



7 Years
03-17-2015, 02:47 PM
By meee

When he moved, her head followed him. There was something strange about her eyes though – the way she looked at him, or, something of the opposite. It wasn’t quite precise. In his many years of life, Cesar had noted the way that most liked to make eye contact when talking. Here, it wasn’t quite right. He liked how it was strange though, and continued grinning his hollow grin. The gigantess would explain why she felt no chill, and the little heathen would tilt his head to the right with a single bird-like motion, immediately struck with curiosity. ”Hnnnn,” he cooed, ”she must burn to a crisp when it’s hot out. Poof! All gone.” He’d seen desert before. Things there looked burnt and dehydrated. He figured that if this was warm to the gigantess, stuff that was really warm must’ve been hell.  

When she spoke again, she would answer his question. Looking for a brother. The word touched something in his mind – his thoughts rippling like the surface of a lake after the gentle fall of a leaf. The idea felt… distantly familiar. A brother. He knew what that was. Did he have any of his own? The beast’s blue gaze became glassy and his jaw slackened as he strained to capture the fleeting notion. Before real pursuit could even begin though, the woman’s description of her kin ripped him back to the present, and to his childish and awry mindset. Tusks? ”Whaaaaat?” he said, baffled and pale eyes widened. ”Like a pig?! Are you going to eat him???” he was distracted from answering by the particular description, which had set off a chain reaction of various erroneous connections in his brain.

*Cesar's antics can quickly turn from innocent to hostile.



7 Years
03-17-2015, 02:47 PM (This post was last modified: 03-17-2015, 02:48 PM by Cesar.)

Also by me
She spoke some encrypted garble again, hiding her words from him. It didn’t sound anything like what wolves normally said, and so Cesar concluded that it was nothing outside his vocabulary, but some different language entirely. ”Durr durr mikken ploppen urken durken,” he mocked childishly, sticking his tongue out again and crossing his eyes, his nose lifted in a little snarl. She would then step in front of him, effectively blocking his view as she tried again to bully him away. She was, as most were, taller than he was. Why did she feel the need to do this? Was her ego so sodden and pitiful that it needed a good stroking from bothering strangers? The beast furrowed his brow and spat again, ”Nnn-o. He ignored her comment about his naming of things, and with admirable agility and quickness (though minus points for grace), he scrambled off to the right about five feet, his attention partially flung at the deer thing for a few seconds. It was going down now, into the oozy depths. Its nose was still above, and its eyes – swimming with horror and agony. He could only give it a glance though, before he allowed his shifting gaze to keep tabs on the female again. His ears were folded slightly, his legs spread and bent in a practiced defensive stance, his center of gravity held steady and his muscles tense. Of course she would try something. And he wanted to bite her. Just not yet…

*Cesar's antics can quickly turn from innocent to hostile.



7 Years
03-17-2015, 02:50 PM

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent hendrerit orci vitae maximus venenatis. Duis eu justo porttitor dui posuere commodo. Vestibulum quis sodales est. Cras placerat dolor in erat molestie, non convallis ipsum feugiat. Integer mollis nisl ac mi dapibus vehicula. Morbi elementum dui eu risus lobortis, ac aliquam diam sollicitudin. Quisque egestas pulvinar odio id pharetra. Maecenas non est condimentum, tempor sapien id, venenatis sem.

Nullam facilisis justo at mi maximus, vel mollis mi convallis. Proin non vestibulum nunc, vel dignissim dolor. Nam leo metus, vehicula eget tortor nec, semper laoreet leo. Cras gravida sed leo sit amet aliquet. Nullam eu lobortis lacus, et facilisis nisl. Mauris maximus dui eros, varius tincidunt lectus pellentesque at. Praesent hendrerit ex id purus ornare, nec egestas tortor elementum. Fusce mollis nec diam at tempor. Donec auctor nec massa id ornare. Nulla facilisi. Aenean hendrerit, ligula sed malesuada accumsan, est libero vehicula turpis, in rutrum elit turpis et massa. In et luctus ante. Pellentesque non scelerisque elit, ac blandit nisl. Aenean vel mattis quam, ut euismod magna. In aliquet risus quis augue laoreet, sed cursus felis interdum.

Mauris nec leo placerat, volutpat sem in, dictum mauris. Nunc enim mauris, suscipit sit amet lacus id, ornare porttitor tellus. Aenean ut placerat risus, nec hendrerit mauris. Proin lacinia, orci quis suscipit tincidunt, mauris risus consectetur erat, et congue velit purus a libero. In quis nibh at lectus mattis vehicula. Nulla eget ultricies arcu. "Blah blah blah, insert screeching noises here." Donec dapibus nunc quis metus semper, id dictum elit eleifend. Nam tempor tempus elit quis finibus. Donec mollis tincidunt mollis. Duis ac arcu ipsum. Nam egestas mauris eget mi consequat, elementum vulputate tortor imperdiet. Etiam luctus efficitur arcu ut porttitor. Praesent at rhoncus felis. Nullam tincidunt, augue at vulputate commodo, nibh lacus interdum metus, id eleifend massa lectus eget ipsum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur vestibulum sollicitudin volutpat.

*Cesar's antics can quickly turn from innocent to hostile.

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