
let the ravens gather



4 Years
09-25-2014, 10:49 AM

Everyone was shouting, the scents of fear and anger swirled all around her as the turmoil took place. The only comfort she was able to take was being next to Solo, she?d push her side into his form nervousness obvious as the battle waged on. She would listen as the voices of the other Olympians would reach her ears, the tiny Hypnos and then Natalya?s harsh words. Though they were incredibly harsh, and she would hardly understand herself, she knew that the law of the gods was not something you went against. Instead of feeling resentment towards her aunt she would feel a sympathy, for she knew not if she would have been able to do the same thing to her child. Nemesis however would offer an outburst beside her, making note that she and her aunt shared a disability as well.
There was much discussion, and Gaia would keep herself silent through most of the words. Through her cousins, through her brothers, and then the words she had dreaded to hear. Her uncle would submit and their home would be taken. Fear would flow through her as somehow she pushed herself closer to Solo?s side, uncertainty claiming her before Katja?s voice took over her attention. Sightless eyes would fall upon the new sovereign as her decree would flow over the gathered wolves. The family would be released, however her next words would cause a stake of ice to run through Gaia?s heart. Virgil?s children would not be free to go.
She?d shake her head in disbelief as the words overcame her, this was unacceptable. She would not be without her family, her proper family. Gaia would not notice the harsh words Solo gave her aunt, the shock was too much for her, but she would hear his submission and realize how unacceptable it was. Before she could stop him Helios would correct him, her uncle?s harsh words making the realities even worse. She couldn?t go on without Solo, no matter what he did. She wouldn?t hear the words he shared with Helios, but would cling to him like her life depended upon it when Virgil would appear. "Solo, don?t leave me. I can?t be here. I can?t stay with her." She?d find herself shaking with fury. She would not be taken from her family, she couldn?t be taken from Solo.


if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Katja the First


8 Years
09-25-2014, 12:38 PM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2014, 12:42 PM by Katja the First.)

The chaos simply continued unfettered, though none would attempt to lay hands upon the woman and the crippled child she protected. For a time Katja was content to simply allow it to swirl around her, to ignore the shouting and accusations thrown back and forth by the Olympians, as the adrenaline ebbed and weariness seeped in, the pain of her wounds creeping along with it. Her mouth still filled with blood from the wounds she'd taken on her tongue and lip, but she simply swallowed reflexively and ignored it. An unnaturally bright red yearling male attracted her attention momentarily when he approached seeking her judgement and wishing to be admitted to the pack. The way he'd been sitting the whole fight, practically in Virgil's gray daughter's lap, had made it clear why he wished to join. She regarded him a moment with suspicion before the edges softened slightly. She could hardly blame the twain for their young love, and it had caused many a wolf to do foolish things they later regretted when the shine wore off their pairing. She would not punish such even further by locking him into an agreement he didn't truly want. "We will discuss it later," she instead agreed simply, and left it at that.

A gray-toned female called out to her then, asking if the pack had room for someone like herself. "As I appear to have only one other full packmate at the moment," she replied dryly, gesturing to the gold-marked female locked in battle with her former alpha, "I have little doubt there would be room for both yourself and your protege if he desires. We shall speak of it later, perhaps?"

Her attention had wandered from the gray female back to the chaos around her; she ignored the young pup of Virgil's second litter screeching at her as insignificant, instead focusing on Helios who had snarled heated words at her when she spoke of Virgil's pups remaining with her. She tsk'd at him in vexation. "Do not make yourself more of a fool than you already appear, Olympian. The children are not my thralls - think you the Xanilovs would bear any love for it were I to enslave their adopted siblings for no cause? No - if they make no attempt to escape or sow sedition they will be treated as full members of the pack and subject to the same protections and comforts as - "

Her words cut off with a sharp abruptness, the weariness swept away in a rushing surge of hate at the sudden appearance of one very specific Olympian.


So the bitch had decided to show up after all, after her beloved pack had already been bled for and lost by another. Simply amazing how having one's children taken by another could put a spring in one's step regardless of how close to death they allegedly were. Within the silence that followed, the tinny buzzing of fury in her ears, came the plaintive words of Virgil's eldest daughter, and the shock was shattered. Katja's head raised high, her uninjured lip curling with disgust and contempt. Hate lubricated her words, gushing them forth in a torrent the stoic viking rarely indulged in. "Give them the choice? Like you gave their Xanilov siblings a choice when you stole them away from what they loved and then abandoned them? When you dropped them into an unknown place filled with strangers and then left them?"

A harsh laugh rattled her ribs. "Tell them the truth, Virgil. It's not your children you care about, it's your own pride. I admit my shortcomings, Olympian... but you? I do not seek to be a good person. You hide behind a veil of righteousness and claim you love these children and yet you abandon them with a madwoman and her weak husband who can't even protect them. You only came back because you couldn't bear for the world to see your family's shame displayed so obviously. Your successor coddles these pups until they are too weak to stand on their own four feet - your own heir whimpers like an unweaned pup and trembles at the thought of leaving her aunts and uncles to be with someone who has not even touched a hair on her pretty little head - yet this madwoman tried to kill her own child. Gods above, Virgil, not even I would stoop so low. And yet... she couldn't even do that properly. Is that what happened to your other child, Virgil? Did you succeed where your successor could not with her own child?"

A fierce grin bared every one of her bloodied fangs even as the blood continued to drip off her chin. "I will meet you in a week Virgil but I will not submit to your demand to release them. I will exercise my right as the new alpha of this pack to decide who stays within its ranks and I will not be frightened into backing down from my decision. Four of these youths are old enough to fight for their own freedom if they want it, assuming you and your blind old bat haven't ruined them. Perhaps the younger two can still be salvaged." She spat blood at the ground at the golden furred woman's paws, then turned contemptuously away from her to stalk away from the chaos. She would not go far - she had a pack member fighting that aforementioned blind bat and she would not put it past the Olympians to gang up on her and that gimp-legged youngling if Katja were not there to prevent the situation from degenerating further - if that were even possible.

OOC: Deleted my original comment because it was written in a way that would come across badly. Suffice to say I don't approve of a DM so now it's up to staff obviously.



1 Year
09-25-2014, 01:38 PM

The female does not respond, and Hemera glared at the coward, hatred in her gaze. Then a scent fills the air, one she almost finds familiar, and the golden fur almost like hers, in a way. A glance towards the sister she had met not long ago confirms it; this woman may be her mother. She wanted to run to the woman, but she did not move, even as she spoke, calling the pup her daughter, in a way. It was certain now, that the woman was her mother, but she did not meet the golden woman's gaze, moving closer to Natalya.

Her mother, or the wolf who claimed to be their mother, had left. Hemera only stared at her paws.

The child's thoughts swirled too fast, and made her dizzy. The ground seemed to be spinning under her paws. She opened her jaws, unaware that she was speaking in English again. Or, more like it, switching between the two. She realized that she was speaking in English, and switched to Greek again. But it didn't matter, because the words were out of her jaws before she could stop them. "I'm lypo?maste, but den don't....." Her voice faltered.

If her mother won, then hopefully the golden woman would understand that she would live with her adopted family. Her family had not left, and a slight bubble of resentment wells within her. But she doesn't say a word, pushing herself closer to her real mother. Her icy blue eyes finally raise, and she stares at her mother for a moment longer. She does not wag her tail or show any signs of affection, but simply stares. With that, she moves away, pressing against her brother. It is almost as if she were protecting him.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'



7 Years
09-25-2014, 06:53 PM
All done! GL SAF

Insults to her abilities and her character were slung this way and that around her. Misconceptions by wolves who had refused to listen to every word spoken shed a darkness on her unlike any other. A stranger coming upon this meeting would see her as something akin to Hades, a devil incarnate. Hearing the words may have provoked her to forsake her current responsibility and act on the anger they would cause, turning her into the very thing she was made out to be by the heathens that spoke. Nat would have liked to think that she would take the high road, ignoring them and keeping at her task. Luckily, she hadn't heard them. She didn't have to think about taking the high road because she didn't know there was a lower one there.

All of her attentions were focused on the battle. Her ears were tuned only to the station playing the sounds of her challenger. Her skin only felt the nearness of the woman she fought. She tasted and smelled only Chryseis. Everyone else had become mute, invisible, and scentless. Being in such close quarters, with so many parts of her body connected to the opponent, it was easy to feel the shifts in her position. Her eyelids were still narrowed into a tight glare; her ears stayed fallen against her skull; her three unmoving legs were still spread in a widened stance and bent at the knees with toes splayed across the dirt and claw digging in, her weight balanced on them. Her tail was still even with her spine, her abs were tight, and her hackles were raised.

Her head was still tucked in tight against her opponent's shoulder, having successfully bashed it against that sensitive place between the neck. Her shoulders were rolled forward, creating extra skin around it, and her head remained even with her spine with her chin tucked against her throat. She maintained her defenses as she felt for a hint of movement to reveal her opponent's counterattack. As her right paw slid outward she felt the bitch lift her own left leg out of harm's way. Nat curled her toes to dig the claws of her right paw into the ground, to stop it from sliding too far. She felt Chrys's legs wrap around her and let it happen, focused on the importance of maintaining balance for now. She ceased shaking her own head as Chrys began to shake hers, avoiding worsening the tearing that began to take place in her neck as a result of the movement.

Instead, she attempted to twist her head so that her muzzle would face diagonally between front and her own right side, where Chrys had shifted her body. She hoped that the hug the bitch had wrapped around her had brought her close enough as she attempted to bite down hard on the lower portion of Chrys's chest to try to pull at the sensitive skin there and tear a hole in it.

The body of her foe pressed hard against her and she felt the discs in her neck shift uncomfortably, but not so much to hinder her actions. Fortunately, in the same moment, she was making a move of her own. She pushed hard to extend her knees, first both legs on the left side, then the right. She leaned as she did this, pressing to her right side, hoping that she would be able to take advantage of Chrys's hold on her while standing on her hind legs and topple the woman onto her back beneath Nat's own weight. She wanted to cause a hard and painful fall, a punishment for the other female making herself vulnerable.

Round 2 of 2 | Dominance

Attacks: Attempt to bite Chrys's chest and tear the flesh, attempt to use her weight to knock Chrys over on her back.

Defenses: Eyelids narrow, tail raised, head lowered, chin tucked, knees bent, widened stance, toes splayed, ears almost flat, shoulders rolled forward, claws dug into ground (x2), hackles raised, and tightened abs. Stopped shaking head.

Injuries: Tearing wounds where Chrys bit neck, slightly shifted discs in neck (Nat needs a chiropractor!) in addition to the moderate bruising on her chest and puncture wounds from last round.

Virgil I


4 Years
09-25-2014, 08:14 PM

Chaos sings around her, and she hears the voices of her children, smells the scent of their pelts. She yearns to bury her nose into their soft fur, to catch up with the ones she?s left behind, and to get to know those who she?s been so cruelly ripped from. Katja rings accusations, but Katja does not know the story. ?Those children were by rights mine. I was their second parent, Raisa had no right to give their guardianship to you. While they were young it was my intention to protect them. Had you beaten me once, Katja, I would have given in and accepted you as their guardian. Would have accepted you as stronger. But I defeated you that day, I defeated you and proved I was stronger, proved I was a more capable guardian. It had been my intention to give them their free choice when they turned one,? she notes.
Katja speaks such harsh words, and Virgil does not rile. She is calm, she is wrath, and she has the power here. ?I left because I was near death. If I had not, they would have no mother either way. I would rather them miss me for a few moons than miss me their entire lives. But you, you have no right to them. I am deeply sorry for my actions regarding the Xanilov children, for the hurts I inflicted upon them, but I will rip all your limbs from your body one by one before I let you keep them,? she snaps.
Katja may spit at her, but Virgil does not give in to the taunt. Golden gaze shifts to her children. ?Children, she may title you as members of her pack, but if you all now call for your freedom she does not have the manpower to defend it. If you find yourselves unwilling, due to the lack of teaching I have been able to provide given my absence, do not worry. She may call you whatever she wants, but she will have to kill me before she can drag you beyond borders you do not wish to go. You can act as rogues whilst she pretends that her claim has any meaning over you,? she tells her brood. Katja would be nothing but a torso on the ground by the time Virgil was ready to give the final blow, that Virgil would be certain of. The golden woman certainly had not done right, but she did not appreciate Katja?s cowardice, and she had to show the world what the wrath of the gods truly looked like.


09-26-2014, 06:20 PM

Everything seemed to ebb and flow around him after Virgil's appearance, for a long time all he could hear was his own heartbeat as he watched angry words fly between the two woman. He wouldn't snap out of it until Gaia pressed into him and told him she wanted to leave. Her? Who was her? Virgil, Katja, Natalaya? He blinked for a moment, turning his head to look at her while still in his state of shock. Leave? Oh right! It was if all at once his body kicked into overdrive and he would stand, pressing into Gaia's side. Anywhere away from here. He honestly did not believe Katja to be a terrible person, maybe she would let them go if everything settled. But then again Virgil was here now. He believed that she would set them free and until then Solo would do everything in his power to keep Gaia safe. He believed that saftey would be with Katja but if Gaia wished to run he would follow. But that would involve speaking... He would nudge her shoulder, beckoning for her to follow before starting off out of the battlefield. Anywhere but here...

-exit solo-




5 Years
09-26-2014, 09:12 PM

Chatter, chatter, chatter?. blah, blah, blah?. it was a ceaseless cacaphony that tested even D?gmar's patience. The wraith rolled her eyes as she took a few steps back to give the new queen room to breath. The Olympians were squawking away like a flock of hens. The battle was over. What the fuck were they still doing here? Emerald eyes gave a side long glance at Katja. She was ready to start plucking feathers all she needed was an order.

And things got some how that much more interesting and that much worse. Some golden floozy came fluttering in and screeching? something about kids? Ah right, the new Queen, Katja, wanted to keep some of the whelps. D?gmar couldn't imagine why, particularly the gray blind one. She was practically useless as a soldier no matter how much the elder, black-eyed hag insisted it was not a disability. Maybe she'd get into healing or something?. tail twitched at the threat of a death match. Well that was fucking perfect. She rolled her eyes skyward. O Lady Fortuna?. what the hell did I do to piss you off so? To join a pack only to have the possibility of it being lost thrust upon her mere seconds after the victory? Utter rubbish! D?gmar quite frankly was ready to throw herself in front of the golden wolf and just be done with it. But there were still a few things she had left to do?

Despite her outward signs of nonchalance the femme was in fact listening quite carefully as Katja and Virgil exchanged words. She quickly took in the different accounts, piecing together information, picking out names and titles, anything that might prove to be of use later. Her frame shifted slightly though at the mention of the golden femme's victories. Katja had fought brilliantly, that much could not be denied to a trained fighter such as D?gmar. To see another who was her equal and on occasion her better? That was tempting. A glint of hunger twinkled in her eyes at the thought of meeting the golden harlot in battle but for now she held back. She was in the process of joining a newborn pack. She would struggle with her patience a bit longer. D?gmar bit back a chuckle at the words of the former failed queen. Yes, the pups could act as rogues and wander as they would be not without consequence. If they didn't behave themselves, Virgil might find herself returning to some with a few missing limbs. Of course?. D?gmar's gaze shifted to Katja. The pups, for whatever reason, were of value to Katja. D?gmar had been around long enough to realize that she would probably not be allowed to maul the little beasts. But she was patient?. sooner or later she'd get the chance to let out some steam. Gaze shifted to Laufey as a grin spread across her maw.


09-27-2014, 07:13 PM

Ooc:: Sorry this is super late. ;-; <3 Please bear with me and that...

His mother?s comforts, her affections, were short lived. His ?dam? would speak, and the boy, while young, was far from stupid. Sea green eyes would narrow some, a strange courage rising within. It was something that would continue to grow, sparked within the youth. Perhaps it was the gods law that he be thrown away, but he would lift his head, speaking with a cool tone to a wolf who should have loved him unconditionally. ?Had the gods truly desired my death because of my imperfection it would have come to pass. It is their will that I live. That my leg grows stronger each day.? He didn?t need to speak more. She didn?t deserve his words. Not that there was much time to even think of much more.

His mother, his true mother would jump to his defense, and like that hell broke loose. Hypnos would move behind her, stumbling some, though not as much as he had when he was just a couple weeks old. He was getting stronger. Some day he would punish his sire and dam by his own fangs. But for now he felt satisfaction that they had lost their home. Yet... At the same time... Everything was in uproar. Hypnos pinned his ears, fur bristling as he tried to mimic the defenses Chryseis set, not that a pup, let alone one who could still not use his leg anywhere near it?s full potential, was a threat.

The only thing he had eyes for, in the end, was the fight his mother was having. He worried for her, wanted to aid her, but now was not his time. She was the one defending him. His biological parent was blind, had not been cast away due to her own imperfection, and believed that his couldn?t be overcome. But it would. The boy held a fire in his eyes, holding wrath. He was, by blood, an Olympian, and a chosen of the gods. He would earn his place in this world by their will, and he would not give up.

Walk "Talk" Think


09-27-2014, 07:15 PM

It had all gone to hell. The boy would move away from Natalya as the shouting started, mixed feelings in his gut. The fight was raging, and before he knew it the melanistic woman and a woman of black and gold were in combat over another child. The slave that had been brought into their pack. Thany would hesitate, breathing in and out, ears slowly laying back as he accepted a new feeling into his heart. The male named for death had been naturally socially awkward, one to draw away from big crowds and do things at his own pace. Never rushed, never bothered, never loud. But as his anger grew, so did his confidence. Pup or not the boy knew he was an Olympian, destined to be great, and he would look to his sister as she shouted at the death-mask woman.

The pack might have been lost, or the title of such, but they were still together. Still a family. But then it came. The decree to be claimed. His brothers and sisters, and Thanatos would feel a spark. Something igniting within him and bursting through his body. The quiet pup would let out his first snarl, fur standing on end. She dared to claim them? Dared to take the descendants of gods? Helios had submitted, but that did not make their family weak! It did not give her the right to play with their lives.

?She has either a lot of courage or stupidity.? The boy?s words were cold, sharp, like the edge of a blade. He would stay by Hemera?s side for a time, moving a bit away from it all, but he would watch. Yes... He would watch. He was angry, but not bitter. This was a test of the gods, or so Thanatos believed. He would take a breath, letting his ears rise once more and his fur to lower to his body. Some things he agreed with here. Others he did not. For one thing, the former slave boy, the one with the deformed leg... He didn?t agree he should have been killed. Life was something too precious to waste, even if it is because of a deformity. Had it been all of his legs that were a mess he might understand, but simply one... Was it no different than how he walked when he twisted his paw the wrong way? More of the time, but he had seen the boy get around. It was not the worst problem in the world.

But then she came. The golden goddess he knew, yet did not know. His mother, Virgil Olympus, would stroll in. She would speak to the victor, defending them. A surge of pride would swell in the child. This woman who claimed them, even if she forced them to her pack, would not at all succeed in keeping them. His mother would free them, certainly, and the pack would be whole again. Even as he listened, Thanatos would close his eyes, thinking to himself. A plan, he thought, and he would hear both out. The masked woman made points that were not entirely bad, yet they were one-sided, without complete knowledge.

Thanatos would let out a soft sigh and open his eyes again. Hemera had move away apparently, but was back, pressing again him, protecting him, and the boy would give a small smile, gently nuzzling his sibling?s shoulder. ?I am alright, Hemera. ? Yet... Part of the boy wondered if she was truly such a bad being. There are, after all, two sides to every story. Perhaps, in some ways, both were right at the same time. He would slowly move from his sister?s side, to go before Virgil, his mother, and he looked up at her. Those bright eyes would shine, and he would give one of his small, gentle smiles.

?I?m glad you?re back...? The soft tone of his voice was returning. Though he had been angry, it would do nothing to be so. He would glance to the woman, then back at his mother. ?...and we?ll see... Each other again... Real soon.?[/color] He would step back. ?I... Want to go... To judge this woman... With my own eyes.? Thany had no fear. But he would not leave his mother just yet... And he had little doubt Hemera would be at his side within a moment. Where, he could only wonder, was their brother? Had he somehow managed to avoid all of this?

Walk "Talk" Think

The Judge


10-14-2014, 06:20 AM


Round 1

8 for clarity. -2 what angle is she approaching Natalya's right side? ; -2 where on Natalya's right side is she aligned with? The shoulder? hip? middle?

10 for powerplaying. -

10 for defenses. +1 for each of the following: Eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, head level with spine, chin tucked toward throat, tail straightened, legs spread evenly, legs bent slightly, toes splayed, shoulders rolled forward

5 for attack. +1 for chest striking Natalya's shoulder, +3 for bite to right side of Natalya's upper neck, +1 for right forepaw slamming into Natalya?s right paw

10 for injuries.First round

Round one CHRYSEIS Total: 43/50


3 for clarity. -1 for confusion on how her foot landed on the ground when there hadn?t been an attempt to raise it up, -1 for not specifying which paw she was trying to trip (there is a front and back left paw), -1 how does stepping to the left lessen the directness of Chryseis's attack?, -1 how does lifting back on two legs lessen the blow? Natalya is now on two legs while Chryseis is on three so it's more likely that Nat would be the one thrown off balance, -1 what damage was done by the bite? she's also extending her neck to headbutt Chrys, it's unlikely that no damage was done, it's not armor it's flesh, -1 what part of her right foreleg is she trying to ram into Chryseis?, -1 Where on Chryseis is she hoping to ram her leg into? the wrist? the elbow? the middle?

8 for powerplaying. -2 for excessive movement; fights happen in short spans, be succinct. It's unlikely Nat could manage all that movement before Chrys finished all her attacks.

10 for defenses. eyes narrowed, spread legs, spread toes, bent legs, leaned forward slightly, shoulders rolled forward, chin tucked toward neck, ears pressed against skull, tail straight behind her, hackles raised

3 for attack. +1 for pushing her own weight into Chryseis? shoulder, +1 for ramming forehead into the area where Chryseis? neck meets her right shoulder, +1 for attempt to trip Chryseis by hitting her left paw

10 for injuries.First round (minor bruising to right shoulder, bite to the right side of her neck.)

Round one NATALYA Total: 34/50

Round 2


7 for clarity. -2 what angle is Chryseis in relation to Natalya? I thought they were still head on but as I read I'm suddenly not sure, is she twisting in some way? -1 what portion of her chest is she trying to push into Nat? the upper? the whole of her chest?

9 for powerplaying. -1 not attempting to shake her head, this movement could be countered/stopped by Natalya

9 for defenses. -1 for not attempting to readjust balance after being thrown back by Natalya, +1 for readjusting wright after lifting left forelimb , +1 for curled tail for balance, +1 eyes narrowed, +1 ears pinned, +1 hackles raised, +1 head level with her spin, +1 chin tucked to protect throat, +1 shoulders rolled forward, +1 legs spread, +1 toys splayed

4 for attack. +3 for aiming to rise up and drape her left forelimb across Natalya's shoulders while her right also tries to wrap around her neck, shaking her head to inflict more damage to her scruff, +1 for aiming to put pressure on the right front side of Natalya's neck

7 for injuries. -2 for severe bruising to chest, -1 moderate bruise across her neck

Round two CHRYSEIS Total: 36/50


5 for clarity. -2 "she attempted to twist her head" which way is she twisting her head?, -1 what angle is Natalya at in relation to Chryseis, if you're opponent doesn't specify you have the right to do so. Again I want to say they're facing straight on but the fact that I'm assuming rather than knowing means there's a clarity issue, -2 how much damage was done by Chryseis shaking her head?

10 for powerplaying.

8 for defenses. Eyes narrowed, ears flattened against skull, legs spread wide and weight balanced, limbs bent slightly, toes splayed into the dirt, tail even with her spine, hackles raised, shoulders rolled forward

5 for attack.+3 biting at lower portion o Chryseis? chest, +2 aiming to push Chryseis over

7 for injuries. -3 for torn scruff

Round two NATALYA Total: 35/50


CHRYSEIS: 79/150

NATALYA: 69/150

And the winner is...

Chryseis! Natalya must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


CHRYSEIS - Severe bruising to chest and moderate bruising to neck.

NATALYA - Minor bruising to right shoulder, severe bite to the right side of the neck.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Saffie - Solid fight, I'd just keep focusing on being clear about positioning as that seems to be what cost you the most points here.

For Raii - Great fight! I'd mostly work on clarity and being more concise, especially with regards to movement and positioning relative to your opponent.

Also please note this is my first judging and was a tricky one to judge, so please don't be hesitant to contact me if you have any questions or concerns! <3

- By [Nyx]



7 Years
10-22-2014, 06:59 PM

Family was more important that pride. It may not have been something that rang true for many other wolves, especially those there judging her, but it was the only truth for Natalya. In the moment of pause as both wolves made their final moves, all of the chaos around her was finally registering. Virgil was here threatening the usurper and Katja was taking her children, including the two Nat had watched over herself in their mother's absence. Solo was going willingly with Katja instead of endeavoring to keep Gaia out of the hands of the wicked woman. Gaia was going willingly if only to escape her mother. Their family was falling to pieces around her and she felt only a rising panic to save her children, the only ones who still could be saved.

As quickly as she had risen to begin an attempt to shove the bitch over, she leaned hard in the opposite direction, pulling to free herself from Chryseis's grasp despite the wicked wounds the act would tear in her neck. Adrenaline was pumping and she wanted nothing more than to get free to grab Chione and run. "I am finished here," she growled at Chryseis as she finally pulled away. "You, traitor, can treat this as a victory. I have a family to look after."

She made her way quickly to her daughter, turning her face toward Phoebe and Helios each in turn before focusing on Chione. She ignored Virgil and the rest of those around her, worried that interaction would cause her to burst as a volcano would. "Come, we are going to get your siblings," she commanded before taking off in a swift jog to retrieve her children from the den they could no longer call home before the new queen had her way with them.
