
wilting flowers


09-04-2023, 03:14 AM
"Don't follow me, stay,"  were the last words he had spoken to her days ago, and it was the last time she had seen him too. Though she knew better than to leave the spot he'd instructed her to stay in, she'd never been left alone overnight before. And certainly not for three nights. Her stomach roared and she whined, though she knew better than to leave her spot. The last time she had was enough of a reminder, and she still had the scar to show for it though she was thankful it remained hidden. The infection was worse than the injury itself though, but she still knew better than to anger him.

And so she waited, and waited, and waited. Without food or water, the girl was getting weak. It may be the cusp of winter, but the sun was still harsh and parts of her face began to naturally blush with the heat of a sunburn. It wasn't something she wasn't used to, but she didn't have any of the aloe she needed to soothe her burn or any of the paste to prevent it from getting worse. She could only hope that he would be back soon and seen that she had been good and done exactly as she had been told as she curled up tight in what little shade the wall offered her as the sun rose from behind it.

art & code © skelle 2023



Expert Fighter (175)

Advanced Intellectual (105)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-05-2023, 09:25 PM

Charlie was taking a small trip away from the Armada, choosing to broaden his horizons but be close enough he could return home and ensure his duties within the pack could also be tended to. He wanted to find the best materials to present to Wylan for creating his first battle accessory. Well, the finalized version of it anyway. The one he would make with his nephew would be one he outgrew in time, and Charlie had already promised himself he would make Wyl the version he’d have as an adult, a gift for his first birthday. If he got the chance to meet with his other nieces or nephews he could do the same for all of them. He knew gifts with meaning were precious things, and the cuffs he wore on his front legs were a symbol of that. A gift from his father, made with treasures of their mother. They brought the yearling happiness, reminding him of the loves both his parents had for him and his littermates.

But today would not be focused on the task of gathering materials or training within the Armada. Today Charlie just wanted to walk, to feel the earth under his paws and breathe in the air of the Northern parts of Boreas. He had left his companions to their own devices for the day and he walked along wearing the armor that had been left for him by his mother. It was rare for him to leave the Armada without it, whether it was needed or not. It gave him a sense of comfort. He wasn’t the sort to immediately jump into starting fights, but he knew he could handle himself if trouble came his way.

He was nearing the wall when the sight of fur by the stones caught his attention. Charlie frowned, ears perked toward it as the yearling changed his course. What creature could be lying so still be the stones? Prey? A scent drifted toward him on the breeze and Charlie frowned. A wolf, a younger she wolf… the scent told him she wasn’t dead but the fact she’d be out here, practically in the open and alone was concerning. She didn’t have a pack scent, and though there was the underlying scent of another there it was faded… as if that wolf had been gone for at least a couple of days. He decided to approach, slowing his steps once he was in range to call out to her.

“...miss? Are you alright? Do you need a paw?” His voice betrayed his concern. She looked so delicate, like she might break if he dared reach out to touch her. Who would have left her out here all alone?

"Speech," 'Thought.'


09-06-2023, 09:28 PM
She was a good girl. She could wait until he got back no problem! It would be any minute now, she was certain. He'd been gone so long already, however, that she was worried he was hurt. Would he be mad that she didn't come looking for him? Probably not, she concluded, mostly since he could be anywhere. And if he was on his way back, he would certainly be angry if she wasn't there. So she decided to stay for however long it took, though never once did she consider that he wouldn't be coming back.

As she laid curled into herself tightly against the wall, she had finally allowed herself to doze when the sounds of someone approaching roused her quickly. She expected it to be him, so much so that her lips parted to speak before her mismatched eyes focused on someone that was not him. Her jaw closed slowly and her chin tucked in, slightly afraid of the stranger that had approached even as he asked about her well being.

"I-I'm okay! Just waiting on someone," she said with a big, but tight smile though her happiness was forced and it was obvious in the lines around her smile and notable fear in her eyes, not to mention her disheveled appearance and general lack of weight.

art & code © skelle 2023



Expert Fighter (175)

Advanced Intellectual (105)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-08-2023, 09:15 PM

The femme rose quickly, almost as if startled. He could see fear in her eyes as her gaze fell upon him, drawing back in a submissive manner. She even started to stumble over her words as she forced a smile on her face. Being able to observe more of her form now rather than a ball of fur, he realized that she wasn’t okay. She was disheveled, as if she hadn’t been able to groom in ages. Her expression was forced, and as his ears flicked back he realized that she likely wasn’t just afraid of him, but someone who might have hurt her. He was aware that the Armada had slaves but they tried to build them up from what he had seen. Not drag them down so far they looked as though they hadn’t eaten properly in a long time.

He had a choice to make. If he left her here, she could be left waiting for ages. But… if he took her to the Armada… Charlie drew in a breath, lifting his gaze as he approached her. “I don’t know who holds you currently, but if you stay out here with them you are going to die. You are not cared for.” There was concern in his blue eyes as he spoke. He might have been being firm, but it was because he was worried. “You are going to get up, and follow me to get some food. Then we are going to the Armada.” He was sure she would protest, likely out of fear for whoever held her before.

“And if anyone dares try to take you, they will answer to my fangs.” He motioned for her to rise with his muzzle. But would she?

"Speech," 'Thought.'


09-15-2023, 10:03 PM
There weren't many things that Pixel knew, but she wholeheartedly believed that this young man was sent to collect her and become her new keeper. Perhaps her last had sold her off, or maybe something bad had fallen upon him, but it didn't matter now. This large, fanged man was to be in charge of her and he took no time in convincing her of that. Her nub wagged against the longer, though tangled, fur of her rear as he mentioned food and what she could only assume was the pack he smelled of.

"Yes, Sir," she said with a polite nod in response to his itinerary as she stood. Her legs were shaky from being curled up so long and from being weak in general, but she could manage. She always had in the past, at least. "My name is Pixelate, but you can call me whatever you want," she said with a polite smile, her nub still wagging a bit but slowing considerably.

art & code © skelle 2023



Expert Fighter (175)

Advanced Intellectual (105)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-15-2023, 11:05 PM

In choosing to take her to the Armada, was it truly a mercy? She seemed so small, so delicate, and so uncared for. Unlike the slaves at the Armada. Charlie believed that she had potential, an ability and willingness to listen. Maybe she would even earn a place among their ranks someday. But for now his duty would be to care for her. He did not have to wait for her to respond, her answer obedient and polite. Charlie gave a small nod, his expression softening. “Good… I’m going to need to catch something, but I want you to stay with me. The open is no place for someone like you.” Someone could hurt her. Or take advantage of her… Charlie drew in a breath… he was certainly taking on a lot more responsibility as an adult than he thought he would. But he would rise to that challenge.

She gave her name, and Charlie would give a nod as he motioned for the other yearling to follow him. “Pixelate is a fine name. If you cherish it, I want you to keep it.” His tail began to wag behind him. “I am Charlie Fatalis, son of the Warlord Sirius Fatalis of the Armada. I do not want you to call me sir, but addressing anyone else in the Armada, it will be wise for you to address others that way.” He furrowed his brow. Would she be picky with what he caught her to eat? Out here in the open… ah… he would freeze, swinging his muzzle outward to tell her to stop. He would speak, but his voice was now a whisper.

“Be still, Pixel. Seems luck would have your meal before us.” The hare was still changing phases to its winter coat, bits of brown still within its pelt. It dug, seeking any grass that might be beneath the snow at their paws. Charlie would lower with purpose, tail raising behind him. He had to move slowly now, creep close enough to dart for it. Then he’d be able to secure a meal for the malnourished femme at his side.

"Speech," 'Thought.'


10-15-2023, 11:26 PM
Charlie seemed like a fine enough man, though she had thought that of the last, too. He never spoke to her with the kindness that Charlie had, but she hadn't been smart enough to pick up on that. Honestly, she barely had any smarts. She knew what was expected of her though, and it was easier when she was told what to do and how to act. She nodded politely when she was told to stay with him, eagerly doing her best to keep up with his longer strides. Her stomach rumbled with the prospect of food, but she was good at ignoring it. Though she was grateful he would hunt for her, she couldn't remember the last time she'd had a meal.

She listened first as he let her really decide her name and introduced himself. It seemed like a mouth full, his father even more so, but she wouldn't disappoint! Pixel was eager to please him, she didn't want to disappoint him or his father and the pack he came from. "Thank you, Sir- I mean, Charlie Fatalis.. Pixel is fine," she said, he heart hammering at her first mistake. He didn't want to be called Sir and she felt bad for slipping up already. She hoped that he wouldn't be mad, but something seemed to catch his eye and she stopped dead in her tracks as she was told.

Pixel watched as he lowered to the ground to stalk the rabbit. At first she didn't see it, but after following his gaze she spotted the mid-change rabbit as it dug in search of what she could only assume was it's own meal.

art & code © rex 2023



Expert Fighter (175)

Advanced Intellectual (105)

2 Years
Dire wolf
11-25-2023, 11:11 AM

As Charlie observed the hare an ear flicked back toward the small femme at his side. The girl seemed as though she had only known servitude up to this point. Perhaps it was second nature for her to refer to others as “Sir” and such… he felt a bit badly for her. She was clearly submissive, and that submission is likely what led to her current state. She was so thin… he couldn’t mess this hunt up. He drew in a breath. Alright, just focus on the prey. Make sure the wind doesn’t betray your position… and…!

Charlie creeped forward a few steps, closing some of the distance between himself and the hare before he kicked against the ground. The hare had no chance, the yearling was set on his catch and within seconds had snatched the creature off the ground and ended it’s life with a crushing bite.

For a moment the yearling stood there, holding the other animal in his jaws as he felt the warm blood trickle into his mouth. Then Charlie turned, approaching Pixel and setting the hare down at her paws. His expression softened then. “Eat until you’re full. If there is anything left, we can bring it with us as I find somewhere for you to rest properly.” He lifted his gaze once more, scanning the horizon in case her former master dared show his face. He wasn’t afraid to fight him if he needed to.

"Speech," 'Thought.'


12-23-2023, 01:35 AM
Pixel stayed quiet and watched as the man stalked and hunted the rabbit, inevitably catching it and bringing it to her. She wouldn't lie, she was starving and her stomach groaned as he approached. The scent of the hare made her mouth water, but she refused to look desperate even if she was. Although it was likely he heard her stomach growl, there wasn't much she could do about that.

"Th-Thank you so much," she said, smiling at him before looking down at the hare before her paws. She didn't hesitate much longer before eating, careful to take her time so that she didn't devour it or appear anything unlike the lady she was raised, and trained, to be. When nothing was left besides a few bits of fur and it's skull, her nub tail wagged briefly against her rear. It felt so good to have some food in her stomach, though she felt like she could eat six more! She wouldn't put that on him though, and her stomach was done growling anyway. Really all she could use now was a good nap, and maybe a bath.

art & code © rex 2023

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