
Extinction riding on the pale horse of destiny



02-08-2024, 10:47 PM
Things had been quiet for his beloved Dreamer and himself… and though Alaois enjoyed their solitude, placing her in higher regard than any other, he was not the sort of man to find satisfaction in standing still and letting the world pass him by. He was… a complex man. While he did not necessarily seek a position of leadership, there was an undeniable desire to have control and power. To watch the weaker inhabitants of this life squirm and writhe for his amusement. He had been bored for too long… a boy needed his playthings to keep him amused. But where, oh where was Alaois to find something to occupy his time? And would it be a toy bound to break… or something of far greater intrigue?

Alaois’ wanderings lead him to the soft, warm sands of a beach. Waters of the bay lazily lapped at the shore, sunlight cascading down into the area and making it an ideal getaway. There were tall cliffs rising beyond the beach, cliffs that caught the attention of the butterfly marked man as he wandered deeper into the bay. Ears were pricked forward, dual-toned gaze studying the stone. There was so much to these lands of Boreas and Auster that he needed to learn. Creatures to observe… amusement to be had. A thoughtful hum left the man’s lips and his gaze shifted further along the cliffside as a strong scent hit his nose.

The scent wasn’t pleasant, but it caught Ala’s interest as he stalked closer to the stone to investigate. The cliffs before him came out close to the water, cutting off his vision from knowing what he was to find ahead of time. Tail held steady behind him, the man rounded the corner to a rather pitiful sight.

There she lay, a creature with a stunning coat of red and black, an elegant, long, fluffy tail… dying. The vixen’s eyes were widened in fear and pain, maw open and filled with foam that spilled down her lips and onto the sand… her legs twitching, as if clawing desperately to hold onto her life. Alaois stopped, watching her for several seconds with a thoughtful frown. The bitch had consumed something poisonous, it would seem… “So sad isn’t it? Looking death in the eye, knowing there is nothing more you can do to hold it back…” He came closer, stopping by her head as he looked down at her. “Pity… poison is such a waste of a good plaything…” And he would lift his gaze, ignoring the gurgling final breaths of the vixen beside him.

Instead his gaze fell on a man a bit further along… by the body of a fox kit. Ahh, she had been a mother. How many kits did she have? Was their den some small niche within the cliffs? By the looks of things… The man was doing something to her baby as well. Wasn’t like it was old enough to survive without the care of its mother anyway. Curiosity gnawed at him, and Alaois would approach with calm, confident steps. A brow was arched, his smooth voice calling to the other.

“Are you testing poisons on the kit as well? Or do you have something else planned for it?” There was a hint of amusement within his words as he circled to one side of the male, keeping to the side of the water, as he let his gaze shift to the kit.


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1. Extinction riding on the pale horse of destiny Fontamo Bay 10:47 PM, 02-08-2024 07:04 AM, 03-04-2024