
You are the one I waited for, I knew it all along




Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
02-29-2024, 10:21 PM

It had been a long time since he had ventured out to Auster. Though perhaps this season probably wasn't the best time to do it, but he had been on the trail of a prey animal that was too hard to ignore. The old male stalked the trail, keeping low to make sure it didn't see hide nor hair of him. Bi-colored gaze searched the foliage, eventually finding the stag he'd been tracking. It stood there in the open meadow, very much alert as it stood against the backdrop of the night sky. The rain that had been falling earlier that day had dulled to a drizzle, the cloak he wore had done well to keep him mostly dry, but man did his bones ache now. He hunkered low to the ground, stopping for bit to rest. He wouldn't be able to move as long as the stag remained on alert, so he opted to remain where he was which was fine by him. He got most of his best kills by playing the waiting game, especially since he often hunted alone.

He figured since he'd likely be waiting a while, he'd take a short nap. If the Stag decided to move, his companions would wake him up and let him know. A little nap sounded good anyway, definitely something he could use. As he closed his eyes, his mind began to drift. His dreams were often quiet. But occasionally, he saw the faces of his past flicker in his head. His mother. His brother. His sisters. Anyone that had ever meant something to him. He remembered Paradise. The woman that loved his brother...but her love had not been enough for him. He had abandoned her. Left her with their pups. Though Cloud had always been in the background helping to raise the wayward pups. How long had it been since he had seen any of them? Was she still even alive? Or had she succumbed to death a long time ago? He was always wondering...and never thought he'd get an answer.



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Advanced Navigator (80)

12 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
02-29-2024, 11:03 PM

At last, she had recovered. She had been on the brink of death for some time now, and it was only thanks to Norad and their healer that she was even still alive. She was grateful to them, and wanted to show her appreciation in some way, however small it might be. She already knew that Norad was where she would be staying to live out the rest of her life...hopefully. She prayed that none would come to challenge Beauregard. Or at least not until after she passed away. She hated being uprooted over, and over, and over again. She breathed a sigh in the cold night air as she shifted her shoulders enough for the cloak to wrap more snug around her. Over the course of the day, the rain had shifted to a light drizzle which was more manageable for her to handle. Did her bones ache? Yes. Was she tired? Also yes. But if she remembered rightly, God's Garden had an array of plants, flowers, and all manner of herbs. But what she hadn't considered, is whether or not what she was looking for would even be blooming at this time of year in Auster.

Perhaps she had come out here on a wasted trip...It would be just her luck now, wouldn't it? The sound of footsteps and the rustle of the grasses got her attention and her head shot up in alarm. Her ears stood on full alert as her remaining good eye searched out the source. "Easy, old's just a stag." Her companion reassured her. The she-wolf gazed in the direction that Astrid had indicated, finding the silhouette of the beast standing several yards away, watching her. She was no threat to him. And she had a feeling that he knew that, too. He didn't seem to care that she was here, and as long as he too, kept his distance, then she wouldn't care about him, either.

Instead, she moved to make a wide berth around him, making it clear she had no interest in turning him into dinner tonight. She was too old and too stiff to hunt anymore. She left that to Astrid these days. As the small, frail woman made her way through the grasses, she spotted something else. A shadow flickered over her, and as she glanced up to the night sky, she wasn't sure if she had just made out a shadow in the night or if it was a trick of the moon. A bird? She wasn't sure. What she did end up finding was something completely unexpected. There was someone else here. Sleeping beneath the moonlight. His scent was...vaguely familiar...and she reached into the furthest parts of her memory as she tried to get a better look at his face. Then it dawned on her. "Cloudburst Wreckage?"

"Talk" "You" Think
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1. You are the one I waited for, I knew it all along The God's Garden 10:21 PM, 02-29-2024 01:05 PM, 07-16-2024