
Juniper berry of my eye

Tenshi mom time



Advanced Fighter (60)

Intermediate Healer (30)

1 Year
Dire wolf
02-23-2024, 11:17 AM
Usually, Rúna was pretty good about getting up early with the sun, but today she was just so comfy and snuggled just so into the furs of their bedding that she reeeeeally didn't want to get up when her siblings and parents began to stir. She laid in for a while, waiting till most of her siblings had wandered out for their adventures before she finally wiggled out from under the fur she had been laying under with a long stretch. She shook out her fluffy puppy fur–nearly knocking herself off of her oversized paws in the process–before she headed out toward the sunlight herself. It was nice and sunny out and pretty warm–the perfect weather for roaming around and seeing what she could find.

She hopped up on top of a rock and then another, giving herself another foot or so of height so that she could see a little better around the rocky landscape outside their den. Surely there had to be something interesting for her to look at! She got her answer in the form of a bit of greenery that she spotted at the bottom of a little slope. Shrubs and scraggly trees weren't all that unusual, of course, but she noticed some purplish dots on some of the branches that made her tilt her head curiously. Hopping down from her perch, she picked her way down the small hill to where the evergreen shrub was growing so she could get a closer look. They were berries, but different from the blueberries she had been given before. Some were lighter and more blue while some were a darker purple and a few were even green!

She didn't know what these were, but she knew her mom would know. Her mom knew everything! She climbed up a bit on the base of this bush thing so she could reach its branches, biting down on the closest one that had some these berries on it and pulled till she broke it off, making her topple backward when it finally released from the trunk. Hopping back up to her paws, she hurried back the way she came with her branch in tow to find her mom. Luckily her mother was still near the den so she didn't have to go far and she ran up to her with an excited wag, dropping the juniper branch at her paws. "Momma! What's this? Can you use these?" she questioned, pointing out the berries to her curiously.


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1. Juniper berry of my eye Fenrir's Maw 11:17 AM, 02-23-2024 09:29 AM, 05-05-2024