
Heavy Is The Storm




Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

4 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

By the skin of my teeth
09-19-2023, 11:09 PM (This post was last modified: 09-19-2023, 11:09 PM by Ravage. Edited 1 time in total.)
He shivered from the cold. A snowstorm had blown in from seemingly out of nowhere, and he had been noticing how dark and heavy the clouds had been since the turn of the season. He had managed to find shelter beneath the willow trees as he waited for the storm to blow over, and although the heaviest part of the blizzard had passed, the sky remained heavy with clouds as it pelted the ground with rain and hail. He was miserable. He hated being a rogue. He didn't think he'd feel that way with his newfound freedom and no ties to a pack or a band, but truth be told...he missed Aerie. It was all he'd known growing up, and ever since Aerie disbanded, he found himself not knowing what to do. He kicked a stone out from beneath the tree, and sent it flying through the rain though he didn't watch where it had landed since he was so busy sulking. He hated this shit.

wc: 166



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod
09-19-2023, 11:19 PM (This post was last modified: 09-19-2023, 11:23 PM by Akuma. Edited 1 time in total.)
He had slipped out of Insomnia for the day, though he had apparently left on the wrong day and had chosen the worst time to sneak out. The crimson-streaked boy found himself caught out in a snowstorm, and knowing little about the lands, was having a hard time finding shelter that would actually protect him against the elements. He was soaked down to the bone. He shivered violently from the cold, and he couldn't see more than a few feet in front of him let alone retrace his steps to get back to Insomnia and the shelter of his den. He cursed under his breath as he moved from one sopping tree and bush to the next, though it was safe to say neither could quite shelter his large form from the elements. Eventually, the snow gave way to rain and hail, and he couldn't decide which was worse. He probably would've preferred the snow if it wasn't so cold, but the rain and hail didn't feel too good, either.

He had made it to a spot that had a bunch of willow trees, and as he raced to take up shelter beneath one, he didn't see the stone that came flying at him through the rain. It hit him square in the face, causing him to stumble into the mud nearly face-first. Sputtering and scrambling to get back to his feet, he snarled as he looked for the reason that rock had come at him. Squinting through the rain, he spotted a figure huddled beneath another tree. Standing there pissed and soaking wet, Akuma didn't hesitate as he decided he'd had enough. "What the fuck!" Getting caught out in this, and the fact he was now covered in mud and being pelted by hail, he raced toward the figure with a snarl, mud squelching beneath his paws as he aimed to use the full force of his weight to tackle whoever it was that had just assaulted him.

WC: 495/1500
Akuma's crystal horn has emerged and is about 6" long! It's sharp and jagged, and if you annoy him enough, he has no qualms about jabbing you with it c:



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

4 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

By the skin of my teeth
09-19-2023, 11:37 PM
He was tired. Debated with himself if he should try to get some rest. But with the rain and hail and the tree providing less than ideal coverage, he highly doubted he'd be able to get any sleep. Hell, he doubted he'd even be able to get any sort of rest against the cold, wet ground. For the first time in his life, he was feeling defeated. He shivered beneath that tree. Unsure what to do anymore, but he was too proud to admit that to himself. "What the fuck!" He raised his head a bit, brow raised. Did...did he just hear that? Or was it his imagination? Glancing up, he didn't manage to see the assailant in time before he suddenly felt a heavy weight knock into his side and knock him off his feet, flinging him into the mud and out from the measly shelter of the tree. Surprised, winded, drenched, and being pelted by the hail storm that seemed to grow in its fury, Ravage did his best to scramble to his feet, slipping as he struggled to do so.

He turned toward his attacker, hackles raised and teeth showing. "What the fuck is wrong with you!" He shouted back. The stranger was a bit taller than him, had a crimson-stained alabaster coat, and a jagged horn that protruded from the middle of his forehead. Snarling, Ravage charged at the younger male, throwing his weight into his charge though struggled to maintain his footing and slipped last second. Shit! Jaws snapped at the stranger, snagging the fur and skin on the side of the guy's neck before the two ended up in the mud.

WC: 772/1500



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod
09-19-2023, 11:56 PM
He had managed to throw the rock thrower off his feet, sending him flying out from the cover of the tree and into the slick, rain-soaked mud beyond it. He grinned, a smug look painting his features as he watched the mud-coated male struggle to get to his feet. He was sliding and stumbling, and he was sure the hail storm was making it more difficult for the stranger to find his footing. Akuma huffed as he stared daggers at the other guy, though he realized the stranger was about to launch his own assault upon him. Shit! Akuma braced and tried to back out of the way, but he couldn't quite get the footing he needed to move fast enough. The rain and the hail made it much more difficult for him to move efficiently, though when the blue male came at him, he didn't quite make it all the way. Still, he snarled with pain as Ravage's teeth caught the side of his neck and the sharp pain, the lack of traction, and the tumble from the other guy slamming into his forelegs also seemed to bring Akuma to his knees.

The pair were a snarling, growling, mud-covered mess, both trying to get the upper hand on the other. Akuma jabbed at the guy with his horn just to keep missing as they wrestled in the mud. He couldn't see with the mud splatter, and since the pair had managed to get out from beneath the tree, rain, sleet, and hail fell heavily on them, making it hard to keep his eyes open and even harder to find his feet.

WC: 1,044/1500



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

4 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

By the skin of my teeth
09-20-2023, 12:11 AM
He was getting angrier. He couldn't find his footing. Kept getting pushed back into the mud. Slipping. Sliding. Couldn't get a single foothold to put some space between him and this asshole! The crimson-striped yearling tried a few times to stab him with that horn, and Ravage had managed to barely avoid it time and time again. He supposed that was the only thing this mud was good for, so far! That and the fact that hail was making it difficult for the other guy to aim right, and above the din of snarls and rainfall, he could hear the hail hitting that horn with a light tink sound. That helped him keep track of that deadly horn's whereabouts, though at one point it had just barely managed to knick the skin on his foreleg.

Ravage snarled as he lunged forward, headbutting the underside of Akuma's jaw. Once the yearlings head was thrown back, Ravage scrambled to his feet and spread his legs for better balance, huffing as he finally managed to put a little space between them. "This is fucking stupid! I can't see shit, and I bet neither can you! What the hell is your problem, kid!?" He shouted over the sound of falling rain. If the kid decided he wanted to keep fighting over...whatever the fuck, then Ravage wouldn't hold himself back.

WC: 1269



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod
09-20-2023, 01:17 AM
He was struggling to keep himself from slipping. Struggling to see. Struggling in general. The rain and the hail and the mud were making things so very difficult for him. He was inexperienced and couldn't get the upper hand on this guy, and it wasn't until he got knocked in the mouth and fell back into the mud that he was forced to stop as the other guy yelled at him. Trying to catch his breath, Akuma sat there, shaking and breathing hard as he glared daggers at the guy. "You threw a rock at me!" He retorted as he shook mud from his face. "You started it! So yeah, I wanted to kick your ass for that!" He snarled, hackles raised as he prepared for another assault, but...his legs were shaking too much since he felt soaked to the bone. His teeth were chattering and he was starting to violently shiver. "I'll kick your ass later, it's too cold and wet for this!"

He got up and went to move under the tree that Ravage was initially under before this whole thing started. He shook off as much water off his coat as he could before sitting down, throwing a dirty look at Ravage. "Unless you know how to make a fire or somethin' then I think you should go somewhere else." Sure, the other guy was here first, but Akuma was stubborn and after that embarrassing shit, he was in no way going to back down. At this point, he was desperately trying to save face.

WC: 1527/1500

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1. Heavy Is The Storm Whistling Willows 11:09 PM, 09-19-2023 03:32 AM, 02-13-2024