
overprepared > underprepared

healing seasonal for the pubbies <3



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Pride - PansexualTeacherSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterWordy
07-24-2023, 03:54 PM

Something strange was brewing. Halo could feel it. Strange shifts in the environment, strange things happening around them. It was enough to make her nervous, put her on edge. While she was doing all she could to enjoy every passing day with her pups, she had a lot more to worry about now. So much to worry about, so much to concern herself with. It wasn’t just the whole Armada that she had to take care of now, no. It was something far greater, something far more precious. The most precious things in her life, and Halo was going to do everything she could to protect them.

One of the biggest parts of protecting them was being prepared. Being prepared for all the things that could happen. Being prepared for all of the little things first, all the scraped knees, all the bumps, all the bruises. Those were the easiest things to be prepared for, and the supplies that she went through most frequently. Heck, since they’d been out and about, Halo had patched up so many scrapes and cuts and bumps. There were the bigger things to be prepared for too, like when Hanako had been attacked. That kit had been well replenished afterwords… though Halo worried. There had been a shift, something off with the predators, something off with the prey… maybe another kit of that ilk would be good to have on hand as well.

Considering the supplies that she’d gathered, considering the things that still needed to be put away after the last harvest, considering all of the different things that needed to be prepared properly and preserved… Halo had a lot of work to do. She heaved a sigh as she took a look at the mountain of things that seemed to just keep getting bigger. It struck her that she had many hands around that seemed to be interested in healing, and it would be a good enough lesson for them as well. Carefully, she laid out all of the supplies that were safe for the pups to handle, and a woolen bag for each kit.

All of the herbs laid out at the large, rough hewn table that had claimed a decent portion of the floor space in the den, put off an inviting scent on their own. Halo smiled softly to herself, adding her store of rawhide strips to the table too. Beside them there were some soft, clean mosses that Mr. Raccoon had kindly gathered. Adjusting the way the door to their den was propped open, Halo stuck her head outside, calling to any of the children who would like to help. “Would anyone like to help me with some important healer business?” It was a soft question, though she’d learned to let her voice carry through the surrounding area fairly well. She’d give them a few minutes, let them come in and get settled before they set about their task.

WC: 490


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Young Fatalis

Intermediate Fighter (45)

Advanced Healer (95)

1 Year
07-25-2023, 06:11 PM

Being so new to the world, Zion does not realize that the tremors and other things going on in the lands are not normal. While the adults seem uneasy, the pale puppy gleefully enjoys each and every day outside to its fullest. Herbs have captured the young pup’s attention since she had accidently injured her brother; a fact which she still feels horrible about. But mommy had made it right with her herbs and love so the girl has latched onto that and decided to take after her mom in the arts of healing. She is slowly learning to identify which plants are helpfully and likes to spend some time, each day, digging up plants and presenting them to mom… for identification.

Speaking of mom… the woman’s voice pulls the girl’s head up from where she had been digging in the dirt around yet another plant and some of the earth decides to hitch a ride on her black nose. At the talk of ‘important healer business’, Zion’s eyes round surprise and the girl immediately shots off to where her mother is… even though she hadn’t been too far away. With speed born of excitement, the girl races up to mother and skids to a stop in front of the pale woman with the girl excitedly saying, “Me! I want to help! Pick me!” Paws dance on the ground, front legs covered with the same dirt that coats her nose, as the girl’s lavender eyes sparkle at her mother with eagerness and joy. If it is important healer business that needs to be done, then Zion is the girl for the job!

WC: 272
Total WC: 762 / 1500

"Zion Fatalis"


Heir Apparent

Master Fighter (300)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
07-26-2023, 12:37 AM

“Me, me!” Wylan said, almost before he even knew who was speaking. He just knew he wanted to be a part of everything. He rolled up, abandoning the toy he had been chewing on, which lay forgotten now on the forest floor. Zion was already up, beating him to the punch, her voice calling out before his own. He shot her a grin as he trotted towards the den door.

He made his way inside, brushing against his mother as he did. Fluffing his wings at her. She was too tall for him to put a wing over, but that was okay. He looked to see what important healer stuff would be going on, and his eyes found the herbs on the table, laid out as if they were going to be used. By them, by him? He made his way over to the table, nose flaring wildly as he took everything in. Healer stuff fascinated him. He wanted to be just like his mumma! She could make any scrap better, and seemed to know something about everything.

Total WC: 946


[Image: lQqyuza.png]
As his 'companion' Krakarak may enter any of Wylan's threads without warning


07-26-2023, 09:17 AM

Nose stuck in the dirt, snuffling around, still searching for those dastardly rabbits. Or the mice. Or the squirrels. There were plenty of small critters lingering around their gardens and den. Waiting, watching, patient for the next opportune moment to steal some food. Of course, a carrot or two missing wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact that Ursa could tell her mother was... nervous about something. All of the adults seemed on edge. Every day, as she herself watched them go back and forth, something was different. The pup could not exactly place what it was or perhaps she didn't have the words for it yet, but she blamed the critters trying to steal the food.

Halfway between chasing after her next victim, Ursa freezes. The soft lilt of her mother's words carrying on the gentle autumn breeze makes her ears turn and then her chubby puppy form. Excitement shoots through her as her tail lifts and begins to wave happily. Words don't leave her lips until she makes it to the doorway. A wide smile on her lips as she rushes over to the table where her mother, Wylan, and Zion already are. "I'd like to join!" Her own tiny voice tries to speak up, but it doesn't do much. Taking a seat, she looks over the supplies with her deep lavender eyes and waits patiently.

word count: 231
total word count: 1177/1500



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Pride - PansexualTeacherSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterWordy
07-30-2023, 09:42 PM

Zion was the first to greet her, skidding in darn near sideways. Halo couldn’t help but smile, offering her daughter a kiss on the head. It was nice to see the girl be so incredibly enthusiastic and lively. Really, enough to warm Halo’s entire heart. “Of course, my love. Come up, take a seat at the table okay?” She’d rolled in a few logs from around the outdoor fireplace for the pups to sit on, making sure they could see what they were doing at the table. Hardly a moment later, Wylan joined her as well. Halo smiles softly, ushering the boy to the table as well. Ursa is the last to join them, and she’s quick to help the girl get settled as well.

“Thank you all for volunteering to help me, I really appreciate it.” She begins, offering them each a moment of eye contact and a genuine smile. It really did warm Halo’s heart to see them all so interested in healing. All so interested in helping. She’s so pleased, genuinely. To know that the pups would be the future healers of the world… Halo couldn’t imagine anything better. Positively beaming, she begins to explain all of the things laid out before them.

“Alright my dears, we’re going to restock the first aid kits that are set up around the Armada. We have so many strong warriors and hunters, and that means that a lot of our work is a bit dangerous. Scrapes and cuts may not look like a dangerous wound, but any wound can get infected, and that can turn a little cut into a big deal.” Halo explained gently, her tone serious but as light as it could be, given the topic. They were just pups, she couldn’t scare them. “So these kits have all the things in them to make sure that nothing gets infected. There are also supplies to help if anyone gets hurt badly, and needs to be stabilized until a healer gets to them.” Her soft purple gaze went around to each pup, checking for understanding.

“Each of you has a little bag at your station. Inside each bag we’re going to put one jar of water, one pot of salve, and one of each size of rawhide wrap. Can you all do that for me?” Everything had been divvied out into little piles, with one object taken from each. Halo was hopeful that the assembly line style would be helpful. “The water is to wash a wound, the salve is to help with pain and to act as a barrier, and the rawhide wraps are to apply pressure and protect the wound.” A gentle explanation, beginning work on assembling her own first aid kit, acting as a model for the pups. “Does anyone have any questions for me?” Halo asked softly, watching as they set about their task.


WC: 479
Total: 1656/1500
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[Image: nvtQgrf.gif]

Thread Move Log
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1. overprepared > underprepared Mile-High Woods 03:54 PM, 07-24-2023 07:20 PM, 10-13-2023