
Nothing Left To Say

News of Recluse's death



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An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
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Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
05-14-2023, 06:30 PM
Enki had been settling in to Insomnia as well as could be expected and the pale pink boy often finds himself missing his mother and littermates. Time ticks on with no word from his mother; the loyal boy had sent word to her that he was safe before trading his freedom for those of his littermates. It had been so long since he heard from her, since he has seen hide or hair of any other member of his family. Since coming to live in the Tar Pits, he has actually seen more of his family than he has since they went into hiding.

Large paws pull him around the inky black pools of tar, thoughts once again turning to his mother. Life has been difficult for Enki but, right now, he feels as if things are finally beginning to settle down. While it is not his ideal life, the boy at least has a den, family around him, and knows what to expect when he awakens each morning. The ‘Bogeyman’ that had been built up in his young mind has been unmasked, a face put to the title and he finds that he is no longer afraid. Hopefully, two years will pass with more ease than the first year of his life has.

Yet fate is not satisfied with his suffering as a large shadow blocks out the sunlight for a moment. Pale blue eyes turn skyward and, to his surprise, finds the form of his mother’s winged companion. Galho circles once before finding a rock nearby that is to his liking and wings over to it where it is before coming to rest on it. Enki follows after it, excited to see the familiar form and, hopefully, receive a message from his mother. Skidding to a stop in front of the rock, the boy smiles warmly up at the bird as it begins to speak. The smile falter and fades as the news is passed along of the death of Recluse.

For a long time, Enki just stands there, staring up in unblinking disbelief at the bearer of horrible news. His mind whirls as he tries to comprehend this new twist that life has thrown at him and he wonders if he is cursed. Since his birth, everything has gone horribly wrong and part of him is starting to believe that it is all his fault. Knees buckle and the boy collapses to the ground, shock stealing away the tears that should have fallen. Cursed. That is what he is, his title within the pack having been picked out just for him. Mind reels as it tries, and fails, to come to terms with his mother’s death.

Anger, hate, loneliness, and grief swirl within his breast as Enki lays on the earth, breathes coming in shallow, rapid secession. The word curse continues to bounce around in his head as air seems to no longer be able to reach his lungs. Darkness creeps into the edges of his vision as Galho’s voice tries to reach the drowning boy who is still on dry land. He knows there are two things that he can do, surrender to the grief that threatens to wash him away or change. Fate hates him, stealing every good thing that comes into his life and he realizes that the only luck that he has is bad. Now, the only thing he has is himself.

The shift that happens is more like a break as the kind, sweet Enki that had been, shatters and leaves a dark, broken wolf in its place. Numbness creeps through him and the boy finds that he prefers it to the emotions that had run rampant moments before. His breathing evens out and he gathers his legs underneath him, easily standing once more. Empty eyes turn up to Galho as the bird questions him but he merely blinks at it. He does not care about anything anymore. It is just him in the dark world now. Without a word, he turns his back on his dead mother’s companion and leaves the world he knew behind.

"Enki Klein"

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1. Nothing Left To Say Tar Pits 06:30 PM, 05-14-2023 05:01 AM, 11-01-2023