
imagine a world like this



Expert Intellectual (175)

Advanced Navigator (110)

1 Year

02-15-2024, 08:58 AM

Climbing to the top of the ravine had been difficult. It hadn't been her first choice of what to do that day, but the sight of a flower she had never seen before caught her interest. From a distance, she couldn't tell exactly what it was, but she noticed how it grew along the trunk of a tree with sprawling roots instead of from the loamy dirt that creates the ravine itself. Insistent that she examine this flower for herself and with the help of her companion, Hematite (more fondly known as Hem), Gem had made it to the top after what felt like hours of traversing the steep slope.

Taking a moment to catch her breath, she scans the area. The flower wasn't going anywhere so she could wait a bit before examining it. This was a part of the ravine she had yet to see. The trees were dense here, the bushes a bit more filled with leaves, making it rather difficult to look through them. Curious what else this area has to offer, fully distracted from her original intention of climbing up here, she begins to take a few steps along the topline of the ravine. When Hem suddenly begins to growl, hair bristling and lips peeling up in a sneer, Gem's fear sparks and she goes on full alert. Heterochromatic eyes go wide, ears alert, tail tucking between her legs, she looks for the intruder.

What she sees though isn't another wolf. No, it's a strange animal she's never seen before. It's around the same height as herself and Hem, maybe an inch or so shorter, with a rather thin brown coat to the point she wonders if there's any fur at all. Gem lowers her head, nose trying to scent out what the animal is. It has a thicker body, sharp claws, a good sized tail, was it a mouse? That was an awfully large mouse. It's ears were big like mice, but maybe it was a raccoon? No, from what she sees as she takes a step forward...

The animal finally notices her and lets out a sharp shriek before taking off through the brush. "Hem!" Gem chastises her companion before taking off after the peculiar shaped animal. "Wait up!" She shouts at the animal, her lips turning down into a frown as she rushes through the brush to keep up. Twigs snap her in the face, leaves and thorns leaving little cuts and berries staining her cheeks. Her curiosity outran her fear of staying within Ashen boundaries. Even as she crosses the territory line, Hem slowing down, casting a look over his shoulder and letting out a whine, Gem ignored it. She wanted to know what this long snooted creature was!

Racing after the animal across a flat and desert-like terrain, she notices how her paws make a hard thudding noise against the packed dirt instead of the cushioned steps over grass. What was this place? There would be time for questions later! She was after the animal! She was getting tired though. Her adrenaline seeping away, exhaustion making her legs ache. But when the animal dips out of sight, Gem skids to a halt, Hem almost barreling into her. "Where'd it go?" She whispers, a frown still on her lips. Hem was already nose to the ground, snuffling out the scent, brown dust covering his muzzle. It doesn't take long before he lets out a sharp bark and leads the way. Not far ahead, the land opens up to a wide pathway and dips down into the ground. Massive roots work their way over the top of the ravine and down it's sides to create a path of sorts.

Both Gem and Hem peer down into the darkness to look for the animal. How was this place darker than Cryer's Ravine, but still growing plants? Was that moss? Gem's eyes widen, excitement filling her again as it sends her tail wagging. "Oh, Hem, we gotta go look!" Gem practically chirps as she begins the descent into the Deluge. Ahead, the snuffling animal she had been after fades into the darkness, down a smaller hallway that it had burrowed and out of sight. Her attention was fully on exploring now. There would be another time to hunt down the animal and try to talk to it.

This ravine is far smaller than back home. There's no grass here, just rocky walls fully of water that trickles down from the ceiling all the way to the bottom. It's surprisingly warm here and feels almost warmer the farther in they go. She can tell by the look on Hem's face that he's uncertain they should be wandering this far, but Gem persists, intent on finding something beautiful down here. Enjoying the soft and squishy feel of the peat moss that covers the viny footholds of the path, she makes her way to the bottom as quickly as she can. Carefully climbing over rocks and even turning herself around to climb down backward so she wouldn't tumble forward, she lets out a relieved sigh when the floor levels out.

The air is stuffy here, thick and soupy. It's almost hard to breathe. The ground beneath her is so squishy and wet, she wonders what kind of moss could do this. The walls on either side are lines with large roots and waterfalls of crystal clear water. The sound of the river winding its way through here is magical. A sound of awe leave Gem as she stands frozen, completely amazed at this wonderful place. Why didn't more come down here more often? Before she can tell him to, Hem has moved over to the fresh water river and slakes his thirst. Guzzling ice cold water until his belly extends and Gem is giggling at his nonsense.

"How far do you think it goes?" Gem whispers as she goes to stand by Hem and dip her toes in the river. A yelp of surprise leaves her as she jumps backward. It was really, really cold! The air around them was so warm though. Why didn't it warm the water? Her brow furrows as she leans down to take a few sips from the river herself. The water tasted refreshing, more refreshing than Wolfpaw Lake! What Gem didn't know was that the moss that grew here helped filter the water when the lake nearby on the surface had been contaminated by duck feces. "You sure we have to go home?" Gem asks, more to herself than to Hem, her tail wagging and her paws beginning to wander deeper into the deluge.

1103/800 Solo Navigation Under 1 Year

Hematite, Gem's Mastiff, is always with her unless stated he isn't.

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1. imagine a world like this The Deluge 08:58 AM, 02-15-2024 01:23 PM, 03-11-2024