
A Berry Good Day


Avalon II

The Hallows

Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

1 Year
Extra large
Dragon Mod
01-03-2024, 12:24 AM

She had come out with her father to "help" him patrol the borders. They had woken up very early, and it was chilly and dreary out. She did her best to not let the cold bother her because she wanted to help dad, but almost as soon as they started, she kept getting distracted by all the sights, scents, and sounds! The colors of the trees enthralled her, and her father had said that it was Autumn where they lived, but elsewhere, the season could be different. She couldn't quite wrap her head around what he meant by that, but before she could ask, a squirrel had run across her path and she gave chase. "Avalon!" Her father shouted for her, causing her to put on the brakes before turning toward him. "Can I go play, daddy? Pleeeaasseee? I promise I won't go far!" Her father seemed to think about it for a moment before nodding. "I'll be in the area. Call me if you need me," With that, he nuzzled her before heading off on patrol.

Excited, she scurried over to where she had seen the squirrel go but had lost its trail among the bushes of berries. Crawling beneath a bush, she nosed the ground and got a good whiff and taste of the berries. "MMM~~" She turned her head around to pick a few more from the bush. After eating a few of the tasty berries, she rolled over and began rolling in them. Her father had mentioned something about sometimes masking his scent while hunting. Maybe she'd be able to find the squirrel she saw earlier by masking her own scent with the berries? While it was a good idea, she was having too much fun rolling around, staining her fur red and purple!


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1. A Berry Good Day Wildberry Grove 12:24 AM, 01-03-2024 07:34 AM, 03-05-2024