
a gift from the gods



11-16-2023, 08:26 AM
Eyelids flutter open to blink against the harsh sunlight that shines down into the canyon. This land... it's unfamiliar. A myriad of scents rush to him causing his features to wrinkle. Where was he? Lifting his head, he feels lightheaded and discombobulated. Every inch of his body is exhausted and when he looks back, he can tell he is worse for wear. His usual shining coat is dirty and sticking out in the wrong direction. Even his ribs are poking through slightly. How had he ended up here?

When he looks around, he can see stone and more stone. It rises high above him toward the sky that appears blue with some clouds and that bright, brilliant sun. Nearby he can hear the scurry of rodents and slow movement of water. Suddenly his mouth feels dry and tacky. Pushing himself up into a sitting position, Lono looks around again. He can see the caves dotting the canyon walls and then there he sees it. A small slow-moving river with crystal clear water. If only he could make it over there... His legs trembled underneath him as he tried to stand and ended up back on his rump.


11-16-2023, 11:50 AM

Loneliness was something that wasn't foreign to Cyprian. Long days, nights, years of being a gladiator; a prized fighter for the emperor, had set the mastiff mix apart from others. Never did he dare get close to another for tomorrow they could very well be dead. Yes, there were lovers. Many, many lovers. A few upon whom Cyprian had looked favorably, holding them in higher regard than others. There had never, however, been a friend.

Having been released from the emperors tender care, as the fighters in the pit liked to call it, Cyprian was well and truly alone for the first time in his life. The giant yearned for companionship in any form. The wild was far too quiet for one that had always had the buzz of the Colloseum in his ears. That buzz, like the scurry of rats or the scuttling of beetles, it had lulled the Alabai mix to sleep for four years.

Cyprian was released with no possessions, his only property being his own life. He had no home. He had nothing. In the back of his mind, the man wondered if it would have been more merciful if he'd died in the games. Ah... but the fighters determination still rang true within him. Never give up. He would make due.

Heavy paws padded along the base of the canyon, their scratchy pads spinning up puffs of dust here and there. Cropped ears were following the sound of water. As he thought of the life giving liquid, the brute slapped his chops, realizing just how dry his mouth was. Cyp pushed himself into a lope, thick cords of muscle rippling beneath the man's short pelt. He was a beast. A powerhouse, and it showed.

As Cyprian neared the water, movement on the other side caught his eye. The behemoth's head lowered and he squared up on instinct alone, but his posture soon relaxed when he noted the source of the movement. A man lay on the other side of the water and he looked worse for wear. The scarred giant watched as the patchwork wolf tried to rise and stumbled. Despite his former profession, Cyprian was a gentle man. Without hesitation, he waded across the clear, cool water, forgoing his own thirst in lieu of helping one in need.

The man's voice was rich and low, like the far off rumble of seismic activity. He neared the other man, trying not to spook him and probably failing. Cyprian was a sight to behold. Gargantuan, muscled, scarred, cropped and docked. And yet, there was kindness in his pale, blue eyes. "Will you allow me to help you to the waters edge?"



11-16-2023, 02:31 PM
Water is so close, yet so far. He can see it with those amethyst eyes of his. He can feel just how dry his mouth is and how much his throat aches for a sip. Just one would satiate the pain that radiates in him. Letting out a sigh, he settles with letting his energy come back to him before he tries again. As his eyes flutter close, he can hear the sound of paws against the dusty floor.

His chin tilts to see the man standing on the other side of the river. Bristling and quite massive. Lono's breath catches momentarily as fear shifts through him. Had the gods come for him already? Continuing to hold his gaze upon the man, he watches silently as the behemoth crosses the river with ease. Man, if he had tried that, he probably would've been swept away with the current. The sound of the water splashing rustled another strike of pain in his throat. If only he could...

The man is standing in front of him now, lowering his face close to his. Lono looks up at him with those brilliant purple eyes and blinks slowly. So he wasn't going to be eaten today? A thoughtful noise leaves him, it is a rather raspy and strangled noise, but he smiles politely, almost delicately, anyway at the surprisingly tender words of the stranger. He had learned from a young age to never trust a wolf by their appearance.

"I believe that could be arranged," Lono replies, the rasp in his voice evident as he speaks around his dry tongue. Pushing up with his front paws once more, he struggles to bring himself at least into a sitting position to hopefully make it easier on the man.


11-28-2023, 02:21 PM

Having made his way across the river, Cyprian stood before the man. He didn't quite know what was wrong with him, but he looked weak and thirsty. The offer given, the dog didn't have to wait long for the wolf to accept. Cropped ears had shifted forward at the man's tired yet welcoming vocals, and then he was aiding him so that he could rise.

Gently and with care not at all befitting one so large and intimidating, Cyprian slid his blocky skull beneath the other male, sliding him onto his back. With sure footing, Cyprian made his way to the waters edge. Just as gently, he sank down to his taut belly, waiting patiently while the man dismounted. At the edge of the river, there would be little need to do more than stretch out his neck to drink.

Cyprian stayed on his belly, though he joined the man in a drink of the water. His mouth had indeed been dry. The men stayed there silently while slaking their thirst, Cyp having reached his limit before the other man. A speckled tongue swiped clinging droplets from the brutes jowls before he shifted a bit, achieving a position of comfort. He wasn't the best at socializing and was used to being silent until spoken to, lest he receive a beating. So, the mastiff mix remained quiet and waited for the smaller man to finish.



11-28-2023, 02:33 PM
There is surprise hidden in his features at the pure strength of the other man. He felt practically weightless as he was lifted upon the man's back and carried over to the river. Had he truly lost that much weight that he could be carried like a caught pig? Suddenly self-conscious as he slipped back onto the rocky ground, he averted his pale gaze. Instead, though he notices how the man continues to lay beside him, he reaches forward to drink from the lazy river. While he would usually be more put together and conscious of his mannerisms, he was too thirsty to care for the moment. Slaking his own thirst with water drizzling down his neck, he licks at his lips once he is finished.

As he pulls back to get into a comfortable position, his toes flexing and legs curling up beneath him, he notices once more the man lying beside him. No words are spoken for a few moments and he can feel the heat bloom across his cheeks. Why was he nervous? He was a social creature and never felt... this before. Clearing his throat, he turns his chin to fully look at the man. Placing a polite smile on his blond lips, he doesn't hesitate to look over the massively well-built dog. "Thank you, kind sir," he begins, his thick accent clear as it was melodic. "I suppose I got lost and passed out here," Lono nodded his head back to where the man had found him.


11-28-2023, 03:05 PM

Once more the giant's short cropped ears moved, though he didn't have much in the order of ears at all. They'd been snipped very short as a child so that enemies couldn't latch onto them. Cyprian couldn't quite place the accent despite having met men from all over the world during his time in the arena. He liked it though. It was... soothing. The man thanked him and the mastiff nodded, chin dipping once.

The sandy colored man went on to say that he had passed out and the behemoth's brow furrowed slightly. "Are you unwell?" Pale eyes roamed over the other man, looking for any sort of physical damage. He could see none. Perhaps it was something internal? Cyprian was no healer, but he knew basic aid. All fighters did.

It didn't even dawn on Cyprian to offer his name until later, and, when he realized that he was still unnamed, it was as though a lightbulb visibly went off within his mind. Brows lifted and his gaze focused fully on the smaller male. "What might your name be? I am Cyprian." It was obvious just how awkward and unsocialized the brute was.



11-29-2023, 10:41 AM
The question posed to him has him feeling self-conscious once more. Unwell was not quite the word. No, more like he had been stupid and not paying attention. Instead of deferring, Lono instead lets out a light chuckle. "No, just exhausted. I am not so good at hunting so I tend to forget to eat from time to time," he admits earnestly though maybe it was too much sharing. No matter, he had said it and now it was known. His lack of gluttony is perhaps the reason he is so slim, but he doesn't mind it. Fitting into small spaces was easier when one wasn't so bulky.

Lono's gaze is brought once more to the other male when he notices eyes lingering on him. Oh, right, introductions! "Cyprian, a fine name," he says with a smile, "I'm Lono Keona, but Lono is fine too," his lips pull up into a wider smile now that he is feeling better after a large drink of water. Shifting his weight so he is laying more on his hip and facing Cyprian better, he lets his head tilt to the side. "So, what brings a fine man like yourself to such a place?" Lono asks, his words easy and thick as he lets a paw wave around to motion at the canyon they lay in.


12-11-2023, 04:33 PM

The man made light of his situation, brushing away the fact that he was weak and very well could have died in the heat of the canyon. Cyprian still stared in concern, but he didn't question further. Perhaps it was true that the mottled brute wasn't good at caring for himself. In which case... who had been caring for him up until now?

A name was given and Cyprian tested it in his mind before nodding in acceptance. Lono Keona. The name was... joyous and made Cyprian think of wide open spaces and gentle breezes. Of children playing in waves and weaving crowns of flowers. He'd never speak such thoughts out loud, of course, but he did think them.

Lono asked Cyprian a question in turn and the hulking mastiff's brow furrowed slightly. He had considered not telling those that he met of his origins, but what good would it do? He was awkward and it would surely make others curious as to why. The giant dogs voice was a low rumble, but it was so very gentle at the same time. "I've come from very far away," he began. "I used to... be in the emperors service and was forced to fight for his pleasure." Surely Lono would know of the emperor. "I won my freedom and I have been traveling as far away from there as possible." And then he was silent, not knowing what else to say.

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1. a gift from the gods Bent Canyon 08:26 AM, 11-16-2023 03:44 AM, 02-13-2024