe next time he could allow her inside. Show her the communal area, his new den that he gets all to himself. Or maybe they can go to the oaks or the bay, he knows Hattori doesn't mind visitors there. His tail swishes slowly as he thinks, interested and maybe even slightly excited to show her around all of Tojo-kai.

Somewhat lost in thought, he is quickly pulled back when she starts talking. One ear turned toward her, head tilting slightly to hear her delicate voice better. A ball in the castle? The same one he had been to? She had been there? His brow knits. He wants to stop, to look at her, but continues to walk instead. "I was there actually," Akito admits, his lips creasing slightly into a frown. "I didn't stay long. Didn't think anyone I knew would be there. My brothers made me go, helped keep them in line and said hi to Vendrick before leaving," another shrug of his shoulders, purposefully not admitting to the fact that he had danced with a girl too, but it hadn't been her either. No need to go breaking her heart already.

"If I'd known you were there, I-," Akito pauses, lets out a sigh before an idea comes to mind. Not far up ahead, a small opening in the bamboo can be seen. Perhaps not to Clove, but Akito can see it. He can see any difference in the bamboo as if it were a ten foot gape. Instinctually, he leans over to nudge her shoulder with a paw to direct her toward the opening in the bamboo. "Here," he ducks beneath some lower branches that threaten to bop him in the face.

The small clearing is far more shaded than the exterior of the maze. It is barely large enough to fit three full-sized dire wolves, but that makes it plenty big enough for the two of them. Moving to the center of the clearing, he stops and turns to face Clove. Placing the bag of raisins off to the side, he clears his throat again to help settle the pounding his heart was doing in his chest. Why was his chest feeling tight all of a sudden? Looking down at the pretty Hallows princess, Akito muster up as much nerve as he can manage. Within the privacy of the bamboo, it is quiet and all he can hear is their breathing and the gentle wind winding through the maze.

"I know there's no music, but we can dance now if you'd like," Akito offered, attempting to smile, but it feels awkward. Holding out a paw, he hopes she doesn't turn him down. It's the most open and potentially even most romantic he's ever been with anyone. Not that he was wanting it to be romantic, but it had sounded as if she were sad they hadn't met the night of the ball either. So why not make it up now?


akito's companions are to be assumed nearby unless stated otherwise.


The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
02-01-2024, 01:21 AM

Next time. Well, if she didn’t get to see the extent of the bamboo today, she’d hold onto his offer for the next time they hung out. Though, she doubted it would be in the bamboo. Clove was a wanderer at heart, and finally had the freedom to leave the kingdom as she pleased- meaning, hopefully, they would be able to explore new places together, if she wasn’t allowed inside the maze. Still, she smiles up at him, nodding her head in agreement. Staying close and matching his stride, which took some precision given how much bigger his steps were than hers. Clove was enjoying his proximity, the warmth that emanated from his body, and the musky, leathery scent of his pheromones. She could even smell a hint of lavender on his coat- something she quite enjoyed.

Talking about the ball, she expected him to be surprised by the event, or perhaps, unknowing of it altogether. But when he said he had been there Clove couldn’t hide the shock that overcame her features. Jaw opening, eyes growing wide, as she abruptly came to a stop. “You were there!?” She exclaimed in disbelief. Of course, she already knew the answer- it was for dramatic effect more than anything. “Of course I was there! That’s our castle- my rooms on the fourth floor. Even when I went to bed, I heard the music all night.” Puffing out her cheeks, adding to her disappointed expression. She made a coy little pouty face at him. “I wish I would have seen you there. We could have hung out together.” And maybe did more than that. Oh, her teenage fantasies were running wild- but of course, not too wild. Sneaking out into the garden or up to her room to show him her maps, or at most, stealing her first kiss was the extent of her daydreaming.

Of course, Clove wasn’t actually upset- just a little disappointed she didn’t get to see him at the ball. Imagining him all prim and proper, coat slicked back, horns polished, with a little douse of cologne. It was like imagining a boy pop star in a tux, ready to whisk you away to prom. So dreamy.

So when he motioned towards the bamboo, her pouty face morphed back into a sly, little smile. Curiosity flickered in her eyes, as she looked at the towering stalks. What was he looking at? Even with the nudge of her shoulder, which made the butterflies in her chest go wild. She still couldn’t see the opening. Looking back at him, she waits for him to make the first move. And she’s rather surprised when he slips through a crack in the maze, ducking beneath some low-hanging branches. Given she’s so much shorter, she’s able to walk right inside. Making sure to stay close to him, so she doesn’t get lost.

After a few yards, the bamboo thins out into a small clearing- one that is very private, and secluded away from the prying eyes of other Tojo-Kai members. Taking a look around, Clove doesn’t immediately notice that Akito had turned to face her. In fact, her eyes had scanned the entire clearing, before ending with him standing before her and staring down at her. The bag of raisins had been set aside, and there was little space left between them. The proximity made her cheeks flush- she could almost feel his breath against her face, those soft grey eyes intertwining with hers, as that ticking feeling in her belly acted up again. Why did he bring her to a secluded place like this? Her heart started to race- filling her ears, pounding in her chest, until it felt like it would jump out of her throat.

I know there is no music, but we can dance now if you’d like. And suddenly, Clove felt like she stepped into a fantasy world. Alone in the mysterious bamboo maze, with a dashing handsome boy, who wanted to take her into his arms, whirl her around, and whisk her away. It was all too much- she couldn’t even hide the heat that burned in her cheeks, lighting her face up in a warm, red color. "Oh, Akito,” Bashfully, she pulled a paw to her face, trying to hide the coy smile tugging at her lips. Was this really happening? Was she dreaming? And then, he held out a paw to her. She stared at it for a few seconds- too nervous to immediately take it. “If this is your way of making up for lost time,” Slowly, she extended her paw from her face. Gently placing her paw on his, accepting his offer. "I'd love to dance with you."

Assumably, he would take her paw, and pull her in close- at least, that’s how she’d been taught to dance, during the few lessons in the castle’s ballroom. And for that, she was trying to steel herself. Because she already knew being that close to Akito, would make her wanna melt.  




Master Fighter (305)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
02-01-2024, 09:10 AM

Her disappointment isn't lost on him, but he hopes his gesture makes up for it. As he looks down into her fiery and jewel gaze, he feels his heart flutter ever so slightly. A stir of emotions that he often didn't allow himself to feel. Often, he wasn't even sure he was capable of emotion at all. The space between them is minimal and he can see how her cheeks blossom with warmth, feel the exhale of her breath, notice the silky texture of her well-groomed fur. Even as she breathlessly says his name, he feels a rush of mixed emotions. His own cheeks blooming with bashfully embarrassment, his paw shaking slightly as he hoped she would just take ahold of it already!

Lost time? Well, he supposed he could put it that way. More of an apology for not seeking her out that night at the ball. But he hadn't exactly wanted to be there anyway. His brothers had dragged him along for the ride and in true Akito fashion, had gone in, done his duty, and left. So when she finally took his paw, he gladly pulled her toward him. Until there was no more than an inch or so of space between them, he had to fully tilt his chin to his chest to even look down at her face. The close proximity between them was... overwhelming, but in a good way. And instead of just standing there like a fool, he would begin to whirl her around the small clearing, if only in a slightly clumsy manner.

As their dance comes to an end, Akito doesn't let go right away. Slightly out of breath from focusing and the surge of emotion he's dealing with, he continues to look at her sleek features and large, colorful eyes. It's probably the only thing keeping him upright because the light headed feeling isn't going away. "I hope I didn't disappoint," he murmurs softly, the deep tones of his voice reaching only to her ears. His expression is a mixture of that awkward uncertainty and actually pleased with himself that he had managed to dance with a pretty girl without messing it up.


akito's companions are to be assumed nearby unless stated otherwise.


The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
02-01-2024, 02:52 PM

When she placed her paw in his, she could feel the slight tremble coming from him. Or maybe that was her. She couldn’t deny the adrenaline and thrill rolling through her in waves- making her heart beat faster, her belly feel light and airy, and her thoughts, jumbled. If only they had done this the night of the ball. It would have been so ethereal, being twirled around on the dance floor, the ambiance of lively music and other couples dancing around them. Sure, she’d danced with Wilder that night. But that was far different than this. The older male treated Clove differently- he didn’t look at her like Akito did- didn’t see her, like Akito did. And Clove knew that, as time went on. Especially now that she had something to compare those feelings to- the way Akito made her feel. Did this mean she had a crush on him?

And those feelings amplified when he pulled her in close. Leaving only inches of space between them, their chests nearly touching, the tips of their fur intermingling. She had to tip her head back to look up at him, her breath catching in her throat, cheeks burning with overwhelming emotion. Part of her expecting there to be a long moment of silence- the tension between them nearly suffocating, threatening to freeze them in place. But, like the gentleman he was, Akito went straight into action. Whirling her around the clearing, paced and rhythmic, as if there was music playing.

Following his steps, and being mindful not to step on his paws. They glided around the clearing a time or two before the dance came to an end. Both of them a little breathless, Clove staring up at him with her citrine and azure eyes, shielded by those thick lashes of hers. “Oh, no-“ She says, a warm, bashful smile tugging at her lips. “I’m quite impressed actually.” Bathing in his proximity, savoring the closeness. She makes a daring move, driven by hormonal impulse. Muzzle tilting back, nose brushing against the side of his neck. Almost like a conservative kiss on the cheek.

And then, she pulls herself away from him. Taking a slow step back, as she becomes overwhelmed by her bold act. Was that a dumb thing to do? Was it too much? She decided to quickly change the subject, just in case it was. “Thank you for showing me the bamboo. It's very beautiful.” Looking around the clearing again, she takes another mental note of how the stalks look- wanting to jot down doodles of them later, on her growing map. “Maybe next time, you can come see me… and more of our castle? My room has an awesome view of the ocean… and at night, you can see all the constellations from my balcony.” An invitation for him to come and visit her, if he wished it. To come and hang out in her room… the thought was so thrilling.  




Master Fighter (305)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
02-07-2024, 05:35 AM

Akito watches Clove's expression as she says she's impressed. His own cheeks bloom with warmth, feeling shy himself. Before he can say much else, her nose is brushing along his neck, right beneath his jaw. Everything in him becomes rigid, ears perking, eyes widening, his breath catching in his throat. Now that was new. Both the action and the surge of emotion flooding through him. Still relishing in the gesture, he is brought to reality with the sudden rush of cold air as Clove steps backward.

Blinking a few times to bring himself back, he can see how on Clove's face that maybe she regretted the action? His brow furrows, lips turning down slightly. How could he say he didn't mind it, had enjoyed it even, without sounding weird? Once more, before he can say anything, she is changing the subject. Thanking him for showing her around the bamboo. His heads nods slowly, still a bit jarred from the last few moments.

Her next words have his head tilting to the side. Was she really inviting him to the castle? Up to her room? Was that even allowed? At a loss for words, Akito stands there silently. He was supposed to be saying something though. Right, can't keep a girl waiting. Clearing his throat, he nods. "That, that sounds lovely," he stutters over the words as he tries to smile. Akito was not good at these things.

"Would you like me to walk you home? It's the least I could do since you came all this way to see me," he tries, tries to be nice, to show that he did enjoy the time with her, but his lack of ability to use emotion holds him back. He can't ignore the way his heart pounds in his chest or how his throat tightens up. Was it always going to be this hard being around a pretty girl?

akito's companions are to be assumed nearby unless stated otherwise.


The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
02-09-2024, 03:16 AM

There was no denying the exhilarating tension that kept sparking between them- trying to beckon them closer, and yet, their naivety and inexperience kept them apart. Caught up in the whirlwind of teenage emotions, endless possibilities, and the fantasy of a one, true love. Clove could daydream about it all day long. The sheepish smile on her face grew, as Akito stuttered and smiled back at her, actually considering coming to the hearthstone to visit her. The thought excited her- big, handsome Akito, leaning up against a pillar on her balcony, looking out at the ocean and up at the stars. So dreamy. Her heart started racing again, palpitating in her chest, sending tingles down into her belly.

But alas, all good things must come to an end. She’d already been in the bamboo for a while- meaning, it was close to supper time back home. Which meant she had to go. But at least Akito was gentleman enough to offer his company on her journey back home. “I’d like that.” She says, gravitating back to his side, motioning toward the small opening that would take them back into the outside world. For a moment, she considers telling him to bring the bag of raisins to snack on. But in the end, she refrains- deciding it will give them a topic of interest, the next time they meet.



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1. Girls love mysterious boys Bamboo Maze 03:38 PM, 01-31-2024 01:18 PM, 02-11-2024