
Tiger by the toe


04-14-2023, 10:12 PM

These little wonders

It had been a while since her mother had left to hunt and had never returned but there was still hope in the young tigresses eyes of finding her. Though hunting for herself wasn't easy, nor was she honestly that good at it yet. She was determined though. She had set out this morning from the woods with her probably too thin body towards where her mother had last went. She had told herself she wouldn't be long and would go back to her mother's den before the sun fell that evening.

Yet she hadn't went back.

Why? Because she had found herself in the area of the creek, having enjoyed the water, and even chased after a few fish making quite the ruckus in the water. It had been great fun, but this? This was less than fun. She was doing her best to try to reach the ground from where she was, one back foot held way over her and keeping her held aloft. Vines and some kind of weird contraption had her and what had started as just her foot was quickly becoming more than that as she tried her best to get out of this. She had made a very loud startled yowl when she had first been snatched and found herself upside down. That yowl had now devolved into hiccups and gasps as tears streaked down her face.

She'd been here for almost ten minutes this way. Not only was it embarrassing but she had no idea what kind of sick monster would rig this up. she was dangling from tree branches and was caught up in this trap like a throw rug. Her mood had been soured a lot. She wasn't going to give up, but she could feel wet around her right foot that wasn't just the water she had been in not even an hour ago and it hurt.

Walk, "Talk", Think

ooc: She is hanging by her back right foot in one of Bae-Syl's snare traps, its started to dig in slightly because she has struggled so much

These twists and turns of fate

Art by Asena



7 Years
Toy size

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipChristmas 2019Treat 2019
04-19-2023, 09:01 PM

Upon noticing an herb patch their deputy had planted, Gavroche had been looking for ideal places to make more of them. Taking the time to cultivate and grow herbs wouldn’t be a bad idea. It could help supply Ethne for the years to come, couldn’t it? The winged pixie wore a small smile. The pack had really come together at the meeting. Bellamy seemed happier, their warriors were working on patrolling… it was up to him to help how he could too, wasn’t it? He patrolled the area of the creek, hoping he might run into his daughter. Lucette knew this area better by being near Bae-Syl. The healer wasn’t worried about the rainbow-marked male. He knew of the demons he saw, and Bellamy’s concerns, but just as he acted as a rock for Bellamy, he was sure Lucette could keep Bae grounded enough that he wouldn’t hurt any of their members.

He had been wandering alone when he first heard the distant yowls. He kept forward, but the yowls died, and as Gavroche pressed on, ears lowered, he wasn’t sure what had made them stop. That was when he picked up the sounds of heavier breathing and the sounds of hiccups. Cautious, he kept padding along, until he saw a sight that was… peculiar. A tiger cub, more of a pale blond, was caught in some sort of trap rigged from one of the trees here. He furrowed his brow, coming up under her. She was above his head still… he whined softly. He wasn’t sure how he felt about tigers after the female that entered their territory… wait…

His eyes widened with realization.

Cub… thin female…

Gavroche’s wings fluffed out in panic. They had killed a mother tiger!? Well, not they, so much as Bellamy… and Bells had even had James helping her work on armor with the remains of the pelt for Haydee. Crap crap crap… He shifted onto his back paws, reaching up towards the cub, hoping she wouldn’t start hissing, spitting, or swipe at him… “We gotta get you down from there…” His wings fanned out, trying to help aid him with balance. Here went something…

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Gavroche has one companion - a pygmy marmoset. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that he is close by.

As his mate and alpha, Bellamy is allowed in any of Gavroche's threads regardless of how they are marked.


04-19-2023, 09:25 PM

These little wonders

She wasn't aware of the fact that her mother had once been here, nor that anyone might know her mom. She'd been dangling there and though she was crying and her eyes were teary and her vision blurry from them she didn't miss the tricolored wolf that came into her view below her. Her paws were stretched as far towards the ground as they would go but the moment he came into view she recoiled her forepaws to her chest until she was sure this wasn't the sicko.

A hiccup came as she watched him and tried her best to put on a tough face while he decided what he was going to do with her.

She herself was a little thin honestly, so she wasn't extremely heavy or anything. Then he seemed to make up his mind as he stood up on his hind legs with his, wait were those wings? He had bird wings. That was strange.

But he spoke and said he wanted her down. She wanted down so much. These weird vines were horrid. As he reached for her she stretched her paws out towards him and her eyes held so much hope as she looked at him. "Pleeeeaaaassseee." it was quiet and not as much a plea as it was a child just wanting something badly. And what she wanted was down from this tree. She tried to use her claws to add extra inches that maybe she could reach him with. Her eyes were still all teary though as she tried her hardest to get down. He was at the moment her only hope.

Walk, "Talk", Think

These twists and turns of fate

Art by Asena



7 Years
Toy size

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipChristmas 2019Treat 2019
04-20-2023, 12:21 AM

He couldn’t reach her. He was just short and with a whine Gavroche fell back to the earth. The poor thing, her pleading hurt his heart. He knew why Bells had done what she’d done to the cub’s mom but… this baby was innocent. She didn’t deserve pain… his gaze shifted to the snare that held her, noticing the scars that she bore. He frowned, gaze following the length of the vine. “I can’t reach it from here, but hang on. It’ll be a hard landing, but I’m going to get you down.” He was moving to where the end of the vine was. The snare had done its job, and the one who set it was going to be frustrated, but Gav didn’t care.

He found the base and, without hesitation, began to gnaw through the thick green vegetation. He was used to plants, so the bitter taste didn’t really phase him. The seconds ticked by, a bit painful to wait, but soon he could feel it start to give… and then…

Snap! He chewed through, and that cub would be making her way to the earth.

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Gavroche has one companion - a pygmy marmoset. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that he is close by.

As his mate and alpha, Bellamy is allowed in any of Gavroche's threads regardless of how they are marked.


04-22-2023, 09:57 PM

These little wonders

He couldn't reach her nor she him no matter how far she stretched and how hard he tried. She watched him frown and fall back on his paws and she was silent for the moment hoping he would try again. Then his eyes went from her to something else and she couldn't see what it was. He started to move away and for a moment she thought he was giving up and leaving her to her own devices on getting down. Her heart dropped for a moment and right before she let out a yowl to beg him not to leave her he spoke.

Relief flooded her momentarily distraught face. But that relief was almost a short lived feeling. She couldn't see him but it was quiet and she had no clue where he was. If he had even stayed.

As the time ticked by though she touched her huge paws once more. Then a sound.


The earth came hurtling towards her fast and she released a surprised yowl. Her immediate reaction was to extend her paws and twirl her almost nonexistent tail attempting to right herself, but with a thud and an oof she hit the ground. It hadn't been enough to hurt her but had been enough to make her bruise on her bum and her chest.

Thank God she was down though. She sat up and looked around for her savior, her blue eyes falling on him after a moment. He was small almost double her size but small for a wolf. "Thanks mister." she gave him a huge grin as she thanked him.

Walk, "Talk", Think

These twists and turns of fate

Art by Asena



7 Years
Toy size

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipChristmas 2019Treat 2019
04-23-2023, 04:33 PM

She came down, and Gavroche immediately moved back to check on the cub. A rough landing, but as he looked her over it seemed she didn’t have any additional injuries save for where the vine had dug into her paw. Even now it seemed tight around it. There was blood too, meaning she had been dangling for a bit of time before he had heard her. His ears lowered, and seeing her innocent grin, his heart panged in his chest. He gave her a small, sad smile. “I’m glad we could get you down, little one. Still… that’s a dangerous trap. I’m not sure which of the pack members set that… I’m sorry that even happened…” He moved closer, going slow, cautious, not sure if coming into her space would scare her or not.

“That vine is still digging into you. I’ll need to get that off and we’ll have to get some medicine on it so it doesn’t get infected.” Gav let his gaze flick back to her face. “I don’t like to cause hurts, I like to make them feel better and stop hurting. Are you okay with me doing that, little one?” His voice was soft, gentle. He didn’t want to cause her more pain. It was already going to be hard enough when they had to explain what happened to her mother for trespassing into the territory… but… could they even tell a child this size such news? Gavroche frowned a little, praying now that Lucette and Bae-Syl wouldn’t show up…

…Come to think of it… could Bae-Syl have been the one to lay the trap? He was the main one patrolling the creek, with Baeuregard and Tanelan denning at the edge of the creek’s territory, close to the Falls. Maybe it was Tan’s? He hadn’t had a chance to interact with the purple wolf or the others inside him either… Would they be a danger if they came by and saw the cub? Gavroche lowered his ears a bit more, hoping that wouldn’t be the case.

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Gavroche has one companion - a pygmy marmoset. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that he is close by.

As his mate and alpha, Bellamy is allowed in any of Gavroche's threads regardless of how they are marked.


04-30-2023, 01:58 PM

These little wonders

Her grin never faded even as he came closer, obviously he wasn't going to hurt her, or he would of just left her up in the trap. She righted herself from her tumble to the ground though as he started to approach more and speak. He had really pretty green eyes, and his wings were also really cool. They kind of reminded her of a sparrows.

He mentioned the vine and she, with all the grace of a feline(meaning likely not any), wrapped her fore paw around her hock and pulled it up in front of her chest. He was definitely right that was for sure. It had given her a big boo boo. Now that he mentioned it(and the adrenaline was wearing off) it did kind of hurt a lot. But how were they going to get it off? She looked back to him while still holding her leg, a question blurting out in childlike form before he even knew what hit him.

"Okay, can you fix my boo boo? Maybe you can help me find my mum too?" Her eyes closed as her smile spread across her face and she gave him the biggest grin she could. It was a face that she knew had worked on her mum before. All baby teeth were exposed to him as she pulled her lips back in her grin.

Maybe he would help her find her mum, then he could play with her too.

Walk, "Talk", Think

These twists and turns of fate

Art by Asena



Expert Fighter (146)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

05-04-2023, 08:49 PM

When I fall apart, Promise in the dark

He was out doing his duties while Luce was hopefully home in her garden. Though he wouldn't put it past her to not be there and to be running about. He was making a loop today and checking some of the snares he had set along the creek. Most were empty but he had found one had a young Dikdik in it. It was perfect for what he needed so he had made quick work of getting it down and slinging its corpse across his back.

He was on his way back when the squawk of his newest companion drew his attention above him. His eyes narrowed and he picked up his pace until he broke through the tree cover. Ruby, his harlequin macaw he had only met and taken in a few days prior landed on the tree above the scene he saw. A small pale tiger cub and Gav. His ears flattened. Cubs brought parents, and parents could kill the small winged man.

He moved closer letting the dikdik slide from his back, a sudden thud hopefully alerting the both of them. Her words are what stopped him next to the carcass. Find her mum? Of course a lost cub just happened to be here. And a glance told him that his trap had caught the little trespasser. He shook his head.

"Should probably get her patched up and send her on her way, outside of Ethne. That or call Bells, cubs bring angry mothers, and I'd rather not risk anyone. his eyes settled from her then onto Gav, unaware of the smaller man's thoughts. He was visible on guard and his hackles lifted.

Not to mention he would rather not risk Lucette inadvertently receiving the ire of some angry mother tiger that she had no idea why for.

Walk, "talk", Think

You'll be my nightlight

Art by Asena

As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
05-06-2023, 04:20 PM

Gavroche had left, telling her that he would be back after a quick peek around Cattail Creek, but Bellamy had decided to surprise her winged mate by trailing along after him. Wouldn’t he be surprised if she showed up and helped him with locating different spots for herb patches? The woman hummed to herself, in a good mood. Things were moving in the right direction for the pack. Bellamy was looking forward to spending some time with the little calico as well. She didn’t get to tease him and snuggle as often as she liked. Especially being an alpha, and a mother, the time for just the two of them could be few and far between.

But… Bellamy wasn’t expecting to catch other scents on the breeze as she caught up to Gav. The fur on the back of her neck stood on end and the woman frowned, flicking her ears back. A… tiger? She quickened her pace. The fact that it was a cub had not yet clicked in her mind. She felt worry, a feeling of sickness wash over her. But when she arrived on scene it was not to an adult, nor the bloodied form of her mate. She saw Gav, Bae-Syl, and… her eyes widened. That was a cub? A little cub… Bellamy frowned, slowly approaching, her eyes wide as she caught what Bae-Syl had to say.

Wait… was the cub…? Bellamy froze. “Oh fuck…” The woman cursed under her breath. It made sense now. The tiger, its poor shape… why she had dared come into Ethne at all… and now… now… Bellamy swallowed hard, stepped forward to make her presence known. The woman cleared her throat, trying her hardest not to look at the cub yet. “Having her leave… would be cruel...” Her voice was quiet as she looked at Bae-Syl, then to Gav, her ears lowered with guilt. “There… would be no risk…” Bellamy glanced at the little one with a whine.

“Little one… I’m sorry… but your mother won’t… be able to return to you...” Bellamy swallowed hard. She hadn’t realized the tiger had been a mother. She had been so blind to the fact her own daughter was in danger… Divinities forgive her…

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.



7 Years
Toy size

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipChristmas 2019Treat 2019
05-06-2023, 04:42 PM

Sweet child. Gavroche’s expression softened at her question, heart melting in his chest… which turned to a pang of hurt. She wanted to find her mom… Well, that would be… impossible. She was among the stars now, among the Divinities that governed their world. Gavroche gave a small nod, trying to address the questions the cub had as gently as possible. “I will do what I can.” It wasn’t a lie, but it also didn’t alert her of what had happened yet. He didn’t want to risk upsetting her further, and having her run off with an untreated wound. With as young as she was, being in such a state could be… problematic for certain. Gavroche drew in a breath… only to find Bae-Syl arriving. He frowned a little, ears falling at what the rainbow marked man had to say.

He wasn’t sure what to say. He knew Bae-Syl’s concern came from the right place. He was sure Lucy had told him about what happened with Hay… but… He glanced at the cub. This one’s mother wouldn’t be coming back. Couldn’t come back. It was impossible… and without her… she… Gavroche drew in a breath, preparing to speak, when he heard Bellamy behind him. His head turned, and his ears fell flat, worried for his mate as he saw her pained expression. It clicked for her as well. The realization that the cub’s mother had come into Ethne in desperation, seeking food, and when she tried to nab Hay… He saw her shift, the guilt and the weight on her shoulders. Gavroche drew in a breath. It was… hard to explain to a kid their mother was dead… and Bellamy hadn’t exactly been clear on what had happened… how could she be, when the guilt of it all was heavily on her? The knowledge she had taken a mother away from her daughter?

“Your mother has joined the stars…” Gavroche added. “She no longer can run down here with us… and until you no longer wake up, you won’t be able to go to her.” Death was… a rough subject. Gavroche lowered his head a little, wanting to be more on level with the tiny feline, though it wasn’t like he was very big anyway. “We won’t chase you off. You…” He offered a small, sad smile. “You can stay with us, as long as you want or need. We’ll keep you safe. There’s lots of other kids here, even a bear cub. So you’d have others you can play with.”

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Gavroche has one companion - a pygmy marmoset. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that he is close by.

As his mate and alpha, Bellamy is allowed in any of Gavroche's threads regardless of how they are marked.

Thread Move Log
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1. Tiger by the toe Cattail Creek 10:12 PM, 04-14-2023 06:14 AM, 09-25-2023