
Haunting Hums

Group Seasonal (Irving)


10-25-2023, 02:27 PM

Tiros chose to leave his sister behind to rest. Her slumbering form evidence of the childish woman’s exhaustion as sides rose and fell so effortlessly. Little whimpers leaving her throat. It took awhile for him to pull himself away. To take a few moments in watching Cirrus; before, paws slipped away t’wards the sound of rushing water. Thirst plaguing his throat after such a long night of feverish activities with the cloudy female sleeping. Their actions one to which various others would frown upon. It had not been the planned for them. The way of sibling relations that taken place. It just sort of… happened.

The thickets here kept them hidden from view. Tiros enlarged body being a huge exception as it only did nothing but cover partial of him. Leaving his head, shoulders and back exposed. For awhile, he remained silent. Heterochromia gaze taking in the scenery shrouded in thick snow. A low hum pressing from his vocals in a soft melody. He hadn’t sung in quite some time. It wasn’t like he was a horrible singer. Very much the opposite. The male just never seemed to have the time. Until now.
"Tiros Mireya"


10-25-2023, 02:54 PM

Irving was not a cat of... socializing. He preferred to be by his lonesome, but deep down, he was just terrible at it. The words that came out of his mouth always seemed to never sound right and he found himself insulting more than complimenting. Simply put, he needed work. Something at the back of his mind told him to work on it because he had enjoyed his time with Birna. Maybe if he spent more time around cats, he would find himself wanting to socialize more. But then again... being able to go wherever he wanted when he wanted was really nice.

Unable to make up his mind, Irving made his way toward the east of Boreas. Rather leisurely, he really was trying to avoid company and bad weather. The river he typically enjoyed was overflowing and full of mud. Out here toward the east, it wasn't so terrible. Especially here in this thicket, he had found. Though the thorns were rather nasty and snagging on his beautiful coat, he continued on his hunt for something to eat. Preoccupied, he was only slightly disgruntled when he heard someone humming nearby.

Stopping in his tracks with his tail twitching, he peers through the shadows of the thicket. There, not far off, he sees the large man. A brow raises as he slinks through the underbrush. Keeping his body low to the ground, Irving moves until he is facing the man. Taking a few seconds to gather whatever dumb courage he had, Irving breaks from the shadows and comes to sit in front of the man with his tail curling around his legs. "Ya go' a nice tone 'bout ya," he says with his thick southern accent that most probably can't understand.

wc: 291= 484/1500


10-26-2023, 10:15 PM

Tongue glided over the water’s surface to fill his mouth with liquid. A plaguing thirst slowly becomes a distant memory as he continues to drink. Ears keeping tabs of the sounds surrounding him. Though he wasn’t worried about anyone trying anything, he still remained on guard.

Tiros felt a small tinge of guilt. Leaving Cirrus behind hadn’t really been a problem at that moment. But, now he fell into a concern that she would wander off. Something the cloudy woman did quite often. Which usually left him in a tornado of high anxiety. Eyes falling over his shoulder in the direction he came with half of mind to return.

Rustling nearby snapped his attention back to where a feline now sat. Cats resided here? He knew about the larger ones. Predators much like himself; however, this was a newfound surprise. When it spoke, Tiros merely stared with confusion. This place clearly had plenty of mysterious to unfold. "Um. Thank you.."

Despite the circumstances, he felt a bit more at ease. The feline was nothing but a small creature and not another canine like himself. "Would you like to hear more?" He didn’t feel the need to be dominant or evil here. Ease swept over him. Shown by the way his body fell into a leisure sit.

"Tiros Mireya"

WC: 228 = 712/1500


10-31-2023, 10:49 AM
Irving blinks up at the man as he waits for a response. Truth be told, he didn't socialize with wolves much. In the past when he had interacted with canines, they hadn't always reacted in such friendly manners. Especially coyotes. Those nasty mongrels were annoying and vicious creatures that he steered clear of at all costs. Yet, some wolves it appeared were friendly, or at least tolerable of his presence. He didn't try to bother them most of the time. Preferring to stay in his own lane, Irving enjoyed searching out other felines which honestly was more difficult than he had thought.

But he was here now, sitting neatly in front of the wolf that was almost twice his size. He meets that heterochromatic gaze with a cheeky smile. "Oh, yer welcome!" Irving chirps, his throat vibrating with a happy purr as his tail twitches near his paws. The surprise on the man's face was evident and while Irving wasn't one to typically dole out compliments, he did enjoy listening to singing. Which to his own surprise, the wolf offered to sing some more! Irving perked up, his ears lifting slightly as his smile widened. "Oh, woul' I!" He leans back in his sitting position so that he can tap his front paws together in the air.

"I ain' much a singer myself, but you got yerself some lovely tones," Irving says as he gently places his front paws back onto the ground. It wasn't every day that a wolf was going to put a show on for him! He was going to enjoy it!

wc: 265 = 977/1500

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1. Haunting Hums Rustling Thicket 02:27 PM, 10-25-2023 06:05 PM, 11-08-2023