
EVENT: The 8th Day of Christmas



12-21-2018, 08:44 AM
The 8th Day of Christmas

1. New Fight System!

The new fight system for low-level fights is nearing its testing phase! This is a dice-roll based system to be used for all spars, dominance fights, minor maims, and ownership/freedom challenges while the current more in-depth system will continue to be used for pack challenges, DMs, and major debilitating maims. The new system can also be used in DMs and major maims if both parties agree. There are four categories each with their own dice roll to give each opponent the opportunity to be blessed by the dice gods, and character-specific bonuses for each category that range from build to height to skill level and more!

2. Specialties!

Wait, that blank spot that's been sitting vacant on character profiles actually has a purpose? Specialties, a feature that we've been working on, are unlocked when a character reaches Master rank in a skill, allowing a Specialty from that particular skill to be chosen. These Specialties will not be permanently locked, meaning there will be a way for them to be changed - for example, if you reach Master on a second skill and prefer to pick a Specialty from that skill, that will be possible. All of these Specialties will have some kind of perk or bonus that directly affects what you do on-site, from fighting to purchasing items and more!

3. Skill-Locked Lands!

As many of you probably gathered from the 1st Day of Christmas Land Creation Contest, we're set up to start allowing skill-locked lands. What that means is that certain lands, which can be found within already existing lands, will be locked unless you're of a certain ranking within a particular skill. We're still brainstorming the best way to set these up and make it easy to see what Skill and Skill Tier are required to access each land, but stay tuned as we work on these and getting them set up.

4. Some Actual Skill-Locked Lands!

We've already added a few new lands, so go snoop around and find them and start posting.

5. Battle Accessories!

Huh? What? Don't ask questions, just take it all in. More coming soon.

6. A New Banner!

Not just any banner, but our first painted banner (not manipped!) is done and waiting to be unveiled.

7. Reworked Donation Rewards!

More details to come after the holidays, but we've been discussing how to rework donations to make the current tier system less confusing, as well as adding new items that haven't been offered before!

8. Something Unusual Coming?

Perhaps some of your characters have noticed an unusual shift in weather patterns these last few seasons, or they've fallen victim to the unpredictable earthquakes that rattle the lands? Wolves who have grown accustomed to the weather patterns of Ardent notice something seems to be shifting, even if they can't quite place their paw on what it is...

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1. EVENT: The 8th Day of Christmas Updates/Events Archive 08:44 AM, 12-21-2018 09:41 AM, 07-02-2024