
ohhhhh lover boy!



The Hallows

Master Fighter (400)

Master Intellectual (420)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Dire wolf

1KFestival OrganizerDouble MasterCritical Dodge!Ooh La LaStudent
Samhain 2022
09-05-2023, 07:46 PM

The whole bear thing was... crazy. That was putting it mildly, but she was better now. Her side was healed thanks to her Aunt Gwyn and the rest of the healers. While there was still some light bruising, it was nothing she wasn't already used to. To help combat the stiffness, Bramble jumped at the chance to get back into her daily routine. Rising early, setting off on patrol, and then heading off to practice in the outdoor arenas all before lunch. It was a symptom of her peculiarness that she couldn't sleep. Except after the first night she met Tate. Whatever he had in that pipe had helped her sleep so well that she had slept through breakfast the next morning.

Speaking of Tate, the young Carpathian Princess had happened upon him during her morning patrol. Twilight still sparkled over the eastern horizon as she trailed along the far edge of the grove. He was still asleep which for most wolves was to be expected. But it had been a week or so since she'd seen the boy and she was excited to see him. All wagging tail and bright smile. After rousing him awake, through his gurgles of what the hell is going on, Bramble made him promise to meet her that night down at Shimmering Shore. Since the whole bear incident, her father didn't want her to leave without at least informing him first so staying with Tate at that moment wasn't a choice.

So as the sun spread rays of warm hues across the sky, Bramble attempted to saunter her way down the stone steps to the sparkling beach. In actuality, she was as nervous as she felt on her first birthday. She wanted to know if he was okay. If he was healed up alright. If he needed help. If he missed her. Would he have? Bramble had royally embarrassed him that day and she wasn't so sure he would even show up now. Yet, she hoped and because of that hope, she carried with her a basket of smoked meat, honeyed peach juice, and even a thin but comfortable fur blanket for something to sit on. Was this what her father had called a date? Ew. Okay maybe not, but she wasn't going to admit that. No, no. Not yet.

Setting down the basket, Bramble and her companions helped set up the little dinner for two on the far end of the beach. Just in enough view of the castle that someone could keep a distant eye on her but still have some sort of privacy. After she stepped back to make sure all was ready to go, Bramble shooed her companions away without much effort and then sat herself down upon the blanket. Stretching out her legs, she decided to drag her toes through the sand in the meantime. Trying to ignore the way her heart raced and her cheeks felt hot as the seconds ticked by.


bramble's companions are to be assumed near her unless stated otherwise.



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
09-05-2023, 08:32 PM
He'd camped for the night near the edge of Hallows territory. The predators had been acting more out of pocket than usual lately, and it just seemed... safer. Totally, Tate was doing it for the sake of safety and certainly not in hopes he'd be able to catch Bramble in the morning. It had been a late night for him, out trying to sort out exactly what was wrong. The bear that had come after him, and then harmed Bramble... yeah, that was still weighing pretty heavily on Tate's mind. Something about it wasn't sitting quite right with him. He'd even gone back to check out the carcass of the bear after. While it looked pretty normal, it still troubled him. Well, as much as anything ever troubled the boy. Though he couldn't exactly explain why, he'd wrenched all four of the creature's canine teeth free.

Waking up to Bramble had been equal parts lovely and embarrassing. With siblings like his, if you weren't a heavy sleeper then you wouldn't get any rest. That was even more true on the nights he spent hanging around home-- his younger siblings were even more rowdy, if that was even possible. Walking mom and the kids home from the North had been an interesting few nights of camping, to say the least. Still, Tate was getting better at doing all of that walking. The last of the puppy fat had melted from the boy, leaving him dense and muscular. He'd always been a big boy, but now? Well, it was clear just how big he was going to be.

But yeah, heavy sleeper that he was, it had taken some doing for Bramble to shake him awake. He'd been passed out, using Kaiju as a pillow, drooling on his companion. Fur a mess around his face, mud matted into the longer fur around his chest and haunches. Late nights do be like that sometimes, after all. She'd managed to wake him, to ask if he'd meet her at the Shimmering Shore for dinner. Of course, he sleepily obliged. Upon waking for the second time that morning, far closer to noon than Tate would have admitted, he was worried that it had all been a dream. Had he dreamt that she'd come to him, that she'd boldly asked him to meet her for dinner?

Hopefully, Bramble was real. Well, he knows she's real, but-- yeah. Was he... nervous? Fuck, what was up with him? Still, Kaiju confirmed that the princess had been real, had asked him to meet her. His companion had the audacity to sass Tate as he set about actually putting effort in to get ready. While the boy made some comment about how Hattori would want him to be respectful enough to be clean and tidy to meet another pack's princess, they both knew the real reason. A good idea came to the boy as he bathed, and with just enough time to complete the job well, the young man was able to whip up a little surprise for Bramble.

Arriving at the Shore, it took Tate only a few moments to pinpoint her location. Tate unloaded two small parcels from his traveling things. The first is a soft deerskin pouch, well-loved, patched with all manner of bits and pieces that he'd come across in his travels. Pieces of cloth scavenged from Kiriko's scrap pile, from t-shirts that he'd stolen from his trips to the Isle. Within it, dice that he'd made and dice that he'd scavenged, a tattered deck of cards, and a smaller silk pouch with his favorite recreational herbs. The second, a carefully folded strip of birch bark containing his gift for Bramble. He released Kaiju, watching the dog slip into the treeline before approaching.

"Was almost worried I dreamed ya up this morning," he admitted with a brassy grin. Tate spoke as he approached, his eyes going wide at the picnic laid out before them. It was more food, more variety than he'd seen in weeks. His mouth near watering at the sight of it, tail giving a wag. "By th'look of it, maybe I still am."

Long steps close the gap between them, and Tate presents her with the small parcel. Inside it, she'd find a necklace of leather cord, with two of the bear's canine teeth wrapped carefully in silver wire hanging as a pendant. It's in the same style that he wears, with the remaining two bear teeth now hanging beside a caged die. "How're you feeling?" The question was genuine, expression gentle. Tate couldn't admit how scared he'd been that night. How worried. Words he couldn't say out loud, but there's real concern on his face now, mixed with how happy he was to see her.

[Image: 47115661_1aV6ZXJ7TGVIqbU.gif?1648164468]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (400)

Master Intellectual (420)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Dire wolf

1KFestival OrganizerDouble MasterCritical Dodge!Ooh La LaStudent
Samhain 2022
09-06-2023, 07:44 AM

Sunset was a beautiful time down in Auster. No matter what shore one was on, they were sure to see a dazzling show of reds, oranges, and pinks. Long rays cast over the water as they slowly faded into a deep navy. Twinkling stars began to litter the sky, lighting up the beach as hints of the bioluminescence also began to show. There was no doubt that Shimmering Shore was one of Bramble's favorite places to be. Even after the harrowing event of the tide nearly washing her, Jack, and Dulla away, she still returned. Day after day. Her own balcony at the top of the castle was on the beach side so that she could look upon it during any type of weather. Distracting herself by admiring the wonderful scenery, she tried not to hear Tate approach until his brassy voice made her ears perk up.

There was no hiding the smile that braced her tawny lips. "Would have stayed, but I don't like to worry my parents," Bramble admits, secretly thankful that he can't see the fire that spread across her cheeks. Once he is closer, she leans over to provide him more room upon the fur blanket. Patting a paw beside her, she invites him to sit or lay or however, he wants to be. "Since you were so generous with your fish, I figured it was my turn to share some of Hearthstone's spoils," her grin grows as her eyes crinkle slightly at the corners. If Bramble was anything, it was proud to be a Carpathian and a Hallowed wolf.

Before she can say anything else, Tate is offering her a small parcel. Her eyes widen and her tail hits the ground a few times. "For me?" She asks quietly as she takes the parcel from him and places it gently in front of her. Opening it slowly, a gasp leaves her at the sight of the leather corded necklace with the two bear canines dangling from it. Her eyes lift up to thank him and it is then that she notices he is wearing a nearly identical version. Matching necklaces? Bramble's heart skyrockets as she is left speechless. "Tate, I-I don't, uhm thank you," she begins but stops as her brain is still frozen, unable to compute what it all means.

"I-I'm doing fine. If I'm being honest, that... was not my first time tangling with a bear," Her grin turns cheeky as she blinks a few times and her brain finally returns. "How're you doing? You could have stayed longer if you had needed," Bramble's expression weakens as she slips on the necklace and looks out to the shore. She understood that he hadn't wanted to overstay his welcome and it was probably better that he didn't until he got a chance to officially meet her father, but part of her had hoped that he wanted to stay. There is also a question at the back of her mind now that she can think clearly. Had he really gone back to retrieve the bear's teeth? Had he found anything out? This wasn't the purpose of her asking him to dinner though. The inner conflict wavers for a moment before she clears her throat.

"Please, eat," Bramble insists as she pushes the basket toward him. "There's honeyed peach juice, smoked lamb, some salted buffalo, and goat cheese as well. I think my mother included some fresh honey and bread too. Didn't get berries though, the grove wasn't quite ready when I checked," her words are fast as she explains what all she had brought. Of course, it sounds fancy, but to her, it is normal. The Hallowed wolves worked hard for their spoils and deserved it.

Bramble Carpathius

bramble's companions are to be assumed near her unless stated otherwise.



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
10-10-2023, 01:47 AM
Ah, there's her smile-- fuck, she's pretty. Tate's own grin is relaxed, confident. His gaze flickered across the spread, eyes wide, appreciative. There was abundance, all of the food rich and beautiful. Already, the boy's mouth was borderline watering. Sinking down to settle beside Bramble, he's unafraid to take up space, though Tate hoped it would bring her nearer in the process. Drawing her in-- that's the intent.

Her reaction to the gift makes his heart swell, pride shining in his gaze. "Figured w'should have souvenirs," he winks. Bramble insisted she was fine, but Tate wouldn't conceal the concern where it shines through at the corners of his eyes. He cares, though he can be shit at showing it. As that concern is returned, he gives a gentle wave of his paw. "'s no biggie. My ma's a healer." The Hallows had offered to tend his wounds, they'd shown him more hospitality than he could have asked for. Tate found the castle to be stuffy, damn near stifling, and he couldn't handle it. Between that, not knowing how to interact with Bramble's dad, and the concussion... yeah, he'd needed his mom. Lately, he'd been less and less okay leaving her alone to handle the pups, too. So many of them, and just one of her. Tate worries, and he loves his ma.

Right, the food! He'd been so caught up in Bramble for the moment-- not that he'd admit that. Tate's gaze shone as it turned to the spread of food before them. A light whistle between his teeth, appreciative. Being on the road so much, meals were typically whatever he could hunt or scavenge, sometimes things he could dry or pack. This... this was incredible. Tate ripped excitedly into the bread first, the give and chew of fresh baked goods absolutely unmatched. The smoked lamb as well, he savors, teeth sinking into it with a grin. "'s unreal," he grins, incredulous. A very different sort of meal than the ones he was used to, but one Tate revels in. "I'll make y'th'best fresh seafood dinner 'f yer life if y'promise we do this again when the berries're ready," he speaks between bites. "Minus th'bear," Tate jokes lightly, taking a sip of the peach juice. Holy fuck, they had to get some honey bees.

[Image: 47115661_1aV6ZXJ7TGVIqbU.gif?1648164468]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (400)

Master Intellectual (420)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Dire wolf

1KFestival OrganizerDouble MasterCritical Dodge!Ooh La LaStudent
Samhain 2022
10-30-2023, 10:56 AM

Bramble sat back as Tate began to tear into the food. She couldn't help the appreciative giggle that left her lips, muffled only slightly by the paw she lifted to her mouth. In a way, she was pleased that he enjoyed the food that she had brought. To Bramble, it meant that she was learning about him and the things that he liked. Like food and fighting and fishing. Which then gives her an idea as she reaches for her own piece of smoked meat and a swig of the honeyed peach juice.

"You got a deal," she replies softly as she shifts into a more comfortable position. Turning her gaze out to the sunset, she gives him time to eat a little bit before starting their next conversation. Plus, they had nowhere else to be so there was no rush. "So, Tate," Bramble pauses for dramatic effect as her teal eyes turn to him. "Tell me something I don't know about you," there is a playful smirk on her face as she waits for him to answer.

Bramble Carpathius

bramble's companions are to be assumed near her unless stated otherwise.



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
12-16-2023, 01:20 AM
Tate was warm. All over warm. Fuck, was this what it was like to have friends who uh... were from other places? Shit, they're friends right? No, fuck. Hold on. Putting a label on things was the whole thing he'd been trying to not do. The whole thing that he'd been staying away from. Not crushing on a girl. For real crushing on a nice girl who lived in a castle and was the daughter of... yeah that whole thing. And what of her father, too? Well, at least he'd remembered to act right. Or he was pretty sure he had, though the memory was a bit hazy from the concussion. Pretend it doesn't make you smile a little in hindsight.

A deal-- a date. Something like that. A little smile to himself as he rips into more of the food. It's been a damn minute since he's had a meal this diverse, this new. All sorts of new flavors, new textures, things that he didn't encounter or things he didn't know how to make. That, combined with Tojo-kai's policy regarding trade (nothing in, nothing out), left options a little stale sometimes. Bramble's dramatic pause catches him mid-chew-- at least he's remembered to keep his mouth closed. He looks up, amber eyes resting gently on hers. Curious, tense. At her question, he gives a few thoughtful chews, mulling things over.

"Somethin' y'don't know..." a little hmm coloring his voice. Leaning in, as if to be confidential. Telling a secret. "Yer goals'n mine aren't so different." The words are quiet too. It's something he's... never really said out loud before, actually. It's not just something Bramble doesn't know... he's not sure anyone does. As weird as it felt to say out loud, he doesn't mind it so much either. "Different'n a councilor, just on outside stuff." Sheepish now, Tate tries to shrug it off. He's not used to being this... personal. Personal about things. No, it's okay. For some reason, it feels like information that's safe with Bramble.

[Image: 47115661_1aV6ZXJ7TGVIqbU.gif?1648164468]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (400)

Master Intellectual (420)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Dire wolf

1KFestival OrganizerDouble MasterCritical Dodge!Ooh La LaStudent
Samhain 2022
02-12-2024, 03:31 PM

Bramble's heart hammers in her chest as he leans in closer. She's never had a boy, much less one she likes, this close to her before. Swallowing her food, she looks at him intently. What was he going to tell her? Something good?! Something juicy? The anticipation has her heart beating even faster, eyes unblinking, body as still as possible.

His next words have her head canting to the side. They weren't so different? How? Was he not going to tell her? Her brow knits together, lips pursing slightly. "How?" Bramble question as she slowly grabs for a piece of cheese and bread, taking a bite of it, chewing slowly as she waits (im)patiently for her him to give an answer. "You can't just leave it there!" She practically whines, lips down turning, her big eyes looking at him from just the right angle.

bramble's companions are to be assumed near her unless stated otherwise.

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1. ohhhhh lover boy! The Shimmering Shore 07:46 PM, 09-05-2023 05:11 PM, 03-20-2024