



2 Years
Dire wolf
09-24-2018, 12:12 PM (This post was last modified: 10-18-2018, 05:06 PM by Pegasus.)

Hello all, by now you've probably noticed Pegasus running around and have some idea of his mission and maybe the far-off land he comes from, what you might not know is that he has an unknown number of siblings that may have followed him, either for their own reasons, to help Peg out, or to bring him home. This is also the first part of a much larger plot that I have in the works and will require active players that will stick to the plot.

To get things started you'll need to be familiar with the religion Yale was raised on and would have raised his own children on as well, Yale was a dedicated member of his church and acted as a templar in his homeland before he was driven out. You can find the full details of the religion HERE However the place of religion in these characters lives is entirely up to you, and it's unlikely Yale would disagree with their decision or try to talk them out of it.

Yale's life before reaching Boreas would also come into play a great deal I encourage players to come up with their own stories of Yale's adventures in the distant land of Bromos but for the most part his pre Ardent history can be found on his profile HERE It's important to note however that neither Triton or any of his other children will be aware that Triton isn't Yale's biological son.

Finally you'll need to know about the place Pegasus and his siblings are coming from; The kingdom of Aytepios in the nation of Theodebes. If you've been browsing Peg's threads you may have gleaned a few details from the nation but to make things easier I'll list the important details.

Theodebes is loosely based on ancient Greece, there are 8 kingdoms ruled by eight kings who also act as a senate to the emperor; Asterion at this time Asterion is not up for adoption or playable

The current king of Aytepios is Odysseus, Peg's grandfather and Helena's father, he is also not up for adoption or playable at this time, but Helena is going to be played by Dragon.

Yale's children are considered princess and princesses of Aytepios and would, therefore, have formal schooling and would be trained to be presentable to other kings, prince[sses] and noble lords.

Because Yale is not Odysseus's child he does not stand to inherit the title of king after Odysseus abdicates, and because Theodebes doesn't allow women seats on the senatari neither will Helena. The title will instead be passed to Helena's brother who is also not available for adoption.

Rather than the kingdoms working as individual packs the kingdoms are all united and serve Theodebes as a whole.

For the most part these lands aren't set in stone and as long as nothing conflicts with the plot points listed above anything is open to interpenetration

Finally, the designs: CLICK!

These kids cannot be older than 1 year with the exception of Triton and they were all born in Spring. Naming for these kids is going to be largely based on greek monsters as well as characters from greek myths who were mythical creatures, a very long list of which can be found HERE! . Last but not least Yale was a direwolf but unfortunately since they were born offsite these characters can't apply for a discount in height. I would prefer the players be able to purchase at least 40 inches but it won't be necessary, however I am willing to give away one free direwolf pass and pay for the height of any other characters if you can't afford it, as well as any other passes that might be necessary with the exception of abnormal colors or abnormal markings

To adopt please fill out the form below, I'll be looking for 2-3 characters, players that have been preapproved for characters are also welcome to fill out the form and winners will gain access to two free tables based on the god Ley and the one used here, good luck everyone!

<b>OOC Name:</b>
<b>Character's Name:</b>
<b>Adult Height:</b>
<b>Needed purchases:</b>
<b>Ley's Role In Their Life:</b> {not required to have any devotion to Ley or the doctorine of the church}
<b> Motivation:</b> {What brought them to Boreas?}
<b>Personality:</b> {Must be site minimum}
<b>Sample Post: </b> {suggested prompts; life in Aytepios, leaving home, landing in boreas, puphood. This will be considered canon if you are chosen}



2 Years
Dire wolf
09-24-2018, 05:52 PM
Triton is now up for adoption, please fill out the form above you can see his design and his art here



2 Years
Dire wolf
10-16-2018, 08:38 PM
bumping, I'd also like to add that if there are any questions or anything seems unclear you're welcome to pm me on discord


11-13-2018, 10:57 AM
OOC Name: LadyLuna

Character's Name: Sphinx

Design: Design 1

Adult Height: 38-40" (Depends on Gems)

Needed purchases: 2-4 Extra Height Passes, possibly some additional accessories (TBD)

Ley's Role In Their Life: The face of Ley and His ten truths are held close to her heart, holding as much truth as that of the burning sun. She lives under the guides of His teachings, and through His grace she walks a most holy life.

Motivation: I would like to have her start out with the motivation to come to Boreas to bring Peg home, but if he be unwilling (which I assume he will be), then to help aid him as best she can and to ensure he is reminded of home and the teachings of Ley. Also because he is her brother and she loves him very much.

Personality: As the Truths command, she is a most honest and benevolent woman, never once to spread a lie or treat a stranger unfairly. She is humble, never to boast about her accomplishments and if she was to gain praise, she would commend it all by the grace of Ley. Her moral compass points in the direction of justice, seeking to right the wrongs done by those who work for evil, defending the weak or otherwise helpless. She could never stand by and watch pain being inflicted on others, nor could she possibly turn a blind eye to blatant disrespect or hate. Being more or less a born princess, she was raised to be posed and well mannered, speaking with as much politeness as charm, never to speak out of turn. She is a very level-headed woman, not one to let her emotions get the best of her, and always seeking to find a peaceful solution in any confrontation or conflict.

But not all of her qualities are that of a saint. Living with the mindset that only Ley's Truths and teachings matter, she can find trouble in following other rules set forth by unholy wolves. Her mind, so set in her ways, finds it most difficult to understand the thoughts of others when it so obviously contradicts her own beliefs. As such, she can find it hard to separate her religion from the situation, as she is almost constantly thinking of her actions in respects to the Face of Ley. This can be problematic in some situations and can even aggravate others unintentionally. In turn, though she tries her best not to judge others who had not yet been taught the right path, when other wolves and creatures alike disrespect her religion and her teachings, especially in front of her, she can become furious like no other. Though, this is probably the rarest side of her.

Sample Post: She had slipped out under the cover of night, draped in a satin cloth to hide her identity from those who might know her. For weeks now, she had been reliving a most dreadful dream of her dearest brother, Pegasus, in peril. Again and again the nightmare would return without fail each night, with the same dreadful ending that woke her in a panic. It had gotten to the point where she dreaded sleep, avoiding it like the plague until she would collapse from exhaustion. But why? Why was this happening and why would it not leave her? It was a question that racked her mind every moment of every day, causing her to walk the halls with a distant look in her maya eyes. Even a few times running into other nobles and having to apologize frantically for her clumsiness. Her closest friends became quite concerned for the princess, noting her lack of interest in food for several days in a row and her increasingly uncharacteristic behavior, that they sought to notify the Lady Helena.

Her mother did not have to ask what was causing her daughter's distress, for she too felt the strain of Prince Pegasus's absence. Instead, Sphinx was advised to seek council from Ley, for only He could answer the question she so desperately needed answered. Lady Helena was right to send her to Ley, because the moment she stepped foot within the halls of the church, a sense of relief washed over her form. The weight that had been pulling on her shoulders, yanking on the strings of her heart, and dragging her down was suddenly lifted, and all she could feel was a peace within her own body. Hopeful eyes cast their gaze up towards the shrine for Ley, who had guided her life without fail until now, knowing good and well He was there. She sat back onto her haunches and began to pray; pray for a sign, a solution, a meaning for these dreadfully awful nightmares! For many hours Hydra stayed in the church, praying for Ley to give her a reason, until the day had turned into night. Then, just when the candles were lit and her hope seeming to diminish, she felt a sudden urge; a desire to leave the kingdom at once and find Peg, wherever he may be, and make him safe once more. It was a most unnerving feeling, not something Sphinx would even have the thought to feel on her own, which made her realize it had to be from Ley. He was telling her to go find Pegasus, to bring hi home, to make him safe for he was in trouble.

So she slipped out the church doors, grabbed a satin scarf to wrap around her head and conceal her identity, and fled without a word. The light of the moon as her witness, and the guide of the stars to follow, she trekked across the kingdom for many weeks avoiding as many wolves as possible. She followed every lead she had on where ever Peg might have gone, until she came upon the border lands. There she crossed a point of no return, into a land of unknown, with only one goal in mind; to bring Pegasus home and make him safe once more.



2 Years
Dire wolf
11-13-2018, 12:03 PM
Sphinx is approved! I'm super excited to see her in action and I'm so unbelievably happy at how much work you put into her



7 Years
Extra large
11-13-2018, 02:01 PM
OOC Name: Lolaf
Character's Name: Medea
[Image: 4th_by_loreleaa_dcnggxc_by_fenrirhound-dcnojxq.png]
Adult Height:  45"
Needed purchases: Dire Height

Ley's Role In Their Life:  When she was younger she took the teachings of Ley as absolute fact but since growing up and especially since leaving for Boreas she has come to question some of what she used to believe as absolute truth.

Motivation: Mostly to go out and make a name and legacy for herself without her family, partially so as to prove it to herself that she can. (Also a little bit to try and find her brother and now, sister.)

Personality: Medea is trained in the ways of decorum and responsibilities; and she carries those lessons with her. While she certainly has the wit to be sharp tongued if she wished to be, the woman tends more towards keeping the peace; she is a master of using honeyed words and using her understanding of decorum to diffuse situations and move things in a direction she prefers. Not that she's really all that manipulative, simply that she wields her specific knowledge with intent.

Not that she's a soft princess, with nothing but smiles and niceties. She is a woman that is used to being respected and doesn't take to kindly to being questioned. She embodies the strength and conviction of a queen, something she categorically isn't. But Medea knows who she is and she is confident in herself and her abilities. She does not do anything she doesn't want to, a force of nature.

Medea houses a softer side, she has grown to be more open minded than she once was, though she may still resist world views that oppose her own. She also worries that too much of her identity is tied to her family's status and desires nothing more than to prove herself as worthy outside of being a princess. Still she carries a deep love for her family, her siblings and parents particularly and their pain becomes her own.

Sample Post: Medea could feel the absence of her brother and sister like a hole in her heart. The way their parents seemed to stare off into the distance whenever either of them were mentioned or the awkward silence that drowned a room when the other noble houses would mentioned their family. So she was wracked with guilt when the idea of going after Pegasus and Sphinx settled into her gut and refused to go away.

But there is stayed, growing into a conviction that she needed out; needed to learn who she was away from the stares and "My Ladies" and the all too distant throne. That she might find her missing siblings became a bonus. Medea began to reason with herself; the kingdom would hardly miss a second female heir... an oxymoron even if their mother hadn't already been a female heir herself. Her family would miss her yes, but the kingdom would hardly crumble for the lack of her presence; and if Sphinx, honest, kind, almost too good Sphinx could leave than so could she.

But she wasn't simply about to slip out in the night, not that she was gathering a retinue to go off and try to find herself. But she wasn't going to simply disappear with no word to her parents. With that she left the message for her parents with a trusted friend; a promise that she would try to keep some amount of contact and should she ever be required to return she would be willing to do so but that she felt this was a necessary journey to make.

And then she'd left, first slipping away, using her knowledge of the functions of the kingdom and where that failed her status and decorum to get out. There was no real destination in mind, simply a desire to get out and once that was accomplished to go until she found something worth sticking around for; the few rumors of her wayward siblings she gathered as she moved helped in generally guiding them in their directions but she wasn't quite sure if she'd managed to find where they had also gone when she finally found herself upon a continent that piqued her interest.

Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



4 Years
11-13-2018, 02:05 PM
Medea is approved! I'll put in the transfer for the direwolf pass now

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



4 Years
11-14-2018, 01:44 PM
There are still 2 slots available for adoption, although I would prefer at least one goes to a boy

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



13+ Years

Easter 2022Toys for Tots
11-14-2018, 03:45 PM (This post was last modified: 11-15-2018, 04:51 PM by Tealah.)
OOC Name: Tealah
Character's Name: Orthos
Design Custom 2
Adult Height: 36"
Needed purchases: none? (character slot? will have to check if I still have one)
Ley's Role In Their Life: in public he played lip service to Ley - in private, blasphemy. Within himself he struggles to overcome the deeply rooted biases and fear that growing up within a religion has imposed on him. Outwardly he claims to care little for silly stories and a god that was made up to scare little pups into behaving the way society thought they should, but inwardly he harbors a distant, desperate terror that he will die to find out that Ley is real and knows just how much of a screw-up he is or worse, that Ley really is a lie and there's nothing waiting after death. Existential crisis ahoy!
Motivation: Whatever blasé excuse he might give - boredom, seeking adventure - or the pious lies - that he go seek out and bring home his siblings, or to spread the word of Ley - the truth is much more complicated. He wants to get out from all of the eyes constantly watching and judging, away from everyone constantly parroting the words of Ley, away from the loving but stifling embrace of a family that wants the best for him but that he feels can only ever be disappointed by him.
Personality: Orthos hides self doubt and self castigation behind a mask of lazy indifference and debauchery. He is the youngest son of a branch of the royal house that will never inherit, and even aside from them not inheriting the kingdom itself Yale already had his heir and a spare to inherit his own name, so what use was Orthos, the baby of the family? He could go for an officer, if he didn't find the idea of bloodshed so distasteful, or to the church - the very thought of going to the church terrified him beyond all reason. So there was nothing for him. He has always had trouble believing that he could ever live up to his family and so, conversely and quite stubbornly, went out of his way to be good at failing. He rebels against his family's morals not because he was driven to it, but because if he's going to be a fuck-up anyway he's going to be a fuck-up in his own way and in style. So he projects the persona of a lazy, debauched, jaded playboy. With his ever so handsome face and flirtatious ways that make him seem older than his actual age, there have always been rumors that unnamed wives of unnamed nobles had allowed themselves to be seduced by him despite his youth. The truth was that he merely plays the game for the attention it gets him, playing hard to get and dabbling just enough into the flirting to make them want him, then flitting away to the next chase. He takes nothing seriously and bounces from diversion to diversion as soon as he loses interest. He's clever, if he puts his mind to it, but he certainly tries not to do so. He always did quite poorly in his expensive schooling, though for lack of trying rather than for lack of knowing the material. It is, after all, difficult to pass exams when you don't bother to show up for them.

To summarize, Orthos seems to be nothing more than a spoiled, selfish little dilettante who pays more mind to drinking and gambling than he does to the world around him, but the truth beneath the surface is much more complicated than that. Yes, he's somewhat unmotivated and a little vain. But when it comes down to it, when it really matters, he can be counted on responsible guilted into coming to the rescue.
Sample Post: Orthos sighed and used one paw to tilt and roll the gold plated cup holding his wine. Ley's hairy balls but this damnable opera was boring. He risked a peek around him, but the others all seemed to be watching politely. It was after all what was expected of them. What a miserable waste of everyone's time.

He tilted the cup towards his muzzle to drain it in a gulp, then went back to rocking it idly back and forth. He was, of course, going to sneak out at the intermission and see if he couldn't find the worst, most disgusting den of inequity that he possibly could and spend the night drinking and gambling, but somehow even the thought of that had paled. A sick sort of feeling twisted in his chest. Would he not even be able to enjoy that anymore? Was he just going to rot away in a downward spiral of liver and soul destroying agony?

Oh, his parents would be distressingly supportive and loving the whole time, of course, all while despairing that the baby of the family would ever turn his life around and do make something of himself. The more he rebelled, the more they tried to wrap him up in familial love, and all that love was strangling him. Yale had been smart to get out when he did.

His paw froze against the cup. That was it! Yale had gotten out. Why shouldn't he be able to do the same? It wasn't like Triton couldn't fulfill his parents' need to have a son to ooze love all over all by himself, and they were certainly still young enough to have a few more litters to replace any children who happened to wander off, so why not?

Far too excited and impatient now to wait for intermission to make his getaway, he began to squirm past the other passive audience members, murmuring apologies when appropriate and slowly making his way out of the crowd. He knew he was causing a stir, and disapproving voices hissed at him telling him to sit down, or get out of the way, or grumbling about his lack of manners, but Orthos couldn't bring himself to care even as little as he usually did. He couldn't waste the time or the energy to care what a bunch of dotty old bats thought about him. He was leaving Aytepios for good.



4 Years
11-15-2018, 05:09 PM
Orthos is accepted!

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
04-05-2019, 06:14 PM (This post was last modified: 04-20-2019, 07:26 PM by Pyralis.)
OOC Name: lunarcat7
Character's Name: Chrysanthos

Chrysanthos bears an average build but stands shorter, at 36", than most of his kin. He secretly hopes that he still has another growth spurt in his future despite knowing it's unlikely. Oh well, at least he's taller than Orthors (in his opinion he is a millimeter taller, it still counts). Sturdy and stoat, Chrys is built for long journeys and endurance and boasts a long, elegant body and strong chest set upon well-toned legs and larger than average paws. His head is slightly narrower than the average wolf and it tapers gracefully from his forehead to his nose. There is a subtle sense of grace in the sleek way Shilah moves despite his more solid build though his thick, wiry coat accounts for much of his perceived bulk.

The base of his coat is a pale dune color with darker patches along his shoulders and hips. His undersides are snow white with the white marking the backs of his elbows and his hindquarters. White socks stretch up his legs fading into the dune while a snippet of white forms a v just behind his shoulders. A white snip marks his muzzle and lines the underside of his dazzling golden eyes before tapering off the sides of his cheeks. A hood of dusty black covers the top of his head and ears while the same color forms a collar around his neck and coats the top of his back. HIs tail is tipped in black with a small black curve on the top of his tail about midway down. Eyespots of dune punctuate the black hood that contrasts so strongly with his warm golden gaze.

Adult Height: 36"
Needed purchases: None, for now.  Will seek to get him a pack for herbs and companions eventually.

Ley's Role In Their Life: Chrysanthos is desperate to figure it out. He is constantly plagued by doubts and finds himself often questioning the concept of Ley, especially as he travels and learns more of the beliefs and sciences of others. He is analytical, scientific. Belief is always a struggle. However, this is a matter of conscious thought. Unconsciously, he prescribes to Ley's teachings and wouldn't dream of breaking one of his truths. To do so would bring unbearable shame on his name and that of his family.

Motivation: Knowledge is a primary motivator for Chrysanthos. He is constantly seeking new lessons in terms of medicine and science and new knowledge to bring home to his family. This is a key motivator for his coming to Boreas but even more so he finds himself missing his siblings and wishes to be reunited with this part of his family. He would likely seek at first for all of them to go home together but would be open to understanding their reasons for staying in Boreas.

Personality: Born with a restless heart and an independent nature Chrysanthos is a wanderer who can rarely settle in one spot for long.  His desire for self-understanding as well as spiritual wisdom acts as a driving force that pushes him to explore the world around him.  Sometimes this can make him seem rather aimless in his travels, and to an extent this is true, but he does have purpose in his movements and goals to achieve.

Cautious and shrewd, Chrys is wary of strangers and the general intentions of other wolves.  He isn't the type to wander blindly into situations or jump to conclusions yet a wolf will have to prove themselves to him first before he's willing to give his trust. Sharp-witted and astute, Chrysanthos has keen powers of observation that he uses to both analyze the world around and to hopefully gain a better understanding of it.

Despite his sometimes aloof nature, Chrys is a dependable and reasonably friendly fellow. Once he's fairly certain a wolf isn't out to harm him he'll gingerly strike up a conversation, growing more confident as time goes and he gets to know the other.  Chrys is also a reliable wolf, when he takes on a task you can bet he'll do his best to accomplish it.  However, these sorts of tasks are typically only asked by him of family. He will rarely do favors, particularly strenuous ones, for strangers and those he's barely acquainted with.

Proud of his family and heritage, Chrys has a strong connection to history and the past even if his gaze always seems to turn outward to the unknown. He feels that answers often lie in the past and that the key to solving any problem is to take a look back to see what events lead to that problem.  He is deeply respectful of older wolves who he feels by virtue of their age are far more knowing of the world and he will eagerly seek to glean their wisdom. However, having the past always nestled in his mind Chrysanthos sometimes finds it hard to let go or move on from previous events, especially if they've had a negative affect on him.

Being a traveller it is no surprise that Chrys is a very adaptable wolf.  He's happy to make his home anywhere and is content to take life one day at a time. Often the unexpected happens when traveling but Chrys has the ability to roll with the punches even if he's internally screaming.  Able to balance multiple tasks Chrysanthos is able to spread out his focus and shift and adjust it as necessary to get through the day… assuming of course his focus is present to start with.  Chrys had a habit of day-dreaming frequently as a child and this habit continues full-force into adult hood.

Sample Post: Long, low strips of silver fog filled the green hollows and ravines of the foreign mountains. They covered the earth like a whisper, shimmering in the air as long as they could before the dawn light would sweep them away. Chrysanthos sighed softly. It had been far more difficult to leave than he thought it would be but then, he'd never really travelled this far before. What had his siblings been thinking heading out this way and so far? He felt he knew. These were the lands their father had traveled to.

The mists feathered over the creeks and rivers in the early morning light, the sun slipping just over the mountain edge, golden light spilling down into the valleys. Chrys rolled his shoulders forward as he started the climb, careful not to dislodge the patch of deer hide that he would use to carry any herbs he found. He'd never sought for herbs in this land before but he was familiar enough with the climate to imagine a few things he could find here. Ideally he would have a better bit of equipment to carry them in but his decision to leave had been rather sudden.  First Pegasus, then Sphinx, Medea, and even Orthos of all wolves! Chrys was feeling desperately lonely despite himself and rather abandoned. What was everyone thinking just going off without him?

Helena had been understanding though it pained him to suggest that he too would leave his mother for a time. It wasn't like it was uncommon for the youth to go wandering in his quest for herbs and new treatments but this journey would be his longest and this land wasn't exactly known for being a beacon of civilization. However, Chrysanthos was desperate to reunite his family. There was nothing more he wanted and he would march right into an army of demons to find them.

Panting, Chrysanthos stopped as the sun broke free of the horizon, its golden lightly pouring over him. He knew better than to look for signs. His mind was far to analytical to believe in such things, but if he humored himsefl he had the feeling that Ley was looking upon this undertaking with favor.
Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!



4 Years
04-21-2019, 10:45 AM
Chrysanthos is accepted and this is officially closed, please PM if there is any interest in Triton

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  