
Surralk Litter Three!



7 Years
04-23-2016, 06:11 PM (This post was last modified: 04-23-2016, 09:25 PM by Evelyn.)
HURRAH! More Falreal pups!

Shelby and I retain the right to take back adopted children of Falk and Surreal, should they fall inactive, or the player happens to leave the site, fall inactive, or be banned. This is final. Should a player become bored with the character they adopted from us, we have the right to take it back to adopt out, or have a say in who the character is passed on to.

If a full month of real life time passes (ie. From January 1st to February 1st) without any posts made, we will take the puppy back.
Aside from these rules, my usual adoption rules still apply; see HERE for details, and other adopts! :D

Via Surreal at least, Heterochromia runs in the family. Some of the pups may have the trait, usually blue or gold, though with Falk's light blue eyes added to the mix, hetero eyes of two shades of blue may be possible.

Through Falk, Albino pups are a possibility (his sire was Isardis, an Albino wolf.), thus, there is one Albino design.

These designs are for the Falk x Surreal litters only. I will not say yes to those asking if they can use the designs for characters outside this family.

All Lineart after first ten designs is made by the amazing KFCEmployee on DeviantArt.
First ten designs lineart Copyright to
Designs are mine.
Legend: Taken

Pup 1: Click (My pup, Regulus.)
Pup 2: Click (Faite, currently played by Shrapnel.)
Pup 3: Click
Pup 4: Click
Pup 5: Click
Pup 6: Click
Pup 7: Click
Pup 8: Click
Pup 9: Click
Pup 10: Click

Pup 11: Click Zuriel, played by Shelby.
Pup 12: Click
Pup 13: Click
Pup 14: Click
Pup 15: Click
Pup 16: Click
Pup 17: Click
Pup 18: Click
Pup 29: Click (Tornach, Played by Tealah)

Pup 20: Click
Pup 21: Click
Pup 22: Click (Baine: Played by Shelby)
Pup 23: Click
Pup 24: Click
Pup 25: Click
Pup 26:
Pup 27:
Pup 28:
Pup 29:
Pup 30:

The original number 12 has been removed from the available designs to give some of the others a better chance of adoption. ^^

Names List!

Assarod, Aroron, Tobiel, Zarsiel, Thaidon, Adrein, Aletholr, Ilarios,

Aeusonus, Xeus, Erdaur, Altan, Eraboniel, Isedus.
Aziel, Otiel, Sutilon, Daciel, Obiel, Araner, Saret, Athier, Lisiel,

Zamaretiel, Azerael, Arepediel, Ahael, Caled, Itanis, Isitael.
Asenian, Nerrued, Falu, Aelymo, Sius, Zelys, Useos, Krysum,

Faerte, Faite, Isilon, Siasi, Faelel, Olithod, Thon, Pheusus.
Jolus, Syth, Jolion, Farauseno, Erolia, Esilu, Adoressu, Usiar,

Usias, Sanus, Enari, Taurien, Vithero, Manurael, Lazael,
Fameari, Vidaeli, Zemaus, Jociar, Zersano, Aliel, Arunatiel,

Ninserein, Usael, Sunniel, Alei, Joeus, Zenoran, Sepiel, Zerones,
Rasiel, Anthemis, Artemisia, Tarragon, Anrothin,
Aconite, Acorus, Veneris, Adiantum

Likes: Lots of angelic sounding names, names to do with some plants, names that are strong. Celtic, pagan, Gaelic names are a plus.

Good places to find names:

20000 names
Celtic names
Irish names
Greek names
More names

Check 'em out, there are lots of neat names in there.

NO names like Bethany, Penny, Tommy, Brock, and so on (No human, Modern Names, in other words. :P)

Fill out the form below.

[b]Name:[/b] I will be providing a big fat list of names I feel like Surreal would name her children. You can pick from those, or choose one for yourself, though I'm one of the people who likes naming the puppies :P
[b]Design #:[/b]
[b]Alignment:[/b] [i]To start with, the pups, having two Lawful Good parents, will thus start out as Lawful Good. But things happen in a lifespan. Packs are challenged for at a high rate, wars happen, friends die, or break trusts. So later on in life, the alliances may change according to character development.[/i]
[b]Personality:[/b] I would like 200+ words of original work regarding this pup's personality, of all three stages of life: Pup, adolescent, and Adult. Yes, I know things can change during a lifespan, and there is room for changes over that life, but it gives me an idea of how that pup will be played. Please, no more rebels :P
[b]Appearance:[/b] I want 200+ words of original description. How will this pup look when it's almost grown? fully grown? will it be muddy and undefined in its markings as a newborn? If you get stuck with descriptions before 200 words have been reached, try adding details of what the pup will look like as an older wolf; muscular? or slender and lean? Regulus' profile is a great example of what I mean. [url=]Regulus, here[/url]
[b]Roleplay Sample:[/b] I would like a 300+ word sample of the pup being played. This must be original writing, with the pup you wish to adopt as the main character in the sample.

Anything Else: Depending on how many free pups are granted, you may, or may not have to purchase an extra pup pass.

Shelby and I will choose winners of the pups a week before their birth. That should give people time to set up their accounts and bounce with excitement til the day of birth :P
[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.


04-23-2016, 06:33 PM
Name: Rasiel Áine Adravendi
Design #: 5 This one
Gender: Female
Alignment: Lawful Good

As a pup Rasiel is going to be a little poof-ball of energy. Regardless of time of day or season it is likely you will find Rasiel doing something. Her nature will border on mischievous, as is common in young pups, and she will always be on the lookout for some type of adventure! Rasiel won’t be the only one trying to get into trouble; it’s very likely she’ll try to bring a buddy aka sibling along! Like her mother Surreal Rasiel will also go through the “why” stage, asking questions and trying to figure out how the world works.

As Rasiel ages she’ll lose some of her puppish mischievousness, though not much! The girl will still know how to have a good time and a laugh when needed! This girly will also realize now more than ever how important family is, developing a certain protectiveness over her siblings; particularly her littermates. Being rejected by a family member in any aspect will be harder to take than any physical wound this femme could bear.

Rasiel will also begin to show a benevolent and honest personality to all. While kind she is not afraid to call for punishment for those she feels deserve it. At this stage in her life she will be very willful, though not necessarily rebellious. It is more along the lines of her will keeping her going when times are hard, rather than giving up. Around the age of a year she will start to become more independent and well spoken. She will, for the most part, be lady like. Rasiel will, however, be blunt with others. She is not the sort to sugar coat things.

As an adult Rasiel will become even more ambitious and determined to reach her goals. She will develop an over protective side for her pack and a bit of pride for the Adravendi name. She will not be the sort of lady to just drop everything for a man {or woman?} and will not be someone you can simple woo over.


[Pup Description]

As a youth Rasiel will be pleasantly plump and rounded, a sign of her favorite habit; Eating! Her body will be short and stout before she reaches six months, and stay that way. Her body, particularly her paws, will be large and awkward. Her fur will also fake her parents out, appearing to be solid black at birth and lightening in places as she ages. By the time she is six months old Rasiel’s silver patches will be visible and the patches of white will appear silver as well.

[Teen Descpriton]

Now that Rasiel has aged a bit more it is becoming obvious that this little girl is not so little anymore! At about eight months of age she’ll hit a growths spurt, growing like a weed into her taller form. She will also grow a bit more pudgy then she was as a pup, though no less active! She’ll fall more into the softer, rounded features of her adult look, her fur on her chest and tail continuing to lighten until they are pure white around a year and three months of age.

[Adult Description]

From the time Rasiel is a child, and even beyond, this girl will have a more rounded, pudgy features. The features of her face will be soft and no noticeable curves will mark her bodice. But though she is plump that is not to say the young girl won’t be beautiful in her own right. She will be tall, growing to reach a full height of thirty-five inches and bear a large frame. Her paws will be larger than average, her muzzle short yet sleek. Her eyes will be incredibly expressive and her ears a bit shorter than the norm.

As far as coloration goes Rasiel bears the colors of her mother rather than her father. A light black makes up the base color of her coat, while in places it fades into silver of varying shades. Darker silver marks Rasiel’s front legs and face while her back legs are marked with lighter silver capped in white paws. A splash of white will become noticeably more visible as Rasiel ages upon her chest and tail. Her eyes will share the heterochromic traits her mother has being two different shades of blue.

Roleplay Sample:  

Bi-colored eyes of varying shades of blue opened to the world, the dawn yet to come. But energy filled the little one as she glanced around at the sleeping figures around her. Her mother and father, her littermates... Little tail would wiggle as the girl carefully got to her paws. She didn’t want to wake them, but she longed to see the world outside once more! Just the other day mother had taken them out of the den for the first time and it had almost been magical... So many colors and sounds! Rasiel wanted to see that world again.

Carefully as she could the child exited the den.... And with success! She glanced back towards the sleeping forms of her family with a wiggle. She had done it! While normally she would have preferred to bring along one of her littermates perhaps this journey, she thought, would be for her and her alone.

Gaze turned skyward, taking in the beautiful shapes of the stars above. The night sky was lightening, signaling that dawn was on the way. Breathing in Rasiel would glance around the den, towards one of the shrubs that grew on the plains. She padded over to it, eyes widening in wonder as she saw a large beetle resting upon it’s leaves.

“Woooah...” The little girl squeaked. Her voice was high pitched, something that would smooth out into a low alto as she got older. Ears perked forward as she watched the bug curiously. Before long she got distracted however, a feather passing by her face in the wind. With a delighted squeal the child bound after it, kicking up her heels and sending dirt up in a cloud behind her. Further away from the den she traveled, seeking her prize...

{{Just a short little snippet of a post. Hope it's alright~}}



5 Years
04-23-2016, 08:08 PM (This post was last modified: 04-24-2016, 01:23 PM by Jackson.)
Name: Laisrén Maolán Adravendi
Design #: 9 please
Gender: Male
Alignment: Lawful Good- may change through character development

He will be a hard boy to handle when he begins to move around. Once his eyes open and his legs work the boy will have a burning curiosity for the world. He will be vary persistent, pushy, and extremely determined. He will sure be getting into trouble quite a lot for leaving the den and getting himself into trouble. He will barrel right into anything he can get into and will be a vary clumsy pup also. He is vary friendly and will be anyone's best friend. He loves to be around others in the pack, but he can be vary content being on his own. He is full of imagination and has his mind set on being the greatest worrier he can be. He will even try to challenge his large older brother to fights. He will also seem to have so much energy in him. During the day he will wear himself out enough that he sleeps like a rock during the night. Even at a young age the boy will be brave and act rather fearless (even if he really is scared). He will also show from an early age that he is protective over his family and the other pack members.

He will settle some and start focusing his energy in learning the tricks of life. His main focus will be training and tracking. All the curiosity as a pup will lead him into exploring the lands until he has fully memorized them and observing the movements of life through the pack lands. He will also start his training, first by getting himself in shape. He will also become a fan of routine and will start and end his day by running. He will be deeply interested in observing spars and will train himself to be still, patient, and to learn from others. He seeks to test himself and will often be looking to his siblings (of all ages) to spar and learn from. He will be showing the qualities of a true worrier and even a good hunter. He will learn to be patient and will begin to show high respect for others. He will be more serious about being obedient and learn to fallow orders.

He has come from a trouble making pup to a military minded wolf who is loyal and does what is asked of him. His focus is his duties in the pack and helping out other pack members. Several patrols a day, running morning and evening, and filling his spare time with sparing and expanding his skills. He will make many trips to the battle field to spar and meet others, but he will also be vary in tune in aiding the needs of the pack. Like his family he believes strongly in his duties. First and most importantly is the pack and his family along with his duties to honor, cherish, and protect. Defending and protecting is also highly important to him and he will not hesitate to take on another who threatens or harms his pack and family. He also makes it one of his duties to defend and lastly to obey. He will be a vary obedient wolf and will make a sought after pack member. He has no problem performing any duty asked of him if he feels it is whats right and honorable.

Appearance: Large (38" & 170 lbs)
Laisrén will be born at an average sized puppy a dark coat. His belly and legs will be black and the upper half of his body will be a dark grey color. His coat will lack the brilliance of what it will one day be. He will be a bit of a hog when it comes to feeding time and will become rather fat and thick. When his eyes open at about 11 days old they will be blue and again lacking the brilliant color they will be down the road. This will also be a time where Laisrén will become rather hyperactive and will be the most persistent of his siblings to learn to stand and walk. Being that his eyesight will be poor he will be less likely to leave the den, but will often be found bumping into the walls of the den, his siblings, and his mother. He will also begin to loose some of his access fat spending majority of his day walking around in the den, constantly on the move until he wears himself completely out.

At about 20-24 days of age the boy will begin his stage of being hard to handle. While most of his siblings remain close to the den he will begin to wander his coordination skills not full developed he will be vary clumsy. He will have vary thick leg bones and large paws which will be most of his reason for being so clumsy. Around his nose and eyes his adult fur will begin to grow and his adult fur will be a brilliant silver-white. Around his nose will be a mix of silver white and silver grey adult hairs. Between 8-16 weeks of age the boys eyes will gradually change to a partial heterochromia with the outer part of his eyes blue and the inner part being sea green. Between 14-27 weeks the boy will begin his stage of rapid growth. It starts first with his height, sprouting up to match his paws and his thick leg bones. Next will be his weight which is a much slower process. During this time he will find himself more hungry and a lot more energetic. His fur will also begin to change shedding the puppy fur and his adult hairs showing the brilliant color he is meant to be.

The top part of his body the fur will finally become a beautiful silver-white color fallowed by a dark grey-silver that will fade into medium black on his neck, stomach, and legs. Finally he will have rich black socks on his feet along with rich black fur on the inside of his ears. His adult height will fall just under his fathers at 38 inches high. His adult weight will average around 170 pounds making him a decent size for a worrier.

Roleplay Sample:
The soft light of morning dimly lit the den and grazed his face with a slight warmth. Opening his eyes the boy stirred himself from his comfortable slumber and peeked over at his siblings and his mother. Looking to each one he saw that they were all still asleep. He waited a few minutes to see if anyone would wake up. When no one did the boy quietly struggled to his feet and moved away from them, pausing to stretch out his tiny form. Once that was completed he moved through the tunnel to the entrance of the den and through to the outside. The bright light made him stop and take a few moments to allow his eyes to adjust. When they did he took off in a clumsy run away from the den. Crashing through the grass, the brush, and snapping twigs as he went. After a while his legs tangled and down he went crashing into the earth and rolling to a complete stop. He grunted taking a moment to gain his barrings. Then the pup got his feet and trotted on, his tail wagging in happiness as he looked around for something to do.

His eyes caught sight of movement and he zeroed in on the creature, a small butterfly on a nearby plant. Excitement flashed through his eyes and he strutted right over towards the plant.

"The great worrier of Celestial, Laisrén, has no fear as he approaches the pack intruder," he whispered to himself acting as though someone was telling a great story was being told about him.

He stood right in front of the butterfly and growled, squeaking out a bark that to him he felt was threatening enough. The butterfly didn't move from the bush instead it slowly raised and lowered it's wings. Laisrén wrinkled his nose before attacking the butterfly, snapping his teeth at it and throwing himself against the bush it was in. The butterfly casually flew off as the young pup attacked the bush ripping of the leaves and the limbs and getting himself somewhat tangled in the mess he was in. When there was nothing left for the boy he picked himself up and stood proudly as he looked at his shredded opponent, not even aware that the butterfly had gotten away.

Moving away the boy looked for another trespasser to stand up to, his confidence sky high for the moment. He had moved quite a distance before he spotted another figure, this time another wolf. The bright red pelt of his older and much larger brother was easy to spot from a distance. Wagging his tail the boy moved right up behind his brother still standing proudly. Stopping his let a squeaky growl pass his lips

"Sir I challenge you to a battle," she said before squeaking out another bark.
[Image: vjotmk1.png]
[Image: AaEsQ1h.png]



9 Years
04-23-2016, 08:34 PM (This post was last modified: 05-01-2016, 03:26 PM by Creed.)
Name: Kieryn Ranon Adravendi
Design #: 6
Gender: Female
Alignment: Lawful Good
Personality: Kieryn isn't very energetic or troublesome as a pup. She isn't sickly or weak but she shows no signs of being overly impressive either. Normal would be the simplest term to lable her. She's not overly rambunctious and while she does enjoy playing with her siblings she isn't keen on breaking the rules her parents have set. Before they're allowed out of the den she's content to remain in the safety of their home and shack up with her siblings and parents. As a child she's not eager to step out of her comfort zone and is often the one who questions if something is a good idea or not. While she's cautious she does enjoy having fun still, but rest assured her parents don't have to worry about her getting into something of her own accord.

While her other siblings may take up to their particular skills early, Kier finds herself confused and unsure of her niche in a pack. Reaching a year old gives her the opportunity to find her calling she has a slight worry that she won't find it. Fighting won't call to her as strongly as it would other parts of her family. She'll take up the mantle of jack of all trades while she strives to figure out what she's good at. It didn't take her long to figure out that she was faster than most would be due to her tiny size. Her only question is whether she'd rather put her skill into healing, hunting, or becoming a messenger.

As she ages cautiousness turns into intelligence. While most others would act before they think she is the opposite. She takes on a calculating type of personality and with that comes patience. She can easily prove that she's a smart being and yet she finds out that she can put on a facade if she feels it would benefit her. She's smart and can be cunning though for her it's never for any of the wrong reasons. She's still a kind wolf who enjoys helping others when she's able. For her it's never a matter of debating between right and wrong. There's never a choice as doing what is right is the only option and it's one that comes easily to her. It's a second nature for her to lend a helping paw wherever she's able even if she's not particularly good at whatever the task may be. More than anything she's a loyal creature. She adores her family and her pack and would do anything within her power to assure that all of the things she cares about will live on. She's selfless and loving and one would find it hard to find a flaw in a single atom of her. Her flaw lies in her willingness to help others even if they wish harm upon her. It makes her ignorant to the harm that the world can do her and she seems to look past the evil that resides in other creatures. She's hellbent in seeing the good in everyone even if it's buried underneath layer after layer after layer of bad.
Appearance: 25" | 55 lbs | Slender
As a child Kieryn has the appearance of a gray blob that appears a little darker on top than she does on the bottom. Her actual colors won't start coming in until about the time that they are weaned. Once her colors fully come in it's easy to see she's quite beautiful. She's swathed in mostly darker colors and black is the darkest among them. Her base coat is a charcoal gray but black dominates over it. Midnight follows from her nose and up the top portion of her face to her ears. It then slides down her neck, back, down to her shoulder and hindquarters, and stops right before the end of her tail. Black coats her front toes, and a slightly lighter shade of black coats her back toes as well. Two black patches also reside on the front of her legs halfway between the knee and the shoulder. Her only actual markings are silvery white in color and take up the lower part of her face, the front of her neck, her stomach, the underside of her tail, and a portion of all four of her legs after the paws. The only bit of color about her that isn't monochrome is her eyes which are a beautiful sky blue.

As a pup Kier's body resembles most healthy babes. She's pudgy and covered in soft puppy fur that is absolutely wonderful to cuddle in to. Even as a baby though it's easy to tell that she's not going to grow a whole lot. Despite the obvious signs of puppy fat, she's still small in stature. As she grows she begins to think out considerably and where her stomach was once pudgy it begins to curve inward. Her body takes on a very lean yet elegant appearance as her face narrows and the rest of her body slims out. She seems frail in appearance though that's where looks are quite deceiving. She's quite the durable little thing in reality and don't let her small size fool you. She could eat an entire cow by herself and still be hungry.

All in all Kieryn only grows to be a dainty 25 inches and will only weigh 55 pounds at her highest weight. She's a very tiny creature with lean muscle coating her. Her pelt is something to behold though as she's coated in soft and silky fur. Her coat isn't overly thick, not like an arctic wolf, but it's not too thin either. It has a feathery appearance to it, especially on her legs, stomach, and chest, and is longest on her neck, chest, stomach, and hindquarters.
Roleplay Sample:

It was kind of cold. Black eyelids fluttered open as she slowly realized that something was missing. The warm body of a brother that she'd fallen asleep against was the thing that was lacking and she raised her head to stare at the empty space beside her. Blue eyes glanced around the den for a moment as she realized that he wasn't there. A frown tugged at the corners of her lips as she took one more glance before she heard a voice calling out to her.

Kieryn! Come outside! This is awesome!

Alarmed she rose to her paws quickly and it didn't take her long to travel to the mouth of the den. They were old enough to go outside yet still young enough that they would need to remain close to their home still. It wasn't going outside that she was hesitant about. No she was hesitating because of the strange white layer that coated the ground. Sky blue orbs flickered back and forth as she examined the strange substance before she looked up to see her sibling romping around in the snow. A confused look pulled across her face as she watched him for a second.

Seriously, come on Kier! Play with me! He goaded.

She took a paw and tentatively placed it in the snow and then immediately took it back. It was freezing! She looked back up at her brother with a shocked look. He wanted to play in this stuff?! What was wrong with him? He play bowed his tail waving eagerly behind him as he waited for her to join him. She stared back at him for a moment longer before her gaze shifted back to the snow. She couldn't avoid it forever and her sibling really wanted to play so who was she to deny him? She closed her eyes, coiled her muscles, and then leaped into the snow. Her small puppy body plunged chest deep and shivers wracked her body as the cold was immediate. Seriously. How was this stuff fun. She wasn't given an opportunity to think about it anymore before a larger form bowled into her knocking her all the way into the snow.

"Hey!" She exclaimed with a laugh. Giggling softly she righted herself and shook the snow off her pelt before she turned to her brother with a grin. It was on now!
[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



3 Years
04-23-2016, 11:59 PM (This post was last modified: 04-24-2016, 08:35 PM by Ciùineas.)
Name: Wynnfrith Talamh Adravendi
Design #: 12
Gender: Male
Alignment: Lawful Good, though subject to change through character development and plots.
Puphood — playful, optimistic, naïve, caring, kind

As with any puppy, Wynnfrith will be playful and optimistic once he is able to move around and stretch his limbs.  He knows no better than to be naïve, for he has known little other than his loving family and all of his siblings and cousins and aunts and uncles... you get the point.  He will practically be bouncing off the walls with energy that must be spent playing with abolutely anything.  Heck, if nobody will play-fight with him, he'll fight a piece of grass in the Vericona Plains or bat at some cattails by Wolfpaw Lake.  Deep down, the boy is a caring and sweet individiual.  If one were in need, he will most definitely slow down and stop to help them.  Even if it's someone that's his family's worst enemy.  Wynn doesn't know any better, and can't see evil until it's right in his face.  If he is introduced to darkness and evil whilst he's a child, he just won't comprehend how anyone can be mean or hurt someone else.

Adulthood — intelligent, justified, lawful, altruistic, loyal, protective

With time and careful development, Wynn will come to realize that the world is not black and white, but rather a muddled shade of grey.  He will realize that there are sometimes bad people in the world, and will come to accept this.  Having grown out of his youthful naïvety, Wynnfrith has slowed down and become a more intelligent and lawful individual, thinking carefully of his actions before committing to them.  He is often lost in thought, spacing out in the middle of conversations to think of what to say next.  Nobody ever said he was a quick thinker, persay.  Like his parents before him, the Adravendi is altruistic, selfless to those who have acquired his trust and need aid.

Wynnfrith is loyal, almost to a fault.  Once he has latched onto a cause and pledged his allegiance to it, you can bet your life that he will not let go.  Celestial, his home pack, is the most important thing to him, and he would fight to the death for it.  His family is important, and he will use tooth and claw to defend it.  Sometimes he may come off as a little too protective, hovering over the shoulders of those unable to defend themselves, such as pups or the elderly.
Wynnfrith Talamh Adravendi will begin as a scruffy little brown pup in his litter, with markings smudged and undefined until he is weaned.  At this stage of life, he will already show signs of becoming a bulky and strong canine.  He will never suffer from the awkward gangliness stage that most pups do.  Maybe he'll stumble over his big paws a few times here and there, but he will not ever be able to be considered "slender-limbed".  They will already be thick and stocky, though the puppy fat will have yet to be burned off during play and through aging.

As Wynn ages, his musculature will definitely develop a lot between two seasons old to a year old, sculpting him into a bulky beast that towers over his mother.  At his broad shoulders, he will stand at thirty-six inches (36") in height, and weigh a hefty one hundred-seventy pounds (170 lbs) at his healthiest.  With the development of his muscles, he will also develop a thick and course coat of fur, and one with more clearly defined markings than in puphood.  The fur will become longest at the neck, shoulders and hindquarters, as well as blessing him with a longer and fuller looking tail.  Upon his coat will always be a scent of grass and soot.  His voice will grow deeper and be reminiscent of J.K. Simmons.

The beast's markings will be built upon a canvas of a rusty chocolate hue.  They are quite natural and inspired by the patterns of a real-world wolf.  A darker brown than his base appears on his backside, stretching all the way across it and covering both his face and tail entirely.  Layered beneath it is a grayish-brown color and slightly darker variation of his base.  The very same dark color appears on his stocky limbs, hiding beneath cream-colored stockings.  At about the middle of Wynn's nape, the chocolate color "drips" down in two places, creating muddled stripes.  The gray color that lies beneath the dark chocolate color surges up and colors the backs of his ears, and defines three circular markings upon his face, one on his forehead and two on his eyebrows.  Rusty chocolate curls beneath the gray markings, creating an oblong figure before his eyes and dripping down in a blaze that splits at his snout into two sections mottled between rusty chocolate and gray-brown.  Finally, Wynnfrith sports two underfur colors: a rusty hue that covers underneath his neck and stomach, and a gray-brown that covers the underside of his maw and tips his stockings.  About Wynnfrith's one golden eye and one blue eye curls a marking of the color of the tan stockings on his legs, an outline that curls outwards in sort of a wing.
Roleplay Sample:
"Come, my little loves," a soft voice echoed in his ears as he woke up.  Blinking once or twice as the den came into focus, Wynn looked up tiredly.  He yawned, cracking his little jaws wide open.  A few other yawns sounded from the den, each one coming from a very tired puppy.  Mismatched eyes flickering up as he stretched his legs, he found the figure of his mother dimly outlined by light filtering through the entrance of the den he had called home for all his life—which wasn't very long, to be fair.  She lowered her head and chuckled softly, tilting her head to motion towards the entrance.  "We're going outside today," she cooed before walking off towards the entrance.  With that, Wynnfrith realized that today was the day!  The day that Mama and Dada let him and his siblings out of the den and see the world.

Excitement bubbled within him as he rapidly tried to get to his feet, stumbling a few times and watching his smaller and slimmer siblings clamber outside easily, before following right on their tails.  The dim light expanded and grew into a bright light that seemed harsher than any star.  Wynn had closed his eyes against the light, but as a cool breeze hit him in the face, he opened them to find a whole new world to explore.  And boy, was that world big!  At least, it was a lot bigger than he had everexpected it to be.

Wynnfrith just about stumbled over his own massive paws as he gawked at the stretching plains before him.  They looked like they went on forever, disappearing into the far horizon.  A breeze drifted through the expanse, making the grasses shudder and running it's invisible fingers through his scruffy fur, tying it into knots.  He sniffed the air and found so many scents of other wolves and the unmistakeable odor of the pack that he would soon come to meet.  Mismatched eyes widened as he felt his siblings shove past him and leap into the tall stalks of grass and begin to relish the experience.  The chocolate-hued boy jumped right in after them.



7 Years
05-01-2016, 12:53 PM
Congratulation Shrapnel, Keno, and Bluetick! You get your pups.

The litter is due tomorrow: May 2nd, so get your profiles up Stat!

I will be leaving applications open until 10 PM Ardent time (Pacific Time)

Anyone still wishing to throw in an application has until then to complete theirs :D
[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.