
★ Random Event: No one likes the smell of wet dog



11-13-2023, 01:09 PM
Random Mini-Event: No one likes the smell of wet dog

Who wants to be outside in weather like this? Water drips from your fur and a fierce cold is starting to sink into your bones. Better make shelter to ride out the storm. Find a good spot, gather materials and work together to make a shelter of some kind.

Skill Claim Form

If you complete this thread with at least 3 rounds each, you can claim 15 Intellect skill points for participating in a random event! Only the first three participants are allowed to respond. Each player can only join one random event per season. Please be aware that the following event has a hard deadline of 27th of November

[b]Skill[/b]: Intellect
[b]Points claiming[/b]: 15
[b]For what?[/b]: Participated in a random mini-event: No one likes the smell of wet dog
[b]Proof[/b]: <a href="!!!LINK!!!!">click!</a>

[*code]+15 - <a href="!!!!LINK!!!!">Participated in a random mini-event: No one likes the smell of wet dog</a><br>[*/code]



Novice Intellectual (20)

Expert Fighter (180)

3 Years
Extra large

VengeanceCritical Observation!1KLoserCritical Fail!Pride - Pansexual
11-13-2023, 02:21 PM
Flurry hadn't gone home yet, she'd decided she didn't want to. She wasn't ready to confront all the things she'd learned and what she was even going to do with it all. She'd made her way back south but her courage had fled her and she'd turned back towards the north. Only now she was cold as hell! She'd thought winter had been bad, while it had been cold and stormy it hadn't been nearly half this wet. The young woman had quickly moved to press herself into the nearest pine but it's branches offered little enough shelter from the downpour. Mismatched eyes swept along the sparse landscape. Maybe she could shove herself under some of the underbrush? But no doubt it's branches would already be soaked and she'd only serve to get herself even wetter in doing so and then what? It wouldn't be easy to get dry like that. So make a shelter? A shelter could mean a fire but with what? The woman set her jaw and kept seaching, for supplies, for a place to shelter... Something.

- | movement | speech  -

code by Cloudy
Updated 01/13/23: I am currently on indefinite scarcity, please be patient and don't remind me of missing tags right now.



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Fighter (0)

2 Years
Cherry OOC
11-14-2023, 10:29 AM
now the aftermath will ring with songs you've sung
Thorax was wet. And cold. And, with the rain not seeming to stop any time soon, she was downright miserable. It's desperation to get awway from the downpour, at least somewhat, that leads her to the shelter of the nearest pine tree. It wasn't until she got closer that she realized- or rather noticed- the scent of another wolf, fresh even with the rain and, if Thorax has to guess, looking for the same shelter she had come in search of.

Her suspicions are confirmed when she sees the other wolf- fur matted from the rain, much like she's sure her own is, and searching for something. Thorax's eyes flick to the horns and the other wolf's fangs, briefly, debating her chances- but this wolf doesn't seem hostile, or at least not enough that they'd be focused on that instead of finding warmth for the time being. If she's right, they can at least be a good source of information.

"You're trying to get out of this too, I take it?" She calls out, just as casually as if she would have just been asking about the weather (bad, by the way). "I can help, if you want."
html © dante.


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
11-15-2023, 11:01 AM

Well, wasn’t this a great fucking time. Rhazien assumed that the spring season would bring some warmth to the north, but that wasn’t the case. Late winter storms still brewed in the territories neighboring the Polar Sound, and the Saxe brute got himself caught in one during an expedition.

Even with his thick coat he was nearly soaked to the bone, a layer of frost coating the tips of his fur, which put him in a sour mood. The rain just kept coming, and he found momentary shelter beneath one of the towering pines. But it wasn’t enough to encompass his massive frame, so he kept getting wet. So fucking wet. A snarl erupted from his jaws, and he left the little outcropping, looking for a better shelter.

Traversing along the treeline, he was looking for a cavern of some sort. But what he found was so much better. Two females, equally drenched, shivering and searching for warmth. How did he get so lucky. Both were beautiful in their own way, boasting the supple curvature of their frames, as their slicked-down fur left nothing to the imagination. He caught the tail end of the earthen-colored girl's invitation, and Rhazien decided to offer one of his own. “My, isn’t this weather annoying.” Lips peeled back into a devilish, flashy smile as he approached the ladies, suave and urbane in his approach. “It's something two, beautiful ladies shouldn’t get caught in.” Only, the weather was probably the least of their worries now. “If you’re looking for shelter, I’d like to join you- I don't love being soaked to the bone either.” Forward but cryptic, Rhazien was offering his assistance. They just needed to come up with a plan, so he could spend the night with them.  

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.



Novice Intellectual (20)

Expert Fighter (180)

3 Years
Extra large

VengeanceCritical Observation!1KLoserCritical Fail!Pride - Pansexual
11-17-2023, 07:09 PM

God it was so much worse with horns, water could collect on them and then continue to drip onto her face even if she did manage to find shelter... Not that she had yet of course. It was one of a very few times she was envious of those without spurs protruding from their skulls. The other one had been when they'd been growing in, painful and itchy! Flurry shook herself out not for the first time, mostly trying to shake the water from her horns before it could fall in her eyes. And just like previously it didn't help much at all. Luckily she wasn't suffering alone, a voice reached the young woman's ears and she visibly perked, twisting to find the source. A pretty woman, smaller than herself all dressed up in blacks and greys but those eyes! Hell yeah! "Somethin' like that." She said, sidestepping in closer to the tree in case the woman wanted to try and squeeze in. "I never was good at sayin' no to a pretty lady." Flurry tossed the woman a wink, trust her to be flirting while freezing cold and just barely holding back an existential crisis.

And they were not gonna be alone together for too long, whether that was a positive or not depended on your outlook, your proclivities and the company that was joining them. The man that approached next was only a few inches taller than herself and was teetering on the edge of "too old" for anything Flurry might say to mean more than surface level teasing, her first language was flirting after all. "I assure you sir my beauty does not impact the weather, nor my ability to handle it, at all." Her words were easy, the smile on her face was easy too but she cast a quick glance at the other woman, feeling almost a tiny bit protective. She wasn't naive to the dangers men could pose and thus far he hadn't said or done anything to set her on edge so maybe it was that she wasn't sure she wanted another wolf flirting with the same woman she was, either way that was not the pressing matter here, her frozen toes were! "Nor do they affect my reasoning. I won't say no to an extra set of paws if it means getting out of this."

Flurry cast her gaze around again, what did they had at their disposal? If they could balance something between two branches that could be a roof... Or maybe they could drape something over some branches to form a kind of tent? What other options were there? Leaning branches against tree trunks? Not likely they'd be able to fit more than a single wolf in a space like that considering the size of the trees, hell even a single wolf with a fire would be a stretch. Flurry hmmm'd audibly before her gaze lit up. "That tree's got some lower branches clustered together, might make a good support for a roof of some sort, don't look like they'd be too hard for either of us to reach."Flurry was nodding towards a tree a few feet away but she glanced at the man as she finished the sentence, being that the two of them weren't that far off in size. Plus it was close to another similarly shaped tree, if they needed two they could maybe build across both of them?


Art by Honrin
Updated 01/13/23: I am currently on indefinite scarcity, please be patient and don't remind me of missing tags right now.



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Fighter (0)

2 Years
Cherry OOC
11-20-2023, 09:17 PM
now the aftermath will ring with songs you've sung
For a moment, Thorax half-questions her own decision. Her name won't have any weight here- not that it had as much as her family would have liked before- and the last thing she wants is to get into an immediate fight. It's something she pushes aside straight away, because she has no reason to second guess herself like this, really. She's done nothing wrong, and if the other canine meets her with aggression, then that says more about them than it does her, doesn't it?

It still doesn't stop her from releasing a mental sigh of relief when the other wolf is indeed friendly, making room for Thorax- which she gladly moves to take- and....flirting? For a moment, Thorax's brain blue-screens; she hadn't expected this from the first wolf she met (not that she minded), and a little voice in the back of her mind reminded her that she was still...Technically? Bethrothed? But the other woman seems powerful, and she's sure they won't meet again, at least not so soon.

Before she can come up with a good enough line- something about helping pretty ladies, maybe?- before someone else shows up, bigger than the pretty lady and, from what Thorax could tell, older than the both of them. And holy shit, does she want to wither up and die from pure disgust at the newcomer's words. For the record, somehow, she doesn't snarl up her nose in disgust, no matter how much restraint it takes her, and instead eyes the man with as much interest as she would the common crow.

"I'm sure we've been through worse than just rain." It's an agreement to the horned wolf's words, and she has half a mind to send him on his way. Maybe it's the remaining prickling at her skin from his opening line, but she already knows, for a fact, that she doesn't like him. The other woman seems more reasonable, though, and takes the help offered.

"While you gather them, I can sort them." The last thing they need is the whole roof falling because of one bad branch, after all- and even with her shorter height, Thorax still needs to do something.
html © dante.


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
11-22-2023, 04:09 PM

What a tough crowd! Even with his suave appearance, dazzling smile, and dare he even say, compliment… these girls weren’t taking the bait. A silent tsk echoed inside of his mind, gaze shifting between the two, as he wondered what was going on inside their heads. Either way, they all had a similar goal- to get the hell out of this weather. And, if that meant getting the work out of the way first, and saving the fun for later. Rhazien would be happy to oblige. So long as he got something out of it.

Sauntering closer, he was able to get a better look at the girls. One had horns and fangs, which took him by surprise. Though, one wouldn’t know it, given the devilish smile on his face didn’t crack. The other girl, well, she was smaller than them, but not by much. Yet, she was equally as pretty, and would be easier to maneuver. Would he be so lucky as to have a three-way tonight?

At the mention of a plan, Rhazien shifted his gaze to the horned girl. Raising a single brow at her, considering their options. If following her idea increased the odds of sleeping with her, Rhazien would follow along for now. “After you.” He said, waiting for her to make the first move. Following in suit, he inspected the tree she motioned toward earlier. Reaching up to grab the lower hanging branches, collecting them in a pile for the other girl to sort through.  

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.



Novice Intellectual (20)

Expert Fighter (180)

3 Years
Extra large

VengeanceCritical Observation!1KLoserCritical Fail!Pride - Pansexual
11-22-2023, 04:35 PM (This post was last modified: 11-22-2023, 04:36 PM by Flurry. Edited 1 time in total.)

There was a tension in the other woman and Flurry felt her stomach drop. Not hard to imagine what the man's motivation was for approaching in the manner he had and she was dreading what felt like the inevitable fallout. Shame too, she herself wasn't exactly against being a little adventurous in bed but she had to admit if she had to pick just one she was more interested in the pretty woman he own age than the older, even if handsome, man. And she was hardly going to let a man as big as him use that to push around someone smaller than himself. Especially a pretty lady. Flurry's face tightened slightly. Okay for now just keep the peace, maybe it wouldn't come to anything and she was being paranoid and over thinking things. Y'know the way she had been lately. That thought helped her to calm her racing thoughts and instead keep her focus on the task before them. Why was nothing ever as simple as "plunder treasure, take lover's and have fun"?  That's all she wanted. In fact she was so focused on how unfair it was that wasn't what life was giving her she missed the tell tale sign of her own mistake. Not being clear enough.

Still she nodded as the man gestured for her to go first and Flurry managed a grin and a wink for him before she moved, gently putting herself between the two until they split off some. Flurry's gaze was on trying to find something to put on the branches while they were still on the tree. A loud snap pulling her attention and she spun around and approached the other two. "Shit uh, guess I wasn't clear. I don't know how to make a shelter from scratch." She gestured at the branches now starting to pile at their paws. "I meant we could use the branches to hold something up while still on the tree..." She had never looked so sheepish before in her life, not even when she'd tried to flee the warlord after hearing her own stupid suggestion. "I uh... Don't really have anything better than that." Flurry was much too busy trying to work through her words to make sure she wouldn't be misunderstood again to offer up much else.


Art by Honrin
Updated 01/13/23: I am currently on indefinite scarcity, please be patient and don't remind me of missing tags right now.

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1. ★ Random Event: No one likes the smell of wet dog Sparse Pines 01:09 PM, 11-13-2023 03:34 AM, 02-07-2024