
Date Night

Ike <3



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Navigator (190)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
07-21-2023, 02:19 PM
The days between them and their wedding were quickly dwindling and all of the sudden it felt like it went from being a distant plan to being just around the corner. The planning and preparations had ramped up considerably and while he was certainly trying his best to help where he could he understood he was also very much out of his element. He had to leave the finer details like decorations, accessories, and who to invite to the ones that were far more talented at that kind of thing and instead he just focused on what he was actually good at–spending time with Ike and making sure she didn't get too stressed out about the whole ordeal. He knew that they both would have probably been just as content with having a tiny little thing for just the two of them and her family, but it seemed to be really important to her mother and for the pack as a whole to have a bigger celebration since she was the Crown Princess and all. He could understand the importance of the event for them so he went along for the ride and whenever he got the chance to sneak Ike away for a moment to unwind he did.

it was fairly late in the evening once they were both done with their usual pack duties and their wedding planning talks for the day, late enough that she probably should have been on her way back to the Klein family palace, but instead he lead her further out into the ravine. It never took much to tempt her away, but he always made sure that he made it worth it. He brought her to a secluded thicket among the dense foliage of the ravine that was far enough away from the main paths that the pack used that no one would see them here. After he pulled back the vines and branches that blocked off the small clearing, he revealed the little get away he had prepared for them earlier in the day. It wasn't extravagant, just a few comfortable furs spread out to form a bed and an easy dinner that he had kept in a lidded box to keep other little predators out of it during the day–along with a few small candles and a bottle of wine to round out the semi-romantic atmosphere. "I know we're too busy right now to take a real vacation, but no one said we can't take a little staycation," he told her with a grin.

He gestured for her to go in first and he followed behind her, letting the vines cover their path as he let them drop behind him. While Ike got comfortable he got to work lighting the candles to give them a little more light in the shadowed space and pulled out their simple dinner, laying it out for her on the lid of the box like a plate, reminding him a bit of the beach picnic they had done back when they were first truly getting to know one another. It was hard to believe just how much time had passed since then and how much time they would have ahead of them as they spent their lives together. With everything set up he came to settle in beside her on the soft furs, his side pressing into hers as his tail curled around her hips and he leaned in to press an affectionate kiss to her cheek. He knew that their lives would only ever get more busy as they went into the future and she took her place as the Empress one of these days, but he was very much looking forward to stealing these little moments with her till the end of his days.

"Remus & Ike"



Expert Fighter (230)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf
12-05-2023, 04:08 PM
Shuriken didn’t know why she kept putting their wedding off, it certainly wasn’t because she was uncertain of her decision. More than anything she wanted to share her life with Remus. He was her knight in shining armor, he was her other half, he completed her in ways she never could have realized on her own. That was far from her problem, she knew that she was getting too caught up in the pomp and circumstance. She was the crown princess, she was second in command to her Empress mother, but deep down she didn’t feel as though she deserved such a title. She still felt like the young underprepared puppy she had been years ago. However much she had actually grown.

Thankfully Remus was incredibly understanding, much more than he should have been. The day had been blessedly normal, going about their duties as usual, at least until it was time to start winding down at home. Instead of heading to their caverns Remus led her further into the ravine. She couldn’t help the confused look on her features as they went, but she trusted whatever he had in mind. She thought they were headed into a wall of foliage until he pulled away the shrubbery to reveal a simple little oasis. Surprise overtook her as she lifted a couple of pale brows. When did he have time to prepare this?!

His explanation was perfect and her features softened as she drew closer to him and pressed her forehead to his. Remus always knew exactly what she needed. There weren’t many words needed between them, and she offered him a grin as he gestured for her to make herself comfortable as he finished setting the scene. The furs were soft and warm as he lit the candles and offered her a portion of dinner. So reminiscent of their time on the beach what felt like ages ago.

"You’re much too sweet,” she told him as she gazed up at him lovingly. For all her faults he still loved and supported her. How could she not adore him so?

"Kiyohime Shuriken Oritsu Klein"



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Navigator (190)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
12-21-2023, 12:08 AM
As soon as Ike leaned her forehead into his with that smile that could melt him on even his hardest days he knew he had done well. He had never felt like he had disappointed Ike in any way, but he never wanted to stop trying to impress her or bring her even little moments of happiness. He knew how much pressure she was under in all of the other parts of her life so the least he could do was make this part of it everything she could want and more. He glanced over at her as he finished setting up everything, grinning as she insisted that he was much too sweet. "Nah, never too sweet. Just sweet enough for you," he replied, leaning down to nuzzle her cheek affectionately. He laid down beside her, tipping his head to give her ear a tender, slightly teasing kiss before beginning to serve their dinner and dig in himself.

He curled his tail around hers as they ate, his side lightly pressed into hers. It felt like half of their conversations these days ended up being about their upcoming wedding, but he supposed that was inevitable with how big and important of an event it was for them–and with how grand it seemed like it was becoming. He didn't want tonight to be all about their wedding and wanted to give it a break for a moment, but there was one small thing he had been meaning to mention to her. "I think I'm going to send Nero out to try and find my brother before the wedding," he told her between bites of their dinner and sips of wine. "I have no idea where he's gone off to and I haven't seen him in years at this point, but... It'd be really nice to have him there. I love your family and I'm so grateful that they've welcomed me in, but he's all I have left of mine so hopefully those sharp falcon eyes of his will be able to spot him." He chuckled as he tried to use a bit of humor to avoid the emotion tied to the fact that his family was all but gone, taking a longer sip of wine in the process. "It does mean that I'll be down a companion for a while, but it'll be worth it if he finds him."

"Remus & Ike"

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1. Date Night Cryer's Ravine 02:19 PM, 07-21-2023 11:00 AM, 04-10-2024