
a drowned rat



01-30-2024, 03:27 PM

His fur was soaked, his ears drooped, and his bandana was soaked. It hadn't been a great night for him. He'd been working like he was supposed to, getting the flock to safety, while it poured down rain. He'd slipped off the muddy embankment, half the flock going in the mudslide too. He'd been swept away.

Now, he had no idea where he was, but he kicked with all his might, keeping his front paws on the driftwood he had managed to get a hold of. He had seen the land a little ways back. He was tired, and cold. He was unaware of what had become of his flock, just that he would have to figure out how to get home without swimming, or they would be furious. That was a beating he wasn't looking forward to. He was already gonna get beat for the half flock getting taken out by the mudslide. He would deal with it when it came though.

As he made it to shore he hobbled up from the water a small ways before flopping, his back legs kicking out and his front held in front of him. His head lowered and he shook from the exhaustion. Being the guardian slave had never been easy, but he had never expected this. At least the rain was well behind him and the sun was shining though. He wanted to catch his breath for now though before he worked on finding somewhere to lay his head for a bit. He could sleep for days, or at least that's how it felt.

Heart made of glass, isn't it lovely

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1. a drowned rat Kamui Delta 03:27 PM, 01-30-2024 05:20 AM, 05-01-2024