
Beauty in the mist



The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
02-09-2024, 03:42 AM

Don’t be scared. Don’t be scared. If she listened close enough, Clove swore she could hear voices fading in and out of the veil of fog. Voices that beckoned her to and fro, jumbling her thoughts, making her lose her sense of direction. Its not real. Stopping, she took a moment to recollect herself- focusing on her breathing, closing her eyes, listening to the sounds of the mangled forest. Woodland creatures, birds, and amphibians. Those were real.

When she told her brother she wanted to explore this place, he’d warned her of ghosts and ghouls that lingered in the shadows. Poking fun at her naivety. The thought had stuck with her, playing in the back of her mind the moment she entered the forest. Her imagination playing tricks against her, with every twist and turn. But as long as she stopped and reminded herself, this was just another cool forest to navigate, she was able to steel herself, and continue her journey. Besides, if anything dangerous appeared, Mother or Father would come to save her… right?

Coming around a bend, the fog suddenly increased in viscosity- altering her depth perception, as if a wall of white had appeared in front of her. She almost tripped over a boulder because of it, catching herself at the last moment. Gasping and freezing in place, tail lashing out behind her. Feeling a but frustrated, because this forest was very challenging to navigate alone.




Master Fighter (305)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
02-15-2024, 10:04 AM

Akito was on his way north once more. While he hoped to stop by the Hallows, he knew he had to make the trip quick. He preferred to avoid the forest as much as possible. Getting lost within the thick fog and gnarled trees was easy, but due to the hasty nature of his trip, he had no choice but to go through it. With his raven above the canopy to keep an eye on his direction and his Akita at his side more for companionship than anything, he made slow progress. Was it really any faster going through here if he was taking it this slowly? He could feel the frustration well within him, but forced himself to brush it off, take a few deep breaths. There would be no getting lost today.

Making decent timing, Akito is hopeful he'll make it out today. Only tripping on a few roots, he pushes on until he hears his stomach growl with hunger. Had he skipped breakfast? Pausing by a rather large and gnarled tree, he pulls a chunk of smoked fish from his Akita's carrying pouch for them to snack on. Eating as quickly as he can, he's on his last bite when a scent hits him. His brow furrows, nose tilting up slightly as he tests the air once more. That scent was familiar... Clove. Both ears perk up and his pale gaze attempts to search through the fog for her, but no such luck.

So instead, he calls for her. "Clove?" Akito raises the volume of his voice in case she's walking away instead of toward him. Taking a few steps from the tree he rests beside, he continues to try and look through the fog. Its density makes it near impossible, but maybe he could follow her scent?

akito's companions are to be assumed nearby unless stated otherwise.


The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
03-05-2024, 06:48 PM

Before moving on, Clove decides to take a few moments to collect herself. And so, she props herself up against a nearby tree, the feeling of the rotting bark foreign against her skin. Sure, she’d leaned up against trees before- but the fog left a layer of dew on every surface of the woods, including the trees- which left her pelt feeling damp and sorta sticky. With a little sigh, she closed her eyes and immersed herself in the sounds and smells of the forest- noting the earthy scent that accompanied the damp earth, and the symphony of the woodland creatures who lived in the gnarled trees. It was sorta peaceful if you didn’t think about how eerie the fog was.

Clove? Her eyes snapped open, ears twitching on top of her head. Was that… Stepping away from the tree, Clove outstretched her neck and sniffed at the air- testing it for his cologne. Akito’s voice? She couldn’t smell him at first- having to walk several yards into the deep fog, before she finally caught wind of his scent. Was he really here, or was she imagining him? Only one way to find out.

An idea formed inside of her mind - maybe it was the huntress in her, or her liking of games and good fun - but she wanted to make this encounter… interesting. “Akito?” She called back, beckoning him forward, before turning on her heels and loping back over to the tree she’d been leaning against. Circling it, looking it up and down- she weighed out her options, before deciding on a plan. With a little oof, she scaled up the trunk of the tree- slow and cautious of course - until she was able to reach one of the low-hanging branches. Pulling herself onto it, she balanced herself into a laying position- hiding up in the tree, wanting to see if Akito could find her. The little hunter turned into prey- it was exhilarating. Perhaps he'd come and save her, like a knight in shining armor. The thought made her blush.




Master Fighter (305)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
03-11-2024, 08:29 AM (This post was last modified: 03-11-2024, 08:31 AM by Akito. Edited 1 time in total.)

Surely he didn't imagine that, right? His eyes widen slightly and his heart rate picks up. He had been hoping to see the girl again soon, but hadn't been expecting to find her within the forest. Looking around for a moment, he thinks he hears her paws, but the sound as if they're moving away from him. Seeing at night was easy, but through the fog? Difficult at best. Stepping forward again toward where the sound of her voice had came from, he keeps his nose tilted. Her scent grows stronger with each step he takes, but he still can't see her. "Clove?" Akito calls out again, a slight crease above his brow forming as he turns a corner and heads for the tree that she perches in.

It was as if she was just here... Looking down at the soft ground he walks on, he can see her smaller paw print in the dirt. Even a few of her hairs left on a thorny branch. But the more he tries to look, the more he gets lost. Why did her paw prints just stop? They led toward the tree, but not away from it. As far as he knew, wolves didn't climb trees... Turning around the gnarled, rotted tree, he looks to his companion. The dog shrugs, a look of 'I can't help you' on his face that forces an annoyed look from the boy. "Clove, are you still here?" Akito calls out again. Pausing, he looks away from the tree out to the inner workings of the foggy forest. Maybe she had headed away, back toward the Hallows...


akito's companions are to be assumed nearby unless stated otherwise.


The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
03-24-2024, 02:21 PM

Balancing on the limb, Clove fell silent and peered into the fog surrounding the tree, waiting for Akito’s silhouette to appear. The anticipation and excitement were thrilling- butterflies swarming in her belly, ticking her throat until she almost giggled. Was he going to find her? Was he going to keep walking? It was similar to the thrill of a chase- and being a huntress, she truly enjoyed these playful games of strategy, especially with a boy she liked. Thoughts of Akito filled her mind as she waited- his handsome starry pelt, those defined, masculine features, and his big broad shoulders and chest. Oh, and he was so roguishly tall, and strong enough to whisk her off her feet in a dance. She blushed again just thinking about it!

Clove? She hears her name in the distance, her heart fluttering in excitement. He was getting close! Settling in tighter, trying to make herself look smaller, Clove froze and waited up in the tree. Finally, the tall, burly figure of Akito materialized from the fog. Her breath caught in her throat and it suddenly felt tight- especially when he called her name again. Beside him was a big dog- he’d mentioned having a companion before, but this was her first time seeing it - and she hoped it wouldn’t give her hiding spot away. Silence settled in the small clearing, those azure and amber-colored eyes of hers peering down at the top of his head. And his little horns. She’d never seen him from this angle before- it made her realize just how big he was.

Akito looked away from the tree's base, peering off into the forest, possibly considering moving on. Oh no, he can’t! Not before he sees her cool hiding spot. Not wanting him to leave so soon, she makes a bold choice- knocking a little piece of bark off the branch, watching as it fell and bopped him on the head. Oops. Well, it might catch his attention at least.

"Clove Carpathius"



Master Fighter (305)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
03-28-2024, 09:52 AM

On the verge of giving up, he takes a step away from the tree. Maybe the ground had gotten firmer so her paws wouldn't be leaving visible tracks anymore. But through the fog, her scent was much stronger right at this tree. His monochrome gaze peers more, looking back at the tree, at the bark, finally noticing claw marks that resembled something close to a feline. Could she seriously have?

It's then that the piece of bark falls from above and bops him right between his horns. A little sound of surprise leaves him as his chin tilts upward. When his eyes finally land on her smaller form perched in the tree above, he can't help but laugh. A deep sound that resonates directly from his chest. There's even a little shake of his head as he shows her a smile - one that he doesn't often show others. "Alright, you win," he says as he leans back for a second, shifting his weight so that he can lift up his front half. Placing both of his front paws against the tree, stretching as high up as he can, he then stretches his neck out toward Clove.

"Do I dare ask how you managed to get up there?" Akito questions, his smile slipping back into a smirk. His gaze lingers on her, somewhat unashamedly taking her in. She seems different, more grown, more... feminine since last time they'd been together.


akito's companions are to be assumed nearby unless stated otherwise.


The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
04-09-2024, 05:41 PM

Internally, Clove was giggling at the little oof that Akito made, her eyes glimmering with excitement as she looked down at him. She enjoyed watching that inquisitive mind of his work- he quickly connected the pieces, having tilted his head back to look up and inspect the source of the bark. The moment those soft grey eyes align with hers, time seems to stand still for a fleeting moment; her heart thumping in her chest, beating a rhythm of anticipation. And his smile! The warmth in her belly spreads, radiating outward until it forms a cocoon of comfort and longing. Producing a rosy hue that flashes across her cheeks, and a playful smile that pulls at her inky lips.

As she peers down at him, there is a subtle tilt of her chin, paws crossing over each other as she tries to take on an elegant posture. Wanting to make it seem like she’d climbed up the tree with ease. But that confidence was quickly shattered- eyes widening slightly as Akito lifted himself up to stand against the base of the tree. To reach up towards her. Asking how she’d managed to get up there, genuinely curious and intrigued. “Well, I’m small and nimble you know.” She’d say, a teasing undercurrent accompanying her words. "I put my mind to it, and made it happen!" Craning her head down, she brings her face toward his- aligning their noses, lingering just a few breaths away from him. He was so tall he could almost reach her just standing there!

“You don’t even need to climb,” She begins with a lighthearted giggle. "You’re so tall, you can almost reach out and grab me!” Undeniably, there was a longing to reach out and touch Akito- to bridge the gap between them, to feel the heat of his skin against her paw pad. Perhaps it was her excitement that drove her actions, because Clove wasn’t an impulsive girl usually- but the whirlwind of emotions compelled her, every glance she spared laden with the thrill of this moment. She lifts her right paw and reaches it out towards him, moving with delicate ease to the left side of his face; to cup her paw against his chiseled cheekbone, her claws nesting near the base of his ear. “Like that.” Her voice is a mere whisper, her senses lost in this moment. His fur is soft beneath her touch, velvety beneath her fingertips, as she marvels at the smoothness of his jawline. Her eyes traced the contours of his features, committing every curve to her memory.

And then, she’s overtaken by embarrassment- becoming acutely aware of the steely eyes set on her, his gaze a spotlight that magnifies her impulsive behavior. She fumbles for words, moving to retract her paw unless he says otherwise.  

"Clove Carpathius"



Master Fighter (305)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
04-23-2024, 07:49 PM

He meets her gaze, trying to focus on her eyes, but truth be told, it's a bit difficult when either one of them is a different color. Still, he holds it, his features softening with every moment they spend together. Outside of this moment, with anyone else, Akito is the stoic boy of little emotion and even fewer words. Outward expression is not his forte, but around her? Clove is different. He feels that wall lower and his brain turn to mush. She basically has ever chance to crush him beneath her paw if she wanted to.

His gaze is drawn away a moment as she leans back slightly to cross her paws. Akito is amused as she pretends to be confident, his smirk twisting even more as she realizes just how tall he is. Though he's not conceited or any sort of full of himself, he doesn't mind a compliment every now and then. He was known to doubt himself from time to time so the reassurance is nice.

Her giggle is sweet too, light like the wind and pleasant like the chimes that knock against the bamboo. A sound that makes his ears perk up with delight. There's something between them that Akito can't quite put a paw on, his brain is racing too fast to really even think anyway. Her face is close, her nose even closer, their breath intermingling as she mentions that he could also reach out to her.

Before he has a chance to open his mouth, her paw is reaching toward his cheek, resting there gently, mentioning just exactly what she meant. Surprised by the impulsive action, Akito stares at her wide eyed. Breathless and unsure how to react, it takes his brain a minute to reboot. Just as she's about to pull away, Akito moves his own paw to place it over her smaller one. "Your paw feels nice," Akito says quietly, awkward boy thoughts taking over before he can register just how odd that might have sounded.

akito's companions are to be assumed nearby unless stated otherwise.

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1. Beauty in the mist Wraith's Woods 03:42 AM, 02-09-2024 12:10 AM, 06-10-2024