
Party till the cows come home



Expert Fighter (155)

Expert Intellectual (200)

2 Years
Dire wolf
07-06-2024, 09:39 AM
OOC things: No post order! Everyone is invited- if adult thangs happen, make a separate thread in the Steppe so no minors can peek. If someone starts shit, feel free to dogpile them lmao. It'll make Maki sad tho and surely no one wants that.

Maki was jittery with excitement as she flitted about the Steppe, hopeful and just insufferably excited. All of this had been days in the making, hours and hours of scrawling out the invitations one by one till she had a massive stack to be sent out all across Boreas and Auster. She had considered handing them out herself and had been willing to do so, but it would have been so much ground to cover and Delphi had reasonably pointed out it would be both quicker and easier to just send out a flock of ravens to do the job. They'd flown overhead pack territories and just sort of...dropped a bunch, letting them flit down like blossom petals before moving onto the next drop zone. Delphi had reassured Maki that no one would be offended if the invitation wasn't particularly personal-though she had insisted in the earlier drafts that Maki had to add a part about everyone behaving themselves. That's why Delphi was the boss around these parts, she was so on point.

The Steppes had always been a pretty cool place to hang out, but Delphi had really outdone herself in organising it all, making sure not a single detail was out of place. Oki had been put to work doing a lot of the heavy lifting, dragging carts back and forth, helped Fable sort out the catering table and had even hunted and foraged for days on end to get her enough ingredients to work with. Just passing the food area made Maki's mouth threaten to water, it all smelled so good and a lot of it was still cooking! Even better, Delphi had made a deal with some travelling merchants and had managed to secure a massive trade haul of all sorts of drinks. Ales, wines, spirits and even some sake. Not that Maki had ever really drank before, but she probably would tonight, what better place for it?

Pillows and furs had been strewn atop the rocks, creating a comfy lounge area for those who just wanted to relax. Atop the highest horizontal stone tablet, a makeshift throne had been put together for Maki and her siblings, the guests of honour! Though with all the festivities planned, there probably wouldn't be a lot of time to reside over their fancy perch- but Maki wanted to feel like a princess, even if only for a little while, yanno?

Hanging firefly lanterns would light up the party venue once the sun set, but for now the weather was bright and sunny-a pleasant and warm afternoon. Spring had just sprung and the grasslands surrounding the Steppes had erupted in a sea of flowers, more colours than Maki could count. Some had been plucked and used in the myriad of flower bouquets that decorated the place- Maki loved them all and thought they looked lovely, but selfishly hoped some of the guests would bring her some flowers too. Though maybe the note on the bottom of her invitation was too subtle and would go over their heads...

A dance floor had been cleared out, the grass trimmed and flattened, the band was getting in some last minute practice as they lingered on the sidelines of the floor.

Relieved that everything was seemingly well on its way to being ready, she scurried off back to the Maw to go get ready. She'd made herself a special flower crown just for this occasion; red carnations and little pink hydrangeas. Cute as heck. But she found she'd been fussing too long in her den and barely caught the sound of Delphi calling out for her- it was showtime and thus began her mad dash back to the Steppes.

[Image: dfv6kr2-ecca3233-91c7-4b9d-8cd6-563616ef...2RHh0DJeE0]



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (279)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

7 Years
Extra large

TeacherIsland HopperSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipSocialiteBest Buds
HomebodyWinnerAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
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ExplorerIce Bridge ExplorerBeeventLegendaryWordySnake Eyes
Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Witches HutGold Medal 2020Valentines 2020Dream WeaverVolcano
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
07-06-2024, 10:27 AM
Venom had been quite surprised to find the invitation not so long ago, recognizing the names with a loving fondness. She wouldn’t have missed this birthday party for the world. A smile on her face as she made her way up to Hemlock, still debating if she wished to talk to Delphi about joining or if she should join her brother in Elysium. No one was in a hurry though, and she had been enjoying living the life of a rogue like her husband had for most of his life. Never knowing what the next day would hold was thrilling and she had never felt more alive.

With the Spring season Venom found it easy enough to gather up some special flowers for her granddaughter. Especially tree flowers, specifically dogwood, redbud, and cherry blossom. She made a woody bouquet that was so large it rested on her back. When she arrived she was surprised to find just how beautiful the party area was done up. The girls had spared no expense to make tonight special. She grinned wide as she approached sweet Maki and delivered the bouquet. (It was certainly large enough for the two sisters to share.)

"Happiest of birthdays my sweets.” She told them proudly as she went in to kiss Maki and Delphi’s foreheads affectionately before making way for the other guests.

[Image: ven-sig.png]



Expert Fighter (210)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

4 Years
Dire wolf
07-06-2024, 03:06 PM

The invitation to his cousins birthday had been sent out across the land and, even though it wasn't really Quill's cup of tea to be social, it was definitely Talyssa's. For her, he would put up with damn near anything, so the pair adjusted course and made their way toward the stone ruins where the party would be held. A decently sized package of items was draped over the marbled brutes back.

As the Steppe came into view, pink and blue eyes shifted over the gathering wolves. Quill picked his cousin out of the crowd and moved towards her after snuffling gently behind Talyssa's ear. Not only as a sweet gesture, but also to spread his scent on her. No one would mistake to whom she belonged. Not that she'd be far from his sight anyway.

"Happy birthday, cousin," the dire giant rumbled as he came towards Maki. Her flower crown was cute and set off her dual toned features nicely. He leaned in towards the golden woman beside him. "This is Talyssa Carpathius," he introduced his companion to more of his family. Quill's father had told him that Maki was a fan of stories and writing, so the brute had planned accordingly.

Reaching into the pack beside him, Quill removed a bound leather tome, empty and pristine and ready to hold whatever words or drawings that Maki might wish to etch into it. "For you," He handed the gift to his cousin, then took a step aside in case anyone else had come up from behind to deliver their own gifts.



"All my troubles on the burning pile, All lit up and I start to smile."


Master Fighter (370)

Master Hunter (285)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Hawk-Eyed Hawk-Eyed

1 Year
Extra large

Double MasterScarredSnake EyesRapid Poster - Gold
07-06-2024, 06:12 PM

Redrum's crimson form rippled with uncontrollable spasms as he approached the celebration, the sounds and scents overwhelming his senses. In his jaws, he carried an ivory deer antler, adorned with flowers and entwined with vines. The base was bundled, resembling a small tree ready to be planted and nurtured. It was his gift to her, personalized with his unique touch. She appreciated twists, didn’t she? He felt a mix of anxiety and excitement, his predatory gaze flicking around the carefully decorated Steppes. The lanterns, the pillows and furs, the vibrant flowers — like nothing the feral young brute was used to. He hadn’t even been sure he would come when the invitation rained down on his head. But this was Maki. His friend, or at least he considered her as such.

His long ears flicked back and forth, catching snippets of conversations, laughter, and the distant tune of the band. The scent of food mingled with the earthy aroma of spring and strangers, creating a sensory overload that made his muscles twitch more prominently. His golden eyes were wide, claws tapping against the ground as he flexed his toes into the stones he was skulking across. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself, his gait confident but menacing as he moved through the gathering. Not trying to touch anyone.

Redrum's gaze finally landed on Maki. She stood out, her excitement almost tangible as she flitted about, her flower crown a bright spot in the crowd. His heart skipped a beat, and he felt an unfamiliar warmth in his chest. He wasn't used to such grand celebrations, and the effort put into this made him feel something he couldn't quite name. She looked like she belonged. Something completely foreign to him.

He watched her for a moment, taking in her joyful energy as she was greeted by other guests, the wolves who were strangers to him coming and going. His jaw tensed as he approached her, his steps much too purposeful, stopping only to lean his gift against his fore to speak. “Maki. Ah. Happy- Birthday.” He managed to call out, his voice halting and low from his own uncertainty of being there. In truth, he wanted to rush off into the brush, but he held himself steady, a shoulder bumping forward gently to gesture to the gift, his head held high; ears even higher than that as he took in her pretty flower crown, wondering if he should have made something more… her style?

He didn’t really wait for a reaction, after handing off the decorated antler, the young brute flashed an odd, warm smile and slipped away into the less populated space within the celebration. Copying what the other guests had done, greeted her and gone off to.. to what? He didn’t know. But he wanted to get to somewhere less so in the spotlight. No child of Medusa would be anything but a social freak.


Redrum speaks in third person, known as illeism.
He deals with neurological issues from head trauma,
Causing disruptions in speech and movement,
Making him appear twitchy, with uncontrollable tics affecting every muscle.

Assume he isn't wearing his skull mask unless specified.



Expert Fighter (188)

Advanced Intellectual (100)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - AromanticSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Snake Eyes
Pride - Demisexual
07-07-2024, 11:03 AM
What obligation did Onyx have showing up here... To the pack, to Oki she guessed. It wasn't really for the kids at least. How sentimental of her. Still, she showed up early to help with getting things arranged. The heavy lifting, setting up the drapes over the stones. Parties certainly weren't her thing, but she'd pull her weight where she could.

Once everything had been placed, the kids getting ready for their festivities, and a few wolves began to arrive, Onyx would turn to the tables of food and drinks. She had never really been interested in alcohol like ever, but there was no better time to try, right? She wasn't out on her own anymore, had a safe place to stay and others out looking for her she supposed. A weird concept for her to grasp.

Grabbing a fill from the tables, she found a place that didn't look like it would be heavy for foot traffic. And hopefully she wouldn't stand out too much despite the bright color of her coat.

Mature! For foul language. Can be prone to violence.



Master Healer (285)

Master Fighter (350)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Extra small

Rapid Poster - GoldWordyUnderachieverCritical Fail!
07-08-2024, 11:46 AM

It didn't take long for Maki to convince her that they should have a birthday party. Maybe it would help! Lift the spirits! Gather the crowds! Food, drinks, a band even. How Make thought it was all possible, Delphi wasn't sure, but they had indeed pulled it off. Overwhelmingly impressed and feeling way too many emotions about the event, Delphi kept herself busy with all the finishing touches. Flowers arranged and nestled perfectly among the tables, the lights strung and ready for evening, and even helping Fable lay out all of the delicious food. How was it even possible for a wolf to make such yummy food!? She would have to thank her father later for introducing her to the chef-blessed wolf.

Everything was ready and even her own self was cleaned up and prepared for the crowd to come. Unlike Maki, Delphi had decided to adorn herself with a crown of roses with petals a deep blood red and long thorns still attached. Perfectly fitting for an Alpha like herself. As she smooths out the last bit of unruly fur, she makes her way out to the steppe where everything is setup, calling for Maki on her way to their stone thrones. It felt a bit foolish to be all propped up before the party, but it was their party after all and they deserved it. They'd survived two years! Two whole years and now they were officially adults! With a pack and everything else that came with it.

As Maki arrives, Delphi gives her much larger sister a tentative smile before relaxing into her seat. Food and drink were at her side, ready to keep her company as the party goers began to arrive. "This should be fun," Delphi whispers quietly to Maki as she takes a bite of juicy meat, washing it down with a concoction that she really couldn't put a name to. This all was much more for Maki than Delphi and she would be sure it would all go off perfectly.

With the first to arrive being their grandmother, Venom, Delphi couldn't help the wiggle of her docked tail. Oh, it had been far too long since she'd seen her grammy! Embracing Venom as tightly as she could, she bows her head so that the ex-Empress could adorn her forehead with a sweet kiss. "Thank you for coming," Delphi murmurs, her eyes misting as Venom pulls away to head into the crowd. Others come, approaching Maki with gifts and sentiments, all of it making Delphi much proud than she had expected. When had her shy sister become so popular? Ideas brewed in her head as she kept quiet, admiring the ambiance and atmosphere, content to take a back seat for tonight.



Expert Hunter (120)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
07-10-2024, 02:14 PM (This post was last modified: 07-10-2024, 02:14 PM by Jay. Edited 1 time in total.)

Jay had been intrigued once she'd heard rumors of a party being planned. It wasn't like she'd spent a lot of time far from home, so she decided a little trip and some festivities sounded like quite a bit of fun. There was so much of the world to explore - and so many wolves to meet - and she couldn't find any good reason not to. Especially as she turned two years old she was wanting to spread her wings and fly. Metaphorically, of course.

Hurrying to the east, making the journey around the vast mountain range that stretched far to the north, by the time she arrived she was admittedly tired but she wasn't going to let that slow her down. Panting softly, her pace slowed as she made her way through the Stone Steppe and to the group that was clearly gathering.

Though she wasn't necessarily shy, she felt overwhelmed by the crowd forming. Life in Avalon was peaceful and often secluded; she wasn't sure she had a whole lot she could relate to all these wolves on. A hopeful but bashful smile found its way to her lips as she approached, scouting out the group and keeping a safe distance, keeping her safety in mind first. There was a lot to take in, from the various wolves to the food and decorations strewn about.

Her attention was drawn to the comfy area that had clearly been set up intentionally. Finding a soft fur to make herself at home on, tucked a little away from the others and surrounded by wildflowers, she moved and sunk down backwards onto her haunches. It was hard not to feel worried about making a good impression - oh no! A gift! She should've brought a gift!

Shit, shit... thinking frantically, she tried to be as subtle as she could as she gathered a few stray wildflowers and meekly slunk over to Maki, who was clearly the birthday girl. "Thanks for having me!" She sputtered, though she worried that sounded weird too, since she really hadn't been explicitly invited and she didn't know anyone here... but oh well.

table coding by bunni ♥

Ember Carpathius

"I'll be the fire that dries the flood"

The Hallows
Head Scholar

Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
07-11-2024, 12:53 AM

As a budding young socialite, Ember loved the opportunity to go to a party and mingle with other wolves from all walks of life! The birthday party for her kind hosts of Hemlock was another perfect opportunity for her to network and make a good impression for herself and the Hallows. Hey, her father had told her to be the best diplomat she could be! This fit that bill nicely. Ember had braided her long flowing tail up into the traditional skjaldmær fashion that Erik had shown her with small ornamental beads wrapped up in the fur—a little show of the culture she'd learned so far during her time in Hemlock—but otherwise simply groomed her fur smooth and clean. She then began to make her way down to the festivities at the base of the mountain.

Walking through the crowd of gathering wolves, she first stopped at Maki, the organizer of the party and birthday girl herself, and dipped her head to the tall lady. She hadn't met Maki officially yet, but that didn't stop her from wishing the monochrome lady a "Happy birthday, Maki!" and presenting her with a bottle of Hallows wine. Hey, they were adults now, and adults could drink! Gliding gracefully through the crowd, Em scoured about for the fearless leader of the pack and spied the little Delphi seated at the tables filled with food and drink. With a little triumphant smile on her lips, Ember made her way over to Delphi, greeting the Curator with a polite bow of her head.

"Happy birthday, Delphi!" she congratulated the other fae, pausing long enough to take a small wooden box from her raven companion perched on her back and presenting it to her host. "It felt fitting to get you something from my pack as a birthday gift, since you've allowed me to stay with you." Inside the box were three stud earrings cast from solid gold. Simple in design, yet beautiful, and on a closer inspection, the subtle waving pattern characteristic to Carpathian steel could be seen in the gold. A hallmark of the Hallows' craftsmanship. Ember didn't know if jewelry was really Delphi's thing, but she had seen the snake bangle on the alpha's wrist every day since she'd arrived and thought the earrings would be a perfect match.

"Ember Carpathius" | "Carpathian"

Artorias and Briar may enter any of Ember's threads while she is under 2 years old.



Master Fighter (265)

Novice Healer (20)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

2 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Sapiosexual
07-11-2024, 02:23 AM (This post was last modified: 07-11-2024, 02:23 AM by Érebos. Edited 1 time in total.)

perhaps the most unexpected arrival,- Érebos strode towards hemlock. the invitation guiding him here for a birthday party in the name of maki. a yearling he once met back at the illusion oasis, retrieving her name from shared acquaintances soon after; her pack called Heiðinn at the time. Érebos found no reason not to attend- remembering their neutral if not silly & slightly odd encounter. politically this was the perfect opportunity to notify hemlock of hellborn as its own singular entity whilst making a good impression for potential allies, not just with hemlock but perhaps other packs. so he pursued the path to the stone steppe, guided by the chattering of a group gathered and the smell of food high in the air.
Érebos brought a gift of course, holding it within his maw as he galloped heavily over hemlock's borders. entering in and discovering the plentiful decorations of flowers and lights. a lovely set up for an important day- he was amazed at the flow of wolves present. from different packs & all- he would make sure to represent hellborn in the best of ways as its Reaper & royalty.
coming to approach the crowd, he swiveled through them, careful not to bump into anyone before spotting maki. coming to a slow halt, the reaper placed down his gift near maki; it was an elegant bouquet of fresh red roses, lavender and cannabis. a fun and thoughtful gift, in it's own way a silly & clever notion. "For you, 'Maki'. Certainly not a child any more." he chuckled with the inside joke as a friendly smile plastered over his maw. he then dipped his head in formal greeting before saying, "Hellborn sends warm regards. Happy birthday from yours truly, Érebos Dunamis." he furthermore acquainted himself and his pack. doing the lord's work today and making efforts to connect & socialize.
he smelt an insomniac amongst the crowd and made mental note to greet them soon after, curiosity coursing through him for just a moment.

"talk" 'think'
table by scarlet, art by ashon
Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
[Image: h1wr1OO.png]



Advanced Intellectual (95)

Advanced Hunter (110)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11K
07-11-2024, 09:35 AM (This post was last modified: 07-11-2024, 09:36 AM by Fable. Edited 1 time in total.)
Finally, she felt like she was back in her element. Oki had invited her back to the pack his daughter presided over (crazy, still, to think he had children) to recuperate before she carried on in her journey. If she carried on. Would it be so bad to kick up her paws for a while? She was already tired of running. Fable was nearly certain she'd put enough distance between herself and her pursuers... No matter! Tonight wasn't for thoughts of being captured and tortured, it was for delicious food.

The most important part of a party, even more than the food, was the entertainment. A true professional knew how to perfectly meld the two. Alongside the tables groaning under the weight of food - from sugared berries, to roasted hocks of spiced meat, and various containers of stews and sides - Fable had set up an open cooking fire. It was massive, embers spitting out, the heat almost enough to curl your whiskers if you got too close. She'd directed several larger and stronger wolves the night before in how to craft the spit that leaned across it. A large metal dowel rested between two tall wooden structures, suspending a massive, fat hog above the crackling flames.

While the others had been creating the structure the hog rested upon, Fable had been preparing the beast itself. She'd skinned the boar and then set another team upon carefully removing its pelt until they were left with long, thin strips of outer skin that she'd flash fried. The pork rinds sat out in a dish as an appetizer at the end of the table, crunchy and delicious. The hog itself had been stuffed with rosemary and a big, juicy apple was speared through its mouth, and the cook was nearly done - she'd been diligently turning the roasting spit with the help of some assistants, and the smell was mouthwatering. Fable sat back, eyes glittering with pride. This was a dish she'd whipped up at many a royal party, and it was every bit as fitting for Oki's princesses.

What surprised her most was how good of a father he was. Kind. Indulgent. "Birthday girls are served first!" She announced, with a wink to Delphi and Maki.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Dire wolf
07-11-2024, 10:30 PM
He was no longer a yearling, which meant he could no longer hide his attitude behind that excuse. Luckily, he was attempting to find his footing as an adult in this world, and a guardian to the Hemlock Alpha. The wolf he loved.

He made it to the birthday, the gift he had purchased from the Armada was still wrapped in the light skins the market wolf had found for him. The little delicately carved mountain that had reminded him of the fight where Delphi had almost fallen - and he had made the choice to save her - was wrapped within. It had felt like a turning point in their lives, one that had led them here. He made his way to Delphi’s side, gracing the other birthday girl with a subtle nod on his way passed. He didn’t say anything to Delphi, just tucked the little present in with her other gifts.

[Image: Au67KGz.png]



Beginner Hunter (0)

Advanced Fighter (110)

1 Year
Dire wolf

Pride - Bisexual
07-12-2024, 04:34 AM (This post was last modified: 07-12-2024, 04:36 AM by Styrmir. Edited 1 time in total.)
the party seems in full swing by the time he arrives, both birthday girls crowded by guests. in truth, Styrmir isn’t much in the mood for a party, but he’d figured he should at least make an appearance. they are family, after all. attempting to catch both Maki and Delphi’s respective gazes, he inclined his head and settles at the back of the celebration. he’ll leave in a bit, but he’ll stay long enough for his presence to be of note. for Styrmir, that’s as good as a hug. he hasn’t brought any gifts, but he hadn’t been sure what to get to them. maybe a weapon? a pretty rock? he’d been too indecisive, so had settled on nothing. that way, no one can get mad about his choices.

"Styrmir Trygg"



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)

2 Years
Extra large
07-22-2024, 04:50 PM

Late as ever, expected of him maybe, Tate would make his way into the crowd of the birthday celebration for himself and his siblings, or at least who was still around. His leg was still a little messed up as he very subtly moved with a limp but managed just fine. Certainly he was no baby.

He didn't move in the shadows, but he didn't put himself in the spotlight. A ray he would have much rather had on his sisters, probably more Maki honestly. She deserved it.

He wouldn't grab anything to eat or drink for the time being, just moving over to the plush furs that were sprawled out on the grasses to lay down and relax. A part of him hoped someone might have served him surely, but he wouldn't have expected it. He was easy to keep quiet and happy one could suppose.


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1. Party till the cows come home The Stone Steppe 09:39 AM, 07-06-2024 03:50 PM, 08-29-2024