
Bottom Of The Deep Blue Sea



"Devil has my ear today, I'll never hear a word you say."

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (275)

Master Healer (260)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - DemisexualRapid Poster - Gold1K
01-06-2024, 07:51 PM (This post was last modified: 01-13-2024, 07:57 PM by Caedes. Edited 2 times in total.)

In the lush expanse of the cliffs, a colossal wolf moves with an inexplicable grace. Perhaps it is not grace he saunters with, but precision. His hefty frame would be a nuisance otherwise — those hardened muscles, sculpted by adversity and an unyielding will to endure carry him with ease and confidence. But he is ravaged by scars that seem to devour his sleek coat, each a brutal slash against his obsidian silhouette. Eyes seemingly made of verdant fire reflect the bright world around him, and return a cold gaze back to it. The shadows of his features etched in a concentrated determination, and a desire for more. He blew air from his nose as he scanned the plain which cut abruptly into a sheer cliff, the sound of waves crashing against sand dulling his sense of hearing. The beast was impatient to meet his goal. Itching to greet his malevolent cousin, by for now the greenery would provide ample distraction to the frustration building in his gut.

The travel he endured had been marred by twisted paths with gnarled branches, and all manner of creature both  witness and victim to the beast's relentless pursuit of family. The man, mostly a tapestry of wounds, works his way through the field of plant life in search of any foreign to his eye. He must learn of them all to ensure his knowledge will remain of use, after all his grandmother would be quite dissatisfied if he slacked off at his work. There are a few he does not recognize, or that seem slightly amiss from what he knew back home, so he gathers them and sets to work memorizing their details with fervor. Subtle differences, like a darker shade of green on a leaf — or a flower not quite the right shape. Maybe his mind was playing tricks on him. It had been some time since he’d stopped to… look at the flowers. Caedes’ lips curled up into a smirk at the realization, amused at the sudden thought; but also irritated by it.


Caedes is a mature character, viewer discretion is advised.
Unless otherwise stated, assume he is not wearing his feathered skull mask.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

01-07-2024, 06:19 PM (This post was last modified: 01-11-2024, 11:09 PM by Mariah. Edited 2 times in total.)

Mariah's lithe figure glided effortlessly through the field of wildflowers, her silver eyes flickering with each step. Sunlight danced on the petals around her, casting an ethereal glow that highlighted her every move as she descended the lush cliffs. The air was alive with a symphony of sounds - the chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, the gentle hum of insects - all harmonizing to create a serene backdrop for Mariah's journey. And yet, there was still and undertone of danger present in this idyllic setting. One that couldn't be forgotten based on the sharp descent to the ocean just off the cliffside- the waves crashing at their containment echoing in the distance.

As she navigated the path, the sudden sight of a colossal wolf caught her attention. His presence was commanding, and Mariah couldn't help but be drawn to the inexplicable grace that seemed to emanate from his hefty frame. His obsidian silhouette, adorned with scars. Beautiful scars. Like those of which she had never seen. What was their story? What was the condition of their making on a face no much older than her own? The verdant fire within his eyes reflected the world around him, and Mariah found herself captivated by the cold gaze that returned it.

The stranger's unwavering focus and unwavering determination were etched in the shadows of his features, a silent force that beckoned her curiosity. His brow furrowed as he surveyed the vast plain before him, his impatience palpable in the tense set of his jaw. Unbeknownst to him, Mariah's silver eyes traced the intricate patterns of scars that covered his body, each one bearing witness to a story of survival and resilience. Despite her attempts to resist, she couldn't help but feel drawn to this enigmatic figure, his presence exerting a magnetic pull on all her senses. She didn't even know who this man was. She had to.

Mariah's attention was drawn to the stranger beside her, who was deeply engrossed in studying the plant life around them. She couldn't help but notice the smirk playing on his lips, a mix of amusement and irritation evident in his expression. His keen eye picked up subtle differences and she could see the intensity with which he approached this task. It was clear that he was completely absorbed in his observations, and Mariah found herself admiring his dedication and focus.

Her heart pounded wildly in her chest, an inexplicable rush of emotions and desires swirling through her. The air around them seemed charged with a mysterious attraction, as if nature itself was conspiring to bring them together. Mariah couldn't resist contemplating the stranger before her,  a mere spectator in the greater picture of existence. His rugged appearance, adorned with scars and guarded by secrets, held a certain allure that resonated with her curious mind. She could hold herself back no longer, her paws drawing her closer to him without the conscious decision being made to do so. "Your scars, they're so beautiful. Unique, rather ..." She finally voiced on a lighter tone as she approached a more conversational distance. It was hard not to stare at them. But as she redirected her attention to his impossibly emerald gaze, she was ensnared.

"Mariah Mendacium"
Code By Whiskey. Art By Cull


"Devil has my ear today, I'll never hear a word you say."

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (275)

Master Healer (260)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - DemisexualRapid Poster - Gold1K
01-07-2024, 11:25 PM

As the brute commits his discoveries to memory, there comes an.. interruption to his ambiance of waves and the rustling of flora all around him. Light footfalls come first, barely masked by the noise around them — the newcomer was much closer than what he would have liked, but he tolerated it as his sharp gaze rose to meet silvery orbs that appeared… astonished?

Caedes stares at her, indifference plain on his dark features. An ear perked at her light tone of voice to signify he had heard her, but what a surprise the question she ventured to ask him was, on this, their first meeting.Her eyes boring into his own as though struggling to not dart away and back into his scarring. Really, If she had said such a thing to him about his scars when he was younger… he’d have made her pay for it. The fact of the matter was that he wore his scarring proudly now. In spite of the way they came to be. He paused for a moment, thinking how this was… an effect he hasn’t yet had on another soul before. Between disgust and pity, this was entirely new. What was this? The girl must have been a sadist.

His massive frame shifts to align his body with hers, a movement entirely fluid in nature. Emerald orbs roving over her in return, the red of her coat; like a rose in full bloom. Her figure is much too thin, her skin stretching over bone in some places. She is emaciated, younger than him — though not by much. The brute narrows his eyes, searching for a physical ailment to explain the state of her body. He is methodical in his scanning, entirely dutiful as he accesses her unabashedly. Though his limbs remain firmly planted to the ground, understanding that he might frighten her off if he moved too suddenly. And he wants to continue his near ogle of her slight framework. He means to figure this mystery out until satisfaction. Though… impulse is a tricky thing to conquer.

His primal gaze met hers again, intense and unyielding — he meant to freeze her in place so he could draw close enough that his breath could be felt against the shells of her ears. The deep rumble of his voice coming out finally, after leaving her in the haunting silence of his observation alone. “What a strange sense of beauty you have.” Shadowy lips cracked into a halfhearted grin as he dominated the space between them. It was not particularly his intention, but what could he do with such an imposing figure when all he wanted to do was get a better look at her? Surely not roll over onto his back and offer her his belly first.

Since she so badly wanted to ravish his hide with her stare alone, he would do the same. Mostly, An all consuming hunger to know what her condition was, and her limitations plainly shown from his furrowed brows and distracted demeanor. Thoughtful as he mentally checked off boxes of possibilities. Still he made sure to follow up on his statement, the low tones of his voice falling like thunder as he speaks to her, almost clinically; Unique describes you as well.” Emerald line of sight trailing the delicate features of her face until he reached those silver eyes that dared to look enthralled with him. Truly, he was getting a strange impression from her, but he wasn’t at all uncomfortable. More so tempted to reach forth and run his fingers against her half starved anatomy. He wagered her interest lay with his — a curiosity and one most unpredictable at that. The beast felt the desire to make the most of it, so long as she kept that inquisitive look about her. “Beautiful, too.” In a delightfully, haunting way. He wanted to keep looking at the smaller girl, whose body was imperfect — yet she prevailed even still. He thought she might just taste like tenacity and defiance alone… It really was lucky for her, that Caedes was just a man first and foremost, and not as wicked as some of his relatives when it came to attraction. It was odd that it rose up in such a situation though, yet he wasn’t about to rationalize it.


Caedes is a mature character, viewer discretion is advised.
Unless otherwise stated, assume he is not wearing his feathered skull mask.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

01-08-2024, 01:00 AM (This post was last modified: 01-11-2024, 11:09 PM by Mariah. Edited 1 time in total.)

As Mariah stood before the towering brute, a whirlwind of emotions churned in her chest. She was both exhilarated and vulnerable as she met his piercing emerald gaze with her own silver orbs. His massive form exuded an air of indifference, adding to the enigma that surrounded him. As he shifted his body to face hers, she couldn't help but feel a magnetic pull towards this man. Every inch of his muscular frame seemed to radiate strength and power, making her heart race with equal parts fear and excitement. She couldn't tear her eyes away from him, drawn in by his mesmerizing aura.

His scrutiny was like a methodical scan- clinical in a way- mapping every curve and line of her figure. Mariah felt exposed under his gaze, yet there was also a strange sense of allure and desire. It was as if he were searching for something beneath the surface, delving into the depths of her being. Her instincts stirred, a mix of defiance and curiosity pushing her to stand her ground. The intensity of his eyes, unyielding and primal, held her in place, rooted to the spot and vulnerable to his piercing observation. This level of scrutiny was unfamiliar to her, but she couldn't deny the exhilarating thrill that came with being the subject of his unwavering attention, much like he was of hers.

The low, rumbling timbre of his voice sent a thrill through her body. Each word he spoke was like a caress, a commentary on her perceived beauty that left her both intrigued and unnerved. His halfhearted grin, the corner of his lips curling in shadowy amusement, only added to the complexity of the moment. The closeness between them, the heat of his breath brushing against her ears, intensified the strange dance of emotions that played out on the edge of the cliffs. The air was still and silent, but for the faint rustling of the tall grasses around them and the pounding of their hearts. As his words washed over her, Mariah's silver eyes held a mixture of confusion and fascination. His analytical assessment of her, combined with the acknowledgment of her beauty, created a tension that hung in the air like a charged current, sending shivers down her spine. The way he described her as beautiful had a haunting quality to it, like a ghostly apparition appearing before her. And yet, she couldn't help but feel captivated by the paradox that was this man - who could simultaneously evaluate and admire her with such precision, in a way no one else ever had.

As she stood there, Mariah couldn't help but feel the weight of her own physical fragility. Her slender frame was covered in a thin layer of fur and skin, stretched tightly over jutting bones. And yet, there was a fierce determination in her eyes, a defiance that defied the common perception of vulnerability. The way he described her as beautiful, albeit with a ghastly edge to it, made her contemplate the intricate intricacies of attraction in its most primal state. The air between them crackled with unspoken tension, and Mariah couldn't help but respond to the strange connection that had formed between them. "Perhaps beauty lies in the imperfections." she mused, her voice a gentle counterpoint to the intensity of their gaze. "Each scar, each mark, tells a tale of survival and endurance. And in that, there is a unique beauty that transcends perfection." Her silver eyes held a challenge, an invitation for him to see beyond the surface, to unravel the layers of her own narrative.

As she spoke, a gust of wind swept through the cliffs, carrying the scent of wildflowers and the promise of untold stories. In the dance of nature around them, Mariah found herself caught in the delicate balance between vulnerability and strength, captivated by the enigmatic wolf before her.

"Mariah Mendacium"
Code By Whiskey. Art By Cull


"Devil has my ear today, I'll never hear a word you say."

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (275)

Master Healer (260)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - DemisexualRapid Poster - Gold1K
01-08-2024, 04:03 AM
It was… exciting to see – to quite nearly feel her reaction to his proximity. Her smaller body almost beckoned him closer, asking him to wrap her frame into a protective circle within his own, powerful frame. But it was not so simple as that, no, he yearned to ensnare her entirely. He was conflicted between wanting to examine her, touch her, keep her, and shield her. It was all too much for the man, who shook his thoughts off with a puff of air through his nares. He had always struggled with impulse, so it was better to keep the temptation away while he could. Focusing on the present did a good job of keeping him away from compulsion.

The beast, fur a glossy ebony as though carefully maintained even whilst infested with scarring, listened to the girl's musings with a stoic expression – though he remained thoroughly amused inwardly. She had done well to withstand his assertive nature, standing her ground even with her smaller stature. He wanted to push his snout forward and shove her to the floor, so he could better see her gaunt bodice… but he wouldn’t. He couldn’t. She oozed defiance, as though dissatisfied with the short straw her life had drawn. Exactly as he had predicted she would be. The taste of her tenacity was so close, and yet so far. She was beginning to frustrate him, but he was a patient man. His emerald eyes, intense and piercing, reflected a resonance toward the girl – at least in his mind they shared the sensation of… connection. His days as a runty pup flashed within his skull, a deep seated indignation flowing through his veins. The wind, gentle yet carrying the weight of this fateful meeting, rustled through the flora, adding a cadence to the moment unfolding between the two – who were mesmerized by one another.

As the girl spoke, Caedes’ imposing frame shifted to sit with a fluid grace, muscles flexing beneath his sleek fur like shadows in the night, conveying his strength, and an unspoken invitation for her to come closer. A careful tilt of his head indicated an acknowledgment of her words, relaxing his posture so she would also let down her guard. His deep, rumbling voice, textured with a predatory timbre, cut through the air as he spoke, "Imperfections tell tales, indeed. They are marks of resilience, echoes of survival etched into the very fabric of our being." The brute’s eyes, momentarily softened, held a gaze that seemed to reach beyond physical, like he was acknowledging her words, and pushing his own opinion of her forward if she were perceptive enough to grasp it – all while maintaining a lightly lustful stare. He was so very intrigued by her. The way she pushed back against his dominance, the eyes that shone her challenging temperament… He was transfixed. All this despite her bony figure, which seemed impossibly strong under his concise gaze. Neck craning lower to bring his maw closer to her own lips, absolutely provoked beyond doubt by the crimson girl – Caedes would not allow her to be unaffected by his proximity. He wanted her to itch the same way he was.

Continuing, the beast spoke with a measured tone, murmuring his beliefs into her waiting ears. "In the battle of weakness and strength, there is always beauty. It lies in embracing the scars that shape us. Accepting that they make up the intricate layers of our existence." The steadily increasing amusement at the corners of his lupine grin took on a teasing quality, playing with the tension of their meeting – his voice rugged and low. “May I know your name?” So that I will never forget it. He waited for her compliance, urging it from her with his gaze alone, emerald eyes gleaming with a depth that hinted at untold confession. She had captured his attention, the frail opposition in her reactions, despite her obvious weaknesses — he could not rip his attention away in the slightest. It was… alluring. He did not understand why. Even now, fighting the urge to caress her prominent outline, to know each sharp twist and hollow…. he had to refrain, firmly denying his own impulses, hoping she would be encouraged to delve into the mystery that lay within the electric tension between them in time.


Caedes is a mature character, viewer discretion is advised.
Unless otherwise stated, assume he is not wearing his feathered skull mask.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

01-08-2024, 11:35 AM

With a fluid grace, Caedes shifted his imposing frame to sit beside Mariah, sending a thrill of exhilaration through her body. His sleek fur rippled with each movement, revealing the powerful muscles that lay beneath. She couldn't help but feel a mixture of fear and fascination at the sight of him, his strength both intimidating and alluring. As he turned his emerald gaze towards her, there was a hint of softness in his predatory stare, as if recognizing the shared resonance of their experiences. Mariah found herself captivated by the depth in his eyes, almost losing herself in their mesmerizing color. Despite his formidable appearance, there was an unspoken connection between them, a silent acknowledgement of their words and experiences that transcended the physical realm. Every fiber of her being was drawn to him, like a moth to a flame, and she couldn't resist inching closer to the subject of her transfixion.

His words were like a deep, rumbling thunder that rolled through the air, capturing Mariah's attention and holding it in a tight grip. The way he spoke of imperfections as marks of resilience struck a chord within her, and she couldn't help but feel a strong- but confusing sense of attachment to this mysterious brute. As he acknowledged the constant battle between weakness and strength, finding beauty in the scars that shaped them, Mariah was left in awe. It was as if he saw beyond the surface, delving into the depths of her soul and acknowledging the inner strength that belied her outward fragility.

As he lowered his head, tilting it to bring his face closer to Mariah's, she felt a rush of both excitement and fear. The heat emanating from him was overwhelming, and she couldn't resist the strong pull that seemed to draw her towards him. Their bodies were so close now, their breaths mingling in the salty ocean air as they stood on the edge of the cliff, overlooking the vast expanse of blue waters. His words, a playful confession of his beliefs, hung in the air like a tempting invitation, stirring up a sense of longing and anticipation within Mariah for what was to come. His request for her name was delivered with a commanding gaze, as if daring her to refuse. A shiver ran down her spine in response and she couldn't help but comply. "Mariah," she murmured, the sound of her voice echoing softly against the stillness of the cliffs. Her silver eyes met his intense emerald gaze, a spark of curiosity and defiance flickering within them. "And yours?" she added, her question carrying a subtle challenge, an invitation for him to reveal the depths of his own being. The wind whipped around them, carrying the scent of saltwater and wildflowers. The waves crashed against the rocks below, their rhythmic roar adding to the charged atmosphere between the two strangers.

"Mariah Mendacium"
Code By Whiskey. Art By Cull


"Devil has my ear today, I'll never hear a word you say."

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (275)

Master Healer (260)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - DemisexualRapid Poster - Gold1K
01-09-2024, 12:02 AM

The beast of shadow and scars reveled in the tension that hung thick in the salty sea air, as well as the biting sensation of curiosity and attraction equally fighting for supremacy within him for the small crimson girl. She was quite bold. Standing her ground in the face of his much larger mass, her gaze an unspoken yearning. What did she want from him? What did he want from her? The questions looked in his mind, though rationally had taken a passenger’s seat.

“Mariah,” The brute repeated deliciously, a ghost of a smile dancing across his lips. He held her name in his mouth like the sweetest of honey, testing it for repetitive use. He was going to remember that name for a long while, he was certain. His memory was a strong thing after all, and it was currently mapping out even the most inconsequential detail of the girl before him. He felt primal, possessive, over this frail thing that beckoned him like a siren. They were near water, perhaps she was a Kelpie. One touch and he would be lost forever. Mariah was like some great altar he desired to kneel before and worship… and yet he was a hedonistic man who also wanted the exact opposite — but could her feeble body even dare to adulate him? He grinned at the thought. Shoving down the more depraved ideas his brain was coming up with. No, he desired not to trample her or ravage her, and it was vexing to say the least. A wicked kinship, or a fetishized desire to caress weakness and make it his own.

He shamelessly trailed the delicate line of her throat, working his way up and down as he put a step's worth of space between them, wanting to see if she would reclaim closeness as he spoke with his gaze locked onto her silver ones. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I am Caedes, He rumbled, pausing thoughtfully before continuing, “My scars. They are beautiful to you. It would be a shame not to touch the things you admire, don’t you think?” A dare. One that had the potential to cross that physical boundary still existing between the two. God he hoped she wouldn’t resist the temptation clear on her face. The syllables of his speech had been spoken lowly, a masculine purr of his deep voice that meant to rattle her further. Caedes did not push her boundaries, well — asides of course from proximity and leering alone. He did not touch her, though he wanted nothing else. He did not strip her down to mere flesh, for he was not raised to treat women as such, but the truth remained that he was just a bewitched man. Her gaze was just as haunting as the aura he found himself relishing in, as though he were a dehydrated man drinking finally from a cup of water. Her thin frame, her resilient eyes, it was all like a knife in his skull — lobotomizing him and leaving nothing but thoughts of this beholden beauty. The fuck  was wrong with him?


Caedes is a mature character, viewer discretion is advised.
Unless otherwise stated, assume he is not wearing his feathered skull mask.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

01-09-2024, 12:29 AM

Mariah stood rooted in place, caught in a tumultuous whirlwind of emotions that threatened to consume her. Every fiber of her being was pulled towards Caedes, his dark eyes fixing her with an intensity that made her heart race. As he repeated her name, the sound rolled off his tongue like a possessive caress, sending shivers dancing down her spine. She had heard her name countless times before, yet never had it sounded so alluring and powerful as it did rolling off his tongue. The air around them crackled with electricity, a palpable tension pulsing between them. Mariah's senses were overwhelmed, unable to resist the gravity held in the massive brute's presence

Caedes' grin, ghastly and tantalizing, revealed a predatory amusement that danced in his emerald eyes. His lips were stretched taut, revealing razor-sharp teeth that glinted in the dim light. The space he put between them was a calculated move, a challenge for her to bridge the gap once more. She found herself conflicted, torn between the captivating aura he exuded and the instinctual wariness that tingled at the back of her mind. The scent of saltwater and wildflowers hung heavy in the air, mingling with the musky smell of sweat and adrenaline. It was as if nature itself was holding its breath, anticipating the outcome of their standoff. Every rustle of leaves and chirp of birds seemed to add to the charged atmosphere that surrounded them, as if they were spectators to a primal battle between two opposing forces. But of course, it was merely a casual conversation. An exchange of interests and nothing more.

His next words were like a spark, igniting a fire within her. A subtle challenge danced on the edge of temptation, laced with an undertone of daring. It would be a shame not to touch the things you admire, don't you think? His voice lingered in the air, thick with a provocative allure that stirred something deep within her. Suddenly, she found herself wanting to explore the intriguing canvas of scars that adorned his form - a desire she hadn't known existed until he pointed it out to her. Her slender frame, a stark contrast to his powerful physique, carried a hidden resilience that belied her apparent vulnerability. And as he stood there, so close and yet still just out of reach, his gaze seemed to beckon her forward, daring her to cross that invisible boundary between them.

In response to his challenge, Mariah took a step forward, narrowing the space that separated them. Her silver eyes bore into his, a mixture of curiosity and a subtle challenge. "Scars are stories etched into our skin, and stories deserve to be heard, don't they?" she murmured, her voice a soft counterpoint to the charged atmosphere around them. Her delicate paw, trembling with curiosity and apprehension, reached out tentatively towards one of the most prominent scars that marred the center of his chest. The jagged lines stood out against his smooth skin. Mariah's fingers itched to trace the path of the scar, to feel its texture beneath her touch. As she finally grazed the surface, a shiver ran down her spine, a strange sense of connection and vulnerability washing over her. In that moment, they were both bared before each other, their pasts revealed through this physical mark.

"Mariah Mendacium"
Code By Whiskey. Art By Cull


"Devil has my ear today, I'll never hear a word you say."

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (275)

Master Healer (260)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - DemisexualRapid Poster - Gold1K
01-11-2024, 05:03 PM

Caedes' gaze intensified as Mariah closed the distance between them, her words a melody in the tense atmosphere. She answered his challenge in an exhilarating manner, those eyes full of yearning cutting through him and prying out a possessive nature he hadn’t known about. His predatory grin widened, a flicker of amusement brightening up his features. It was difficult to have her come so close, so willingly, and still not be able to reach out and touch her. Every fiber of his being wanted to pull her close, this literal stranger, to press her slight frame against his own. What would it be like? To hold her? To risk breaking her? Oh but he didn’t want to break her. He just wanted her. To map and memorize her body, methodically so that he missed nothing. None of those exquisite flaws would escape him, they would all submit to his amorous examination… But… he was getting ahead of himself. He could very well scare the younger girl off at this rate. "What if I am no storyteller?" The brute responded, his voice a low, velvety rumble. Allowing a measured amount of anticipation to show, watching as she reached out, the dainty limb almost teasing him before finally coming to graze his chest. As her fingers traced his body, along the scarred and ragged imperfection there, he felt completely at the mercy of the delicate Mariah. He couldn’t move away even if he wished to, not that that was the case anyways. His body was wracked with an intense shudder, nails digging into the ground as he grit his teeth to maintain the all-consuming need barely held back within. It was his own fault she was provoking him so much. He had told her to touch him.

His emerald eyes bore into her silver ones as Mariah explored the rugged terrain of his scar, so invested in the girl’s reaction Caedes stood still, a statue carved from shadow and rigid musculature – allowing her to unravel him. Really – that’s exactly what she was doing, and Caedes was submitting to it. The world around them faded into insignificance, leaving only the two of them suspended in a volatile balance of perceived strength versus weakness. But the silence was too much for him, and he so badly wanted to hear her breathless tones again. He wondered what other madness would afflict him, in between the lapses in his fantasies pertaining to the slender girl. "I wear them proudly, but they are not trophies," he murmured, his voice a haunting echo that was meant to obscure his meaning. He wanted to keep her in this web of infatuation – keep her from rationality where she would recoil away from him. Surely, she would. There would come a moment of clarity, where her impulsive desire to explore his faults would give way and she would realize this was… unnatural. Though he silently hoped that would not happen. That her head would remain empty, other than thoughts of him. "They are proof of my endurance, my perseverance, and my survival," Caedes seemed momentarily exposed, his guard lowered in the face of this shared vulnerability – his gaze softened, eyes shifting to her willowy figure in relation. She too, must have had her struggles, and yet here she was resilient and daring to defy her physical restraints. “Is that a satisfactory answer, Mariah?” The beast’s tongue caressed her name, a sweet nothing as he claimed another chance to say it aloud. Again, he felt the bite of allure threaten to overtake him, compelling him to reach out… and before he could stop himself his paw had lurched forward to graze the side of her neck. He barely registered the soft flesh,  or that he might have felt her pulse there, or the way it would have been so easy to snuff her out… instead he quickly jerked his offending limb back once he realized what he had done. Caedes instantly felt regret that he had not lingered his touch there longer, if he couldn't take the action back anyways. Fuck. Impulse was such a disease.


Caedes is a mature character, viewer discretion is advised.
Unless otherwise stated, assume he is not wearing his feathered skull mask.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

01-12-2024, 01:27 AM

Mariah's silver eyes held a mixture of fascination and vulnerability as she delicately traced the contours of the scar on Caedes' chest. As his emerald gaze bore into hers, she felt an unspoken connection between them, a silent acknowledgment of the strength that lay beneath the scars. His admission that the scars were not trophies but symbols of endurance, perseverance, and survival echoed in her mind like a mantra. In that moment, they were both laid bare, their vulnerabilities exposed to each other like open wounds. But instead of turning away, they leaned closer, drawn together by whatever this encounter was.

The alluring echo of Caedes' voice hung in the air like a heavy fog, enveloping Mariah's senses in a hypnotic trance. The cadence of his words stirred something deep within her, sending shivers down her spine and igniting a fire in her heart. The charged atmosphere between them crackled with electricity, creating a cocoon of intense energy that seemed to swirl around them. As he whispered her name like a sweet nothing, she felt herself drawn closer to him, unable to deny the nature of her curiosity. His paw grazed the side of her neck, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. In that fleeting touch, she could feel the weight of his desire and the intensity of their connection. The only thing that mattered was the intoxicating presence of each other. Time stood still as they stood there, lost in each other's gaze, the outside world fading into mere background noise as their souls intertwined.

With a quick, almost violent motion, Caedes jerked his paw back, something akin to regret momentarily flickering across his sharp features. The impulsive act seemed to surprise even him, creating a small fracture in his controlled demeanor- breaking for just a moment. Mariah, on the other hand, met his intense gaze with a mixture of curiosity and a subtle challenge, her own gaze unwavering and unafraid despite the tension between them. "That will do," she replied simply, her voice a soft murmur that offered a channel for the tantalizing undercurrent that engulfed them. However, an amused smirk broke her features- one she could barely contain. If he wanted to maintain a curtain of truth, she wouldn't attempt to pull it back. At least not yet. She was content to revel in the proximity between them- the charged atmosphere, and the unspoken draw that seemed to weigh the entire world down.

Her silver eyes held his gaze, a spark of defiance flickering within them. "Sometimes, impulses guide us to places we never expected ..." she continued, her delicate paw reaching out to lightly trace a scar on his shoulder. Her touch was gentle, a caress that sought to explore the depth of his experiences. Yet her tone was, near breathless. A whisper. And a taunting one at that. Behind her words, a silent invitation for him to explore the uncharted territories that lay between them. The wind carried their words away, leaving only the rustling of leaves and the distant sound of crashing waves as witnesses to the intricate dance unfolding on the cliffs.

"Mariah Mendacium"
Code By Whiskey. Art By Cull


"Devil has my ear today, I'll never hear a word you say."

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (275)

Master Healer (260)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - DemisexualRapid Poster - Gold1K
01-12-2024, 05:35 PM
Mariah's scent hangs thick in the air, fueling a hunger that twists his gut in ways he’s never experienced before. Every time he meets those eyes that seek to peel back the layers of his existence. It was like a bolt of lightning, intensifying the pull which drives him to be closer to her – or be crazier about her. Take your pick. He didn’t know. But he wanted to find out. Why was he so consumed with urges, all due to this frail girl?

The beast is a slave to the raw yearning that she ignites within him, and just like a flame, he was being set ablaze. The man of obsidian and scar tissue felt positively feverish, stricken by curse or witchcraft. Maybe that's what she was. A witch. She was not afraid. In fact, she smirked at him. This slight creature, so delicate, so challenging… continued to dare him. Push him. Defiantly refusing to withdraw away from him, back to the safer pastures she had come from. It was clear in her expression, she was just as he was – unable to resist. Her paw comes to trace another scar, one at his shoulder this time. Gentle and fearless, breathlessly inviting him, taunting him to follow his impulses. Did she know what she was doing to him? Surely, she could feel the tension with which he was holding himself at bay, the slight tremble of his body with every brush of her finger tips. And yet she insisted on beckoning him, enticing him with her proximity alone. This silent, fanatical, electric war between the two total opposites was coming to an end, and Caedes thought himself not the victor. Or… perhaps he was?

Caedes could not escape the vivid, visceral fantasies that gripped his mind. His thoughts were a chaotic mess, fueled by a twisted gluttony that refused to be sated by leering alone. It’s impossible. It’s an unnatural temptation, born to ruin him. He has to act. There is no going back. The effect was near instantaneous after he accepted the inevitable. Rational thought was stripped away from the brute one shared breath at a time. Nothing but the wind and the waves to distinguish that time was not, in fact, at a standstill. His verdant gaze never left her as the last vestiges of his control melted away from him. The now broken self-control gives way to those impulses again, and this time he does not stop it. He didn’t think he could have anyways.

“I like the sound of that.” Caedes growled out lowly, excitement plain in his suggestive tone. His dark, powerful frame moves with a predatory determination, closing in on Mariah and what little space there was between them. In a silent collision of fur and shadows, the boundaries between them vanish at once. Just as she had enticed, as she had invited. Caedes succumbs to the force of her allure, and his desire to caress the slender silhouette that had called to him from the moment he had set eyes on her. His chest presses against her own, though her stature is small and feeble compared to his. A gratifying thing, indeed. He grins wickedly, a deep rumble of lust bubbling up from his chest. He shivers in anticipation of how she will taste, before his maw seeks that very same spot he had impulsively brushed with his paw. Instead of an agonizing bite from his powerful jaws, his lips and tongue meet the flesh there hungrily. The beast moves deliberately, trailing rough, sensual kisses that worship her entirely. She is divine, and he wanted her to feel as beautiful, as delightful as he thought she looked --but his touch fluctuates between tender and primal. She is sweet and warm, and he is lost in the curve of her neck. His blood runs hot, a huff escaping him as his teeth move to graze the soft skin of her throat. The pulse there is drumming quickly, he could only imagine tasting it. Caedes lingered there, wanting her to feel the power he held over her, and relish in it in turn. He certainly was. The man was craving more though, it was evident in the way he pushed and pulled her, waging an internal battle between taking her to the ground and falling back himself. A choice needed to be made, and he left it to her.


Caedes is a mature character, viewer discretion is advised.
Unless otherwise stated, assume he is not wearing his feathered skull mask.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

01-13-2024, 07:40 PM

Mariah's world tilted on its axis as Caedes closed the distance between them, his powerful presence enveloping her like a raging storm. The air around them grew thick with the scent of lust and shadows, a potent combination that erased any boundaries that had previously separated them. As their bodies collided, boundaries dissolved into nothingness, leaving only the raw energy of desire and primal instinct. His muscular chest pressed against hers, dwarfing her in both size and strength, and she could feel the heat emanating from his body like a blazing fire. A mischievous grin played on his lips, sending a thrill down her spine that was equal parts exhilaration and- for one of the first times, a tinge of nerves.

As Caedes moved in, his lips and tongue seeking the spot on her neck that he had teased with his paw, Mariah's breath caught in her throat. The sensation of his warm breath against her skin sent sparks of electricity coursing through her body, stoking the flame within- one that she couldn't contain. With each kiss, her body responded eagerly, surrendering to the pleasure and vulnerability that consumed her. His touch was both gentle and fierce, unleashing emotions that swept her away. The world around them faded into a blur, as they became lost in the intensity of their touch. The rhythmic beat of the ocean served as a constant background for their intense affection, while the heat of their intertwined bodies grounded them into something more.

The heat of his breath against her skin made Mariah's pulse race, her heart thudding in anticipation. She could feel the raw power he held over her, an invisible force that bound them together in that intimate moment. It was a precarious balance between desire and restraint, as their bodies moved together in the sway of longing and need. Caedes seemed to be caught in a similar internal struggle, his own desires warring with the need for control. But in that moment, there was only the two of them, locked in a battle of wills- intellectual and physical dominance. As his emerald gaze met Mariah's silver eyes, a spark of determination ignited between them. The unspoken question hung in the air like a tangible thread, pulling them closer with an irresistible force. Mariah succumbed to the current of their shared desire, allowing it to carry her towards him. In a subtle yet deliberate movement, she guided him down to the ground- laying herself down in the meadow before him, where they were embraced by the soft earth beneath them. Every touch and caress was like a note in an intricate melody that only they could hear, a song of desire that echoed through the sudden stillness of the midday afternoon.

"Mariah Mendacium"
Code By Whiskey. Art By Cull


"Devil has my ear today, I'll never hear a word you say."

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (275)

Master Healer (260)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - DemisexualRapid Poster - Gold1K
01-30-2024, 07:14 PM
Caedes found himself entangled in this silent dance with Mariah. But silent for how long? He longed to hear her voice again, in differing pitches and tones. But he focused on now, his lustful caresses seeking to apply the perfect amount of pressure to her thin frame. The touch of their bodies spoke volumes, conveying struggle for control and relinquishment of restraint. Mariah yielded to the magnetic pull of their amour at his behest, the meadow becoming their clandestine stage. It was an intricate dance, a harmonious interplay of passion that resonated through the outside noises that seemed so.. Inconsequential now. Too much was his immersion in her every curve, every sharp angle that caught his attention anew and beckoned his touch. The raw power he held over her was as aphrodisiac like no other, but there was a power that she too held over him in turn. One she used to her every advantage. Every breath, every heartbeat, every hungry fondle seemed to amplify the precarious balance they teetered on within his mind.

As their bodies moved and intertwined in their dance of pleasure, his emerald’s would bore witness to the silver depths of Mariah's own. There he found that the draw of their opposing forces sought to send them into oblivion, and he welcomed it along with release. The meadow, with its soft earth beneath them, became both witness and accomplice to the meeting of these kindred spirits - attempting to navigate the fine line between surrender and resistance.



Caedes is a mature character, viewer discretion is advised.
Unless otherwise stated, assume he is not wearing his feathered skull mask.

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1. Bottom Of The Deep Blue Sea Moontouched Cliffs 07:51 PM, 01-06-2024 09:35 AM, 02-29-2024