


Raiders Hollow
The Modyguard

Master Fighter (291)

Expert Intellectual (185)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

1 Year
Extra large
01-03-2024, 11:15 PM
(edge of Wraith's Woods and Cedar Falls)

Uncertainty wasn't a familiar companion to the boy, though how he had managed to get so far from home was anyones guess. Something about trying to swim to the craggy black island near the briar, and getting caught in a current and swept onto a strange beach near a dam. There was an island nearby with building like Daager, but it wasn't. Everything was all wrong, how on earth was he going to find his way back? To top it all off, the wind had kicked up and was cutting through his soaking fur. He needed to find some sort of shelter, to start. No doubt mum or dad's birds had been keeping an eye on him, he'd be fine, right?

The towering cedar trees smelled like Sakana, and maybe that was what drew the young boy in. The shade from their canopy didn't help with his soaking coat but their giant trunks did provide some measure of protection from the biting winds. A strange scream of alert caught his ear and he spun to spot a red and silver fox watching him with piercing intent. Normally, a fox would flee from a wolf right? Even one as young as he was... but he supposed, he was out here... on his own...

When the fox jumped down and began to circle, well... he was going to have to consider his options. The wind was really strong, and it made everything sound different. The trees were moving, creaking, and it was hard to tell where the fox was coming from. Kenway tried to use his senses, hearing, scent, but it was tough with all the wind messing things up. The forest was full of shadows, and it felt like a big unfamiliar maze. His heart was sitting in his throat.

He wasn't sure he had ever felt real fear before, and he did his best to lunge at the fox but it was too quick. Living up to the stereotype, the creature ducked in and out of shadows, luring the boy to trip over roots and rocks. But sometimes, it was just a hunch, it looked like the wind sometimes worked in his favour too, if the startled white's of his opponents eyes were anything to go off when he snapped within millimeters of his vulpine adversaries tail.

But his size alone dictated that he couldn't keep this up forever, already exhausted from not drowning, the fox showed no signs of tiring. He could hear rushing water in the distance, and hoped that if they could get just a little closer, maybe the sound would help mask his heavier footsteps. It was a gamble, and would give the fox audible cover too, but maybe it would give him even a tiny pawstep up.

Pride wouldn't let him lose this one.

Picking a place that looked as good as any other, (there seemed to be a few less roots sticking out of the ground here), he darted behind a trunk to see if the fox would follow. He peeked in time to see the creature inching forward, nose to the breeze. He just needed it to get a little closer...

Youth an impatience would be his downfall however, as he charged forward with teeth exposed and in a sight of uncanny acrobatics, the fox jumped up, planting its paws on the trunk of a tree and leaping clear of the boy. He couldn't contain his gasp of awe, how fucking cool was that?! He couldn't wait to tell Cal all about it... if he ever made it home.

The fox was back on level ground now, growling with ears turned back. Kenway matched the stance as best his lanky legs would allow and tried to make himself look as big and intimidating as he could. It hadn't worked up to this point though, so what would change now? The creature was changing at him head on and he had to make a choice, stand his ground, or dodge? he took too long to think about it as the fox dove between his front legs and grabbed hold of his right rear ankle with ferousity he would have expected from Cal. A shame, the fox could have made a cute companion for his sister if it hadn't tried to maim him.

Strong jaws clamped on the base of the foxes tail, pulling hard and taking some of his own flesh with it, he swung the small predator at a tree trunk and felt the sickening crack of a skull breaking vibrate down through the creatures bones as it suddenly went slack between his jaws. He held his hind leg up to spare it from baring weight while it burned like this. Fuck, was this what he was getting himself in for in signing up to raid with his parents? There was a queasy feeling in his stomach, but he was proud too. At least he'd have something nice to give his mother when he finally made it home.



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1. Shipwrecked Wraith's Woods 11:15 PM, 01-03-2024 03:10 AM, 02-18-2024