



03-28-2014, 08:29 PM

Weary eyes would watch her as she seemed to grow in annoyance at his refusal. He knew this could well be the outcome, but the other consequence was not one that bare thinking upon. He watched as she slumped against the ground, turning away from him with an angry twitch of her tail. His breathing was still uneven, his world still seemed unsteady around him and he fought for reality and stability. Her displeased actions that brought her away from him at least gave him a slight respite. It took him a moment, but he grew a little in strength with every breath he took now.

He saw her anger, but he saw something else, he saw a hint of sorrow against her striking features and he knew that he had done more then upset her, he had rejected her.
?Oh Liberty, you don't know just how close I came to losing myself. Believe me, you are very attractive. But I can not be that wolf, I would be in it for love and nothing less?
He whispered softly, he did not want her to doubt himself, despite or maybe even because of everything he still felt very close to her. He cared for her, even if he could never give her what she wanted. Still, he wanted her to be well and be happy. With an inner sigh of sadness he thought that in a strange sort of way he had even let her down, if that could possibly make sense. Regardless, he could not and would not change his mind. He could not betray himself, his pack, and his Lyric.

He moved, abide hesitantly, towards her, and although he would not touch her with his nose he would bring his face a little closer to hers, to look her in the eyes.
?And I do like you, sweet Liberty. Can we not have some fun without that kind of interaction?? He asked her softly, afraid that she would hate him and he would lose this strange, compelling wolf forever.



03-29-2014, 12:44 PM

She would refrain from folding her audits as his uneven breathing leaked into her ears. Why was he still breathing like that? She wasn't even facing him. ?Oh Liberty, you don't know just how close I came to losing myself. Believe me, you are very attractive." Her lips would quirk slightly as she smirked at his comment, of course she was very attractive, but that didn't explain why he had rejected her. "But I can not be that wolf, I would be in it for love and nothing less? Her eyes would roll within their sockets, and her smug smirk would fade as her brow furrowed in irritation, her gaze icing over as she stared into the waters depths. So, he was in it for love huh? What if he had never gotten to experience love, like her? Would he be in it for the sex then? She barley understood the meaning of love, and he threw the word around as if he were some expert on the subject. She doubted he had even been in love before, he seemed to be around her age after all.

She didn't want to look at him, didn't want to face his rejection again, and so she would avoid his eye contact despite his hesitant movement toward her. His face would come very close to hers, and she would drown out the growl threatening to bubble from her lips with a displeased huff. She really didn't want him that close, but she wouldn't snap at him to back up. ?And I do like you, sweet Liberty. Can we not have some fun without that kind of interaction?? Her audits would fold, and her frigid stare would trail from the water and toward her paws, her right limb moving side to side as she drew aimless circles with her claw in the soft soil. "And if I do not know how?" She would inquire softly, her eyes still stuck on her paws as her brow furrowed at the thought. She didn't know how to have fun without some sort of physical interaction, whither it be through intercourse, fighting, or hunting. That's all she was in Glaciem, a harlot among a brood of fighting and hunting women, all making their efforts in the hopes to sleep with their king. What else did she know besides that?




03-29-2014, 08:14 PM

His misty blue eyes where almost silver with emotion as they looked into Liberty's eyes, never moving as they took in her own Sapphire orbs. So he was watched as her eyes rolled heavily in their frames in her opinion, he assumed, of 'love' there was sadness in his gaze as she would turn her face from him, refuse the eye contact he had sought out with her and huff with her frustration. He pulled back obligingly, his heart like led in his chest with this new sorrow that quaked against the desire that had burned him. With the switching of emotions inside of him he seemed to sag, the fire had burned away at him, a light and energy inside of that hat had quivered his paws with anticipation and energy. A fire that had burned out all else, and now without that also he was left empty. Tise new sadness was such a weight against him for a moment he looked as through he would sway.

He would take a seat now, giving her a touch of space as she seemed to want, the blues in his eyes almost overcome with silver. He still could not move his gaze from her however and watched as she etched circles into the dirt with her claw. The change in the two from one moment to another had been dramatic, from her need to touch him to this berth she now gave him instead. She spoke again and he would move his eyes at last from her and out against the rapids that had swept beside them, a silent witness to all that had passed.
He rose at last with a heavy sigh, the weight of the world a boulder against his shoulders as he found his way to paws and moved slowly to the side of the rapids. Close enough in sitting position that he could flick his tail into its shores and feel the coolness against his fur. With that touch of life he could breath again, although still he felt like an old man beneath his young coat.

Without turning his head to look at her again he spoke, his eyes raised upwards to the sky as through the stars could hold all the answers. ?Then come, sit with me.. tell me of the life you lead, I truly wish to know? He said gently



03-31-2014, 03:08 PM

It was not until the pale male had removed himself from her side that her frigid gaze had risen from her paw, her brow furrowing as he sat beside the waters edge, and away from her. ?Then come, sit with me.. tell me of the life you lead, I truly wish to know? Her head would cock slightly, and she would rise as he called her over to him. He wanted to know more about the life she lived eh? Would he believe her when she told him parts of her past? She would remain standing for a moment, her head tossing over her shoulder and toward the treeline as she contemplated leaving all together. He probably wouldn't admire her anymore if he knew the things she had been a part of, the events she had initially caused.

Her head would turn back toward the pale man sitting beside the rapids, and she would gradually begin to approach him, her thought process still contemplating a quick retreat. Within a few moments she would find herself beside him, her right side aiming to gingerly brush against his left as she fell back onto her haunches. Mist would begin to spray them, and she would find herself sighing contently as she enjoyed the coolness against the overwhelming summer heat. She would look toward him, one brow raising curiously as her azure eyes met his, her lavish lashes complementing her stare as she blinked. "What do you want to know?" She would inquire, a smirk hinting her lips as she honestly wondered what he would want to know about her. She was a stranger to him, but something about her provoked him to seek more information. What was it?




03-31-2014, 10:32 PM

It was so hard to free himself form the cobwebs that coated his mind. He knew he had longed to lose his sanity, to give over to instinct and pleasure and fall against that void that would take him from reality. He had never felt such lose of control, and it had thrilled him as equally as it had frightened him. He was afraid that if he had not known Lyric he would have given himself over to her and they would have lost themselves in each other. It was the shame that shook his limbs now, that begged him to find serenity in the rush of the water before him. He was almost mesmerised by its flow and its brilliance of colours and found himself wishing he could dive into it's depths, never mind its deadly current and numerous sharp rocks that juttered from it's depths.

He hated with shame, he longed with desire and he touched insanity with a breath for the world was no longer the way it had been before he came here. Moments passed and in the quite he thought that perhaps she had left him. A sharp tang of sadness shuttered against his veins, surprising him with its intensity, but still he he did not turn to see if she remained or not. He could not seem to bring himself to look and find that he stood here alone once more. He could barely comprehend that feeling, or why, when he had been here quite at peace before her blazing light and life had intruded upon his own.

Moments would pace and then he would sense her presence, catch a glimpse of her silvery coat flashing against the sun by the corners of his eyes as she made her way towards him. Her coat brushed like a soft breeze against his own and he slid his eyes shut for a moment, a breath rocking through him through the silence. She turned her gaze upon him, and as through by no power of his own he turned his eyes to meet them. He was afraid of what he would find there, her feeling of rejection? Perhaps hatred for his almost willingness and then his refusal. Instead he saw none of this, he saw instead the curiosity of her being, the flutter of her lashes and the acceptance of his question. Once again, she had surprised him and he had to take a moment before he could answer. ?I guess... I want to know who you are, Liberty, and what life has done to shape you. How did you come to be a part of your pack. Where you born to it?? His voice burned with softness, a humming echo of her own life although he was certain he could not burn with it as brightly as she did.



04-01-2014, 05:04 PM

Alpine would turn his head toward her, and as his azure gaze aligned with hers she would feel something stir within her stomach. Something about those pools of blue ensnared her attention, and she often caught herself gazing aimlessly into them while consumed in her own thoughts. ?I guess... I want to know who you are, Liberty, and what life has done to shape you. How did you come to be a part of your pack. Where you born to it?? Her raised brow would linger as she blankly stared at him while silently deciding what she was going to tell him. If he wanted to know about her past she would certainly give him clues, but he did not need to know the details of her life. Hopefully a quick overview would be enough to satisfy his curiosity.

"No, I was not. I met my alpha when I was a yearling, and I fell head over heels. Something about his psyche intrigued me, I wanted to know more about this kingdom he had brewing and the power he claimed to possess- so when I ended up there, I stayed there.." She would laugh lightheartedly, it sounded odd to finally admit the general reason for her decision to stay in Glaciem. She would continue on, giving him a better explanation while keeping her story vague. "I was born in Alacritis though, just in another pack, not Glaciem. They are... gone now." As far as she was concerned she was dead to Valhalla, and so Valhalla was dead to her. "My mother died in a flash flood, and my father often abandoned us, which drove me to abandon him." Her voice held an obvious bitterness toward her father, it still irked her that he hadn't followed her to Glaciem or even gave a shit about her until Isardis had come knocking on Valhalla's door. "I don't know where he is now, nor do I care. I serve my pack and my pack complies- I don't need anything more." The sudden swell of fury had begun to fade now as she cast her glance away from him and toward the water, another distraction that constantly seemed to ensnare her attention. "I am a hunter and I am a seductress among a harem of pleasure thirsty whores, all intent on having their share of the king... And me? I observe from the sidelines, a cast away prize, waiting for my turn as well..." The truth tasted bitter within her mouth, and she would choke down the reality with a heavy sigh as she looked back toward him. "And that's all you need to know. Now tell me about yourself." She still didn't understand why he wanted to know about her, but now her curiosity had been toyed with, and she too wished to know more about his origins.




04-01-2014, 05:29 PM

She locked her eyes to his and he was hypnotised by that swirling mass of sapphire, that shone and sparked with that brilliance of life she held beneath her pools. The intensity he felt within her was something he had not experience before, it was nothing like the cool serenity of Erani, the silent warmth of Lyric, in Liberty it was a blaze of emotion a flurry of life and it almost blinded him. He had to tear himself forcibly back to reality, blinking sanity back into his own murky-silver orbs. He listened as she spoke of her Alpha and he was astounded at the intensity of her words, and what they said. She was in love with her Alpha? He knew almost nothing of Glaciem except for its alignment, which he still was not fully convinced this fae boosted. Perhaps it explained something if that was why she remained there, if not for love of pack and family, then for love of the heart.

She spoke ofer birth, but gave little to clarify it, and he felt a little swell of sadness at her description of her parents. He saw that burst if flurry light fire against her eyes, and die as quickly as it had kindled to life. He resettled his paws against the earth as she shifted her gaze from him, and so it was that he could not see her eyes at her next set of words. There content however, stilled his movements. His owns eyes snapped from the waters and onto her form. Her words, they chilled him and he felt a little shudder fall across his body. Was she telling him that he had been wrong? That there had been no innocent and hormones that had brought her to her actions, that she called herself a seductress and that all of them wanted a piece of their king, they they where a pack of females and their king. He shuddered again, an odd pain blooming in his heart as he turned his eyes from her again, and this time they refused to resettle onto her form, refused to raise and look at her again.

He had not known the nature of Glacium, and hearing it in the bitter-sweet tones of Liberty was perhaps one of the worst ways they could have been delivered to him. He felt an odd sense of betrayal against his gut, although he couldn't fathom why it would blossom at her words. She asked him for his history, and he could taste in her words that she thought it owed to him. He didn't answer at first, he was battling something inside of him, an odd pain, an empathy for her plight but it was marred by the irregular and painful beat of his heart. Had she tried to seduce him, and she looked upon him standing in serenity by the banks of these rapids and thought to herself, 'here's an easy prey' and seduced him? It shook him to think he could have been so wrong, to close his eyes and remember the odd intensity and brilliance of her gaze, the light inside of them that he thought was oddly beautiful. Could she have fabricated even that?

It took him a long moment before he could find his words, and when he uttered them it was in an oddly lifeless monotone, a detachment from reality as through it where not his own history he spoke of ?My pack was butchered when I was a pup, my brother and I fled, too afraid to fight. We moved to a cave upon the cliff, and one night my brother fell from its edge and died screaming from the injuries? He had never really told it, and this clipped, emotionless edition of it shocked him, but still he could not look at her, he took a breath and closed his eyes, fighting a wave of nausea. He always knew he felt too much, but he had never seen it so turned against him before.



04-03-2014, 10:15 AM

His expression would suddenly morph from curious to pained, his gaze leaving hers, and his voice falling silent despite the question she had asked him. His actions stirred something within her, and she would coldly turn her eyes away from him, her brow furrowing as she regretted what she had said. Not because she was ashamed of the life she lived, but because she had chosen to tell the truth, and he to turn away. She would rise from her sitting position beside him, her head glancing over her shoulder, her audits flicking toward him as he spoke. He would give her a glimpse of his past, which was not nearly enough information compared to what she had given him. Her eyes would roll as she kept her frigid stare on anything but him, her words cold and bitter as she spoke. "I must be going." She would not wait for him to respond before she had completely turned around, her chest facing the treeline, and her limbs moving her forward as she made her departure. She did not appreciate the way he had reacted to her confessions, and so she would not grace him with her company any longer.



OOC: crappy reply, just wanted to get this thread closed <3