



Beginner Hunter (0)

Beginner Navigator (0)

1 Year
01-27-2024, 08:50 PM
Nose twitched, bringing in the crisp smells of autumn on the wind that seemed relentless. It tugged roughly at her brown fur, causing the yearling to curl her lip in annoyance. The wind made the air painful with each gust that shoved into her, as if it were trying to cut through her. A shiver rolled down her spine from the cold, causing her to shake off the tremble. Thunder rumbled overhead, signaling another storm rapidly approaching, green gaze would look up, but it was hard to see the angry sky through the trees. Toad would huddle against a tree, not willing to go any further, she was at the edge of a heavily marked border, one that told her not to trespass…but going back the way she had come didn’t seem like a good idea either.

Tentatively, she would scratch a moment at the soggy ground, frowning. It would take too long to dig, even if it was a small nook to get out of the elements. A low whine escaped the yearling, following by a frustrated growl. She’d made it so far without help, but now? It seemed this strange place and its crazy weather would do her in without help. Toad would shift, pressing her brown form against the tree before she let loose a soft howl, seeking anyone that was near enough to come to her.

Toad was putting a lot of trust into these strange wolves, for all she knew they could attack her…maybe they would think she were weak and just…chase her off. She hoped not…but that was asking a lot of hope.



Novice Navigator (15)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

1 Year
01-28-2024, 03:44 AM

Winter in Auster brought rain, not that Imogen who was experiencing her very first winter would know just how different each season, let alone between the two continents, could actually be. The growing girl was bouncing through mud puddles outside the hut her and her family shared. Her parents were out somewhere, doing grown up things and though they'd been told to be careful and seek shelter when it started thundering Imogen was nothing if not filled with the courage only a childish assumption of her own immortality could bring. So while the sky was rumbling ominously and threatening to split open Imogen could not be stopped.

Okay that wasn't true, as an unfamiliar call rang across the packlands from the edge of where they were allowed to wander without someone with them, the girl did stop, ears perking and tongue half hanging from her parted jaw. Imogen wasn't the one who could let others into the packlands, she knew this, but no one had said she couldn't go and say Hi! Or or or, maybe it was more bad wolves come to take the plants! In which case she'd make sure to alert the rest of the pack and save the day!

Imogen bounced her way towards the call, spotting the stranger as she huddled against the trees. "Whatcha doin?" She squeaked as she approached, all notions this unknown wolf could be here to steal forgotten the moment Imogen had laid eyes on her. Instead she approached with tail wagging and an innocent smile on her face. Good job, great defender of Norad.


Base by HoundSnack
[Image: frvmqag.png]



Master Fighter (280)

Expert Hunter (165)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Toy size

Pride - Bisexual
01-28-2024, 01:56 PM
Bellatrix Ravenwood

Trixy was doing as Trixy did. She couldn't help the boundless amounts of energy she had and well Beau had said she was safe in their packlands, so she figured that meant she didn't need blind. Plus there were her siblings who needed watching more. She had been adamant with Beau and blind this morning that she was just going to check on Frank, if she could find him, and that she would be back in two shakes of a tail. She wore a grin as she had went to check on the bull reindeer. She really had wanted to make him her friend. She had even tried to leave him herbs for his wounds. Though she had had a hard time trying to distinguish the different herbs and their uses. In the end he hadn't touched them, but she wasn't deterred.

She was Watching Frank from a distance when she heard the call coming from their borders. Her ears perked and she Stood up before racing off to see just who was at their borders. As she arrived she grinned, Imogen had beat her here. She took a seat next to her with her half tail wagging. Everything about her exuded friendliness as she looked at the larger brown female. "Hi! I'm Bellatrix Ravenwood, Regium of Norad, and this is my sister, Imogen Ravenwood, also a Regium of Norad. one of our dad's should be here shortly." She gave her trademark grin as she looked at them both and introduced herself and Imogen. She aimed to place a paw on Imogen's hind end, encouraging her to sit, to ensure they stayed on this side of the border, Beau would be happier if he knew they were making sure they were in the safety of the borders and not crossing without a babysitter. Or was she old enough to be the babysitter now? She wasn't sure. She definitely figured Imogen could be brought next time she went to see Gav though, she could definitely make friends with him too.

Say come on and show the world who you really are



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
01-28-2024, 03:24 PM

After their loss in the raid, Beauregard had done a check over the things they had lost. Some herbs, crafting supplies… things that could, in time, be replaced. It was a loss but one they could recover from. Norad hadn’t been ready for the confrontation, but all the same the Artifex had been proud of their wolves for making an effort. Their unity was what he had hoped for in a pack, and they had more than earned their rest. With his own wounds treated and healing, he had promised his mates and children he would take things easy. Patrols, taking stock, and making sure no more trouble approached their border. They would need to work on improving skills but for now he wanted their members to try and recover from the attack. Softer than some packs for certain… But why punish those who had already been beaten?

A call at their borders as rain and thunder boomed overhead caught his attention. It didn’t sound like a challenge call… no, this call was softer. A wolf seeking a home, perhaps? Norad would welcome them no matter their calling in life. No wolf should have to face such a dreary winter alone. The man set off for the borders at once.

…and shock and worry filled him as he caught Bellatrix’s and Imogen’s faint scents in the rain. He had told his younger daughter to go inside the hut when the storm began, but here she was greeting a stranger… and Trixy… goodness what was he going to do with the pixie girl? He quickened his pace, relieved to find that neither had come to harm. He was going to have to have a talk with them both about border safety later. His ears fell, coming up behind the cream pup before he stopped to look upon the stranger. “It would seem my daughters beat me to the punch.” He gently ruffled the fur on Imogen’s head, a way of both calming his anxiety that was going a mile a minute and giving her affection.

“I am Beauregard Ravenwood, the Artifex of Norad. Out in the storm is no place for any of us though. Come, miss, and tell us your name and what brings you here.” He motioned for all of them to walk with him. There was a partially built hut closer to the border that Beauregard had asked Tanelan to set up as an outpost of sorts.. They could be out of the majority of the wind and rain if they went there.

"Speech," 'Thought.'
Beauregard has two companions - a bluejay and an arctic fox. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

As his mates, Tanelan and Co. are allowed in any thread Beauregard is in regardless of tag.



Beginner Hunter (0)

Beginner Navigator (0)

1 Year
01-29-2024, 05:53 PM
The rain started to fall, gently at first, and in that gentle pitter patter of the forest she picked up the paws of another. Her ears twitched, nostrils flaring to bring in the scent of a girl only moments before the cub bounded forward from the foliage and up to her. At first, toad was nervous, her ears falling back and to the sides as she shrank slightly into the bark of the tree, pressing herself more firmly there. This had to be a trap, but as her gaze absorbed the girls body language, she found herself cautiously relaxing, a faint uneasy smile pulling at her lips. The little ones tail wagged and a genuine smile could be found…no this was no trap, just the innocence of children. “I…wanted to see if there was room for me here…” She answered, awkwardly, confused that a cub was questioning her. Where were the adults.

Another would appear, much smaller than the other girl. Toad’s ears pulled forward, they both displayed body languages that suggested they were friendly, soothing her unease. Although, she was curious why the other was so…tiny. She was more forthcoming, however, greeting her and telling not only her name, but her sibling’s name and their ranks. Her head cocked to the side as she mentioned their dads would be there shortly. Dads….Interesting.. “Hi, I’m…uh…” She paused, another had appeared, this one far larger and clearly an adult. She ducked down, showing signs of submission as she once more pressed reassuringly agains the trunk of the tree. Ignoring the rain that was beginning to fall a bit harder now.

Her heart raced as the man approached her, apprehension twisting her gut, even though he approached in a friendly manner, she could not help it. He fondly and teasingly ruffled the fur of his daughters and she grinned fleetingly at the gesture. His name was Beauregard, what an interesting name. He was the…Artifex? What was that? Her brows furrowed in confusion, but she remained silent as he went on. He invited her further into the territory and while she immediately moved away from the tree, she hesitated a moment before moving forward and following the father and his pups further into the territory to a small makeshift hut  that they could speak in- out of the rain.

Toad entered the hut, moving to her immediate right so that she was close to the exit- ready to run if this proved to be a trap. “I’m called Toad…” She answered, trailing off awkwardly, waiting for the giggles and sneers at her name before continuing. “I was hoping to find a place to live… I’m new to this land and I’m not used to this…weather.” She wrinkled her nose at the mention of the weather. She didn’t really like the wetness. After a moment her eyes widened slightly and she spoke quickly. “I- I’ll pull my weight, I promise.. I’m a good hunter…well…I’ve been able to keep myself fed anyway so I think I’m decent… and I’m good at learning the land, I remember where I’ve been really well, I think that’s a good skill to have, I’m a decent runner…but I’m not good at relaying messages or anything…” She trailed, offering an embarrassed, wolfish smile. “I talk a lot when I’m nervous.” As if he couldn’t tell. Quickly, she decided she would just stop talking and let him process the word vomit that she had just projected at him.



Novice Navigator (15)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

1 Year
02-07-2024, 02:30 PM

Imogen had no frame of reference for why a pup showing up at the border to greet someone new might be off putting, all she knew was this was a new wolf and new wolves could be friends! All thoughts about the raiders gone from her mind. As the older wolf spoke the girl tilted her head to the side. "Oh..." But before much else could be said or done her older sister was joining her. Her tail was set to wagging and she nodded enthusiastically as Trixy spoke up, her tongue lolling happily from her grinning maw. And just as her sister had said her dad showed up, daddy Beau specifically. The girl leaned into his paw and giving her father a grin.

She happily waddled after her father and the stranger and the group got out of the storm. Imogen settled herself at her father's paws and tried to keep herself quiet. She got the feeling something important was happening. But well... She was nothing if not an excitable pup. "I love running!" She squeaked excitedly upon hearing the stranger's word.


Base by HoundSnack
[Image: frvmqag.png]



Master Fighter (280)

Expert Hunter (165)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Toy size

Pride - Bisexual
02-12-2024, 07:44 PM
Bellatrix Ravenwood

Bellatrix gave a smile to the female as she started to give her name, in the same instance as Beau appearing. Her eyes turn to him and her grin grew bigger, as her tail began wagging. The rain would never damper her attitude. She was so used to it it was like it never rained.

When Beau suggested they move from the rain she nodded we'd jumped up shaking her pelt. She began almost bouncing towards the hut Beau was moving towards. Her grin never faded. As soon as they were inside she took up a position near Beau with her eyes on the other yearling. Her ears perked and she listened. The girl was an explorer too! They could explore together! And they could hunt! Well they could hunt anything but Frank if she had her way.

Her thoughts were running already with the possibilities. "We could explore together! And we could herd up Frank and some other reindeer! Can she stay daddy? She could be my best friend!" she might not have any political power but she knew the power of using her big eyes on Beau. And that's what she did. She turned her big hopeful eyes on Beau a plea in them.

Say come on and show the world who you really are

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1. Storms Cedar Falls 08:50 PM, 01-27-2024 07:47 PM, 03-18-2024