
A bit of an apology




Expert Fighter (120)

Beginner Hunter (0)

7 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Hit!
11-11-2023, 04:41 PM

"You sure this is where Harlowe said he went?" Cass asked Payday as the two stopped at the border. She wasn’t sure it was right of her as a practical stranger to come here. Yet according to her new companions this was the pack Tanelan had called home for a few seasons with their mate. A mate, what a laugh at that Cass had spent her time looking after her little brother and after the two came to each other she had told the strange male to lie low and perhaps he could spent some time in Norad. Who low and behold she was the alpha of.

"Tan would say have at it Cassandra. Haydee kind of knows who you are I’m sure she’d appreciate your apology." payday reassured the dark wolf. Cassandra nodded with a sigh, giving off a friendly howl to meet this new person. New to her at least. As weird as an adjustment this was Cassandra knew she would never back down from situations that seemed uncomfortable. Besides this life seemed for once stable and Cassandra was happy about that.
Lan has DID and can switch personalities without notice
Mika is considered rated M
Beau may enter any threads as their partner


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
11-11-2023, 07:49 PM

Fall is in the air and the leaves of all the trees in Auster are now reflecting the slowly chilling air. A vibrant array of colors has painted the trees that surround the falls, creating a wonderful, autumn scene as Haydée busily works to fill the food stores. It is there that the summons reaches her ears and the girl lifts her head to look in the direction of the call. With quick, efficient paws, she packs away the last of preserved meats and stands, moving to the water to wash off her paws before quickly striking out for the creek. Swiftly, the small wolf bounds through the land, happiness causing her mouth to fall open and tongue to loll out the side as she moves.

It doesn’t her take her long before she spies the familiar purple coat of Tanelan and Haydée releases a small, happy bark of greeting while she closes the distance between them. Skidding to stop in front of them, the young leader’s tail wags happily behind her as she says, “Hello! How is Norad treating you Tanelan?” A wince suddenly tugs at her features as she remembers that Tanelan might be the wolf before her so she quickly amends, “Sorry, old habit. My name is Haydée Kedieo and I am the Leader of Ethen. May I know your name?”

While she does not have a lot of experience interacting with someone who houses more than one wolf, the girl wants to be respectful of them. Lifting a paw, she ushers them over the border and says, “Come in, come in. Norad wolves are always welcome in Ethne lands! Are you hungry?”

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.



Expert Fighter (120)

Beginner Hunter (0)

7 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Hit!
11-15-2023, 07:46 PM

She was a bit surprised by the young girl who came to greet her. Cassandra stopped for a moment she was used to being called by Tan’s name and often times she’d blow it off in the past. However she’d been asleep for a long… long time. Class was still adjusting to her years of lost memories one moment she’d been three years old, now she felt old as dirt. That didn’t stop her though! She grinned happily tail wagging behind her. "Cassandra is my name! Adventure is my game! It’s a pleasure to meet you miss Haydee. Guess you already know Tan’s situation. See I’ve been asleep for a very very long time I’m surprised we’ve been able to make such good friends." in the past Tan hadn’t been very good at keeping relationships though that was likely due to Mika.

She didn’t hesitate falling into her easy demeanor as she stepped across the border. "I won’t turn down a warm invitation that’s for sure. I’m actually here because Payday here told me a few days ago you had a little incident with a wolf named Harlowe?" she tilted her head to a side but wanted to get straight to the point. "I’d like to apologize in behalf of all of us, Harlowe is actually our littermate and brother. The last time we saw him was when we were serving as slaves under a band of rogues." and that’d been what four years ago? Cassandra sure had missed a lot.
Lan has DID and can switch personalities without notice
Mika is considered rated M
Beau may enter any threads as their partner


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
11-30-2023, 05:18 PM

A warm smile is on her lips as the purple wolf smiles happily and wags their tail which the young girl joyfully mirrors. As the wolf introduces themself as Cassandra and says that Hay must already know about Tan’s situation, Haydée bobs her head in acknowledgement and cheerfully chirps, “Hi Cassandra! It is a pleasure to meet you as well! Yes, your mate Beauregard informed me some time ago. I wish had had the chance to get to know you all better before you left but you all have been nothing but kind to me. Oh, and there is a lot of good adventure down here in Auster!”

Beaming a smile at Cassandra, the wolf easily moves past the invisible borders and the young woman turns with them, placing herself at the purple wolf’s side while so they can comfortable talk while she steers them toward the falls. Cassandra speaks and Haydée looks up at them, her brows lift slightly with surprise at the mention of the wolf Harlowe. At their apology, the young leader gives her head a gentle shake and says, “There is no need to apologize! While Harlowe did trespass on Ethne lands but we were not rough with him."

While other packs might have met the uninvited guest with tooth and claw, the young Haydée had decided that a different approach was better for him, “We gave him food and a warm place to sleep before he wanted to continue his search for his ‘treasure’. At least now I know who that treasure is!” A wide, happy smile is on her lips as she speaks about the wolf that had wandered onto their lands. The pair slowly walk underneath the canopy of the trees, the colors of fall already changing the leaves into vivid bursts of color.

Suddenly her brows knit together in concern and Haydée asks, “Did he find you? I didn’t know who exactly he was looking for so I didn’t know where to send him. Oh dear, I really hope he is okay! He was kind of odd but not a mean or unkind guy.” It is true that Harlowe had been different but the girl did not wish him any ill will or injury. What if Harlowe had gotten hurt after he had left Ethne lands? Doubt suddenly weighs her stomach down as she looks to Cassandra with worry in her green eyes.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.



Expert Fighter (120)

Beginner Hunter (0)

7 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Hit!
12-02-2023, 06:26 PM

Cassandra always knew had to fit into the situations she found herself in. Living in a male body, she was a guardian through and through. The word mate still had her so surprised, Tan and the others really had found a good one. Case was happy Beau was such a good friend to her and their little benson. It made her smile as she walked alongside the tiny leader. "Truthfully I’m an alter who’s been dormant for over four years. I woke up in Norad so it’s no wonder you didn’t run into me. I actually think I’m the only one who was conscious of our condition." she smiled warmly and gave a calm sigh. Though it seemed Harlowe had already left she had been hoping he’d stay put but again it just wasn’t like him.

"Last I saw him was up north during a storm. But I’m sure I could track his scent, it really isn’t safe for someone like him to be alone. His conditions worse than my own." he suffered from delusions even she had failed to understand. He may not have been unkind to these wolves but he was definitely the unpredictable type. Too harmful to keep in a group, not good enough to be left alone so Cassandra tended to look after him, at least she’d thought she did.

Cassandra put out a paw, Haydee worrying for Harlowe couldn’t help but warm her heart. "Don’t worry about him, I’ll find him and bring him home as his guardian and sibling. No need for you to worry cuz I’m the treasure he was looking for." the fact that Harlowe had assaulted her would be a secret she’d take to her grave. Beau would never trust Harlowe if she had told them the truth. She grinned "Well why don’t you show me around since I’m here? Like I said I’ve got four years of blank memory I’d like to see where Tan found his roots." she puffed up her chest proudly.
Lan has DID and can switch personalities without notice
Mika is considered rated M
Beau may enter any threads as their partner

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1. A bit of an apology Cattail Creek 04:41 PM, 11-11-2023 11:27 PM, 07-31-2024