
Oh, You let you feet run wild

For Nolan


The Syndicate

Expert Intellectual (140)

Beginner Healer (0)

2 Years
03-03-2024, 03:47 PM
Nila was exhausted from yet another move. Kaino had helped her pack up their home once more for this move, but it was Nila who’d been raked with actually moving everything to their new spot. It was mentally and physically taxing. She hated it, she hated that she couldn’t just settle down with Kaino permanently. But that wasn’t her place to say.

Today was the first day since their move that she hadn’t spent unpacking their belongings. And thankfully she hadn’t run into any of the saxe members or their associates. No today was just peace and quiet. Nila took in a breath, the crisp fall air calming her nerves.

She hadn’t seen Kai in a few hours and was anxious for her return. But the beauty of their current stop was enough to pull the woman from her head. It was a sense of peace here that radiated through her bones. This was by far her favorite home yet.

Gently walking through the fog she began to look for any herbs and plants that she could collect and store for later, when they weren’t easily accessible to her. She needed to start building up her medicinal stash.
Nila is rated 3-3-3, TW to anyone threading with her.

Kaino has permission to Join in any of Nila’s Threads as her Master.

[Image: Ns0L0GC.png]



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Intellectual (10)

1 Year
03-04-2024, 10:59 PM
Nolan is having a lot of fun with Kaino and the pretty lady went so far as to set up a fort for them, made out of furs, so that the pair can read and eat snacks in private. She has so many cool books that the young, impressionable boy doesn’t believe he could read them all in a single lifetime but he is still willing to give it a shot. The pair would spend hours reading together, enthusiastically relaying what had happened in their respective stories as time slips by the pup.

Minutes turn into days and Nolan doesn’t notice as the boy will happily drift off to sleep with his head splayed out on the current page of his book where he dreams of bad guys getting the upper hand and somehow stealing the day. Kaino slips away at times, promising to get more snacks and, if he honest, the happy pup barely notices her absence because the incredible books she has piled up around them, steal all of his attention.

The only time that the boy actually leaves their fur sided fort with its candle lit space, is when he needs to go potty and even then, Kaino keeps a semi-close eye on him. Nolan thinks that she is the probably the nicest wolf outside of his family and he is really glad that she had invited him here to read books. A full bladder pulls the boy’s attention from his story and, as he looks up to tell the kind lady that fact, he realizes… that she isn’t there. Casting his blue gaze around, he hesitantly calls out, “Kai?”

There is no answer so he stands, calling out one more time, this time just a little bit louder, “Kaino?” When no reply is forth coming, Nolan shrugs his shoulders and considers taking his book with him but decides that, since it will only be for a few minutes, it will be safe here. Quickly, he stands and pushes one of the furs aside, blinking rapidly as the sunlight blinds him momentarily and beelines it to the nearest bush.

After he is done relieving himself, a nearby rustling catches his attention and Nolan glances from the area, back to his fur covered fort. Kaino had mentioned that she had friends that lived her too and, since she is so nice, the boy doesn’t see any harm in meeting them too. The fog that seems to blanket this place shrouds his lanky form as he slips quietly toward the stranger.

Not wishing to frighten them, he softly calls out, “Hello?” If all the wolves are as nice as Kaino, then Nolan wants meet them!

"Nolan Ravenwood"


The Syndicate

Expert Intellectual (140)

Beginner Healer (0)

2 Years
03-08-2024, 07:38 PM
Nila was making her way through the fog when a small male voice called out from within the fog. Freezing at the sound she began to look around for the child the voice belonged to. As far as she knew the syndicate had no children to care for, so whose child was this? “Hello?” She called back hoping to guide the child to her side.

It wasn’t safe here for a child. Not with Kaino’s family lurking about. Hell it was barely safe for herself to be wandering around the moor. Her ears swiveled atop her skull as sunset eyes frantically began to search the area around her for his frame.

It didn’t take her long to spot his lanky body. Carefully moving towards him she looked around for any sign of a parent. Because surely no good parent would let a child this young out of their sight for long… right?

“I’m Nila, what’s your name?” She spoke softly. Scared she would scare him off into the grasp of a member of the Syndicate’s paws. She had to know how he got here so she could help him…
Nila is rated 3-3-3, TW to anyone threading with her.

Kaino has permission to Join in any of Nila’s Threads as her Master.

[Image: Ns0L0GC.png]



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Intellectual (10)

1 Year
03-20-2024, 03:34 PM
Ears are perked forward, trying to catch the voice of the other wolf he had briefly spied within the fog and the boy is rewarded with a feminine voice answering him. Cheerfully, Nolan trots through the rolling mist, hoping to find the owner of the voice so that he can met some of Kaino’s friends since she said they live here. Finally, the silvery boy spots a tall, reddish woman through the swirling fog and adjusts his course so that he is trotting up to her, tail lazily wagging behind him as he comes to stop in front of her. Craning his head back so that he can gaze up at the taller woman, the pup joyfully smiles up at the nervous wolf as she softly offers her name.

Curiously, Nolan cocks his head to the side at the way Nila looks around, worry rolling off her in waves that he swears he can almost see. Still, the pup is unperturbed by it and his demeanor remains that of naïve pup as he happily says, “I’m Nolan! Kaino brought me here to read books and eat snacks! Do you like to read, Nila. Would ya want to join us?” Ah, the joys of the youthful who, in their excitement, rapidly fire off questions without even waiting for an answer. Tail swishes the air behind him as the silver-hued boy looks up at Nila, wanting to know why they are scared but also not wishing to be rude and just flat out ask it.

Nolan just hopes that she is as nice as Kaino.

"Nolan Ravenwood"

Thread Move Log
Thread Forum From To
1. Oh, You let you feet run wild Druid's Moor 03:47 PM, 03-03-2024 08:12 AM, 05-06-2024