
soooo, that was…wow



3 Years

Pride - Pansexual
08-08-2023, 06:40 AM
dripping and panting by the shoreline, Medulla eyes the ocean with a wary frown, her heart beating a shrill staccato against her chest. it’d been so sudden: the wall of water, being swept away, Jack pushing them out of the way -

Jack! and that other woman!

panicked, Dulla whirls to scan the long stretch of beach, combing every inch of a flash of calico or brown. she finds herself wishing with every breath that the pair were ok, that they’d also made it back to shore in relatively decent condition. shivering, Dulla gives a frantic shake and dispels a cascade of water from her pelt. her mind was a fragmented mess, part of it still frozen in fear at the prospect of a watery grave.

it’d been so close…too close.



Calico Jack

Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (465)

Master Navigator (285)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Dodge!1KPride - PansexualOoh La LaSamhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
08-13-2023, 11:13 AM
It had been strange, terrifying, and unexcepted when the water had suddenly created a huge wave that crashed over the beach. Calico Jack had not been worried about his own safety in that moment because he had not been alone on the shore. Dulla, the kind woman had met before, had also been trapped with him and the pair had franticly attempted to outrun the rogue wave. But the ocean is a powerful force and, even with his attempt to knock the woman out of harm’s way, the water had claimed them both. As Jack floated below the surface, a stranger had dove into the water, in a misguided attempt to rescue him.

In the end, Jack had actually ended up helping the girl. Being a strong swimmer, he knew how and when to fight the water so, together, the pair floated calmly along, allowing the current to take them where it wanted. It was no use fighting when the current was so strong so the pair conserved their energy for now. By the time the pull of the water began to calm the shoreline is barely visible. Now, they have a chance. Carefully, slowly, he instructs Bramble on how to swim with the current so that she does not use up too much energy on the trek back to the beach and, when he is satisfied that she understands, he finally releases his hold on her tawny form. Gently, he coaches her along offering encouragement where needed as the pair make their way back toward land.

Calico Jack realizes that, in the hectic aftermath of the wave, the boy has lost sight of the Dulla and he turns his icy gazes to the water around them. Worry slowly starts to gnaw a hole in his stomach as he finds no sign of her. Questions and speculation begin to push into his mind but Jack is forced to put them aside as he continues to cheer Bramble on. After some time, the pair touch dry land and, while he is cold, the calico boy is far from exhausted. He helps Bramble up the beach to a spot where the ocean cannot touch her and instructs her to sit. Water clings heavily to their forms, making their fur heavy as fat drops plunk onto the sand under them.

Again, he turns his gaze out in search of Dulla, the boy hopefully scanning the horizon is all directions for any sign of the woman but finds nothing. Anxiously, the boy tips his head back and howls a call for her, weaving into the sound the fact that he and Bramble are safe and searching for her. Once that is done, he lowers his head and looks to the soaked girl with him. Lips wiggle into a relaxed grin as he bows his head slightly, showing her the fact that he is defaulting to her and not attempting to do anything uncouth since the pirates have a certain… reputation.

Attempting to show his submission, his tail betrays him and wags slowly behind him as he happily says, “You did great Bramble! Why don’t you stay here and rest while I go find and some kindling to start us a fire?” It isn’t really a suggestion since he knows they both the warmth to drive off the chill the water has left behind. Plus, while he searches for that, he can also try to find Dulla so she can benefit from the fire as well. The worry for the woman’s safety returns as he continues to gently smile at Bramble while he hopes the girl will allow him to leave her for a little bit.

"Calico Jack"


The Hallows

Master Fighter (400)

Master Intellectual (420)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Dire wolf

1KFestival OrganizerDouble MasterCritical Dodge!Ooh La LaStudent
Samhain 2022
08-21-2023, 11:56 AM

If anything, Bramble can at least try to listen. As much as she wanted to save the day and rescue the boy, she eventually admitted defeat and allowed Jack to guide her. His instructions are clear and though he is not her father, she follows along easily. Swimming carefully, attempting to conserve as much energy as possible, she makes her way toward the shore. Secretly, she is glad that he is a strong swimmer and able to help her. Truthfully, she is not as strong of a swimmer as she believed herself to be. Plus, the surge of water that had taken over the beach had been... too much. Overwhelming, terrifying, unexpected.

She was alive though and that much she was thankful for. As her paws finally touched the sand beneath them, she followed Jack onto the beach where the water finally had receded. Turning to him, her head tilts lightly as he bows to her. Submission? Was it because he was a Pirate? She hadn't much interaction with the Pirates but had heard the stories about them. Yet, Bramble was a Carpathian and gave everyone she met an equal and fair chance to show their true colors.

Her own tail would wag softly behind her as he spoke. "You're a fantastic teacher, Jack!" She responds as her own lips betray her and widen into a smile. Her father had never explicitly stated she couldn't like a Pirate... Feeling a flush of warmth across her cheeks, she shuffles her paws in the sand. "You sure you can do it alone? I don't mind helping find some kindling," Bramble offers as she glances around the beach herself. In the back of her mind, she knows they need to look for the other girl. "I promise I can handle myself better on land than in the water!" She insists as she lets her tail continue to wag.

Bramble Carpathius

bramble's companions are to be assumed near her unless stated otherwise.



3 Years

Pride - Pansexual
08-25-2023, 09:55 PM
that sound! Dulla’s ears prick right up, eyes widening as they gaze wildly about the beach. Jack’s voice sails by overhead, drawing them from the shoreline and across the sand. it takes a little bit of walking for her to spot them - caused likely by her own anxiety and disorientation - but finally she catches sight of a familiar calico pelt alongside that brown furred girl, the two of them bent together and seemingly conferring. her relief is a near-tangible thing, almost knocking her over with its force. throwing her head back, she gives a soft little howl to indicate her presence, then bounds across the beach towards them, sending up a spray of water with every step. “Jack!” she calls out, letting the relief spill into her voice. she’s so eager she almost goes careening into his side, and has to come to an abrupt halt to avoid throwing a handful of sand over the other two. “there you both are! i was worried!” Dulla tosses the girl a bright smile to indicate her inclusion in this statement.

then she turns back to Jack and attempts to nudge her shoulder with his. “what were you thinking, trying to help me so recklessly? you could’ve been hurt!” but there’s a note of teasing in her voice, belying the reprimand. smiling at the girl, Dulla inclines her head. “i don’t think we were introduced,” she jokes, thinking of their earlier panic. well, it could be funny now. “i’m Medulla. may i know the name of my co-saviour?” carnelian eyes flit from one face to the other, and she gives a disbelieving shake of her head. “you two are the bravest pair of fools i’ve ever met.” it’s all said lightly, however, with obvious gratitude.



Calico Jack

Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (465)

Master Navigator (285)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Dodge!1KPride - PansexualOoh La LaSamhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
09-06-2023, 04:53 PM
Thankfully, Dulla offers a soft howl in return to his and relief floods the boy’s system at the fact that she is alive. First, he needs to make sure that the girl he helped to shore, is safe before he leaves.

With his head dropped and shoulders rolled inward, the boy offers Bramble his submission and words of praise for her swimming. Thankfully, the girl accepts his display and her words have Calico Jack dipping his head further down but out of sheepishness rather than submission. Him? A great teacher? The smile that she gives him seems to be genuine and the boy lifts his head with a bright smile of his own offered to her. Jack really doesn’t mean anyone harm unless they seek to hurt him or his family. True, the Raiders raid but it is all just meant for good fun.

Bramble’s next words have him cocking his head sideways as he regards the girl, worry coloring his features and tugging his lips down as he considers. The swim had been tiring and Jack wants the girl to rest and regain her strength. Yes, there is still work that needs to be done to get them warm and Dulla that he simply must find but he doesn’t want her to expend her energy reserves needlessly. Suddenly, a voice calling his name pulls his gaze over to where Dulla is bounding toward him and Calico beams a bright smile at her. If she had careened into his side, the boy would not have cared since he has been so worried about her.

Tail picks up speed as she skids to a halt near them and he happily says, “Dulla! Oh Dulla, I was so worried about you! Are you okay?” The woman returns his worry and he nods that they both okay, before she is nudging his shoulder. Icy blue eyes blink down at her as she admonishes him for being so reckless and his ears flatten against his skull as the grin turns shy and he admits, “I know I can swim and was worried about you. If I had to do it all over again, I would have tried to knock you further up the beach.”

It is true, he is careless but only when it comes to the safety of others! Eyes look over to Bramble as Dulla asks her name and Jack makes the introduction, “Oh sorry! Bramble this is Dulla. Dulla this is Bramble.” At the mention of being brave fools, the boy gives a hearty laugh and says, “Hey! To be fair, it is better to live as brave fools rather than die as selfish sages.” He shoots her a wink before saying, “I was just trying to get Bramble here to rest while I go and gathering some kindling for the fire. Please tell her that I am right. Actually, you both need to rest! Just… stay here you two.”

Brows crinkle as he tries to sound ‘demanding’ but Calico Jack knows that he sounds far from it. He really just wants to keep them both to be safe... dang it.

"Calico Jack"


The Hallows

Master Fighter (400)

Master Intellectual (420)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Dire wolf

1KFestival OrganizerDouble MasterCritical Dodge!Ooh La LaStudent
Samhain 2022
09-07-2023, 07:54 AM

As they talk, with Bramble all smiles and tail wags, she hears the soft howl coming from down the beach. Her teal eyes turn to watch as the other girl runs up to them and nearly runs into Jack. A laugh leaves her as she gives her head a soft shake. It was quite obvious these two were friends prior to the whole flooding incident. In the flurry of excitement and talking between the two, Bramble doesn't want to interrupt. Even when Dulla turns to introduce herself, she allows Jack to do the honors. Her own head bows toward Dulla as her tail sweeps happily behind her.

"I'm glad we're all safe! And it's nice to meet you, Dulla, now that we're not drowning," Bramble gives Dulla a playful wink before turning to address Jack. She tries to also appear stern, but there is laughter and humor drawn across her expression. "Listen here, sir! We ladies are not helpless! You are the one who did all the work so wouldn't that mean you should be more tired than us?" Her lips draw together, trying to look like when her own mother is chastising them, but alas, she can't keep a straight face and ends up laughing anyway. "Why don't we all go look for some firewood together?" Bramble suggests instead as she looks between Dulla and Jack.

Bramble Carpathius

bramble's companions are to be assumed near her unless stated otherwise.



3 Years

Pride - Pansexual
09-20-2023, 09:51 AM (This post was last modified: 09-20-2023, 09:51 AM by Medulla. Edited 1 time in total.)
Dulla inclines her head, smiling good-naturedly. “pleased to make your acquaintance, Bramble. if only we could’ve meet under less…drastic circumstances.” she returns Bramble’s wink - then nods in agreement to the girl’s decree and turns on Jack with sparkling eyes. “she’s right, Mr. Hero. shouldn’t you be the one resting? we ladies are capable of collecting a little firewood.” she flexes her shoulders, jokingly showing off her muscles. ”of course, if you absolutely refuse to relax, I suppose we could use a third set of paws.” a part of her really did want Jack to lie back and let himself recover; he’d saved them, after all, and she wanted to look after him in return. but she was beginning to suspect he wasn’t very good at letting others dote on him - a concept that rather confused her.

she was beginning to understand, however, that some people weren’t wired that way; some people’s first instincts weren’t to think of themselves above all others. it was an interesting concept, certainly, and one she’d experienced during that watery disaster. when she’d been drowning, water seeping into her nose and down her throat, all she’d been able to think of was Jack and Bramble, and their safety.

that had to mean something, right?



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1. soooo, that was…wow The Shimmering Shore 06:40 AM, 08-08-2023 05:15 PM, 01-06-2024