
�ingvellir (YFIR)



4 Years
10-09-2014, 11:23 PM

She?d hear Katja?s greeting and then her brother was upon her. She was comforted by his presence, and would nod in response to his words. They would meet, it was much needed. She would press into Solo?s side, taking comfort in his presence as more slightly familiar, yet so unknown, scents would fill her nose. She?d catch the whiffs of her siblings and would try to nod in their direction, but was unsure if they saw her or not. Andi would greet her, and would bring a smile to her face as she heard Hephaestus sit down. She?d let her ears swivel to catch Katja?s words, silently hopeful that she might have finally come to her senses and would give them the choice of where they wished to be.
She would begin, speaking of the traditions of the pack and going into speaking of her and her siblings. The words she spoke, her whole reasoning to keep them was pride, Gaia would feel her teeth grit at the thought. From that moment and those words the princess knew she?d never be able to respect Katja or her decisions. She?d been respectful, and went along with the word of her uncle?s usurper. She couldn?t anymore. A whisper would come from her brother Nemesis, he wished to go to ebony. While another wanted to stay, not that she thought her younger sibling would have been allowed to follow them in any case. She needed to go. "I think we should stay together, no matter where we are. Though, I?d like to go to Ebony as well." She would say this to her brothers and sister only, she was through dealing with Katja.


if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



10 Years
10-10-2014, 06:37 AM

He had promised Katja that he would aid her. The gods had shown themselves to her, and it was obvious to him that he needed to be with her now. For how long though, he did not know. His interests were often fleeting at best, his presence never something entirely permanent since he'd left his family so many seasons ago in search of Jaeger; but his faith was unwavering and true. Would she trust his promise to defend her and Yfir? She seemed less unnerved by his presence now, perhaps even a bit grateful to have family at her side, two believers in a land of heretics and blasphemers.

Her call was unsurprising and the tan-pelted male would quickly respond to it, lankly limbs carrying him swiftly to the gathering. He was significantly later than most, his posture unreadable as he darted between wolves to sit near Katja, dipping his muzzle low to the ground in a slightly grandiose bow. His gaze would dance across the group, all entirely unfamiliar to him. The man's nose would twitch gently as he tested their scents, finding no recognition in any of them, before settling down near Katja. She would begin to speak, telling them of what she had called them for, and he felt a slight smirk playing at his lips. Despite the excitement that welled up inside the belly, he was silent and still, save for the slight twitching of his tail against the ground.


WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.

Andromeda I

Ebon Knight

3 Years
10-10-2014, 09:29 AM

The meeting would begin, not all had made it though Thanatos would seat himself at her side before things officially began though Hemera was not with him. She would frown softly at the girl's absence though her attention would soon be fixed back to Katja once more as the woman began to speak. The first points all seemed fair enough, Andromeda had little view upon them or comments it make though it was as Katja reached the subject of Virgil's children, of Andromeda herself and her siblings that things would once more turn sour for the golden Olympus girl.

They were not objects. They were not to be bickered about as though they were. They had been caught up in this over a matter of pride. Whilst she still recognised them as members, offered them training and such it was the way she spoke of them certainly didn't appeal to Andromeda, nor did the mention of 'captivity' a contradiction to her other points. They were either members of prisoners, surely they couldn't really be considered both. Such thoughts would be banished however as she spoke of Ebony. The lands had been their place of birth, had been considered a second home and as Katja had rightly pointed out the Xanilov children were their family. But could they really go and leave Hemera and Thanatos alone here?

Nemesis would request to go to Ebony swiftly though Thantos would request to stay in Yfir. Instantly the girl was torn and Gaia wouldn't help too much, clearly in the same predicament. "I feel the same way." She would agree with Gaia, likewise keeping her voice low for only her siblings to hear. "I know you have never met them Thanatos, though Valeriya and her littermates I'm sure would count you as siblings as well. But this, it isn't home anymore. Katja just said it herself, we're simply captives, a trophy in her eyes. But Ebony, that can still be home and Valeriya will treat us as what we are; family." She didn't want to force him to do something but it was certainly the best option to remain together and as with Gaia and Nemesis, she would rather be there than on show as a trophy for Katja.



1 Year
10-10-2014, 09:36 AM

The female walked closer, her icy blue eyes narrowed and emotionless as she glared at the leader. With a glance at her brother as he spoke, her ears flattened, the female wondering if she was really debating staying with him. With a sigh, she spoke up after he did, her words clear to those who could speak her native tongue. She met Thany's gaze, smiling as she spoke, hoping he could understand her feelings towards the new leader. "Like my brother, I will stay, because I know no other place than this pack's territory. I would be lost, and.....I would miss my home if I went. I love my family that lives here. My brother, and anyone else that may stay here. I would never leave their side." She smiled at the others, hoping to see the others smile. Her blue gaze attempted to meet Thany's once more

He would not have to be apart from her, not any more, and she hesitated as she debated being a warrior, like her brother. She couldn't imagine herself killing an animal, but she could see herself defending her brother and her pack. Yes, her decision was made as well, her icy blue gaze narrowing as she glanced at her brother. She needed the practice, sure, but that was fine. Her family had always been more of a warrior than anything, or at least the ones in this litter were. The youngest daughter finally spoke up, glancing at her older siblings. She was a little smaller than her brother. As Andy spoke, Hemera instantly looked upset.
"I'll be a warrior as well."
'Read My Thoughts.'



2 Years
10-10-2014, 10:57 AM

It wasn't long after he'd plopped himself down that the alpha started talking. It seemed she'd claimed this fascinating land for her pack which, he reasoned, meant that he'd be able to explore it to his heart's content. What was in those caverns and indentations in the canyon walls? Had anyone ever explored them? His mind slowly ticked over the things he would need to do to safely explore caves...

He nearly missed the alpha's continuing words, though he managed to drag his attention back before she'd said anything important. He listened impassively, though it took a moment for the words to sink in. Ebony? She was letting them go back to Ebony? Really? Suddenly the canyon didn't seem so interesting. He had a chance now to bring all of his siblings together, something that had been missing in his life since his mother had brought them here from Ebony as children. Valeriya, and Svetlana, Kassander, Sindri, Sigmarr... They'd all be together again. If...

Orange eyes turned questioningly to his littermates. What if they didn't want to go? He couldn't imagine why they wouldn't but sometimes his siblings caught him by surprise with their decisions. But one by one, they each accepted the proposal. Nemesis, then Gaia and Andromeda though for some reason both girls spoke quietly enough that only they could hear. Didn't they want the alpha to know what they'd decided? After all, the alpha had said that the only way they could go was to swear an oath, and wouldn't she need to hear that for them to be allowed to go.

"I will swear your oath to go with my siblings," he spoke clearly to the alpha, though his voice cracked in a manner that might have been embarrassing if Hephaestus did embarrassment, before dropping into a brassy rumble.

Katja's words to the remainder of the younger wolves drew little interest since it didn't pertain to him, though it did make it pretty clear that the younger two Olympus children would be remaining here to train. Hephaestus swept his orange gaze over them, a frown furrowing his brow, but couldn't summon up more than a few mixed feelings about it. If they were here instead of with them, he wouldn't need to deal with his resentment of them. But guilt tainted the relief, because they were his younger siblings, and he should be protecting them. But surely they'd be safe enough here? The alpha and the rest of Yfir hadn't done anything to hurt them, after all.

Katja the First


8 Years
10-10-2014, 03:45 PM

Her words to the Olympus yearlings seemed to bring about a private conference between the four, or at least on the part of the two females for both males spoke up to show their interest in going to Ebony. "Very well," she said to the two males, "I will have your oaths now, before the whole pack that all may bear witness, and then I will escort those who have sworn to Ebony immediately after the meeting - I will give you a short time to say your farewells to those who will remain behind." She raised an eyebrow at the two females, inviting them to add their oaths to their brothers' if they wished to go.

The other yearlings and pups had begun to volunteer their preferences for training as well, including - to her mild surprise, since neither had seemed interested in participating while they were among Yfir - both the younger members of the Olympus family. She inclined her head to the pair gravely before turning her attention to the others. Solo didn't speak up, which she had expected since he was probably uncertain what Gaia was doing, or if he'd be allowed to go with her. She attempted to meet his eyes, gesturing with her muzzle toward Gaia questioningly. She would allow him to go if Gaia went to Ebony if that was his wish - he could train among Val's warriors just as well as here.

Her gaze met Kapra's from where he sat close by and she considered a moment. "Wolves of Yfir," she said finally, "I am pleased to introduce to those of you who do not know him, my cousin Kapras?us Finnvi. He and I grew up in the same family pack and have known each other many years before being separated, but the gods have led our paths together once more. He will be serving as my Jarl, my beta, if he will accept the position." She shifted her gaze to him questioningly. If he accepted, good. If he did not, she would do without until her new, unknown pack mates proved themselves to her.

She quickly went over the answers she'd received from the younglings, and the available adults currently members of Yfir. "For those we know will stay - for those who have chosen what they wish to train in. All will learn basic battlefield medicine - a pack member's life may depend on your ability to keep them stable until a healer can get to you. Otherwise you will each train in battle and hunting with your mentors as you have chosen. For now, these are the pairs that will be assigned. Laufey, Orochi, the both of you will go with Daegmar. It will be good for you to train together, to be able to spar against an opponent of similar size and age in your training, and I am certain Daegmar is a capable teacher."

"Freyja." Her gaze shifted to the golden goddess who poised there so disdainfully. "We have among us a new young wolf, a youngling named Bera who is very eager to train. You will be her mentor. You are a capable warrior, and I know you will teach her well. Hypnos..." She turned her head toward the pup with the weak leg. "You did not express a preference and though I do not know if your mother wishes to stay, you will be paired with Kapra for training for now. Chryseis." She stopped to study the gold-marked Olympian. "I do not know if you wish to stay among us - my offer of sanctuary was impulsive and meant to protect you from the wrath of the Olympus wolves without consideration of what you may have wanted. If you do wish to remain I would like it if you would mentor young Thanatos." She trusted, for what her trust was worth, that the former slave would not abuse the adopted son of her former captor, and it would do the boy good to learn a different point of view on the matter.

Her eyes focused calmly, briefly on the defiant youngest Olympian, the young girl, before sweeping across the group. "I will train Hemera myself." With that taken care of it was time to open this to the meat of the assembly. "At this time, does anyone have anything to bring before the pack? Questions? Concerns? Grievances?" She met each of their gazes in turn. "Anything can be brought before the pack now without fear of later retribution."

OOC: everyone, regardless of if they have something to say, is required to post by Friday, October 17th. As stated in the post, anyone can bring up a dispute they have with another wolf or decision made and have their opinion heard in front of the whole pack, or ask questions that they want the answers made publicly, or really anything that they want the rest of the pack to hear at once. If you have any questions OOC, feel free to hunt me down and pry them from my cold dead fingers... I mean, I'd be happy to answer your questions.



5 Years
10-11-2014, 02:05 PM

D?gmar paid little attention as the others trickled in, her emerald eyes instead focusing on the unusual new terra. Were they moving? Her mind worked quickly analyzing her surroundings. She paused briefly to offer a nod to Solo before continuing her mental exploration. Soon though the wolves finished trickling in and Katja began the meeting. D?gmar was surprised to find that Katja didn't wish to be refered to as Lady or Queen. It was somewhat inspiring and pushed home the message that Katja was of a warrior ilk, much like D?gmar herself. Though there was some foreboding in this. Artemis had been warrior first, ruler second to D?gmar's understanding and the two did not always mesh so easily.

Still D?gmar fully supported the right to rule being established through battle not blood. As expected it seemed they were expanding their territory into the gorge. Sounded good to her and the gorge would help to protect them from the harsh northern winds. D?gmar leaned back slightly and just listened. She felt so out of the loop when it came to the whelps and what made them so special? seemed like an awful lot of trouble for nothing but wounded pride but she was not a leader and would not complain. Especially, as it meant battle would always be close at hand. She doubted very much that the Olympians would simply leave them be. D?gmar only hoped that she'd be permitted to taste flesh as well.

And then things got slightly more complicated with the offer of them to live in Ebony. Why not just make them Ebony wolves and solidify an alliance? It seemed odd to call those who were not in Yfir?. um?. Yfirians? Is that what they were? Oh well, fewer whelps for her to look after. D?gmar waited patiently as the younglings spoke then back to Katja. Eyes lingered on Kaprasius the new beta and she offered Katja a nod. She would be training Laufey and his brother Orochi. She grinned. So there was another sibling? Oh wasn't she growing a quaint little collection. All she needed now was the sister Esti. Unless of course there were others. D?gmar mulled over Katja's words but opted to keep silent. There really wasn't anything deeply troubling the warrior.




5 Years
10-11-2014, 07:19 PM

The golden behemoth watched her Drottning address the pack, back in her rightful place and doing what seemed to be what she should always be doing. Leading. Cornflower optics rested upon her deliciously angular form for the duration of the meeting, only drifting away to observe the workings of the group of whelps that the granite queen had taken in. So they were a sort of prisoner to the moonstone eyed woman. Interesting. When the boring matters of the dramatic children were finally settled, more or less, the woman turned her attention back to Katja to watch her at work. She was in her element, it wasn't something the caramel woman could find it in herself to deny. She regarded the Jarl with a curious gaze, trying to find any sort of resemblance between the two. He was attractive, that was clear, but he didn't look like Katja any more than anyone else might. They bore a fairly similar height, vaugely the same build, but the two were night and day in comparison with one another. Deciding it didn't really matter all that much, she let out a bored huff and let her attention return to the Drottning.
As it were, she was to be learning the same things she had been taught as a child, all over again. Not that it mattered, a little refresher was never a bad thing. It would do her well to familiarize herself with where all the things were here, where to find the herbs and that whole business. It was always important, though not as important as actually knowing how to fight. Good thing she had that all covered. She listened to the sharp lyrics of the ebony masked regent, cerulean gaze flicking from face to face as she observed the pairs Katja set up. As it seemed, there was a pair of brothers who were absolutely titanic. How wonderful, they would have perfect fighters on their hands. Those two would make fine warriors, as long as they were trained right. D?gmar seemed capable, though given the size difference between the woman and her charges, they most likely wouldn't get to learn quite how to use the most of their size. No matter, they would probably fare better than the rest of the children out there. The rest of the assignments passed by the caramel beast, she wasn't exactly interested in listening to it. She wasn't mentioned, and while it was slightly disappointing not to be chosen to train one of the whelps, that just meant there was more time for her to do things that were far more important. In her mind, at least.
With that over with, Katja inquired after any possible qualms among the pack. Sigyn could not say she had any, and so kept her mouth shut. She was sure Katja would not find idle flirtations amusing at such a time, even though there could surely be grievances found within her hungry mind that involved the queen. With a quiet sigh, she let her gaze fall upon the gathered, trying to pick out any who might choose so give voice to something at the moment.

OOC: Good god Sigyn what is wrong with you stop thinking dirty thoughts about Katja

Thanks to Chrono for making this sexier than Captain America art for me!



10-13-2014, 01:30 AM

His fur bristled a bit, anger flaring up in him as he thought deeper into it. At the moment he and Laufey were nothing more than toys, and for what? Because of their fathers blood to Katja, and their age. It pissed him off, pissed him off so much. Yet, the outside version of the boy stayed stoic and calm, uncaring even as his brother spoke to him. Laufey was his he felt that way but refused to express it just for his sake. Though, he could not say anything, he needed to bleed for what words he spoke and he did not know the extent of the training his mother gave him yet. Yet, for now, all they were was a burden, they started that way and had to crawl out of a rut just because the world was a huge douchebag and he wanted to spit in its face.
Orochi's colorless eyes would seem to drag over to daegmar his new teacher. While he felt he didn't need her, this was what his current "leader" had decided. He would remain loyal regardless, or his blood be in vain of all of this. He highly doubted she gave a shit about him or Laufey, her stench was the one that wafted over his brother when they first had spoken. Corrupted, and he hated it. He didn't belong here just as Laufey didn't. Yet, among what his 'little' brother had wanted this was how things were to be. His tail flicked a little. One day he would decide for himself what Katja really was to him. Because she was blindly judging him now and he knew that. He probably would never tell Laufey or his sister of who their father was. He certainly hoped Katja would not tell him either.
He dipped his head towards the woman who was now his teacher, but did not say a word. Orochi had nothing to say, for his mind was too coiled around his own thoughts. Ravaged by the inevitable blood that insanity brought onto him. Yet he did not want to be disgusted by the disgraceful things his mother acted upon. No, he was beautiful and would remain that way. He was not wholly good, but he didn't want to remain evil, considering his upbringing in valahalla as his siblings.




5 Years
Extra large
10-13-2014, 09:07 PM

Aw yeah! Training with Orochi! The boy attempted to bump his brother's shoulder once more, this time the gesture more aggressive than affectionate. His aim was to make him lose his balance. He didn't want to push him over, but pushing him to the side and making him scramble to keep his balance? He'd die laughing. Even if all Orochi had to do was step to the side it would make Laufey's day. It was also a little show of strength, a taste of what was to come. Orochi wanted to know who was stronger, eh? Well, it looked like he was going to get his wish after all.

Katja called for the members of Yfir to say whatever they wished and in response, Laufey grew serious and let his gaze wander over those gathered. Being content with his lot in life, the boy himself didn't have any grievances to bring forward. At least not yet. Yfir was still new, still in its infancy. He was bound to not like something or someone sooner or later. For now, though? He had no complaints.


This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.



10 Years
10-14-2014, 12:07 PM

Much of the drama that seemed to already exist within the newly form pack was lost upon Kapras?us Finnvi. He watched with keen interest, his eyes wide and his features animated as he watched Katja speak. They hadn't really been in the presence of one another for this long since they were far younger. She had always been stoic and composed, a true leader if there was one among the Finnvi clan, and he felt pride well in his chest for his cousin's victory.

Quickly he was introduced, and his expression would falter slightly. She would entrust him with the position of second-in-command, and he felt a warmth spread from his chest through his limbs. Oh, how good the gods were -- the Finnvis would rule here, in these lands that Katja had claimed as her own. Perhaps they could even spread their faith; and if their ideologies did not catch on, perhaps some of their customs might? His gaze swept over the wolves that had gathered as Katja continued speaking and he felt a grin growing over his lips. "I could not deny you," he told her seriously, despite the whimsical glee that his voice held. His playful manner seemed to rarely fade, fueled strongly now by the possibility of serving their gods even more righteously than before. "I will serve as your Jarl, without hesitation. If not for our gods, for our family." Though their interests were not always aligned, he could compose himself for now and serve Katja and keep these wolves in line.

She assigned mentors to the younger wolves as well. His own would be Hypnos. Quickly he would turn to face the stranger, wondering where their lessons might go. He knew a bit about healing -- though more about poisons and, most of all, he knew about psychedelic mushrooms and herbs. Though he wondered if such training might be frowned upon by the child's parents. A slight smirk would tease his lips as he eyed the boy, offering him a mischievous wink. Perhaps he wouldn't be the strictest or most useful of mentors, but he would certainly be an entertaining one... that he could promise.

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.



1 Year
10-14-2014, 08:45 PM

The boy's ears flicked as his sisters began to converse in hushed tones. His eyes remained on Katja as she spoke. Eager to please, he soaked up her words like a sponge. She insisted on an oath from him and the young Olympian was quick to give it. "I swear it, Katja." He was only as good as his word; this he knew with every fiber of his being. Even though his word was quickly given, it wasn't given flippantly. Nemesis had every intention of keeping it.

Finally his attention turned to his siblings. He wanted them all to be together, but he understood his younger siblings' reluctance to go to Ebony. Nemesis called it home, but they'd never been there. That didn't mean it couldn't become home for them too. His voice dropping to match the tone of the conversation, the boy said, "I wish you guys would come too. Andromeda is right; they're family."

"Speaking" Thinking


10-15-2014, 12:34 AM

The meeting would go on, the Yfir Drottning speaking to all those gathered. He had hoped Chrysies, his mother, would give an answer on whether they planned to stay or go, yet the black and gold woman said nothing of the sort. Hypnos was troubled by this, however... He would not dwell on it. Perhaps this merely meant that she had not yet decided with Apollo on what to do. Because of that the boy had not expressed a preference in what he wished to learn. Yet... Truth be told Hypnos was not entirely sure. While he wanted to have fight training, yes, to overcome and be able to hold himself him battle he felt that wasn?t enough. Or... Perhaps he felt it was not his true calling. Whatever the reason the boy felt like he needed to learn more... To dig out his true talents. Even with training his leg was not fully functioning. After a while it would still hurt and pain him. It was weaker than the others of course, and even with built strength and muscle the limb would still be a hindrance. Perhaps a talent that could... Overlook that trouble would do.

Gaze would flick to the male he was assigned to, that was, if his mother decided to stay for much longer. Perhaps he?d get at least a lesson or two in regardless. He was... A bit of an interesting male. The wink was odd, yet... Hypnos found himself excited. As much as he loved his mother and Apollo perhaps it was time to test the waters of learning from someone knew. He?d turn gaze back to Katja, dipping his head. ?Thank you, Drottning.? She had made the choice easier on him. If he learned a bit of everything he could discover what he was meant to do with his skills. Gaze would then turn back to Chryseis, hoping she might speak.


10-15-2014, 01:02 AM

They young boy would feel a bit guilty when he heard his older sibling speak. Andromeda made a point, but Thanatos would lower his gaze quietly. While he might want to believe that... at the same time the child was hesitant to try and ask to go with the older children to Ebony. It was strange enough in a land he knew... to be around new new strangers... even those who would try and look at him as family... Thany lowered his ears some. To be honest... did all of his blood related siblings even care for them? Thanatos had been so shy at getting to know them... wanting to get close yet always fading to where he'd be less noticed. There was more too... and he'd think on that even as his littermate spoke. Even once Nemesis spoke. He would walk before them, lifting his gaze. What Katja said was, for the time, tuned out. All that mattered was his thoughts on this matter, and his voice being heard.

"You want... to go... yet... you do not hear... all the Drottning says... do you?" Words were soft, slow, but loud enough his siblings should be able to hear. "It is not... freedom... You go to Ebony... but... you must give... an oath... to not run. Still we remain... part of Yfir." The intelligent boy would frown. "...and it is... you guys... who are related. Katja said... you four... I do not know... if we are... even allowed..." His voice would fade at the last word, gaze lowering to the ground. Guilt... to want to stay when the rest wanted to go, except Hemera. Was it wrong?

Walk "Talk" Think

Andromeda I

Ebon Knight

3 Years
10-15-2014, 06:23 AM

Andromeda would watch as her brothers would step forth to swear their oaths and Thanatos and Hemera it seemed were still reluctant to even try to join them. No Katja hadn't mentioned the two younger ones venturing to Ebony though in the same way she offered herself and her littermates a chance to be with family, surely the viking woman wouldn't deny the same opportunity to Thanatos and Hemera? It was perhaps a long shot though surely worth a try if they wished.

"I know Thanatos, but we will be amongst family rather than guards. People that trust and care for us rather than use us a pawns in a game." She would explain. Whilst still technically trapped in the ranks of Yfir and still prisoners in a sense it would be different, it would surely be better. "We can ask for you to come with us, though if you still prefer to remain here then there is no point." She would add, explaining her plan now not that it seemed it would be required.

Ultimately Ebony was the place she needed to be though. With her littermates. She would turn her attention back to Katja now and lift her own voice as she made the oath that was demanded. "I swear it."



4 Years
10-15-2014, 11:08 AM

Katja thought that she?d try and escape, she needed the reassurance of an oath to keep her in line. Gaia would never be so sneaky, if she was going to get out of Yfir?s grasp she would do it through battle. The young princess?s confidence seemed to be at an all time high, now she just needed to learn. Instead of training with her aunt, who had promised her, she was captured. A trophy for Katja to wave around. This was not where she was meant to be, and though in Ebony she would still be no more than a prisoner she felt like she might almost feel at home there.
She?d barely hear the words Katja said, finding it harder to feel any kind of respect for her. No matter how much kindness or neutrality the she wolf showed to them they were still her prisoners. She only wished to use them. Why didn?t her younger siblings see that? How could they wish to stay here under her paw? ?We?re family. You should be with us.? Her words were stern as she looked to where each voice had come from. She knew not what her siblings looked like but she knew their voices by heart. And though she wished to never hear Katja again her features would turn to the woman, her ears attuned completely on her. ?You have my word, Katja.? The young Olympian would find it hard to keep the sneer off her face. She?d want to keep a neutral standing with the vile woman for now and would quickly look back to Solo questioningly. He?d be there with her, right?


if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



3 Years
10-17-2014, 02:52 PM

A capable young warrior, hmm? Freyja would be the judge of that. At least it was something to do, a responsibility , something to work towards. Of course the term young could be a bit misleading. Exactly how young should she expect? If this Bera was still a little fluff ball Freyja was more likely to use it as an appetizer than an apprentice. Still, she nodded her agreement, and scanned the crowd this young wolf she was supposed to train. All faces looked familiar enough, or at least, she had a vague conception of who they were and there they had come from. Eventually she brushed it off, taking Katja's word that such a wolf must surely exist. The Olympian children would give their foolish oaths and Freyaj shuffled her paws. It seemed like so great a folly, but... Grinding her teeth, she knew that Katja's decisions were law. She would have to find it in herself to respect that, even if she didn't like it. Don't come crying to me when they run off on you, she thought to herself. If Katja wanted to put her faith in this far off sibling fine, but if the debacle brought shame upon the rest of them? That would be a different matter entirely. I'm trusting you, she thought at Katja, eyes narrowed and hackles half raised. My own honor is yours, don't you dare let me down. The dark warrior was more than capable of leading, Freyja knew that. Still, knowing and acting on that faith were two very different things.

"Talk" "You" Think


10-17-2014, 08:37 PM

She would listen carefully, her attention spiking when she and her son were addressed. Hypnos would speak first and she would smile at him. Turning her gaze back to Katja, she would speak. "I am forever thankful for what you did for us on the battlefield, and for that, I am indebted to you. We will remain here, and serve wherever needed." Her son was to be mentored by another. With a mothers protection, her gaze would flicker to the man, he had agreed to rule beside Katja. He would do. There was no doubt that her son would learn much from this man. She was also going to be a mentor. Her gaze would flicker to the boy, Thantos. When he spoke his words were soft, almost uncertain. Her face didn't give anything away, but they would certainly make an odd pair from the looks of it. "I would happily mentor him." She would dip her head, shooting the boy a smile before returning her attention to the Katja. Conversation seemed to break out, drowning out anything else. She would listen to bits and pieces, not really concerned with the affairs of the Olympus pups.
