Are we strangers in the night
Master Fighter (245)
Master Hunter (240)
4 Years
4 Years
11-26-2024, 10:29 AM
-set back when Makara joined-
Basilisk gave his sister just over a day to settle, but just the presence of her here in his territory was an itch under his skin. Despite being surrounded by cousins, and uncles, direct family had been hard for Basilisk to come by. Levi was a reliable constant in his life, though the brothers weren't close. His parents and the rest of his siblings has slowly but surely vanished by his life. Makaras return was as unexpected as it was wonderful.
There was always a great deal to do within the pack. Renewing scent makers, patrolling, repairs to the barriers the pack has slowly erected. Training, taking stock, tending to the lanterns that light the otherwise dark caverns that made up the heart of the Armada. Despite slowly climbing through his days schedule, his thoughts belonged to another.
It was growing late when Basilisk finally found a moment to chase down his sister. A companion led him to thr den she had chosen, and he knocked quietly on the door.
Basilisk gave his sister just over a day to settle, but just the presence of her here in his territory was an itch under his skin. Despite being surrounded by cousins, and uncles, direct family had been hard for Basilisk to come by. Levi was a reliable constant in his life, though the brothers weren't close. His parents and the rest of his siblings has slowly but surely vanished by his life. Makaras return was as unexpected as it was wonderful.
There was always a great deal to do within the pack. Renewing scent makers, patrolling, repairs to the barriers the pack has slowly erected. Training, taking stock, tending to the lanterns that light the otherwise dark caverns that made up the heart of the Armada. Despite slowly climbing through his days schedule, his thoughts belonged to another.
It was growing late when Basilisk finally found a moment to chase down his sister. A companion led him to thr den she had chosen, and he knocked quietly on the door.
As his Consort, Ignita can enter any of his threads without warning