
I hear the willows cheering



3 Years
07-18-2014, 11:05 PM

OOC: Post order will continue as before, Dusk, Winter, Titania, Esti. Horrible post >.< I have so many posts to catch up on

The princess was done, and so was Titania. They both were covered in dirt but who cared? They were both wild and energetic. And with that, the ivory girl had soaked he paws in the refreshing clear pond. In moments, Titania heard a loud splash with a laugh.

C'mon, Titania! I order you to get your butt in here!

She didn't need to be ordered twice, bouncing up to the pond like an excited pup, she leaped in, letting the water cool her. She laughed and splashed around, just like she did as a pup. Oh how she missed those free-spirited memories, and even now she still acted like a pup. But that didn't matter, Esti did as well and she was glad because of it.

Leaves rustled, the willows greeted in excited and proud voices. Had Dusk and Winter come back so soon? Hunger clawed her belly as emeralds eagerly searched for the two. She was starving. Tonight there was to be a feast, she could not wait.

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[Image: 0qTRS7R.png]


07-18-2014, 11:24 PM

In they both came, with the successful catch. Proud they both were, the look gleaming in their eyes. They were both fine hunters. Better than fine. The best of the best. Better than the best.

It was not long before the two had caught their large and powerful meal, if if wasn't for their teamwork and communication, they would not have been able to bring home such a delicacy. They would be eating rabbit instead! And for how many days would this creature last them for? Oh well, long enough to find something else to eat, another deer? Nah, they couldn't eat that all the time, perhaps some rabbit here and there? They were the hunters, all they had to do was hunt (or do whatever had to be done in Winter's case) and just return home with more dens and supplies. If he could bring a smile to the girls' faces, as well as his hunting partner's, then he was happy.

The willows of the their kingdom were excited and proud themselves. A blue gaze would scan for the two wolves, Titania and Esti. Where were they?


Squeals of laughter came after. Blue optics found the two splashing pups in the clear warm water.
"You've been swimming while we've caught two deer!" He exclaimed with a chuckle. His eyes soon found the newly made dens nearby. Of course they've been working, the girls were just cooling themselves off. And he would wait for Titania and Esti to greet them both excitedly, thank them for the amazing meal and later feast in friendship before retiring for the night.


07-19-2014, 06:17 PM

Winter was proud of their kill and their teamwork. It really paid off. The meal would fill the stomachs in this kingdom with some left over for another meal. The mother elk was definitely a trophy to brag about and the fawn was icing on the cake.

His forelimb was hurting much more now since the trip back. It took everything he had to help Dusk pull in their prey. But it was over now and he would rest and give his wound some time to heal.

Winter limped over to a nearby willow tree and lied down upon the ground. His tongue licked clean the dried blood from the area. Now having time investigating the wound further, the deer had created a rather nasty gash. The skin had been peeled back, exposing the adipose tissue hidden beneath. If not cared for, it could definitely lead to infection

He remembered Titania saying she had some skills in healing, well this was a good time to test them out. Hating to ruin the girl's fun, he called out to her for her help. Titania. . . come have a look at this, would you?


Love Like Winter by AFI on Grooveshark



3 Years
07-19-2014, 07:36 PM

They had come! Padding to the edge, the girl slowly made her way out of the pond, ruffling her soaked onyx fur. The sun would dry her off. Emeralds found two deer, a mother and a child. The girl smiled at her brother as a short thank you before rushing over to Winter. The brute was resting by a tree, cleaning his leg. She stopped beside him, examining his wound.

"That looks nasty." She exclaimed. What were the two thinking? Taking on a deer like that?

Can you heal him?

She shut her eyes for a short moment, thinking. She opened them up in an instant, turning to Dusk and Esti. "Spiderwebs! We need spiderwebs!"

Before the rest could ask how spiderwebs are related to healing, the girl dashed to the nearest willow tree, carefully taking some spiderweb. Her eyes checked for any crawling creatures before her teeth tore off the soft bark of the tree. She tore off a fair amount, making sure it was soft enough to be placed on the wound. Without wasting any more time, the ebony girl rushed back to Winter.

"Now, this may hurt so concentrate on me," She spoke gently before placing the willow bark forcefully on the wound. She knew the best way for a patient to forget about the pain was to talk to him. Whilst a paw would keep the bark in place, the girl spoke to the brute. "Willow bark helps with cuts and wounds, while spiderwebs help with blood-clotting."

After pressing the bark onto the wound, Titania delicately grabbed the spiderwebs and gently did the same as she did with the bark. Paws wrapped the clear silk as a small bandage. Green optics would not stray from the wound. She worried about an infection.

"You should rest now, eat to keep your strength up. I would suggest no hunting until that's healed properly, don't want any rabbit tearing that open with its filthy claws, do we?" She whispered before straightening herself up. "Wait here, I need something else."

The girl left for a short time, paws leading her as far as the meadows outside of the willows. Eyes would search for a particular flower in the rolling plains of green. Amongst the other weeds and flowers, the girl found the right plant. Tearing it from the ground, she carried the crimson flower back to Winter. Claws would tear open the delicate plant, letting the black seeds fall to the ground.

"These are poppy seeds, they help with sleeping if the pain is too much. Once you've eaten you can take them," She explained quietly. She lifted her head at the other two, her gaze serious. "We need to move him into a den."

The girl felt exhausted, yet she still felt worried for Winter. She cared for him, hoping that wound would not lead to an infection. All that running and blood left her tired. Though she was brave and so was Winter. He could make it through. And for once in her life Titania felt like a hero, a helper.
She had helped somebody. Everything was in her paws.

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[Image: 0qTRS7R.png]



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
07-22-2014, 09:36 PM

Esti and Titania played in the water until the two men came back, carrying their kill. Everyone seemed excited to Esti for a bit, but then Winter limped onto the scene. Something was wrong with his leg. Titania went out of the water slowly, but Esti just stayed in the water and stared. Why had Winter gotten hurt? It was because he was hunting for the kingdom- the kingdom Esti had made up. This was Esti's fault, but no one knew. Everyone believed Esti's lies. What if Titania couldn't help him? What if he died? What if he died because Dusk recruited him for this kingdom? Then it was Dusk's fault... kind of.

Water dripped off of Esti as she stood in the pond- lake, whatever- staring at Winter and Titania as she treated his injury. Finally, she looked at Dusk. Finally, she started moving. The fact that Winter was hurt wasn't a huge deal. The fact that it was mostly her fault wasn't a big deal. It was a big deal because she cared. She just met this wolf and she already cared for him. Why was this happening? She was a benevolent princess, sure, and she cared fr all her followers, sure, but at a distance, right? That's how it had always been, but those followers were imaginary. These followers were real.

Esti stood by Dusk, for once not feeling like eating. She watched Titania stow away into the willows and come back with some herbs. She wanted to ask if Winter would be okay, but Titania said they needed to move him, "We need to get him- Dusk, lift him onto my back." Esti rushed over to Winter and ducked down, "I can carry him no problem, Dusk, Titania, just help him to balance and to get him on and off my back." She eyed Winter daring him to object. If the other two helped, putting Winter in a den would be easy, and he would be okay. Right? "Speech"


07-25-2014, 04:19 AM

OOC: Sorry for short and awful phone post >.<

The white wolf would rest by the tree, a worried blue gaze would find the serious gash. Though the onyx babe would zip to help. He would watch her carefully as she dashed in and out, a concerned green gaze watching over the brute. Her healing skills were amazing! Some healing skills? Why, she was a young healer!

After an exceptional job of fixing up the wound, the girl instructed to get Winter into a den. The ivory man looked weak and exhausted, so it would be their job to safely deliver him there. He firmly nodded, agreeing with Esti's plan, next lifting the tired creature upon Esti's back gently. An eye would watch the newly treated leg, wrapped in a layer of silken webs. The powerful aroma of bark and poppies clung to the wound tightly, and he could only hope these remedies worked. They had to work. This couldn't get any worse, could it? It should only get better.

Walk "Talk" Think


07-25-2014, 08:57 PM

Titania's skills impressed him as she scurried off to gather the spiderwebs and other healing supplies. She was young to know so much about healing. Perhaps her parents were healers? The girl stated it would hurt as she treated his wound, and it did hurt. . . a lot. Though, it had to be done else there was a risk of infection.

Dusk would then help to lift him onto Esti's back. Ah, indeed he needed to rest. He would have preferred to walk, but it was probably best this way. The injured leg needed to rest and heal. It had began to swell and soon walking would be impossible for a day or so. When they reached the den, he would lie still and follow Titania's instructions. The kingdom needed him well so that he may help look after the others.

The way these wolves worked together were rather surprising. Was this what it was like to belong to a family? A pack? Perhaps all that he has ever known has all been a lie. This small clan of wolves, this kingdom, was all the family he had ever had. Dusk's adventure had turned out to be much more than what he ever expected it to be. In return, he would be forever loyal to his friends. Protecting and helping them until his dying day.


Love Like Winter by AFI on Grooveshark



3 Years
07-26-2014, 04:37 PM

She would watch as her friends worked together, like a team. Why? Because they were friends, and that was what friends did best. A warm and concerned peridot gaze would stare back as her cousin lifted him upon the larger woman's back. Most would say her work was done, but it was far from that. She probably wasn't going to get any sleep just thinking about Winter's health. Large and tired eyes looked down at the scattered black poppy seeds. Perhaps those would help her sleep, instead of worrying. Worrying. Titania worried? She never did that. Well, except for now. What if it got worse? Leading to an infection. What if she can't heal him?

No, Titania, don't say that. You've helped him now, you'll help him tomorrow.

Walk "Talk" Think
[Image: 0qTRS7R.png]



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
08-07-2014, 01:40 AM

Esti stared at Winter a moment after he had been placed in the den. He looked like he'd be okay, right? Esti's eyes searched Dusk for a moment. He was older, he was her trusted companion, he should know what to do next right? Right?

Esti made another glance at Winter before closing her eyes and letting out a breath. She didn't want to be concerned about this stuff! What happened to just getting food and eating and getting fat? Isn't that what leaders were supposed to do? Why was she so worried then? Esti's eyebrows furrowed and she turned sharply, finally opening her eyes again, "Well good. We took care of him. now don't let this food go to waste!" Esti went to the calf and tore open the stomach with little effort. Grabbing a good chunk of meat, Esti turned back and quickly made her way to Winter, dropping the meat by him without making eye contact. A short "hmpf" escaped her as she once again made her way to the food, "Hurry up and dig in or I'll eat it all!""Speech"


08-07-2014, 05:35 AM

With that all out of the way, Dusk could focus on one thing, and one thing only.


He wasn't greedy or anything, especially around his friends, but he had a soft spot for over-eating. It was a nasty little habit, sometimes he would get lost in the flavor before realizing he had ate too much. But if anything, he would eat like his usual self, loud and savoring. Why? Because he was happy and glad.

Esti urged them to hurry up or she would eat it all. Her? Eating the whole deer? What a sight that would be!

Once Esti had reared open the carcass, chewing thoroughly on her share, Dusk would dig into the loot. Grabbing a portion the same size as the ivory girl's, just to make it fair, he next seated himself down to taste the satisfaction. With his usual massive gulps, he would make sure each bite lasted, lasted until the juicy flavors were no more.

Gleaming eyes could not help but to spot the setting sun, neatly falling just above the sleeping trees. It was not terribly late, but there was enough time to finish eating and head to sleep, all before the night came.



08-09-2014, 07:24 PM

The den was a welcome warmth after the pain he had endured of their hunt. Successful it was, regardless of the injures he had to embrace because of it. At least his new found family would be well fed and so it was worth it. Winter had never thought he would feel as he did toward a group of wolves, though, so much about him had changed since his meeting with Misha. Ah, perhaps ad his soul aged it craved to find some peace - a home and family.

He curled up closely inside the den, carefully stretching his injured stilt out from his body so that the wound would not rub against his hide. It was sore enough as it was and the soil on his pelt need not to enter his injury. Titania would be a great healer some day, though, it seemed she already was. Skilled beyond her years, perhaps. But his encounters with healers was scarce. The others would feast upon the trophy in which the hunting pair had brought home. Winter felt nauseous from the pain and so chose not to consume any of the carcass. There would be some left for when his insides could withstand the nutrition.

He lay there, watching the others dance about before him. Twilight now consuming the heavens. And at that very moment, his heart knew he would do anything for this trio before him. He would fight for them and provide for them. Dusk's adventure turned out to be more than just an adventure - more than a fairy-tale in which he thought he was chasing. It had become his whole life - his soul. . . his heart.


Love Like Winter by AFI on Grooveshark



3 Years
08-09-2014, 08:13 PM

She had a small appetite, for a large girl. A few mouthfuls were enough to satisfy her hunger, unlike her cousin taking in the largest gulps. Grabbing a small portion of the tender meat, her teeth nibbled on the deer. Was there something she had to do? Oh yes, how could she forget? Quickly getting to her paws, she found the scarlet poppy, taking it to Winter. He hadn't touched his meal, but it was normal to lose hunger after an injury, right? Onyx seeds scattered to the ground beside the ivory creature.

"Not hungry? That's okay. Once you're ready to sleep, just eat these." She explained gently, her young gaze resting on him before turning to finish her portion. As well as having a small appetite, she was also a slow eater, but that was fine. Whilst Dusk and Esti ate, she would ask. "Are we going to sleep after this?"

She was a little tired, especially spending a well-worn day here. Today was just one day in many of this home.

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[Image: 0qTRS7R.png]