
I saw you on the side of a milk carton




Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

7 Years
Dire wolf

11-24-2023, 11:33 PM
W ith Lurid on the mend and bits and pieces of her wayward family slowly being discovered and brought back into the fold, Requiem permitted himself a little bit more freedom to go about his hunt for the most elusive of the Amarix family. Atropos Amarix was as evasive as she was clever—which was to say, a lot—and finding her after she and Lurid had gotten separated had been a great trial in of itself. Requiem had grown up knowing Atropos from a young age. If the Amarix lady did not wish to be found, then she very well could never be found. But Requiem, oh he was not the type to take defeat lying down. He never failed a task, and no matter how crafty Atropos was, if Lurid wanted her found, then by the gods above and below he would find her. It all came down to a war of attrition; a battle of wills and a test of skills. Her subterfuge against his tracking abilities. And Requiem did not play to lose.

S o the professional manhunter returned to the north, roaming the territories around what had once been Mirovis in an attempt to pick up on any trail of the wayward Amarix apothecary. Atropos was a difficult wolf to track down, he would give her credit where credit was due. But no one could stay hidden forever. Everyone had to eat, and that was precisely how he managed to track her down. A pair of passing wanderers had tipped him off to a small fae spotted around the caves to the south of the waterfall peaks hunting for food, so that's where Requiem's path took him. Following the scent of sulphur to the caves, the crimson brute picked up another familiar scent lingering around the entrance to the depths hidden beneath the stench.

A rgent silver eyes shining in the darkness, Requiem prowled down into the tunnels and caverns, following the lingering scent of Atropos as he tracked down the errant Amarix. He had no ill intentions toward her, and she was not one of his marks; but Lurid had wanted her back, and he would do as he was commanded. But first he had to find her... "Oh Atropos..." he called out into the tunnels illuminated by the subterranean lava falls and rivers, the heat stifling in the caverns, making it almost difficult to breathe. "Scio te hic in..."

"Requiem" | "Latin"

Warning: Requiem is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.

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1. I saw you on the side of a milk carton Hell's River 11:33 PM, 11-24-2023 03:17 AM, 02-13-2024