
Song and sagas, pluck your strings of destiny

Tanelan and co


02-02-2024, 06:45 PM

Nothing can stop me, move out of my way

Another summer come, but the land wasn't plunged into warmth. No these lands like his home were plunged into eternal rain. But it didn't scare the viking man. Flooding was kept down easily by keeping the streams free of obstructions.

He had stepped out of the lands to honor his gods and had come back to find his hut raided, trashed by the looks of it. It had angered him but the man spoke to none. He had set himself back to working hard on his hut, and foraging the spices for his meats again. Beauregard had never really asked everything the male knew to do, so he kept to himself mainly.

Today though he was outside stoking his fires. He had the fire in a overhang of his hut. A mud and clay stove made for smoking meats holding the fire. The smell of meats smoking filling the air around his hut. His hut was crude but it was his. He was enjoying the quiet of the stream here, the sound of falls to wake to every day. He could see the stream freezing and snow covering the ground here, and he looked forward to it. He lowered to his haunches. Age felt like it was catching up with him. But he knew he still had life yet in him. Plus he refused death. Death could only have him when it earned him.

Walk, "talk", Think

Bloodlust is rising, hurricane in my veins

Code by Asena



Expert Fighter (120)

Beginner Hunter (0)

7 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Hit!
02-04-2024, 07:58 PM

Pack life had put a stump in her life. At least she thought so when she was urged to stay near pack lands since the raid. Cassandra wasnt tied down though but here she was wandering around the pack lands instead if searching for adventure elsewhere. With a loud yawn she let her legs carry her around. No certain goal in mind and Kaiju on her her back. It was then she stopped spotting one of those huts. It didnt look like tans handiwork. Well this was Norad the crafting pack. Cass figured every one of then had a quirk or two. She definitely did.

"Nice handiwork there my guy. You build this all by yourself?" she trotted forward with a wide grin tail lifted high like it usually was when she fronted. "The names Cassandra, albeit youll probably interact with Tanelan a lot more than me in this body." most of the time either beau or someone else explained their conidition. Cassandra wouldnt shy away from an explanation though no sir. She sat a few feet away from the man, comfortably settling her tail over her back paws.
Lan has DID and can switch personalities without notice
Mika is considered rated M
Beau may enter any threads as their partner

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1. Song and sagas, pluck your strings of destiny Cedar Falls 06:45 PM, 02-02-2024 01:06 PM, 07-16-2024