
If mama doesn't see us, we can't get in trouble


Gavroche II


Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Healer (85)

1 Year
Toy size
08-02-2023, 11:01 PM

It was early, it had to be. As a tiny little bundle of fur opened his green eyes and glanced around at the sleeping forms of his family he saw his mother still sleeping peacefully, curled against his father. If his dad wasn’t out getting food for them, or patrolling the area closest to their den, then it had to be super early! Normally the child would behave, but the chance to sneak out of the den on his own and wade into the pool of the falls was too tempting. His mother had told all of them they weren’t allowed in yet, that she would let them play there when it got really, really hot out, but… Gavroche glanced at his parents once more. He wouldn’t go in too deep. He’d just dip his paws! Carefully getting to his paws so he wouldn’t accidentally bump his siblings with his wings he’d look over them next. So far so good, no one was stirring…

He was pretty much home free! With an excited wiggle the calico boy would carefully pick his way across his siblings. He liked sleeping closest to their mama - she was warm and he got chilly easily - but it was making it hard to avoid all their sprawled limbs on his way out! He was almost scot free when he felt his toes clip someone’s tail. Green eyes would widen and Gavroche would hop forward, spinning to see who might ruin his chance of an early morning adventure. Jericho. Ears would lower to his head as he saw the mostly dark figure start to stir and a plan sprung to mind. “Shh!” Yes, he could play it off like he had meant to wake his sibling and bring them along all along! He loved his family, so it couldn’t hurt.

“Keep quiet and follow me~” Without waiting for a response the boy would dart to the entrance of their den and break into a run. He wanted to get outside!

"Speech" 'Thought.'



Advanced Fighter (110)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
08-06-2023, 04:36 PM

Jericho is firmly in dreamland, racing the wind on legs that move faster than any in the real world, when a sharp pain cuts in. Groggily, he blinks away the wonderful dream, grumpily trying to find who or what has invaded his precious slumber time. A hushed shushing rouses him further and his stark white eyes land on the winged form of his sibling. Words reach his ears before he realizes that Gav is darting away and the boy takes a moment to process what his excited brother had said.

Curious, he takes him a moment to register the words before he is extracting his form from the pile of pups. The boy slowly stands and pads over to the den’s entrance but Gavroche is already off and racing away into the outside world. As he reaches the entrance, Jericho watches his brother’s retreating form and he casts a quick glace back at the other pups and their sleeping parents. With a shrug to himself, the boy quietly steps outside and stretches out the kinks that sleep has left with him.

With that done, he is races off into the dawning day, following the winged form of Gav as the boys' run for the sake of having fun.

"Jericho Agatsuma-Kedieo"

Gavroche II


Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Healer (85)

1 Year
Toy size
08-06-2023, 05:24 PM


The first rays of light are beginning to kiss the land he and his family call home as the tiny winged child makes his way out and around the waterfall. The world was slowly coming awake, the insects starting their routines and becoming the unsuspecting fair of birds that started their chattering the moment dawn broke. Bright green eyes went wide with wonder as the boy slowed his pawstep and drew in a breath of fresh air. The world was so beautiful, so vivid, and the child could only see the beauty in it as he forgot all about splashing in the shallows of the pool and stepped into the open area. His open maw spread into a smile as he turned to see if Jericho had followed him out of the caves that his family called home.

Jericho was there, and eagerly the boy would pad up to his brother, tail wagging back and forth. “The world is so pretty as it wakes up,” The child’s ears perked forward as he turned his head back towards the lands he called home. Before, they had only been allowed out of the cave with their mother, father, or their companions watching over them. But now, there were no restrictions. The pool was tempting, but Gavroche’s eyes went farther, curious about the rest of the lands that their pack called home. “We should climb the falls.” Gav said suddenly, his tiny form moving as the words left his lips.

The slopes could be steep for a child, but fearlessly the winged boy would start trying to climb up on one of the wet rocks. He slipped a little, but clung on with determination as he clawed his way up and looked back to his brother. “I bet we could see the whole world from the top! You’ll come with me, won’t you?”

"Speech" 'Thought.'

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1. If mama doesn't see us, we can't get in trouble Lazuli Falls 11:01 PM, 08-02-2023 07:58 AM, 01-30-2024