
Why does it hurt so much




8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
02-05-2023, 01:47 AM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2023, 11:27 PM by Riva. Edited 3 times in total.)

Dante was crying out her name. Her voice rising in fever and pain. But it was dark, so dark that she could see nothing beyond the inky blackness. She reached blindly, searching for her daughter. The girl's cries turned to sobs, heartbroken, wretched sobs that pulled from the depths of her being. Dante was in pain, so much pain. Riva needed to be there for her, but she couldn’t find her. Too little, too late a scratchy voice whispered in her ear. She turned swiftly, reaching out blindly. But there was nothing there.

too little, too little, too little…too late the voice whispered, rising and fading, and giggling.

“Show yourself!” She cried, desperately blinking, trying to see. Perhaps she was blind. She scratched at her eyes. She scratched at them, and scratched at them, and she felt pain and - and suddenly she felt soft ground beneath her. Warmth of a body beside her. She shot into a sitting position, breathing heavily. A dream? It had just been a dream. She remembered the sound of Dante crying her name, and sobs ripped from Riva’s body. She rocked back and forth, the sound of her daughter's dying cries in her ears.




4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
02-05-2023, 02:12 AM

“Show yourself!”

Pale eyes flashed open as the brute was ripped from his slumber. Lips curled upward to expose teeth as he hunched into a sloppy yet ravenous fighting stance. Ready to defend their home at whatever cost. Incubus rapidly looked around for any sort of sign of an intruder but there were none to be found. He'd positioned himself in front of the petrified Riva to be a blockade against any sort of harm that may be coming her way. But, after a few moments of silence and no scents to be smelled Incubus was coming to the realization that there may not actually be anyone there. Lips lowered to hide his teeth and he moved to look towards Riva, remaining on guard. "What did you see?" Yet, as his pink and blue eyes took her in fully Incubus could now see how frightened she was. The tiny healer sat there rocking back and forth. Incubus immediately moved to close the distance between them, aiming to press his chest against her side and wrap his front legs around her in a comforting hug. Inc watched for any sign of resistance or increased panic he may induce, "You are safe, Riva. No one is there." His voice was husky from sleep but care still seeped through the words.


[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
02-05-2023, 02:17 AM
Incubus reacted, and somehow in her sea of pain she had forgotten he was beside her. But he was there because he hadn't abounded her. Hadn't abandoned her like her ex husband and son had. The words brushed across her mind, let in by the pain she was feeling. She pushed it out, not ready for that truth. Instead, she rocked back and forth and watched Incubus as he went from defensive to understanding. Reaching for her.

She melted into his arms completely. Limp against him as she attempted to borrow into his fur. "I didn't see anyone. It was a dream. Just a dream." She whispered, pulling herself up and wrapping her little paws about Inc's neck. He warm against her fur. Real, and present. She suddenly needed to feel something. Something other then pain and horror. Perhaps it was the lingering adrenaline, or the crash of it as it drained from her body at the lack of a threat. But it burned in her. She tilted her head up, seeking out Inc's face in the faint shadows cast by starlight. "Inc." She breathed his name softly, and reached for him with her mouth. Going in for a kiss, brushing her tongue across his muzzle. Tasting him, and all the reassurance he offered her.



4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
02-05-2023, 02:30 AM

Sparks of warmth flew through him as her form pressed against his own. As her whispers met his ears she'd feel that tension wash away from him. His body seemed to loosen a bit but remained rather... alert due to their closeness. Her small paws pressed against him and Inc leaned into her slightly, looking down into her eyes as she breathed his name. His own breath seemed to catch in his throat and her next course of action sent his mind soaring. Riva reached for him and Incubus leaned down slightly to meet her somewhere in the middle. The gentle touch of her tongue to his lips caused a shiver to run down his spine and the male opened his mouth to reply with a kiss of his own. "Riva..." The brute tightened his grip on her and sent his muzzle downward into her scruff. Nuzzling her he breathed through her sweet bed of inky fur, "Please... Never leave me." The thought of her carrying through what she'd wished on the day he found her cause a lump to form in his throat. He couldn't handle losing her. It would break him.


[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
02-05-2023, 02:38 AM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2023, 02:39 AM by Riva. Edited 1 time in total.)
Ge returned the kiss. She hadn't been sure he would. After the nightmare and the fear, she realized he was everything good in her life. Everything she held onto. He had clawed her back to living, and given her a reason to want to live. She was clammy from the nightmare and adrenaline, Salt on her cheeks from tears, and he held her like she was something precious. Something beautiful.

His words were an echo of her own thoughts, her own needs. She couldn't lose another wolf. She couldn't lose him. "Never. Never. Promise me the same Inc. Incubus." She said, rolling his name across her tongue. She reached for the muzzle he had buried in her coat, going for another kiss. "Do you want me, Incubus?" She asked softly, very much needing to be wanted. She wasnt playing a game, she was playing for keeps. He had forced his way into her life, she had invited him into her home. Now suddenly, and desperately, she wanted to take another step forward.



4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
02-05-2023, 02:57 AM

They were both grasping at one another with their unyielding desire to never let go. One could never abandon the other. This was a vow he could swear with no thoughts otherwise. His choice to bring Riva into his life was one made with haste but he felt no regret towards it. She'd become someone he looked forward to spending his days with. Incubus couldn't imagine not having the little healer at his side and imagining a life without her made him genuinely sad. These were feelings beyond that of a simple friendship or that of a crush. What they had shared together on the day he found her and those to follow had formed a bond that was never to be broken. Not by him.

Incubus continued to nuzzle gently as her tones filled his ears. The way both his nickname and name fell from her lips caused his skin to light aflame."I promise." As she reached for him Inc eagerly met her again but this time with a more ravenous passion. Planting kiss after kiss on those delightful lips, three in total. His heart thudded in his chest as he squeezed her again. The male wanted her to be closer... impossibly close. Riva's words burned into his ears and his paws flexed at her back, gripping her. "More then anything, my Riva..." He peppered kisses along her muzzle, trailing up towards her ear and allowing his teeth to graze at the sensitive flesh. "I want you to be mine." Husky whispers were sent into her ear as he began to guide her downward onto her back, holding her carefully with his front paws. Incubus released the grip only as her back met the earth of their den. Incubus stood over her with his eyes pouring into her own, "Do you want me?" His voice was deep and pounded through their peaceful home.


[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
02-05-2023, 03:10 AM
He returned her affection ten fold. Making promised she knew and trusted he would keep. His paw on her back was warm. Tight enough to be a safety net, without crushing her. She pressed herself into him tight enough that she could feel every crease of his body. She returned his affection, kissing and playfully nipping. His teeth grazed her ear, pulling gently and a soft groan escaped her. Her quick breathing had nothing to do with any lingering fear of her nightmare. There was no fear in her now. Only heat, hot enough to burn and leave her gasping. He chased away every doubt, every insecurity.

He took control, gentle and firm as he guided her to her back. She welcomed it. She had started this, and he would finish it. It was… erotic. She moved herself, obeying his silent commands and felt the warmth of him all around her. "Yes," she whispered. Watching him stand over her. Her eyes trailed across his body. Strong, hard in all the right places, and soft in others. "Now." Her voice was a command, as the heat built inside of her. A burning inferno only he could tame. She knew exactly what she wanted, and their little apothecary had never felt more like their home. Their place.



4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
02-05-2023, 03:30 AM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2023, 02:31 PM by Incubus. Edited 1 time in total.)

Incubus stood over the woman and allowed his eyes to rake over every inch of her. This was the first time he allowed himself to take her in. Selfishly memorizing the way her body curved and flowed. He took his time in doing so, only after her sharp demand did those pale eyes flash in the direction of her own. Hunger consumed his features as he complied. Without a word Incubus scooped her up with a front leg and turned her over to all fours. Heat radiated from him, invading every inch of his hulking form. He felt nothing but a burning desire for the fae beneath him and he was moving off of pure instinct. The Klein took a step small step forward as his muzzle found it's place at her scruff. "Oh Riva..." With that the male slid his way in, connecting them as they'd never been before. He swam with pleasure and a low growly groan escaped his lips. Incubus started slow but as that desired only heightened he picked up the pace. Teeth aimed to grip her scruff as he aimed to pull her closer. To be impossibly close...



[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
02-05-2023, 11:05 AM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2023, 11:07 AM by Riva. Edited 1 time in total.)
He obeyed her command, and she found his name on her lips. Crying out, and urging him on. She had found a home here, in Inc's arms. And she wanted him to hold her forever.


After a time they lay, spent, in each other's arms. She curled up in the heart of his body. Small enough for him to fold around her. They were the both of them hot from their activities, but she found she didn't mind at all. She pillowed her head on his hunches and closed her eyes. Letting sleep take her again. Only this time, her sleep was dreamless.

-time skip-

She woke, rested and a little achy, and stretched her body out. Pulling away a little from the warmth tha surrounded her. Only for her to lean I'm and kiss his nose. Just a feathery touch as she smiled, waiting for him to wake. "Good morning." She said softly. "I'm going to make some tea, and then I think we should talk." She wad a healer, and sometimes she knew the benifit of airing things out in the open.



4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
02-05-2023, 02:31 PM

Incubus could have laid like that forever. The small healer wrapped up within him. Their hind legs tangled together and her head resting at his haunch as his head pressed against the furs of the bedding bedding. His eyes were open as he stared off into the darkness. The fog of pleasure was still very much clouding over him. He hadn't expected this to happen but Incubus couldn't be anymore glad it had.

-time skip-

At some point the male must have fallen asleep as the next thing he knew he was being awoken by Riva pulling away from him. Those pale eyes slowly blinked into view as he witnessed the inky lass turn and lean down to plant a kiss to his pink nose. His heart thudded in that moment, thinking of where those kisses had led them last night. The memory sent more heat down his core but he did his best not to give it any notice. "Good morning Riva." He returned the pleasantry with a husky morning voice.

It seemed she was a bit more of a morning person then he. Inc watched as the the woman buzzed around to begin the tea making process. Her words rang through the den and caused a little bit of worry to settle in. Did she regret what happened? The good morning kiss kind of made him think she didn't. Inc studied her as she moved about before finally saying, "What would you like to discuss?" He began slowly stretch, emitting a long yawn, before propping himself up on his front legs. Despite all his training their activities last night had left his muscles rather tired.


[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
02-05-2023, 03:53 PM
There was enough heat and husk in his words to bring to mind a repeat, but he let her slip away to start the process of making tea. She grabbed a packet from a corner and opened it. Giving it a careful sniff to ensure it was still good. It was important that this tea was made right. And to full strength. With that in mind, she let it steep for a while. Letting the tea soak to every inch of the hot water. She made enough for only one person, and she poured it carefully. As she worked, Inc stretched and completed the processing of waking. He asked her a question, and while she flicked her ears his way to acknowledge she had heard him, she didn't immediately reply.

She took the singler cup rather carefully in her paws and placed it between them. Only then, with a jolt, did she realise how it might look. How Inc had first found her, poised over a singular cup. Indecision in her eyes. She frowned. "This isn't like our first meeting, so don't go getting any ideas." She clarified, not wishing his thoughts to travel down that path.

"I'm sure I don't need to give you the birds and the bees talk. You mentioned recently how you've started to wish you could have kids. After what happened last night, I would drink this tea. But I think that decision should be made with both of us." She said, her eyes serious as she lifted them. Looking at the taller wolf across from her hopeless affection.



4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
02-05-2023, 04:47 PM
Incubus continued to watch her through heavy lids. Tracking her nearly every move. Admiring the way she took every step and those subtle curves of his slender body. A tiny grin tugged at his lips without him even noticing. The male was only snapped out of what felt like a daydream as she approached with a single cup of tea.

His thoughts hadn’t gone in that dreadful direction but he was glad she offered the preface so they didn’t have the chance to. Pale eyes moved to the tea, watching as the aromatic steam moved into the air above. Riva continued on with a rather significant change of subject. She was right in assuming he didn’t require such a talk. In his time as a loner there were fleeting flings he’d partaken in and most of the time his partners would also consume such a tea. Rivas next words have him quite a bit to think about. It was true Incubus did want kids and honestly he couldn’t think of anyone else he’d prefer to have them with. But this was very early on into their relationship and after everything Riva had been through with her existing family he didn’t know how she’d feel about taking that step.

After a few quiet moments of dutiful consideration Incubus allowed his gentle gaze to settle on her own. “I am at a point in my life in which i’d be happy to welcome pups into our home. It has been something i’ve been thinking about but i hadn’t found the right Wolf to settle down with.” Incubus studied her as he continued on. “That is until I found you. I can honestly say i’d love to start a family with you. But, that can be now or in the future. If you wish to sip that tea or not, I will support you.” Either way he’d be happy. The decision was ultimately hers.
[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
02-05-2023, 05:15 PM
She kept her eyes on Inc, seeing flashes of his thoughts through the lovely mutli-toned hue of his eyes. She gathered that she had managed to surprise him. She allowed herself a small, amused smile. Keeping him off kilter was a little fun, but that wasn't why she had placed the tea between them. It was a promise, and a gentle probe. She was putting forth the truth that she would work with him to make this… relationship work. That it was a two way street. They had made some pretty heavy promises to each other during the night. Now, in the light of day, with the complicated mechanics of life around them. Would it keep?

She thought it would. Especially with the way Incubus opened up to her. Telling her the truth of his heart, he was ready and willing to start a family with her. He was hers for keeps. But he was also comfortable to wait until she was ready. He had given her his truth, and so she would return it with her own. "I did not think I would want any more children. They own a special place in your heart, and their absence is a pain like no other. But I believe I will change my mind with you, Incubus. I want to change my mind with you. Just not today." She gave him a smile. Reaching over her tea, she brushed another kiss against his muzzle. Enjoying the simple pleasure of being able to be affectionate with him. She waited to ensure his agreement was full, and then drank her tea down in one gulp. She hadn't placed anything in it to sweeten the bitter and she swallowed a few more times until the taste was gone.

She moved the tea cup aside and crawled further forward, back into his arms. And on the soft bedding he had provided for them. "This is… nice. An unexpected turn in my life… but then, you like to turn my life upside down don't you?" She teased him.



4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
02-05-2023, 06:48 PM
It would do the both of them well to take things one step at a time. Incubus was prepared to skip a few steps if that’s what they agreed upon. But, in reality expanding their family was something that could come after they live together as a couple first. Incubus enjoyed the idea of having her all to himself for a time. The thought brought forth more of that oh so delightful heat.

Incubus watched carefully as she processed what he said. As she began to explain her truth the male listened carefully. He was more then grateful that she seemed to open to expanding upon this at a later time. They could take some time to focus on their relationship and maybe she’d come around to the idea of having more pups at a later time. Incubus was aware that asking her to have more children after what she’d been through is a tall order. There was even a chance her mind would never change. That was something Incubus would have to think on, when the time came. Their agreement was sealed with a kiss from Riva. Her delicate tongue swept across his lips before she leaned down to drink the tea. “Thank you for bringing this up.” They now had everything laid out before them and could continue on the same page. Perhaps having an older mate had some perks. Her maturity only seemed to fuel his attraction towards her.

As she moved closer Incubus laid down on his side and lifted his front leg, inviting her in. A smirk slipped across his lips as he wrapped his arms around her, aiming to pull her in close. He wanted to feel her back against his chest. The male let forth a small chuckle in response to rivas words. “I could say the same to you darling.” A pause as he leaned down to plant a kiss on the top of her head. “If someone would have told me a few seasons ago that this would be my life I would have called them crazy. But here we are.” His muzzle move to her ear as he spoke gentle tones. “This is the first time in my life that i’ve felt whole.” Riva was what was missing. Someone to protect, to love, and to laugh with.
[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
02-05-2023, 07:10 PM
She crawled easily into his grasp, taking him up on his invitation. She couldn't feel the bite of winter when he held her. She wondered how hard rising in the morning would be now. When she had such a lovely place to curl up and pass the night. He thanked her for mentioning it, and she nodded her head lightly bumping it against his forepaw. "I want to be completely honest with you Incubus." She said, and it was her promise to him. It helped that it was so easy to give him any of her secrets. He had stripped her bare when he had first met her. Forcing the worth truth from her soul. What was the rest of her life in comparison to that?

She leaned against his chest, and let out a soft sound. Almost a purr. She was tempted to entice him into a repeat of their nighttime activities, but not yet. First, she wanted to know a little more about him. She already knew the stuff that mattered. How he would look out for her bring her from the brink. That he would be there in the night when she hurt. But she wanted to know… so much more. "Would you yell me of your childhood, Inc? How you grew up?" She asked gently. She knew that his father had vanished on him. That Deathbelle was his mother. But she wanted to understand it all a little better.



4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
02-05-2023, 09:54 PM

Honesty was how you build a formidable relationship and thankfully Incubus found it very easy to tell Riva the truth. There were no half-truths spewing from his lips, just truly how he felt. That is how he was in most situations but this is the one that mattered most. He'd never want her to feel as though she couldn't trust his word. Some say your word is all you have. Thus, when she spoke of honestly Inc offered a small nod, "If nothing else, we both can always be honest with one another." That even meant those hard truths. If they were going to fast or if she ended up not wanting kids. Those were truths that she would need to feel comfortable telling him. As much as those subjects may pain him in some ways, he'd rather know how she felt then dig any holes too deep to climb out of.

The purr that slithered from the beautiful babe called forth a very low almost inaudible grumbled from the brute. She teased that inner flame, making it grow. Just as Inc moved to pull her closer to him she spoke and sent his mind elsewhere. A much needed distraction for the hungry male. Riva was asking about his childhood... A topic that he'd never discussed in depth with anyone. "Hmmm.." He loosened his grip on her slightly as he sifted through those deep and dark memories.

"Well, let's start at the beginning. As you know my Father is Hannibal Klein and my Mother is Deathbelle Klein." A pause. "I was born in a litter of three. Chimera, Siren, and myself. Chi was the biggest and for lack of a better term... quite the bully. Most of my time in the den was spent defending myself and Siren against his horrific tricks and attacks. Siren was the smallest us and was sweet as a spring breeze. A little known fact is that she is my twin, you just can't tell at first glance due to her having been born fully albino and our difference in size." They shared the same markings just in different hues and tones. A smile stained his lips as he spoke of Siren, but sorrow filled his heart. They had a bond like no other at a very early age. It was his fault that bond had been broken, he left her all alone and now she was seemingly gone. "Our parents were caring and attentive for the most part. I spent more time with Mother then anyone but Father did take me on a few adventures and even taught me the history of our bloodline. That was something I enjoyed a lot." Inc wrinkled his nose, "Hannibal left when I was reaching a few seasons old. This left our family in shambles and it nearly completely broke my Mother. At this point whatever semblance of a family unit we had was completely shattered. So, I left as well. I was far too young to be on my own but that was the decision I made. From that point on I was on my own. At first I was tracking my Father but after a few seasons of no luck I gave up and fully committed to the life of a loner." He'd come back once or twice to check in on his Mother but it wasn't until this last summer that he had made a full return to Ashen.

Inc released a long breath and cleared his throat. "Not the most exciting of stories. A lot of the big blow up drama happened before I was born with the many other partners my parent's had before they came together."


[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
02-05-2023, 10:07 PM

She leaned against him, looking up at nothing in particular as she simply… listened. His husky voice with the last dregs of sleepiness was a hypnotising thing. He started by laying out the groundwork. Describing his litter. The names matched no faces in her mind, so she pictured them as tiny little Incs. one angry, and one quickly morphing to white as her lover described his sister in a little more detail. It sounded like from the moment he had been born, he had learnt to become a shield. Something entered his voice, and she wondered what had become of her sister. She leaned a little further backwards, and licked his chin. Offering silent support without disturbing his story.

When he finished speaking, she rubbed her head against his. “Thank you for sharing, Incubus. It gives me some insight on how you’ve become the wolf you are today. How long have you been in Ashen then? If you lived much of your life as a loner.” She wondered.




4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
02-05-2023, 10:23 PM

A smile appeared on his lips as the small babe leaned back and licked his chin. Inc was more then pleased that they were able to share those tiny affections and the more grandiose of sort as well. He no longer had to hide those twinges of a crush. He'd been attracted to the lass for a time but due to how their friendship had started he never felt comfortable in being the one to open that book. Knowing that she had a long lost Husband out there made Inc figure that she had no interest in anything more, until last night.

Riva's next question was met with a quick answer, "I returned to Ashen this summer so not too long." But, in that time he had put in some hard work and was approaching a point in which he'd be challenging for a higher rank. His life had completely changed since the day he howled for the Empress at the borders. "It's been nice so far. Seeing as most of the members are in some way related to me, its easy to fit in." He chuckled lightly, the Klein family was rather expansive. "That reminds me... There are a few healers here that I think would love to help with the Apothecary. Seere and Verity are both nieces of mine, perhaps one day soon we can invite them to visit." He was confident the duo would appreciate this place perhaps even more then himself. Incubus rubbed his head against hers, offering a swift kiss to the side of her muzzle when he could. He wondered how Seere would react to finding out that he'd managed to find himself a girlfriend.


[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
02-05-2023, 10:30 PM

“Just in time to save me, then” She teased gently. The pain that had led her there still existed, but it was muted when she was with Incubus. He was a balm to her pains. He left her feeling as if she wasn’t alone, couldn’t be. That knowledge held her together. If he ever abandoned her, she would be straight back on the path he had found her on. And, despite her desire to give him all her truths, that was one he couldn’t have. She would never force him to stay, nor leave herself questioning if that was the only reason he did. So she would not share that truth with him, and hope that he stayed true to the promises he had given her.

“You have a large family, I’d love to meet those I can” She agreed. Filing away the names Seere and Verity. They were healers, and she would be fascinated to meet them. To offer any knowledge that she could. She chased his muzzle as he teased her with such a fleeting kiss. Playfully bringing up her forpaws and knocking his lips back towards her.




4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
02-05-2023, 10:46 PM

“Just in time to save me, then”. Those words lingered in his mind as a pang of sorrow filled his chest. Multiple times a day Incubus thought of what would of happened if he hadn't been there. This Wolf that had totally turned his life in a new direction, the best of directions, would not be here. Riva, the beautiful little healer he held in his arms, would be dead. The thought nearly brought tears to his eyes but Incubus did as he usually would and swept them away with a few hard blinks and some breaths. It was frustrating to know that she was once happy with a family, a husband. A Husband that was no where to be found... He left her in her most grievous time of need... to die. Over a fucking accident. Incubus knew if he ever encountered this fool he'd have a thing or two to say. Perhaps it'd be best for the both of them if that reunion never happened.

Incubus cleared his throat as he tried to focus on her next words. "With time you will." A pause. "There are some I haven't even had a full conversation with myself so don't feel bad if it takes a while." Some of Ashen's members were mostly involved in their immediate family units, which was fine. As long as the pack functioned properly it didn't matter how social it's members were.

Those negative thoughts still lingered but she offered another much needed distraction. Riva grabbed at his head and pulled her to him for another kiss. Incubus happily complied and licked her lips as they came rushing to him. The brute let his lips curl into a greedy smirk as his pale eyes poured into hers. "You are playing a dangerous game my love...." Inc pressed another kiss to the side of her muzzle, "I can only be good for so long." His voice was low and full of yearning. Warmth filled his veins as a paw pressed against her and pulled her closer. It was a long time since he'd been this close to a fae, especially one he truly cared for. Their intimacy was something that would likely be a common theme in his mind for a long time to come. Despite being quite a gentleman, Inc did have quite the possessive and dominant side. Those little teases drew such out and it was a constant battle for him to push them back down.


[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]

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1. Why does it hurt so much Wolfpaw Lake 01:47 AM, 02-05-2023 03:33 AM, 02-13-2024